Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
I will admit the Democrats haven't put forth a plan to "save" social security because that would be kind of early, right? Why would they bring it up? Do you see our debt? Doesn't seem to be a problem. So why would a bankrupt social security fund be a problem? Take the money from the same place we took the Iraq war money we came up to fight a 10 year war. Raise taxes on the rich and corporations "only temporary" until the money "both sides" took out is put back in.
Make cuts to future generations if you want. But don't make 50 year olds work longer or tell them they have to take a 20-30% cut. Fuck that.
But I've taken the Republicans word for it when 30 years ago they told me "don't count on social security being there when you retire".
Funny, Republicans took pensions away and soon gonna make cuts to ss. Man they are evil. How do they dupe middle class people into voting for them? Same way they fooled pro choice people. Lying about their ultimate goal.
1. Why would democrats save SS & Medicare now? Because the fixes would be easier than waiting. The longer the wait, the bigger the fix.
2. If they don't fix SS & Medicare we must keep borrowing and adding to the $32T Debt, which means higher interest payments
3. You can't blame Republicans for anything. Show me any link where Republicans did anything bad to SS or Medicare.
4. If you want to blame someone for hurting SS & Medicare blame democrats who stole the surplus calling it a "Unified Budget". Stealing the surplus that we should be using now:

In the United States a unified budget is a federal government budget in which receipts and outlays from federal funds and the Social Security Trust Fund are consolidated.
The United States government adopted a unified budget in the Johnson administration in 1968, beginning with the 1969 budget. The surplus in the Social Security OASDI (Old Age Survivors and Disabilities Insurance) budget offsets the total deficit, making it appear smaller than it otherwise would.
1. Why would democrats save SS & Medicare now? Because the fixes would be easier than waiting. The longer the wait, the bigger the fix.
2. If they don't fix SS & Medicare we must keep borrowing and adding to the $32T Debt, which means higher interest payments
3. You can't blame Republicans for anything. Show me any link where Republicans did anything bad to SS or Medicare.
4. If you want to blame someone for hurting SS & Medicare blame democrats who stole the surplus calling it a "Unified Budget". Stealing the surplus that we should be using now:

In the United States a unified budget is a federal government budget in which receipts and outlays from federal funds and the Social Security Trust Fund are consolidated.
The United States government adopted a unified budget in the Johnson administration in 1968, beginning with the 1969 budget. The surplus in the Social Security OASDI (Old Age Survivors and Disabilities Insurance) budget offsets the total deficit, making it appear smaller than it otherwise would.
This is what I mean. For decades Republicans have railed against these programs. And borrowed from them. With no intentions of putting the money back?

That's my solution. Put the money back.

The number of job vacancies in the United States fell by 496 thousand from the previous month to 9.824 million in May of 2023, slightly below market expectations of 9.935 million.

We have how many immigrants at the border looking for work? Let them in. They'll pay in to the program.

Are you a boomer? We should never listen to baby boomers ever again. Want a solution? Death tax on any baby boomer 50% of their wealth. Those mother fuckers gave themselves everything. High paying jobs, great benefits, $3 co pays, pensions, social security at 62, unions to protect them so they could last 30 years at one company. Fuck YOU BOOMER! You gave yourselves such a cushy life and now that you are in charge, say we can no longer afford to have it as good as you had/have it? 50% death tax. Fuck your families. You fucked us it's only fair we take it back when you die. What will you care you're dead?
Changes will be made to keep Social Security and Medicare, which together constitute about one-third of the federal budget, from going bankrupt. These changes will consist either of benefit cuts, tax increases, or both. I choose tax increases.

Republicans have more to lose than Democrats from proposing benefit cuts to Social Security and Medicare. That’s because elderly voters tend to favor Republican candidates. In the 2022 midterms, voters over age 65 broke for Republican House candidates 55–43 percent. That’s a wider margin than in the 2020 presidential election, when over-65s favored Trump over Biden 52–47 percent. Trump had endeared himself to elderly voters in 2016 by promising not to cut Medicare or Social Security; over-65s that year went for Trump 53–45 percent. Trump’s slippage four years later may have resulted from his foolish campaign against mail-in-balloting; in 2020, the only age group that ended up casting the majority of its ballots by mail was voters over 65. Alternatively, maybe some elderly voters were simply, like the rest of the country, tired of Trump’s antics.

