Will People Fleeing Democrat Shiteholes Turn Red States into the Same?

Democrats actually do things for the poor. Public programs, housing, healthcare, welfare.
Homeless people are allowed to exist without harassment.
With OPM-

Apparently you don't have a problem with being robbed and your robbed funds used in ways you don't approve of- correct?
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Republicans only care about protecting the rich

Only a liberal would get suckered into paying for $100 grand a year dog catchers

We don’t pay dog catchers $100,000 a year, but we pay our Teachers that much

Only conservatives pay their Teachers $35,000 and expect a good education

It's just an example, you don't know how much your union workers get paid do you?

I know how much our Teachers are paid
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Tucky is just a fly on the wall. Maybe some of the 'red' states are already shitholes, so no harm done.

The pockets in red states that are shitholes are comprised of a dark Democrat citizenry.
NEWSFLASH: Democrat = Dark people = Automatic SHITHOLE.

Just racist facts people...sorry if this causes you to piss your pants.
Democrats actually do things for the poor. Public programs, housing, healthcare, welfare.
Homeless people are allowed to exist without harassment.
With OPM-

Apparently you don't have a problem with being robbed and your robbed funds used in ways you don't approve of- correct?
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Republicans only care about protecting the rich

Only a liberal would get suckered into paying for $100 grand a year dog catchers

We don’t pay dog catchers $100,000 a year, but we pay our Teachers that much

Only conservatives pay their Teachers $35,000 and expect a good education
You pay teachers $100,000 because they teach dangerous inner-city kids who don't learn anything anyway. It's like combat pay. Just check out the SATs and reading levels they graduate. Like Penelope here, who are semi-literate after funneling $100,000s for their education.

That's why all these shithole cities are broke and the states have to step in to bail them out. Chicago, Detroit and all the cesspools that make the urban constituency of the Democrat party.

Nothing to brag about, surely.
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

No – red states are already shitholes.

The pockets in red states that are shitholes are comprised of a dark Democrat citizenry.
NEWSFLASH: Democrat = Dark people = Automatic SHITHOLE.

Just racist facts people...sorry if this causes you to piss your pants.
What is it that Republicans object to in Democratically led cities?

Poor People.

Democrats actually do things for the poor. Public programs, housing, healthcare, welfare.
Homeless people are allowed to exist without harassment.

Republicans ignore those who are poor or struggling. They blame the poor for being poor. Their solution to the homeless is to arrest them and harass them until they move elsewhere.
I can almost hear the bleeding of your heart.
Basically that is at the heart of it.

Democrats care about those who are not well off. They are willing to spend on programs that help the poor and struggling. They want public services, they want good wages, they want education.

Republicans care only about the wealthy. Low taxes, no public services, a low cost workforce
They want

They want

They want

They want other people's money
It is We the People’s money

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
Otherwise we would be shithole Red States

If they are shit holes why is the left fleeing there?

Interesting question
Why do people leave Blue States for Red States?

Many cases it is because their jobs have moved. Businesses do not move to Red States because they are beautiful places to live. They move because taxes are low, environmental regulations are lax, wages are low

Many people can’t afford to retire in Blue States. The days of a good pension are gone. Many do not have large retirement funds. Selling your expensive Blue State home and buying a Red State home for half the price adds to your retirement funds
Of course. Leaving blue states couldn't possibly have anything to do with skyrocketing crime, inferior public education, high taxes with in little return and the burgeoning homeless and illegal populations.

Democrat governance brought about GOP success downballot for a reason. Americans have had it with that incompetence.

Urban areas have crime, always have.
Blue States have superior education to Red States
Taxes are what you pay for. If you want public services, investment in parks and infrastructure, good schools, public welfare....then you pay taxes

If you don’t.....then you get a shithole Red State
If you want your kids to have an inner-city education and like fat poor people, high crime, high taxes, sanctuary cities then move to a blue state. If you're already there, just stay. But when people want to leave, and they are, you can't stop them.

