Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
When did you ever read me write that I want to do away with benefits? What I said is that if we want to have these things, they need to be funded. That's it. There is no other logical way. And I never said we need to cut anything. In fact I often (in these types of conversations) said that increasing the retirement age is not applicable for a lot of people, particularly those with physically demanding jobs such as construction. I know this for a fact as a blue collar worker myself from a construction family.

So don't make accusations or assumptions you can't back up. It makes you look foolish.
And think about all the people who paid in and died without ever collecting a dime. Or people who die after only being retired 6 months. You know what I mean. Seems like the fund should be full of money.

Reminds me of lotteries. How did we ever survive before lottos? And where is all that money going? Someone recent ly won $1 billion dollars and they only took home $400 mill after taxes. So where is that other $600 mill? They always say the schools. I’m calling bullshit on that too
How much do you have saved? If you’re like most Americans, you’re gonna need social security. And no. If they gave you the money to do what you want with it no, you would not invest it. The corporations would eat that money up you stupid stupid bastards.

So for you and us because if you’re broke we will have to take care of you, we insist you put money into social security and if you die at age 66 you get nothing. That’s the trade off.

Im open to a better way if possible. You still have to save and you can’t touch it till you retire, but if you die your family gets the money in the fund. Or half. Half is better than nothing like it is now. The half would go to older people in the traditional ss. Because the fund is running out of money. When we’re gone that 50% death tax could go away

I wonder why we don’t do it this way?

We can't because again, these systems are going broke. What you're talking about is taking more from them, not putting more in.

People who don't make it to retirement age fund the people that live the average lifespan or beyond. That's the way the system works.

You are correct on one thing, and that is if we left it up to people to secure their own retirement, there is a good portion that won't. So if we went to a private system, it would still be law that the money is still deducted from your pay that you can't touch until retirement, but go into a private account instead of the government.
And think about all the people who paid in and died without ever collecting a dime. Or people who die after only being retired 6 months. You know what I mean. Seems like the fund should be full of money.

Reminds me of lotteries. How did we ever survive before lottos? And where is all that money going? Someone recent ly won $1 billion dollars and they only took home $400 mill after taxes. So where is that other $600 mill? They always say the schools. I’m calling bullshit on that too

Correct, it is bullshit. But that one billion is only a projected amount if you take payments over many years. The cash value is what is actually collected.
Bullshit. Social security, public schools, Medicare, labor laws, minimum wage, environmental safety regulations, etc. all things us liberals gave you you’re welcome.

What have republicans ever given us? Us being the masses.

What do you think they're supposed to give you?

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Where did you ever get an idea that the Republicans want a one party system? It's the Communists that are trying to turn us into a single-party country, not Republicans. Why do you think they are allowing all these invaders in, because it will make Republicans the only political party in the country?
Trump tried to pull a putin. Or the guy in Belarus who lost but didn’t step down.
Hey fuck face. Learn how the program works.

Most of the money you put into the system was paid out to your parents etc.

WE are now funding YOUR retirement.

Say thank you

Wrong commie, without our contributions the programs would have ended generations ago. We supported the system with hard work and monetary contributions. We are only getting back what was promised to us for supporting this system.
What do you think they're supposed to give you?

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
General welfare. Our government is supposed to be reactive to inequality. Corporations have a social contract with workers and the government. Believe it or not our government is the referee.

Unregulated Free market capitalism didn’t create the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. That was manufactured by government. They made it legal for labor to organize.

But government can be corrupt too. Citizens United. The rich and corporations have taken over our government. Like you say on both sides.
Hey fuck face. Learn how the program works.

Most of the money you put into the system was paid out to your parents etc.

WE are now funding YOUR retirement.

Say thank you
And I don’t care how they come up with the money to pay me. Pretend iraq has wmds suddenly we have plenty of money.

And stop passing tax laws that allow corporations to pay zero federal taxes. Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay zero.

I have a great idea. Stop giving cola raises to seniors. Freeze the amount. Whatever you get, that’s all you’re ever going to get. Thats better than telling me I have to work 2 more years because people are living longer.
Trump tried to pull a putin. Or the guy in Belarus who lost but didn’t step down.

How did he try to pull a Putin, by questioning an election? And don't say 1/6 because Trump had nothing to do with that.

If the commies had enough power, they'd make PR and DC states so Republicans could never control the Senate again. They'd pack the Supreme Court with their own people so they'd always rule on the side of the Communists.

Why do you think the Democrat party became the anti-white party anyway? Whites are in their way. Once we're a minority, the non-whites will control the show, and every other group outside of whites votes a majority Democrat and some very strongly Democrat.

In the meantime, they are letting in all these illegals because our US Census doesn't decipher between legal or illegal residents, they only count as people. Our House is based on how many people are in a congressional district. These people usually run to Democrat sanctuary cities and states, so they are unfairly counted giving the Democrats more Congress people than they actually deserve.

So yes, they are doing everything in their power to make us a single-party country forever.
General welfare. Our government is supposed to be reactive to inequality. Corporations have a social contract with workers and the government. Believe it or not our government is the referee.