The point is that the majority of elderly voters these days vote Republican. That explains why House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has taken Social Security and Medicare off the table as congressional Republicans demand spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.

And yet Republican politicians persist in wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. They can’t help themselves! A House Republican Study Committee report for the current fiscal year called for raising the age of Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67 and raising the Social Security retirement age to 69. A “Commitment to America” that House Republicans campaigned on last fall says Republicans intend to “save and strengthen Social Security and Medicare” without saying how. Former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, who yearned to take an ax to these programs when he was in office, last week said it was a mistake to take Social Security and Medicare off the table in the debt-ceiling talks, and Mike Pence, who’s running for president, says cuts to Medicare and Social Security should be “on the table for the long term.”

So let's be honest. This is just like abortion. What's your ultimate goal with abortion? It's to outlaw it. Make it murder. And what is your goal for social security? Kill it. You just know it will cost you votes so you won't be completely honest about it. Just like with abortion.
1. The fixes for SS & Medicare will have to be bipartisan. I agree that raising "taxes" such as raising the cap for SS needs to happen. Also, raising the ages needs to happen, but in stages, such as under 50 the 62/67 goes to 63/68 for SS. For those under 30 the ages go to 64/69 for SS. The justification is that people are living longer and collecting longer.

2. The Medicare fix needs to be higher taxes and co-pays. Only those who paid in can get benefits.
Welfare and Medicaid need to be phased out. If you want healthcare...work for it.

3. I also favor addressing the Budget Deficit by adding a new ~4% Federal Sales tax to raise $1T or more, a new Financial Transaction Tax to raise a ton more, and a new Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US which would raise about $150b a year. Enough to pay for the wall and DHS.
This is what I mean. For decades Republicans have railed against these programs. And borrowed from them. With no intentions of putting the money back?

That's my solution. Put the money back.

The number of job vacancies in the United States fell by 496 thousand from the previous month to 9.824 million in May of 2023, slightly below market expectations of 9.935 million.

We have how many immigrants at the border looking for work? Let them in. They'll pay in to the program.

Are you a boomer? We should never listen to baby boomers ever again. Want a solution? Death tax on any baby boomer 50% of their wealth. Those mother fuckers gave themselves everything. High paying jobs, great benefits, $3 co pays, pensions, social security at 62, unions to protect them so they could last 30 years at one company. Fuck YOU BOOMER! You gave yourselves such a cushy life and now that you are in charge, say we can no longer afford to have it as good as you had/have it? 50% death tax. Fuck your families. You fucked us it's only fair we take it back when you die. What will you care you're dead?
I showed you who stole the SS & Medicare surplus. DEMOCRATS. So stop lying. Here it is AGAIN dumbass...read it this time. Johnson used it to pay for VN.
The United States government adopted a unified budget in the Johnson administration in 1968, beginning with the 1969 budget. The surplus in the Social Security OASDI (Old Age Survivors and Disabilities Insurance) budget offsets the total deficit, making it appear smaller than it otherwise would.
Democrats didn't borrow against the SS surplus?

Where do you suppose we get $1.7T?

Couple thoughts. Do you know how much waste/fraud was stolen from the US Government during Covid? Fake unemployment claims and such? About $1.7trillion.

We got the money.

All you have to do is pay everyone who paid in what you owe them. If I've paid in a lot, I should get my full benefits and you shouldn't raise my retirement age. If you want to make cuts to younger people who haven't paid in as much, I'm sure they'll bend over and take it the same way I took it when Reagan cut ss and raised the age in the 80's when I was a teenager. I'm fine with that.

Americans aren't having enough kids.

Experts say the decline isn't due to a single cause, but rather a combination of several factors, including changing economics, delays in childbirth by women pursuing jobs and education, the greater availability of contraception, and a decline in teen pregnancies.

You guys say there are 18 plus year olds at the border willing to work? Right now we have 10 million unfilled jobs?
I missed your answer:
Democrats didn't borrow against the SS surplus?
They did too. They'd be open to coming up with ways of putting the money back. And you Republicans will fight them.