Education in Blue States is superior to that in Red States

Red States will pay $40 million for a HS Football Stadium but bitch about spending $100,000 for a Computer Lab

You have not been to the south lately have you?
Texas is a Shithole

I have been in all the major Texas cities and driven through much of the state. Very little would you describe as beautiful or spectacular.
Geographically, Texas is very bland.
Mostly, brown and dusty. No real mountains, no forests, no beautiful rivers or lakes.
Dallas and Houston are nothing to brag about. No spectacular architecture, no investment in culture or public parks. Think glorified strip malls and chain stores and restaurants.
Austin and San Antonio are worth a visit. Both invested in city planning and services. Austin has a great music scene and restaurants. San Antonio River Walk is a great public space.

Texans have great pride in their state.....I don’t see why
Because it's not New Jersey???

New Jersey is a beautiful state

Beautiful Beaches, public parks, museums, historical sites.
Millions of people vacation in NJ every year

I just googled new Jersey

View attachment 436387which

which proves nothing. Is this a comedy? Are you committed to improving the lot of Americans in general and the human race in general, or not?

I donate to Feeding America. I understand that Louisiana need help, so today's donation will be specific to Louisiana food banks.

I couldn't find out out to donate specifically to Louisiana. So donate nationally to get food to all of our sisters and brothers. FEED AMERICA. Get you charge card out, no matter what state you are in.
Democrats actually do things for the poor. Public programs, housing, healthcare, welfare.
Homeless people are allowed to exist without harassment.
With OPM-

Apparently you don't have a problem with being robbed and your robbed funds used in ways you don't approve of- correct?
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Republicans only care about protecting the rich

Only a liberal would get suckered into paying for $100 grand a year dog catchers

We don’t pay dog catchers $100,000 a year, but we pay our Teachers that much

Only conservatives pay their Teachers $35,000 and expect a good education
You pay teachers $100,000 because they teach dangerous inner-city kids who don't learn anything anyway. It's like combat pay. Just check out the SATs and reading levels they graduate. Like Penelope here, who are semi-literate after funneling $100,000s for their education.

That's why all these shithole cities are broke and the states have to step in to bail them out. Chicago, Detroit and all the cesspools that make the urban constituency of the Democrat party.

Nothing to brag about, surely.
We pay Teachers $100,000 because you get what you pay for. We get dedicated professionals with Masters Degrees.

Red States pay a minimal wage and expect Teachers to do no more than babysit their kids
What is it that Republicans object to in Democratically led cities?

Poor People.

Democrats actually do things for the poor. Public programs, housing, healthcare, welfare.
Homeless people are allowed to exist without harassment.

Republicans ignore those who are poor or struggling. They blame the poor for being poor. Their solution to the homeless is to arrest them and harass them until they move elsewhere.
I can almost hear the bleeding of your heart.
Basically that is at the heart of it.

Democrats care about those who are not well off. They are willing to spend on programs that help the poor and struggling. They want public services, they want good wages, they want education.

Republicans care only about the wealthy. Low taxes, no public services, a low cost workforce
They want

They want

They want

They want other people's money
It is We the People’s money

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
Otherwise we would be shithole Red States

If they are shit holes why is the left fleeing there?

Interesting question
Why do people leave Blue States for Red States?

Many cases it is because their jobs have moved. Businesses do not move to Red States because they are beautiful places to live. They move because taxes are low, environmental regulations are lax, wages are low

Many people can’t afford to retire in Blue States. The days of a good pension are gone. Many do not have large retirement funds. Selling your expensive Blue State home and buying a Red State home for half the price adds to your retirement funds
Of course. Leaving blue states couldn't possibly have anything to do with skyrocketing crime, inferior public education, high taxes with in little return and the burgeoning homeless and illegal populations.

Democrat governance brought about GOP success downballot for a reason. Americans have had it with that incompetence.

Urban areas have crime, always have.
Blue States have superior education to Red States
Taxes are what you pay for. If you want public services, investment in parks and infrastructure, good schools, public welfare....then you pay taxes

If you don’t.....then you get a shithole Red State
If you want your kids to have an inner-city education and like fat poor people, high crime, high taxes, sanctuary cities then move to a blue state. If you're already there, just stay. But when people want to leave, and they are, you can't stop them.

