Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Ok how about this. Would republicans love to end social security? Let’s see how dishonest you’re being here.
Its like a republican saying they aren’t trying to outlaw abortion in all 50 states. Of course that’s their ultimate goal.
You guys have always hated social security and have told us not to count on it being there when retire. Why would you lie?
1. Republican VOTERS will not allow Republicans to end SS, PERIOD, Full stop.
Would some big GOP donors like to end SS? Probably, that's why you see some stupid pols discussing it, the big donors are making them do hoops.

2. Republicans learned their lesson in the 2022 mid-terms. Stop talking about abortions unless you want to alienate more voters. It's like when democrats talk about "gun control". Abortion is solved. No further GOP action or discussion needed.

3. I love SS and Medicare. Republicans aren't all billionaires, so don't label us as such.

4. DO NOT DODGE THE QUESTION I POSED: Medicare will be bankrupt next year, so why are democrats letting Medicare go BANKRUPT?
You confuse "European" with "born in Europe".
This is, I am sure, intentional.

Elon Musk: African-American.
What you are trying to conclude is America is a European nation too? Or white. It was and is dominated and controlled by whites but America is more diverse than Russia.

Republicans are anti immigrant
The Nazis were pro white and anti everyone else. Like republicans today. You hate Arabs, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Europeans.

You only love russia because it’s all white.

And the Nazis in Germany loved trump. Why is that? They believed he was going to accomplish what hitler couldnt.

Get it? Nazis today side with you ya fucking dope
Anti gun like you, no free speech like you. Can’t cram that Cadillac in your nose son
I didn’t say Germany. I said Nazis in Germany love Trump. Most Germans feel the same way I do about trump.
Again, you haven’t a clue what a Nazi is dumbass. Where was trump trying to indoctrinate children?

Take your gun?
Stop your first amendment?


Maybe you should get an education
Unlike you, I prefer US citizens have the jobs the non-US citizens are getting.
You’re not qualified or won’t work for the wages these corporations are willing to pay. Better to manufacture in Mexico.

So we need poor immigrants willing to do grunt work.
Probably the GOP won't be able to stop SS and Medicare, but nobody thought they could possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, either.

Just sayin'.
You’re not qualified or won’t work for the wages these corporations are willing to pay. Better to manufacture in Mexico.

So we need poor immigrants willing to do grunt work.
You sound like Reagan.
Unlike you, I prefer US citizens have the jobs the non-US citizens are getting.
Again, you haven’t a clue what a Nazi is dumbass. Where was trump trying to indoctrinate children?

Take your gun?
Stop your first amendment?


Maybe you should get an education
This is you trying to control the narrative with bullshit spin.

You mean teach kids not to bully or about racism?
You’re not qualified or won’t work for the wages these corporations are willing to pay. Better to manufacture in Mexico.

So we need poor immigrants willing to do grunt work.

No, we need to get rid of Democrats that promote not working with their over generous social programs that able bodied Americans get on in exchange for getting a job. No more programs, Americans will have no choice but to rightfully support themselves instead of the taxpayers.
No, we need to get rid of Democrats that promote not working with their over generous social programs that able bodied Americans get on in exchange for getting a job. No more programs, Americans will have no choice but to rightfully support themselves instead of the taxpayers.
I would kill all welfare programs except for clearly disabled persons.
I prefer it too. But companies say they can’t find help. And We don’t have enough workers paying in to ssi
I always believe companies that say they can't find a janitor! :laughing0301:
What they mean is they don't want to pay more than $5.00/hour and they want someone they can treat like shit.

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