Unregulated Free market capitalism didn’t create the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. That was manufactured by government. They made it legal for labor to organize.

But government can be corrupt too. Citizens United. The rich and corporations have taken over our government. Like you say on both sides.

Completely wrong. People don't open up or operate businesses as a social obligation. They open up businesses to produce a product or service for profit. I get the same shit as a landlord when people tell me that I have some sort of obligation to provide affordable housing. I didn't make real estate investments to provide affordable housing, I made real estate investments to make a profit.

Capitalism is what made us the wealthiest and strongest country in just a matter of a few hundred years. General Welfare (as Madison put it) refers to the items enumerated in the US Constitution.
No way any sane politician would advocate getting anywhere near SS, or Medicare....All this is, is libs going to the playbook and creating a false narrative.

But lying works for them. My father was a staunch Republican voter all of his life until he got older and retired. He switched to the Democrat party because he so is scared of what they say about Republicans wanting to take away his Social Security and Medicare.

This is why they want more government dependents. If you look at the last election, Democrats got the young vote (ages 18 to 29) by 63%. How did they do that? That's the age bracket people either take out college loans or are repaying them. If you want that 10K to 20K in college loan relief, you better not vote Republican because they are trying to stop it.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will truly herald the end of our Republic."
Benjamin Franklin
But lying works for them. My father was a staunch Republican voter all of his life until he got older and retired. He switched to the Democrat party because he so is scared of what they say about Republicans wanting to take away his Social Security and Medicare.

This is why they want more government dependents. If you look at the last election, Democrats got the young vote (ages 18 to 29) by 63%. How did they do that? That's the age bracket people either take out college loans or are repaying them. If you want that 10K to 20K in college loan relief, you better not vote Republican because they are trying to stop it.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will truly herald the end of our Republic."
Benjamin Franklin
Sadly, that is becoming more and more true....But if people would just think, or be taught real mathematics, and listen to those of us who have life's experience to guide them, SS is NOT a retirement anyway....

When I was a kid, I grew up in Lansing MI. A union town, where most of my friends dad's worked for GM in one way or another. And the pension system was still a thing...Most of those dad's retired in their late 50s, usually with a paid for home, a cottage on a lake somewhere, and a comfortable life...Today, we will be lucky to be able to retire at maybe 65....

I started saving too late, and as a result, I will be ok, when I retire, but just ok....That is a reality for most I think...And, If I am luck enough to be able to retire at 65, my SS will be taxed...Wonderful! Isn't it enough that I paid for the SS raided trust fund all my life since age 15, now I have to be taxed on the pittance I'll recieve?

pfft....I guess I'll look for cat food recipes...
Will Republicans end social security?
They would if given the opportunity, along with Medicare.

Republicans are, of course, lying with they claim they don’t want to end Social Security – seeking to ‘privatize’ Social Security is to seek to end it; the same is true of Medicare, such as Paul Ryan’s reckless, irresponsible plan to end Medicare and replace it with government-subsidized ‘vouchers.’

The best way to protect Social Security and Medicare is to vote Republicans out of office.
Sadly, that is becoming more and more true....But if people would just think, or be taught real mathematics, and listen to those of us who have life's experience to guide them, SS is NOT a retirement anyway....

When I was a kid, I grew up in Lansing MI. A union town, where most of my friends dad's worked for GM in one way or another. And the pension system was still a thing...Most of those dad's retired in their late 50s, usually with a paid for home, a cottage on a lake somewhere, and a comfortable life...Today, we will be lucky to be able to retire at maybe 65....

I started saving too late, and as a result, I will be ok, when I retire, but just ok....That is a reality for most I think...And, If I am luck enough to be able to retire at 65, my SS will be taxed...Wonderful! Isn't it enough that I paid for the SS raided trust fund all my life since age 15, now I have to be taxed on the pittance I'll recieve?

pfft....I guess I'll look for cat food recipes...

You won't get taxed on your SS, but you will be taxed withdrawing from your IRA account. Once you hit the age of 59 1/2, you can contribute as much as you want to your IRA with no penalty. You can also withdraw with no penalty as well. So there is still a way to get the most out of it.
But lying works for them. My father was a staunch Republican voter all of his life until he got older and retired. He switched to the Democrat party because he so is scared of what they say about Republicans wanting to take away his Social Security and Medicare.

This is why they want more government dependents. If you look at the last election, Democrats got the young vote (ages 18 to 29) by 63%. How did they do that? That's the age bracket people either take out college loans or are repaying them. If you want that 10K to 20K in college loan relief, you better not vote Republican because they are trying to stop it.

"When people find they can vote themselves money, that will truly herald the end of our Republic."
Benjamin Franklin
Apparently your father learned a lesson you refuse to learn
Well then that should be true for all the younger people who’ve paid in. But you boomers have a nack for doing away with benefits you benefitted from but now say we can no longer afford to have. Or we need to make cuts but not to you. Only future generations. Add this to the list. Unappreciative ignorant selfish
Republican Boomers

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