Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Hey Dumbass, you die at 59 you get squat. Thanks for your lifelong contributions.
When SS was set up the retirement age to start collecting was above what life expectancy was at the time.

Using that guideline you shouldn’t get SS until you turn 82.
When SS was set up the retirement age to start collecting was above what life expectancy was at the time.

Using that guideline you shouldn’t get SS until you turn 82.
Life expectancy has increased largely due to far lower infant mortality
When SS was set up the retirement age to start collecting was above what life expectancy was at the time.

Using that guideline you shouldn’t get SS until you turn 82.

True but since a lot of people can't work that long, it's no solution today.
How did he try to pull a Putin, by questioning an election? And don't say 1/6 because Trump had nothing to do with that.

If the commies had enough power, they'd make PR and DC states so Republicans could never control the Senate again. They'd pack the Supreme Court with their own people so they'd always rule on the side of the Communists.

Why do you think the Democrat party became the anti-white party anyway? Whites are in their way. Once we're a minority, the non-whites will control the show, and every other group outside of whites votes a majority Democrat and some very strongly Democrat.

In the meantime, they are letting in all these illegals because our US Census doesn't decipher between legal or illegal residents, they only count as people. Our House is based on how many people are in a congressional district. These people usually run to Democrat sanctuary cities and states, so they are unfairly counted giving the Democrats more Congress people than they actually deserve.

So yes, they are doing everything in their power to make us a single-party country forever.
Honest republicans like pence admit trump tried to steal the election. Sorry you’re not a honest Republican
are you word salading

Pretty simple really. For example:

Take ten people. 7 reach the age of 60 and die. 3 die as infants in under 1 year.

Average Life Expectancy = 42.3 years.

Take ten people. 9 reach the age of 60 and die. 1 dies as infants in under 1 year.

Average Life Expectancy = 54.1 years.
The above is very simplified of course.

Life expectancy estimates from a century ago were heavily impacted by infant mortality rates. With improvements in medical care infant mortality rates have plummeted. More children living to old age is 1 factor in the change of "longer life expectancies".

A more telling number, and damn I wish I had the link, but it was last week that I read it and can't find it now, is an examination of how long individuals, once reaching full retirement age drew benefits for how long.

The difference between 1940 and 1990 was about 4 years. So when people say we are living decades longer because of increased "life expectancy", they are not looking at the correct picture.

[HUMOR: "We aren't living decades longer, it just feels that way."]

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Pretty simple really. For example:

Take ten people. 7 reach the age of 60 and die. 3 die as infants in under 1 year.

Average Life Expectancy = 42.3 years.

Take ten people. 9 reach the age of 60 and die. 1 dies as infants in under 1 year.

Average Life Expectancy = 54.1 years.
The above is very simplified of course.

Life expectancy estimates from a century ago were heavily impacted by infant mortality rates. With improvements in medical care infant mortality rates have plummeted. More children living to old age is 1 factor in the change of "longer life expectancies".

I more telling number, and damn I wish I had the link, but it was last week that I read it and can't find it now, is an examination of how long individuals, once reaching full retirement age drew benefits for how long.

For men the difference between 1940 and 1990 was about 4 years. So when people say we are living decades longer because of increased "life expectancy", they are not looking at the correct picture.

[HUMOR: "We aren't living decades longer, it just feels that way."]

Teens and 20 year olds don’t want to work. They want to be social media influencers. People in their 40s and 50s are burned out.

Ive worked for a few companies in my day. Have to be honest. I don’t see a lot of 60 year olds in corporate America. Management sure but worker bees? No one I work with is 60 Plus.
Trump had no ability to steal anything and neither did the people that broke into the Capitol.
He tried. If pence would have went along it would have caused a constitutional crisis and you would have defended him. That’s scary. At least we know who the potential nazis are. I always knew but now we all know
Pretty simple really. For example:

Take ten people. 7 reach the age of 60 and die. 3 die as infants in under 1 year.

Average Life Expectancy = 42.3 years.

Take ten people. 9 reach the age of 60 and die. 1 dies as infants in under 1 year.

Average Life Expectancy = 54.1 years.
The above is very simplified of course.

Life expectancy estimates from a century ago were heavily impacted by infant mortality rates. With improvements in medical care infant mortality rates have plummeted. More children living to old age is 1 factor in the change of "longer life expectancies".

