Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
what needs to be done? How can they strengthen it? Don't they need demofks?
We need to stop cutting corporate taxes.

We need to stop giving Israel $4 billion dollars a year. Do you know that? Israel has basically a $4 billion dollar a year pension with the united states. It didn't start off as $4 billion but it's gone up over time. So for the rest of our countries life, we will forever give Israel $4 billion OR MORE dollars every year. How about we cut that to $2 billion before you cut your own social security stupid?
One party will try to raise taxes on the rich and corporations to save the programs.
why do you think that will work?

The con to that is corporations go bankrupt, people lose jobs now no tax revenue from the people. How you gonna pay then?
Funny thing: Your Marxist buds of the Demwit Party have been squandering that money for decades. They finally talked the RINOs into participating in the scam. If you're going to storm D.C. ... please do us all a favor and take Pelosi and Schumer. Oh wait ... Pelosi has already been booted.
Let's start with there are no "marxists" in the Democratic Party, and then go from there.

For decades, the REPUBLICAN Party has been propping up every right wing dictatorship in the world because "Better dead than Red" wasn't just a bumper sticker for Republicans. And now, just like racism, Republicans are trying to convince you that Democrats are the party who started all of the wars of the past 70 years, and not the Republicans.
don't the statisticians say that exact thing? Socialism sucks, nothing ever works to the benefit of the people in socialism. It puts the people in a losing position. You should do some actual research.
There's nothing wrong with social security or medicare. Two very popular programs you're going to need to retire.

They should have never "borrowed" from the fund.

It's a great program because what did we learn from the Trump tax breaks? No matter how much money you make you won't save enough on your own. You just won't. Then you'll become our problem. So we invented social security and medicare. Without them you'd never be able to stop working.
why do you think that will work?

The con to that is corporations go bankrupt, people lose jobs now no tax revenue from the people. How you gonna pay then?
They don't go bankrupt. The CEO and shareholders just don't make as much. Same argument you make for paying the workers more.

They will have a competitor take their place if they can't do it.

How come you don't worry about all the companies Amazon is putting out of business? And you want Amazon to pay zero taxes too. You worship the corporations. The founders would not be proud.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
The attempt would probably be the end of the party, as we know it.
They don't go bankrupt. The CEO and shareholders just don't make as much. Same argument you make for paying the workers more.
you really are part of the psychotics. You believe everything you hear from the demofks. wow.

Paying workers more will increase the price of products you and I buy. If you don't think so, makes you even more psychotic. Eventually, corporations will price themselves out of the market. again, the things you believe is truly asinine.
The attempt would probably be the end of the party, as we know it.

They said that about abortion.

We already see Republicans are ready to blame Democrats for it. And I'm sure Democrats will go along. Maybe not with 30% cuts but they'll negotiate for us and we will only take a 20% cut.

We didn't think Clinton would sign NAFTA but he did.
So Denmocrats and Republicans are responsible for the debt, we are stupid enough to keep voting for the problems to continue.
demofks will die with their DC veterans. Otherwise we'd have term limits, cause it's only conservatives who push that bill.
why do you think that will work?

The con to that is corporations go bankrupt, people lose jobs now no tax revenue from the people. How you gonna pay then?

American corporations have been awash in cash since W was in office giving tax breaks for off-shoring. They used their Trump tax breaks for stock buy-backs because they had no need for the money.

The major economic problem facing the USA is the loss of the American middle class due to wage stagnation, and tax system tilted to give tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of working people.

Trump didn't meet with the striking auto workers. He met with their bosses and blamed the union for the strike.
who borrowed? Whyt didn't they all pitch in and pay it back? Why does someone else always have to pay your bills?
The politicians borrowed from it and can put it back.

Are you so rich you don't want your full social security? I thought you were broke.
They said that about abortion.

We already see Republicans are ready to blame Democrats for it. And I'm sure Democrats will go along. Maybe not with 30% cuts but they'll negotiate for us and we will only take a 20% cut.

We didn't think Clinton would sign NAFTA but he did.
I think you are wrong, but we will see.
American corporations have been awash in cash since W was in office giving tax breaks for off-shoring. They used their Trump tax breaks for stock buy-backs because they had no need for the money.

The major economic problem facing the USA is the loss of the American middle class due to wage stagnation, and tax system tilted to give tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of working people.

Trump didn't meet with the striking auto workers. He met with their bosses and blamed the union for the strike.

And he blamed liberals for forcing the auto companies to move to battery cars. Something that probably does probably concern or bother UAW members.

Well put.
The politicians borrowed from it and can put it back.

Are you so rich you don't want your full social security? I thought you were broke.
I only want back what I paid in with interest. One check will do and I will invest it. Ponzi scheme failure is always a guaranteed outcome.

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