Will Putin Stop After Ukraine?

Will Ukraine be Putin's last invation?

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Whether or not he succeeds of fails in his current nefarious goal via his invasion of Ukraine, will he stop at Ukraine or will he move on to the next Slavic country he wants to conquer?

If not, why not?

If so, which country is next on the chopping block?
Of course not. Did he stop after Crimea? Did he stop after Georgia? Is he already trying to destabilize other nearby countries to prep for invasion?

Of course he will not stop.
10% ? Stupid idiots like you are a disgrace to any country.
You do not know the lengths Russia went to to truly incorporate the nations it forced into the Soviet Union. The master plan of making them all one people , one language and one overall comprehensive system in thought anyway. It didn't work out well , the domination made them the enemy.
AFTER Putin moved "volunteer" military forces into the regions. I'm sure you have forgotten the "little green men" who were fighting with the separatists and the so called "elections" were held under Russian supervision without neutral observers. As the old communist saying goes " only who counts the votes matter" and the Russians counted the votes at gunpoint.
Those elections where they came with armed guards to your home. LOL.
Exactly what I meant when I commented how ignorant geo political knowledge is here .
Read your recent history , making sure you understand exactly what went on the previous 30+ years that provoked Russia to demilitarise Ukraine and its Nazi government that worked hand- in -glove with the US ,

Remember that 15000 people were killed in Donbas up to 2022 , after the 2014 regime change in Kyiv organised and run by the US , before Moscow called , Enough .
Recall the 30+ bio labs funded and built by the US in Ukraine since 2012, many on the border of Russia .
They don't want to know, if they acknowledged what went on in the years before and the coup in 2014 their whole narrative falls to pieces like a cheap suit, that's why they can never face up to what took place, much easier to double down on their mad Vlad attacked Ukraine for no reason and wants to take over the World, it's sad really in this day and age many of the herd fall for the same bullshit, just like they did with Vietnam,Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria and Libya, also another thing is they just can't bring themselves to believe their Country is wearing the black hat not the white one as it goes against everything they have been told since they were in Kindergarden.
Putin already has thousands of miles of "hostile military forces" on his border without Ukraine. He has added Finland and Sweden to those forces by his uncalled-for invasion and threats to other neighbors.
Point out the "thousands of milers of 'hostile military forces'" on Putin's borders.

Putin has already removed the main NATO threat on the border Europeans used to invade Russia three times since 1812.

The war is not yet over, but Ukraine has already lost
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The Donbas region voted to rejoin Russia. I think there are 4 districts that make up the group. Like Crimea, they all voted to be part of Russia.
In corrupt elections even the Russian troops stationed there voted.
That remains to be seen. My guess he will make that determination based upon how NATO behaves. Since 2014 or before, NATO has been threatening Russia. As long as that threat remains, Russia will behave accordingly.
Russia has never behaved.
We were all taught the Soviet Union and Communism if you are old enough. Our own central government spy, security, law enforcement departments lied to us on their true wealth. We ended up spending ridiculous amounts of resources on these departments to protect us from them. They put a lot of their wealth into military and the same agencies. Their people suffered though. So, as we spend this money, I do not understand how something like 9/11 happened. I do not understand how October 7 happened either. For many parts of the planet are not that advanced although dangerous. The peasants of our nations are pieces on the chess board forced to pay for the whims of the powerful with no recourse. People die. We are more and more getting numb to it. Putin is not looking for controlling Europe. He is looking for a buffer zone and access into the black sea. Anything else is traditional Russian influence.
A buffer zone from what ? All Putin has to do is stop this invasion and live in peace with it's neighbors. In other words his paranoia is creating this crisis , one should never allow fear to rule them. That's total weakness.
Russia will be paying for decades for what it's done to the Ukraine. Reparations aren't cheap when you do this much wrongful damage.
Send the bill to BlackRock and JP Morgan Chase.

https://www.reuters.com/business/fi...Jan 17 (,Ukrainian official said on Wednesday.

"DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 17 (Reuters) - A Ukraine reconstruction bank being set up by Kyiv with help from BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase has at least $500 million in committed capital and could be ready to launch in 5-6 months with close to $1 billion, a senior Ukrainian official said on Wednesday."

Imho, Putin has proven himself a corrupt, vicious, oligarch willing to do anything to remain in power, but, even if I'm right, none of those negatives got him on the wrong side of economic elites in the US and Europe.

In 1999 Putin cut off the western looting of Russia's natural resources while Ukraine continued its fealty to Wall Street. The 2014 US-instigated coup brought a far-right, anti-Russian government to power in Kiev, setting off a civil war that led directly to Putin's SMO eight years later.

The cost of Ukrainian rebuilding should be borne by the shareholders of major defense contractors and others who earn profits from the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet from Wall Street.
Send the bill to BlackRock and JP Morgan Chase.

https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/ukraine-reconstruction-bank-guided-by-blackrock-jpmorgan-ready-action-this-year-2024-01-16/#:~:text=DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 17 (,Ukrainian official said on Wednesday.

"DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 17 (Reuters) - A Ukraine reconstruction bank being set up by Kyiv with help from BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase has at least $500 million in committed capital and could be ready to launch in 5-6 months with close to $1 billion, a senior Ukrainian official said on Wednesday."

Imho, Putin has proven himself a corrupt, vicious, oligarch willing to do anything to remain in power, but, even if I'm right, none of those negatives got him on the wrong side of economic elites in the US and Europe.

In 1999 Putin cut off the western looting of Russia's natural resources while Ukraine continued its fealty to Wall Street. The 2014 US-instigated coup brought a far-right, anti-Russian government to power in Kiev, setting off a civil war that led directly to Putin's SMO eight years later.

The cost of Ukrainian rebuilding should be borne by the shareholders of major defense contractors and others who earn profits from the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet from Wall Street.
Bullshit !
Will Biden's idiotic administration pay attention after Russia takes Ukraine or will the CIA find some other target to throw American taxpayer money at?
Will Biden's idiotic administration pay attention after Russia takes Ukraine or will the CIA find some other target to throw American taxpayer money at?
It's not just Biden most Americans support the Ukraine's independence as a sovereign nation.
War is (still) a racket.
No bullshit.

Worldâs largest oil companies have made $281bn profit since invasion of Ukraine

"The world’s five largest listed oil companies have made profits of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to dramatic increases in energy prices and household bills."
That doesn't change the fact Russia invaded the Ukraine. Just an attempt to distract with unrelated facts. Greed didn't cause this invasion ; putin's fear / paranoia did.
Take the time to look at his past history in country's he has invaded. That should give a clear answer
That doesn't change the fact Russia invaded the Ukraine. Just an attempt to distract with unrelated facts. Greed didn't cause this invasion ; putin's fear / paranoia did.
The fact you ignore is that Russia was provoked to invade Ukraine by the US and NATO as part of a decades-long campaign to destabilize states that border Russia or the USSR:

Jeffrey D. Sachs - How the CIA Destabilises the World - Brave New Europe

"Since 1975, the CIA has run secretive operations backing Islamic jihadists in Afghanistan that utterly wrecked Afghanistan while giving rise to al-Qaeda.

"The CIA has likely run secretive operations in the Balkans against Serbia, in the Caucuses against Russia, and in Central Asia targeting China, all deploying CIA-backed jihadists.

"In the 2010s, the CIA ran deadly operations to topple Syria’s Bashir al-Assad, again with Islamic jihadists.

"For at least 20 years, the CIA has been deeply involved in fomenting the growing catastrophe in Ukraine, including the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 that triggered the devastating war now engulfing Ukraine."

For its entire existence the CIA has functioned as Wall Street's enforcer dedicated to advancing the interests of the greedy parasites that control the US Government. Ukraine is simply their latest proxy.

Casualties of the Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia

"Casualties in the Russo-Ukrainian War included six deaths during the 2014 annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, 14,200–14,400 military and civilian deaths during the War in Donbas, and up to 500,000 estimated casualties during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine."

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