Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Republicans committed to saving SS & Medicare at the State of the Union speech.
We paid into SS & Medicare, they are NOT like Welfare and Medicaid.
They are NOT charity, they are benefits we paid for.
"Republicans" don't want to cut SS & Medicare, the 1% want to cut them.
I don't see democrats beating drums to fix them either.
Maybe the rich dems don't want them fixed?

I think the compromise is going to be 20% cuts to EVERYONE in order to "SAVE" the program SS when it runs out of money, wouldn't you know it? The year I turn 62.

I'm hoping I retire before they do it.

But imagine in 10 years the fund runs out of money and we're in a made up recession like the one they invented when Bush was walking out the door in 2008. It would be the perfect time to have another great recession. They would use it to say why they MUST cut everyone's ss 20%.
Republicans committed to saving SS & Medicare at the State of the Union speech.
We paid into SS & Medicare, they are NOT like Welfare and Medicaid.
They are NOT charity, they are benefits we paid for.
"Republicans" don't want to cut SS & Medicare, the 1% want to cut them.
I don't see democrats beating drums to fix them either.
Maybe the rich dems don't want them fixed?

I wonder when "fixing" ss will become important. One things for sure. Democrats will want to save it and Republicans will want to kill it. Depends on who's in charge of the Senate and House and White House at the time. That's why I say always vote Democratic if you are not rich.
We paid into SS & Medicare our entire working lives. They are entitlements that cannot be cut. Suck it up AH.

Actually that's what many in the GOP want to do. They want to cut social security benefits by raising the retirement age or by doing nothing and let the Trust Fund run out resulting in a 25% cut in benefits in 2034.

Republicans committed to saving SS & Medicare at the State of the Union speech.
We paid into SS & Medicare, they are NOT like Welfare and Medicaid.
They are NOT charity, they are benefits we paid for.
"Republicans" don't want to cut SS & Medicare, the 1% want to cut them.
I don't see democrats beating drums to fix them either.
Maybe the rich dems don't want them fixed?

Many in the GOP see raising the retirement age as a means of "saving SS". In their minds they are "saving" it, but in reality it means a benefit cut.

I think the compromise is going to be 20% cuts to EVERYONE in order to "SAVE" the program SS when it runs out of money. The year I turn 62. I'm hoping I retire before they do it.
But imagine in 10 years the fund runs out of money and we're in a made up recession like the one they invented when Bush was walking out the door in 2008. It would be the perfect time to have another great recession. They would use it to say why they MUST cut everyone's ss 20%.
1. There will be no "compromise" unless its something like "generational fairness", meaning the 62/67 ages get raised to 63/68, the cap gets raised, and the COLAs get reduced.
2. SS will never run out of money, it will always pay out what it takes in, which would be 70% of promised benefits. The other 30% was the surplus we all put in that the DC coxuckers stole and put in IOUs.
3. Worst case the Fed prints mo money to cover what's owed. Not a good solution. Raising the cap is a better one.
Actually that's what many in the GOP want to do. They want to cut social security benefits by raising the retirement age or by doing nothing and let the Trust Fund run out resulting in a 25% cut in benefits in 2034.

So what Bill have the democrats put up to fix SS and save Medicare? I'm not seeing anything yet. With a $2T Budget Deficit fixing SS & Medicare should be easy.
1. Fixing SS means raising the ages from 62/67 to 63/68, raising the cap, and reducing the COLAs slightly. That should extend SS solvency well past 2034.
2. Fixing Medicare, which will be bankrupt ~2028, means raising taxes and co-pays.
3. Fixing the $2T Budget Deficit means raising taxes. Spending can't be cut significantly.

