Will Republicans be able to pass another "Tax Cuts for the Rich"?

The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
Trump and his Goldman Sachs cabinet know a whole lot about small businesses :laugh:
In fact, the Conservatives which you hate so much are the small businesses that you also hate.

I work for a small business run by liberals. In an industry that is growing because there's a demand for it. Remember the free market? Nah, I don't think you do.

Government isn't a "small business," Comrade, though it is indeed growing.

You and your Marxist party wage war against the free market 24/7, as everyone here knows.
If by rich you mean small business owners I'm all for tax cuts for the rich. Because those rich employ a large percentage of American workers.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers. They make a profit on that too. I don't fault them a fair profit, but why should we give them more? They only hire more when the market requires it. Extra cash doesn't mean more employees It just goes in their pocket.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers, and usually the govt makes it so they're uber competitive which means those workers can't actually make their own business, which means the large corporations are paying much less tax, which means other companies have to pay much higher taxes to pay for this shortfall.

Were smaller companies given the help, rather than companies who don't need help, then taxes would be much lower in general.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
There I disagree with you.
MNCs write the Business Visa and Off-Shoring Legislation.

The Multinationals are the Oligarchs behind the democrats. That is the divide, the small businesses and entrepreneurs versus the Oligarchs with the DNC in their hip pocket.
In fact, the Conservatives which you hate so much are the small businesses that you also hate.

I work for a small business run by liberals. In an industry that is growing because there's a demand for it. Remember the free market? Nah, I don't think you do.
Who even knows what you imagine you are talking about? Tax cuts for the rich has nothing to do with free markets. Somehow you think the wealthy fuking over the middle class is good business. Well, it's not.

I bet you even believe Trump when he says millions of jobs will be moving back here from overseas? Right? You believe that nonsense, right?

You know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. You know that right. That means many companies are making a fortune with almost no workers. You know that right? You would have to be a tard not to. So what are you arguing about?

Automation destroyed 20 million manufacturing jobs | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

Mexico stealing factory jobs? Blame automation instead

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

It's just common sense. Trump is a lying SOB. Don't fall for his scam.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
Trump and his Goldman Sachs cabinet know a whole lot about small businesses :laugh:
Because Leroy, the janitor should be determining Fiscal and Economic Policy.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
There I disagree with you.
MNCs write the Business Visa and Off-Shoring Legislation.

The Multinationals are the Oligarchs behind the democrats. That is the divide, the small businesses and entrepreneurs versus the Oligarchs with the DNC in their hip pocket.
The bottom line is that despite their fake disagreements on Fake News shows, they legislate Americans out of jobs.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
Trump and his Goldman Sachs cabinet know a whole lot about small businesses :laugh:
Because Leroy, the janitor should be determining Fiscal and Economic Policy.
Damn, a quick forum search for your posts about Goldman Sachs shows that you sure did hate them when Hillary was the one you were accusing of being in their pocket. What changed?
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
Trump and his Goldman Sachs cabinet know a whole lot about small businesses :laugh:
Because Leroy, the janitor should be determining Fiscal and Economic Policy.
Damn, a quick forum search for your posts about Goldman Sachs shows that you sure did hate them when Hillary was the one you were accusing of being in their pocket. What changed?
Goldman-Sachs as an institution can suck my nethers.
The issue is where are the people with the know how to change the world's largest economy around?
I would use people from G-S but I would keep a close eye on them.
Government isn't a "small business,"

Duh. Are you dull, boy? :cuckoo:

Perhaps Comrade, yet I still outsmart you by a wide margin.

Your little Bolshevik buddy has it right though, (even a stopped clock..) the real change in our world is automation.

We stand at a time when all the lies you Communists have told for centuries is an actual possibility. Automation is capable, as we speak, of providing the world where utterly no one is deprived of a decent lifestyle. It is this which you of the left fight so diligently to prevent. Without a permanent underclass, your power is lost. Without an ignorant population who are too busy surviving to pay attention to the kleprocracy you promote, you cannot continue to rule as a privileged Oligarchy.

