Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
Haven't got there yet, about another 20 years.

In about 2 weeks, I'll be 67.

Wife turns 65 either next year, or the year after..

Hate to see her get that close, then have to wait an extra 5 years
You deserve it, you paid for it.
What if uncle sam gave you a lump sum buy out? My dad had a ford pension and he took the buy out. What would you take in exchange for ss? How much? How much have you paid in?
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Because you don't agree with the program. Oh you'll still get yours but not your kids. And you'll take a huge hit on how much you get. You won't get AS MUCH. Sorry, can't afford it. We're broke. And no future cost of living increases. But you'll get $1500 a month. That aught to do you right?
No, we need to hold both parties for robbing it all these years accountable. Yes both sides the both did it.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Because you don't agree with the program. Oh you'll still get yours but not your kids. And you'll take a huge hit on how much you get. You won't get AS MUCH. Sorry, can't afford it. We're broke. And no future cost of living increases. But you'll get $1500 a month. That aught to do you right?
No, we need to hold both parties for robbing it all these years accountable. Yes both sides the both did it.
Oh no question when Republicans end social security they'll blame Democrats and you'll eat that shit up.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
Haven't got there yet, about another 20 years.

In about 2 weeks, I'll be 67.

Wife turns 65 either next year, or the year after..

Hate to see her get that close, then have to wait an extra 5 years
You deserve it, you paid for it.
What if uncle sam gave you a lump sum buy out? My dad had a ford pension and he took the buy out. What would you take in exchange for ss? How much? How much have you paid in?
According to how much. I have no idea how much I paid in, I'm 46 and been working since I was 15.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Because you don't agree with the program. Oh you'll still get yours but not your kids. And you'll take a huge hit on how much you get. You won't get AS MUCH. Sorry, can't afford it. We're broke. And no future cost of living increases. But you'll get $1500 a month. That aught to do you right?
No, we need to hold both parties for robbing it all these years accountable. Yes both sides the both did it.
Oh no question when Republicans end social security they'll blame Democrats and you'll eat that shit up.
Are you that stupid, I said both parties are guilty of robbing it. I said it's time to hold them accountable. Vote them out. I voted against a republican if there was another option last week. Time to get our country back.
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

The "base" when SS contributions stops is $127,000.....That should be raised to contributions be made until $200,000.
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

What "they" should do is stop the oppression of the government taking your money by force and making you participate in a stupid retirement plan run by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
Haven't got there yet, about another 20 years.

In about 2 weeks, I'll be 67.

Wife turns 65 either next year, or the year after..

Hate to see her get that close, then have to wait an extra 5 years
You deserve it, you paid for it.
What if uncle sam gave you a lump sum buy out? My dad had a ford pension and he took the buy out. What would you take in exchange for ss? How much? How much have you paid in?
According to how much. I have no idea how much I paid in, I'm 46 and been working since I was 15.
What took you so long? I was working at 13. LOL.

They would have a formula based on how much you paid in. If you live to 100 you'd be better off with ss but if you lived till 90 you'd be better off taking the payout. Would you take it?
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

I didn't save as much as I could have because I knew SS would be waiting for me.
Yea, sure. LOL. Lucky for you it is there because you didn't save as much as you should have because you are a typical American. Give America a raise and they'll still spend it. That's why ss is such a good idea.

If Republicans touch ss just remember I called it here and now. Long before the GOP admitted the program was on their chopping block. And all you Trumpbots are to blame.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
So you need it. If you haven't saved, you are proof why we need SS.

I didn't save as much as I could have because I knew SS would be waiting for me.
Yea, sure. LOL. Lucky for you it is there because you didn't save as much as you should have because you are a typical American. Give America a raise and they'll still spend it. That's why ss is such a good idea.

If Republicans touch ss just remember I called it here and now. Long before the GOP admitted the program was on their chopping block. And all you Trumpbots are to blame.

few short years, I wont be collecting anymore.

and I'm putting every dime possible in savings now for when that happens
Haven't got there yet, about another 20 years.

In about 2 weeks, I'll be 67.

Wife turns 65 either next year, or the year after..

Hate to see her get that close, then have to wait an extra 5 years
You deserve it, you paid for it.
What if uncle sam gave you a lump sum buy out? My dad had a ford pension and he took the buy out. What would you take in exchange for ss? How much? How much have you paid in?
According to how much. I have no idea how much I paid in, I'm 46 and been working since I was 15.
What took you so long? I was working at 13. LOL.