New taxes that would work include:
1. A new ~4% Federal Sales tax would raise over $1T
2. A new Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US would raise ~$150b. Pay for the wall and DHS and the war on drugs.
3. A new tax (~0.5%) on all Financial Transactions, such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc. would raise a lot

Those fixes and new taxes should get us back to balance and start paying down the $32T Debt
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
I havent heard anyone suggest that. People do say that it will become bankrupt unless we overhaul it. I sure hope they do, otherwise we WILL lose it.
1. There will be no "compromise" unless its something like "generational fairness", meaning the 62/67 ages get raised to 63/68, the cap gets raised, and the COLAs get reduced.
2. SS will never run out of money, it will always pay out what it takes in, which would be 70% of promised benefits. The other 30% was the surplus we all put in that the DC coxuckers stole and put in IOUs.
3. Worst case the Fed prints mo money to cover what's owed. Not a good solution. Raising the cap is a better one.
And you'll just accept it? Pussy.

I don't care what they do as long as they only do it to people younger than me.

Will people already retired take a 70% hit?

See, I told you the Republicans plan to cut ss 20%. You say 30%. At least you're honest.
And you'll just accept it? Pussy. I don't care what they do as long as they only do it to people younger than me.
Will people already retired take a 70% hit?
See, I told you the Republicans plan to cut ss 20%. You say 30%. At least you're honest.
1. If Republicans and democrats don't fix SS we will all take a 30% cut in benefits.
2. Don't just blame Republicans. Democrats aren't fixing SS & Medicare either. Show me the democrat's plan to save SS & Medicare.
1. If Republicans and democrats don't fix SS we will all take a 30% cut in benefits.
2. Don't just blame Republicans. Democrats aren't fixing SS & Medicare either. Show me the democrat's plan to save SS & Medicare.

I just get the feeling when it happens, despite Republicans being the ones who've hated and wanted to end this socialism program, like they blame the Bush Great Recession and Housing crash on Freddy, Fanny, Barnie and Democrats.

Or like the Iraq war. Hillary signed it so you never say BUSH lied us into Iraq.

But don't give Clinton credit. Give credit to Newt

And never mind Republicans invented NAFTA. Clinton signed it.

Cherry pickers on the facts.

When the time comes, Democrats will try to raise taxes on the rich and corporations to strengthen these programs. Republicans will fight that. So again, the middle class takes another huge step backwards while the gap between us and them gets wider and wider.

Notice all the millionaires becoming billionaires now? Inflation. Oh the poor rich who have to deal with inflation too. And pass the increases on to us to increase profits.

What do you want more? I bigger middle class or more profits?
Or like the Iraq war. Hillary signed it so you never say BUSH lied us into Iraq.

But don't give Clinton credit. Give credit to Newt

And never mind Republicans invented NAFTA. Clinton signed it.
You say
Cherry pickers on the facts.
You then say.
Unfathomable irony.
When the time comes, Democrats will try to raise taxes on the rich and corporations to strengthen these programs.
Have the Demcorats ever tried to address a non-violent crime related issue without increasing taxes and spending?
I just get the feeling when it happens, despite Republicans being the ones who've hated and wanted to end this socialism program, like they blame the Bush Great Recession and Housing crash on Freddy, Fanny, Barnie and Democrats. Or like the Iraq war. Hillary signed it so you never say BUSH lied us into Iraq. But don't give Clinton credit. Give credit to Newt
And never mind Republicans invented NAFTA. Clinton signed it. Cherry pickers on the facts.
When the time comes, Democrats will try to raise taxes on the rich and corporations to strengthen these programs. Republicans will fight that. So again, the middle class takes another huge step backwards while the gap between us and them gets wider and wider.
Notice all the millionaires becoming billionaires now? Inflation. Oh the poor rich who have to deal with inflation too. And pass the increases on to us to increase profits.
What do you want more? I bigger middle class or more profits?
You're a partisan hack that can't follow a conversation. I can admit that the Trump tax cuts were a fiscal disaster.
You should be able to admit that the dems have no plan to save SS & Medicare.
Show me where the democrats made ANY move to save SS & Medicare that the Republicans voted down.
Thanks for playing.
Lets try that again:

Have the Democrats ever tried to address a non-violent crime related issue without increasing taxes and spending?

Polce butality, I am sure you will agree, is a violent crime.
Student Loan forgiveness.

Here's the problem with you Republicans. You need to be more specific. You are never specific when it comes to what spending cuts do you want to make? There's a lot of waste/fraud/abuse out there. You never go after that stuff. If you did we'd go along. So be specific. What cuts do you want to make?