The goal of socialism is not to create equality, quite the opposite. Socialism ensures a permanent underclass and a persistent ruling caste. The goal, the absolute and immutable fact of socialism is to create permanent inequality.

  • There are only four ways in which a ruling class can fall from power. Either it is conquered from without, or it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt, or it allows a strong and discontented Middle Group to come into being, or it loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern. These causes do not operate singly, and as a rule all four of them are present in some degree. A ruling class which could guard against all of them would remain in -power permanently. Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself.} - George Orwell
Rewarding the cheaters and outsourcers is exactly what Trump promised in the campaign he wouldn't do. This breaks that promise.
The issue is not Tax Cuts.
The issue is the ability to inundate the workforce with cheap labor.
Democrats love cheap labor as much as anyone else so why hate on the rich who provide it for you?

Small businesses are usurpers. They challenge the Oligarchs who run the Stalinist democrats. Small business undercuts the fixed prices that the Marxists contrive in their government supported monopolies. Small business innovates and shifts paradigms. This is why small business is enemy #1 of the democrats, an enemy these Khmer Rouge scum will ruthlessly continue to seek the destruction of.
There I disagree with you.
MNCs write the Business Visa and Off-Shoring Legislation.

The Multinationals are the Oligarchs behind the democrats. That is the divide, the small businesses and entrepreneurs versus the Oligarchs with the DNC in their hip pocket.
The bottom line is that despite their fake disagreements on Fake News shows, they legislate Americans out of jobs.


And Trump has well exposed that the democrats and the Republicans are in an incestuous pact to serve the Oligarchs. With "republicans" like McCain, who needs Stalin or Pol Pot?
Rewarding the cheaters and outsourcers is exactly what Trump promised in the campaign he wouldn't do. This breaks that promise.


The ONLY thing the Oligarchs fear is the middle, and rightly so. This tax break to the middle is their worst nightmare, which is why the abysmally stupid like you have been retrained to bleat "Two legs good, tax breaks bad, bahh bahhh"
In fact, the Conservatives which you hate so much are the small businesses that you also hate.

I work for a small business run by liberals. In an industry that is growing because there's a demand for it. Remember the free market? Nah, I don't think you do.
Who even knows what you imagine you are talking about? Tax cuts for the rich has nothing to do with free markets. Somehow you think the wealthy fuking over the middle class is good business. Well, it's not.

I bet you even believe Trump when he says millions of jobs will be moving back here from overseas? Right? You believe that nonsense, right?

You know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. You know that right. That means many companies are making a fortune with almost no workers. You know that right? You would have to be a tard not to. So what are you arguing about?

Automation destroyed 20 million manufacturing jobs | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

Mexico stealing factory jobs? Blame automation instead

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

It's just common sense. Trump is a lying SOB. Don't fall for his scam.
Even after posting all this truth, still, USMB Republicans refuse to learn. It's either genetic or drug induced.
Government isn't a "small business,"

Duh. Are you dull, boy? :cuckoo:

Perhaps Comrade, yet I still outsmart you by a wide margin.

Your little Bolshevik buddy has it right though, (even a stopped clock..) the real change in our world is automation.

We stand at a time when all the lies you Communists have told for centuries is an actual possibility. Automation is capable, as we speak, of providing the world where utterly no one is deprived of a decent lifestyle. It is this which you of the left fight so diligently to prevent. Without a permanent underclass, your power is lost. Without an ignorant population who are too busy surviving to pay attention to the kleprocracy you promote, you cannot continue to rule as a privileged Oligarchy.

The goal of socialism is not to create equality, quite the opposite. Socialism ensures a permanent underclass and a persistent ruling caste. The goal, the absolute and immutable fact of socialism is to create permanent inequality.