Education in Blue States is superior to that in Red States

Red States will pay $40 million for a HS Football Stadium but bitch about spending $100,000 for a Computer Lab

You have not been to the south lately have you?
Shithole States have Shithole Schools

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Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Tucky is just a fly on the wall. Maybe some of the 'red' states are already shitholes, so no harm done.

The pockets in red states that are shitholes are comprised of a dark Democrat citizenry.
NEWSFLASH: Democrat = Dark people = Automatic SHITHOLE.

Just racist facts people...sorry if this causes you to piss your pants.

They are not pockets. They are everywhere you wanna be. Try driving thru sometime. Obviously, trump supporters inhabit those areas unless there is voter fraud, which will not be questioned.
Abbot is wrong. They will destroy Texas like they did WA and OR, Wa first then OR.
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Like the first three words of the video title "Tucker: Onlookers horrified... I'd be horrified too, if I l had to look at that face on a daily basis

Imagine if Hillary had been president these last four years. The Horror! The Horror!

Yea racist wouldn't have had a voice for the last 4yrs.

Says the racist

Says the supporter of a racist.
You'll never get off the plantation. It's not in the cards.

You're mad that we are off the plantation, stick that right wing, bullshit up your ass Trump Humper.
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Like the first three words of the video title "Tucker: Onlookers horrified... I'd be horrified too, if I l had to look at that face on a daily basis

Imagine if Hillary had been president these last four years. The Horror! The Horror!

Yea racist wouldn't have had a voice for the last 4yrs.

Says the racist

Says the supporter of a racist.
You'll never get off the plantation. It's not in the cards.

You're mad that we are off the plantation, stick that right wing, bullshit up your ass Trump Humper.

Say what? You still vote democrat
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Tucky is just a fly on the wall. Maybe some of the 'red' states are already shitholes, so no harm done.

The pockets in red states that are shitholes are comprised of a dark Democrat citizenry.
NEWSFLASH: Democrat = Dark people = Automatic SHITHOLE.

Just racist facts people...sorry if this causes you to piss your pants.

They are not pockets. They are everywhere you wanna be. Try driving thru sometime. Obviously, trump supporters inhabit those areas unless there is voter fraud, which will not be questioned.

What cities are you referring to that are poor, high in crime AND predominately white?
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Many Red States are alreafpdy shitholes.
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Tucky is just a fly on the wall. Maybe some of the 'red' states are already shitholes, so no harm done.

The pockets in red states that are shitholes are comprised of a dark Democrat citizenry.
NEWSFLASH: Democrat = Dark people = Automatic SHITHOLE.

Just racist facts people...sorry if this causes you to piss your pants.

They are not pockets. They are everywhere you wanna be. Try driving thru sometime. Obviously, trump supporters inhabit those areas unless there is voter fraud, which will not be questioned.

What cities are you referring to that are poor, high in crime AND predominately white?

As I said, Take a ride through the southern states and you will notice squalor everywhere. Some cities look good on their face but are not good underneath. What cities, you ask? I will have to take a drive through the cities and report back to you, so hold that thought.
Apparently, Governor Abbot of Texas, the primary recipient of these refugees, doesn't think so. I hope he's not just optimistic:

Tucky is just a fly on the wall. Maybe some of the 'red' states are already shitholes, so no harm done.

The pockets in red states that are shitholes are comprised of a dark Democrat citizenry.
NEWSFLASH: Democrat = Dark people = Automatic SHITHOLE.

Just racist facts people...sorry if this causes you to piss your pants.

Just false spew, people.
The president’s comments fit into a long pattern of focusing special attention on cities — usually ones where voters overwhelmingly rejected him — for criticism, and Democrats charge it is part of an effort to divide Americans using false information about urban areas.
But these attacks could be effective in shoring up support among rural voters who dislike some of Trump’s policies but share his disdain for aspects of urban living, said Robert Wuthnow, who teaches sociology at Princeton and wrote “The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America.”