We will just pretend Saddam has WMD's and see if Republicans will vote for invading or not invading. Remember how unpopular it was to vote against war back then? Even Hillary voted for it. Well you Republicans are going to need to vote to strenghten not cut SS. Come up with ways to put some additional moneys in to it since you took some out.

Republicans clearly want to make those cuts.
I hope so but I am not going to bet on it happening.

I just read this

Besides the projected 20% reduction of benefits in 2035, the SSA said that if no legislative fixes become law by 2095, there will only be enough to pay 74% of scheduled benefits at that time.

If I get a 20% cut to my benefits I'm going to storm the Capitol. Fuck what do I care if they steal the election. Don't steal what I have coming to me.
I just read this

Besides the projected 20% reduction of benefits in 2035, the SSA said that if no legislative fixes become law by 2095, there will only be enough to pay 74% of scheduled benefits at that time.

If I get a 20% cut to my benefits I'm going to storm the Capitol. Fuck what do I care if they steal the election. Don't steal what I have coming to me.
If that happens you can thank the big spenders of both parties for not being fiscally responsible.

Your money will be going to provide welfare for the Illegals and foreign aid to shithole countries, electric buses to India, EV charging stations, Teacher Union subsidies and every other wasteful thing you can think of.
If that happens you can thank the big spenders of both parties for not being fiscally responsible.

Your money will be going to provide welfare for the Illegals and foreign aid to shithole countries, electric buses to India, EV charging stations, Teacher Union subsidies and every other wasteful thing you can think of.
Israel too! We give them $4 billion a year.
Republicans hate social programs. Republicans want to destroy this very popular and effective social program.
Republicans have been telling me since I was a kid not to count on it being there when I retired.
Funny thing: Your Marxist buds of the Demwit Party have been squandering that money for decades. They finally talked the RINOs into participating in the scam. If you're going to storm D.C. ... please do us all a favor and take Pelosi and Schumer. Oh wait ... Pelosi has already been booted.
Funny thing: Your Marxist buds of the Demwit Party have been squandering that money for decades. They finally talked the RINOs into participating in the scam. If you're going to storm D.C. ... please do us all a favor and take Pelosi and Schumer. Oh wait ... Pelosi has already been booted.
Bush and Trump and the GOP are every bit as responsible as anyone else for the 31T debt, bright eyes.
I just read this

Besides the projected 20% reduction of benefits in 2035, the SSA said that if no legislative fixes become law by 2095, there will only be enough to pay 74% of scheduled benefits at that time.

If I get a 20% cut to my benefits I'm going to storm the Capitol. Fuck what do I care if they steal the election. Don't steal what I have coming to me.
demofks are your worst nightmare there huh?
Funny thing: Your Marxist buds of the Demwit Party have been squandering that money for decades. They finally talked the RINOs into participating in the scam. If you're going to storm D.C. ... please do us all a favor and take Pelosi and Schumer. Oh wait ... Pelosi has already been booted.
One party will try to raise taxes on the rich and corporations to save the programs. I shouldn't say raise. I should say undo the tax breaks we should have never given in the first place.

And have you seen the lotto is $1.5 billion? With the government getting half that money? I don't believe that money goes to the schools. I'd like an audit to prove that and show us how the lotto money goes to the schools. Do you believe that?

And where did Bush come up with the money to fight the Iraq war? If he can lie us into a costly war, I'm sure they can figure out how to take the money they took from the fund and put it back.

Social security is a great program. If you die at 61 you get nothing. Lots of people die before 62-70 and get nothing. Where's that money? And if you live to 115 and retire at 65 you'll get a check every month for 50 years.

The oldest American resident is listed as Edie Ceccarelli (born in Willits, California, on February 5, 1908), aged 115 years.

And before we cut 1 cent from social security we need to take every senators pension and put it towards the fund. My buddy is a state politician. County clerk. All he has to do is serve 8 years and he gets a pension? We can afford that but not social security that we all paid into? Are you kidding? And then blame Democrats?
Republicans hate social programs. Republicans want to destroy this very popular and effective social program.
Republicans have been telling me since I was a kid not to count on it being there when I retired.
don't the statisticians say that exact thing? Socialism sucks, nothing ever works to the benefit of the people in socialism. It puts the people in a losing position. You should do some actual research.

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