A more telling number, and damn I wish I had the link, but it was last week that I read it and can't find it now, is an examination of how long individuals, once reaching full retirement age drew benefits for how long.

The difference between 1940 and 1990 was about 4 years. So when people say we are living decades longer because of increased "life expectancy", they are not looking at the correct picture.

[HUMOR: "We aren't living decades longer, it just feels that way."]

Then with millions of abortions we all are doomed by your stupidity. Life expectancy is greater than 80
He tried. If pence would have went along it would have caused a constitutional crisis and you would have defended him. That’s scary. At least we know who the potential nazis are. I always knew but now we all know

There was no constitutional crisis. Even if there was it wouldn't have been settled in the Capitol, it would have been settled in court.

The right being Nazis is your opinion with no evidence. My assertion that the left are the Nazis come with plenty of evidence.
There was no constitutional crisis. Even if there was it wouldn't have been settled in the Capitol, it would have been settled in court.

The right being Nazis is your opinion with no evidence. My assertion that the left are the Nazis come with plenty of evidence.
Only demofks trying to take freedom, and that is what Nazis did
Given I've paid into SS my whole life, I'd be robbed massively if it was removed.

Why should I consider you Trump-thug robbers any different than a thug who would openly rob me at gunpoint? After all, the thug would take far less of my money. And at least the gun-wielding thug would be honest about it, which puts him in a moral class above the Trump-thugs.
What is going to have to happen is a combination of raising the retirement age, and putting some kind of a partially privatized retirement system into place that is structured so the politicians can't loot it. The alternative would be to fund it entirely out of the general fund and screw the taxpayers entirely as the politicians use it to buy votes. Whatever they do will have to be structured so as to not screw over the people currently paying into the system now.
Only demofks trying to take freedom, and that is what Nazis did

Using our federal agencies against political foes is as Nazi as it gets.

They had one guy who was raided by the FBI. Five agents went to his home with high powered rifles to arrest him in front of his seven children. Even though everybody complied, they still almost beat his door down.

His transgression? He was a pro-lifer. He was at a rally in front of an abortion clinic a year earlier. An older guy was accosting his son, so he instructed the man to back off. When he didn't, he pushed the man away from his 12 year old son. The guy fell backwards but was not injured in any way.

The local police didn't even consider charging the father with anything. After all, people pushing each other goes on hundreds of times in bars across the country every weekend. But the FBI hauled him away in front of his family.

The FBI also suppressed stories of Hunter on social media which according to polls, had people known about it, Trump would be our President today. They lied to a FISA court repeatedly to spy on a political opponent. They even raided homes looking for Joe's daughters diary which has a value of about ten bucks; a local police matter if anything, all because the diary contained embarrassing tales of Joe taking showers with his daughter.

So if anybody is a Nazi, it's those on the left.
Then with millions of abortions we all are doomed by your stupidity. Life expectancy is greater than 80



Calls me stupid...

#1 Attempts to deflect to abortion when presented with logical arguments instead of admitting an error.

#2 Even though I understand the impact of infant mortality on life expectancy outcomes which the respondent appears not to understand.

#3 Claims current life expectancy is greater than 80 when in fact life expectancy never reached 80 and has decreased the last couple of years.

There you go people, why we can't have nice things.




Calls me stupid...

#1 Attempts to deflect to abortion when presented with logical arguments instead of admitting an error.

#2 Even though I understand the impact of infant mortality on life expectancy outcomes which the respondent appears not to understand.

#3 Claims current life expectancy is greater than 80 when in fact life expectancy never reached 80 and has decreased the last couple of years.

There you go people, why we can't have nice things.

Abortions are dead babies. That’s your claim
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
If the Democrats keep insisting efforts to save Social Security and Medicare are Republican plans to kill the programs — both programs will run out of money and soon.

Both Democrats and Republicans should stop playing stupid political games, address problems and solve them.


The writing on the wall couldn’t be any more clear: Social Security and Medicare remain on a dangerously unsustainable path,” said Michael Peterson, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, back when the trustees reports were released. “Unfortunately, instead of working to strengthen these essential programs, lawmakers have their heads buried in the sand while the trust fund depletion grows closer each year.”

Little appears to have changed in the eight months since he said those words.

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