They would have a formula based on how much you paid in. If you live to 100 you'd be better off with ss but if you lived till 90 you'd be better off taking the payout. Would you take it?
Oh I worked before that. I was talking about a tax paying job. I cut grass when I was really young. Made good money.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.
In about 2 weeks, I'll be 67.

Wife turns 65 either next year, or the year after..

Hate to see her get that close, then have to wait an extra 5 years
You deserve it, you paid for it.
What if uncle sam gave you a lump sum buy out? My dad had a ford pension and he took the buy out. What would you take in exchange for ss? How much? How much have you paid in?
According to how much. I have no idea how much I paid in, I'm 46 and been working since I was 15.
What took you so long? I was working at 13. LOL.

They would have a formula based on how much you paid in. If you live to 100 you'd be better off with ss but if you lived till 90 you'd be better off taking the payout. Would you take it?
Oh I worked before that. I was talking about a tax paying job. I cut grass when I was really young. Made good money.

Cut grass, shoveled snow, babysat, 3 card monte
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.

If you are going to end social security or make major changes expect Democrats to block that until after an upcoming election and possibly put it on the ballot.

But if you guys don't, the American people should have been smarter before putting Rudy Rice and Trump in charge. Putting billionaires in charge. Trump is just further proof America is being taken over by the rich and corporations.

I hope I'm wrong but this is my prediction. And I bet the Republicans would be voted out if they admitted they wanted to privatize social security. And again, I could be wrong on that too.

I'm just wondering how far the GOP will go in the next 4 years. I suspect they would hit us with it right after an election much like Rick Snyder made Michigan a right to work state right after he won re election. But you know what? Michigan is 100% run by Republicans so Michiganders must not mind being right to work other than the unions and fuck them too. They voted for Trump too. LOL
You deserve it, you paid for it.
What if uncle sam gave you a lump sum buy out? My dad had a ford pension and he took the buy out. What would you take in exchange for ss? How much? How much have you paid in?
According to how much. I have no idea how much I paid in, I'm 46 and been working since I was 15.
What took you so long? I was working at 13. LOL.

They would have a formula based on how much you paid in. If you live to 100 you'd be better off with ss but if you lived till 90 you'd be better off taking the payout. Would you take it?
Oh I worked before that. I was talking about a tax paying job. I cut grass when I was really young. Made good money.

Cut grass, shoveled snow, babysat, 3 card monte
Walked dogs, delivered papers, catering. Worked at a gun club. You know when the shooter yells PULL and the skeet goes flying? Someone has to put that skeet on the machine in that underground box. Maybe today it is automated because a lot of kids got fingers taken off by that machine. Worked at a gym too.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.

If you are going to end social security or make major changes expect Democrats to block that until after an upcoming election and possibly put it on the ballot.

But if you guys don't, the American people should have been smarter before putting Rudy Rice and Trump in charge. Putting billionaires in charge. Trump is just further proof America is being taken over by the rich and corporations.

I hope I'm wrong but this is my prediction. And I bet the Republicans would be voted out if they admitted they wanted to privatize social security. And again, I could be wrong on that too.

I'm just wondering how far the GOP will go in the next 4 years. I suspect they would hit us with it right after an election much like Rick Snyder made Michigan a right to work state right after he won re election. But you know what? Michigan is 100% run by Republicans so Michiganders must not mind being right to work other than the unions and fuck them too. They voted for Trump too. LOL

The rich supported Hillary because she was the statue quo candidate.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Those two topics will occupy him for the at least his whole first term.

He is not going to run on Trade and Immigration and then focus on Social Security.

If nothing else, he knows that there would be no better way to put those icons of bravery in the GOP congress into instant Flight Response.

(ie they would run away from him at top speed)

He will do as little to or about Social Security as he can.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
Why would I want to do away with something that is 1/3 of my income?
For about two decades now, Republicans have been talking about radically changing the government’s two largest health insurance programs, Medicaid and Medicare.

The goal with Medicaid is to turn the program almost entirely over to the states, but with less money to run it. The goal with Medicare is to convert it from a government-run insurance program into a voucher system ― while, once again, reducing the money that goes into the program.

Here is your $3K voucher grampa. Good luck getting healthcare.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.

We already know you'll defend the GOP no matter what they do

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has championed these ideas for years. Trump has not. In fact, in a 2015 interview his campaign website highlighted, he vowed that “I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” But the health care agenda on Trump’s transition website, which went live Thursday, vows to “modernize Medicare” and allow more “flexibility” for Medicaid.

it sure looks like both he and congressional Republicans are out to undo Lyndon Johnson’s health care legacy, not just Barack Obama’s.

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