“In the case of the rural-urban divide, we know from reporting that people in rural areas, especially farmers, are kind of looking and saying, ‘Well, is he really for us?’ in terms of what the tariffs and the trade agreements are doing,” he said. “If he’s having a hard time saying ‘Hey, I’m really helping you out,’ then he can instead drum up fear about ‘those bad guys in the city.’ ”
Most of Trump’s political rallies have been held outside of major cities, in places such as Montoursville, Pa., and Mosinee, Wis.
The president regularly shows visitors to the Oval Office a map of the United States depicting the counties he won in 2016 colored in red and those he lost colored in blue. Because much of the U.S. population in concentrated in major cities, the map appears to show a country awash in Trump voters, stretching across the Great Plains and the South.

In reality, while Trump won more counties than Hillary Clinton, he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.
The president has criticized the living conditions in many of the coastal cities where he is unpopular, often exaggerating the real problems of homelessness and pollution.
Trump has constantly criticized “sanctuary city” policies in areas that don’t actively cooperate with federal immigration officials. He has tried to link those policies with increased crime rates, though officials in those cities have pointed to research indicating that immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans.
“We’re fighting against the same far-left politicians that ravage our great cities and crush the dreams of the African American middle class, the same people who threw open our borders and allowed drugs, gangs and illegal labor to devastate our poorest American communities,” Trump said during his reelection kickoff rally in Orlando last month.
In April, Trump said he was considering releasing thousands of undocumented immigrants into sanctuary cities. Last month, Trump said his administration would be conducting immigration raids in major cities to deport “millions” of undocumented immigrants.
He has not yet followed through on either threat.
Critics say the president is just playing politics.
“I think he is appealing to his base,” Adler said. “But in doing that, in demonizing cities, he is using his playbook, which is to create enemies and demons around which he can rally his supporters. But there’s a real price and cost that comes with that.”
What is it that Republicans object to in Democratically led cities?

Poor People.

Democrats actually do things for the poor. Public programs, housing, healthcare, welfare.
Homeless people are allowed to exist without harassment.

Republicans ignore those who are poor or struggling. They blame the poor for being poor. Their solution to the homeless is to arrest them and harass them until they move elsewhere.
I can almost hear the bleeding of your heart.
Basically that is at the heart of it.

Democrats care about those who are not well off. They are willing to spend on programs that help the poor and struggling. They want public services, they want good wages, they want education.

Republicans care only about the wealthy. Low taxes, no public services, a low cost workforce
They want

They want

They want

They want other people's money
It is We the People’s money

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
Otherwise we would be shithole Red States

If they are shit holes why is the left fleeing there?

Interesting question
Why do people leave Blue States for Red States?

Many cases it is because their jobs have moved. Businesses do not move to Red States because they are beautiful places to live. They move because taxes are low, environmental regulations are lax, wages are low

Many people can’t afford to retire in Blue States. The days of a good pension are gone. Many do not have large retirement funds. Selling your expensive Blue State home and buying a Red State home for half the price adds to your retirement funds
Of course. Leaving blue states couldn't possibly have anything to do with skyrocketing crime, inferior public education, high taxes with in little return and the burgeoning homeless and illegal populations.

Democrat governance brought about GOP success downballot for a reason. Americans have had it with that incompetence.

Urban areas have crime, always have.
Blue States have superior education to Red States
Taxes are what you pay for. If you want public services, investment in parks and infrastructure, good schools, public welfare....then you pay taxes

If you don’t.....then you get a shithole Red State
If you want your kids to have an inner-city education and like fat poor people, high crime, high taxes, sanctuary cities then move to a blue state. If you're already there, just stay. But when people want to leave, and they are, you can't stop them.

Education in Blue States is superior to that in Red States

Red States will pay $40 million for a HS Football Stadium but bitch about spending $100,000 for a Computer Lab

You have not been to the south lately have you?
Shithole States have Shithole Schools

This rating doesn't show the quality of education. For example, there is said that Texas is ranked 15th in the quality but this rating gives it only 39th place. That doesn't mean that Texas has 'shithole schools'.

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