This is just like regulations. You are against regulations generically just like you spending. What regulations? The regulations you want to get rid of cost us more in the long run. Or cost US but benefits corporations. All to save 10 cents.

So what's the issue? Perhaps all these issues require the rich pay more taxes. Roll back the reagan, bush and Trump tax breaks. And perhaps the solution to our problems cost money.

You have cost free solutions? Or do you just save us money and cause more problems?
You're a partisan hack that can't follow a conversation. I can admit that the Trump tax cuts were a fiscal disaster.
You should be able to admit that the dems have no plan to save SS & Medicare.
Show me where the democrats made ANY move to save SS & Medicare that the Republicans voted down.
Thanks for playing.

I will admit the Democrats haven't put forth a plan to "save" social security because that would be kind of early, right? Why would they bring it up? Do you see our debt? Doesn't seem to be a problem. So why would a bankrupt social security fund be a problem? Take the money from the same place we took the Iraq war money we came up to fight a 10 year war. Raise taxes on the rich and corporations "only temporary" until the money "both sides" took out is put back in.

Make cuts to future generations if you want. But don't make 50 year olds work longer or tell them they have to take a 20-30% cut. Fuck that.

But I've taken the Republicans word for it when 30 years ago they told me "don't count on social security being there when you retire".

Funny, Republicans took pensions away and soon gonna make cuts to ss. Man they are evil. How do they dupe middle class people into voting for them? Same way they fooled pro choice people. Lying about their ultimate goal.

You're a partisan hack that can't follow a conversation. I can admit that the Trump tax cuts were a fiscal disaster.
You should be able to admit that the dems have no plan to save SS & Medicare.
Show me where the democrats made ANY move to save SS & Medicare that the Republicans voted down.
Thanks for playing.
Changes will be made to keep Social Security and Medicare, which together constitute about one-third of the federal budget, from going bankrupt. These changes will consist either of benefit cuts, tax increases, or both.

I choose tax increases.

Republicans have more to lose than Democrats from proposing benefit cuts to Social Security and Medicare. That’s because elderly voters tend to favor Republican candidates. In the 2022 midterms, voters over age 65 broke for Republican House candidates 55–43 percent. That’s a wider margin than in the 2020 presidential election, when over-65s favored Trump over Biden 52–47 percent. Trump had endeared himself to elderly voters in 2016 by promising not to cut Medicare or Social Security; over-65s that year went for Trump 53–45 percent. Trump’s slippage four years later may have resulted from his foolish campaign against mail-in-balloting; in 2020, the only age group that ended up casting the majority of its ballots by mail was voters over 65. Alternatively, maybe some elderly voters were simply, like the rest of the country, tired of Trump’s antics.

The point is that the majority of elderly voters these days vote Republican. That explains why House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has taken Social Security and Medicare off the table as congressional Republicans demand spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.

And yet Republican politicians persist in wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. They can’t help themselves! A House Republican Study Committee report for the current fiscal year called for raising the age of Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67 and raising the Social Security retirement age to 69. A “Commitment to America” that House Republicans campaigned on last fall says Republicans intend to “save and strengthen Social Security and Medicare” without saying how. Former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, who yearned to take an ax to these programs when he was in office, last week said it was a mistake to take Social Security and Medicare off the table in the debt-ceiling talks, and Mike Pence, who’s running for president, says cuts to Medicare and Social Security should be “on the table for the long term.”

So let's be honest. This is just like abortion. What's your ultimate goal with abortion? It's to outlaw it. Make it murder. And what is your goal for social security? Kill it. You just know it will cost you votes so you won't be completely honest about it. Just like with abortion.
... which involves spending.... and will involve raising taxes, or raising the debt and interest payments on same.

Try again?
Trump Bush and Reagan give rich people tax breaks. Biden gives student loan forgiveness to people who make under $100K.

You cry about this but not their debt raising tax breaks to the rich?

At least Biden gives to the poor. He's like Robin Hood. Everyone loves Robin Hood.

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