  • There are only four ways in which a ruling class can fall from power. Either it is conquered from without, or it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt, or it allows a strong and discontented Middle Group to come into being, or it loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern. These causes do not operate singly, and as a rule all four of them are present in some degree. A ruling class which could guard against all of them would remain in -power permanently. Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself.} - George Orwell
Is that what you think? You see a world of billions and everyone has a mythic decent lifestyle? Really?

The reality is, the very least of humanity has to go. War is good for a sudden reduction in the population. Disease has its usefulness.

Imagine Europe at the end of WWII with its vastly reduced population. Would they have accepted immigration? The slums of Paris would be a park.

Give automation to the world and El Salvador and Haiti will be depopulated tropical vacation spots.
In fact, the Conservatives which you hate so much are the small businesses that you also hate.

I work for a small business run by liberals. In an industry that is growing because there's a demand for it. Remember the free market? Nah, I don't think you do.
Who even knows what you imagine you are talking about? Tax cuts for the rich has nothing to do with free markets. Somehow you think the wealthy fuking over the middle class is good business. Well, it's not.

I bet you even believe Trump when he says millions of jobs will be moving back here from overseas? Right? You believe that nonsense, right?

You know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. You know that right. That means many companies are making a fortune with almost no workers. You know that right? You would have to be a tard not to. So what are you arguing about?

Automation destroyed 20 million manufacturing jobs | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

Mexico stealing factory jobs? Blame automation instead

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

It's just common sense. Trump is a lying SOB. Don't fall for his scam.
Even after posting all this truth, still, USMB Republicans refuse to learn. It's either genetic or drug induced.

Yep, automation is killing jobs and making the labor of Americans a non-entity but PLENTY of jobs that have not been lost to automation were offshored..... thanks to the neocons and fabian socialists working for their globalist masters via "free trade agreements". Human labor versus what they consume is losing value by the year. Do you REALLY think that the controllers of the banking system and all their multi-national corporations are going to subsidize unemployable "worthless eaters" to sit around and goof off on the internet, play video games while consuming and squirting out another unemployable waster of resources? Guess again....and if you think the leftard clown posse will "save" humanity, you are as stupid as you are blind.

At least Trump is making a valiant effort as opposed to the sorry sacks of shit before him that were bought and paid for puppets. I would LOVE to be able to see you when the feces hits the oscillating blades and you are sitting on the curb believing that your beloved "gubermint" is going to come and swoop you up and save you....ain't gonna happen, punkinpuss.
If by rich you mean small business owners I'm all for tax cuts for the rich. Because those rich employ a large percentage of American workers.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers. They make a profit on that too. I don't fault them a fair profit, but why should we give them more? They only hire more when the market requires it. Extra cash doesn't mean more employees It just goes in their pocket.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers, and usually the govt makes it so they're uber competitive which means those workers can't actually make their own business, which means the large corporations are paying much less tax, which means other companies have to pay much higher taxes to pay for this shortfall.

Were smaller companies given the help, rather than companies who don't need help, then taxes would be much lower in general.

Smaller companies don't have the price to pay for congressmen. I don't consider a company making multi million dollar profits, and able to pay lobbyists to be a small business.
If by rich you mean small business owners I'm all for tax cuts for the rich. Because those rich employ a large percentage of American workers.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers. They make a profit on that too. I don't fault them a fair profit, but why should we give them more? They only hire more when the market requires it. Extra cash doesn't mean more employees It just goes in their pocket.

Yes, they employ a large percentage of American workers, and usually the govt makes it so they're uber competitive which means those workers can't actually make their own business, which means the large corporations are paying much less tax, which means other companies have to pay much higher taxes to pay for this shortfall.

Were smaller companies given the help, rather than companies who don't need help, then taxes would be much lower in general.

Smaller companies don't have the price to pay for congressmen. I don't consider a company making multi million dollar profits, and able to pay lobbyists to be a small business.

Well, should companies be paying Congressmen at all? Last I heard the government was run for the people by the people, not for big business by big business.

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