Will Republicans just STOP trying to defend "losing arguments"?



You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.

A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Science is NOT a faith.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

And while we're at it.

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.
Just as soon as Liberals stop pushing their Failed Ideas, and Policies.

At least I listed Republican arguments. Glad you couldn't find any that were incorrect. Perhaps you could add to the list? I probably missed some.
Will Republicans just STOP trying to defend "losing arguments"?
I'm pretty-certain it's a deeply-ingrained habit, by now......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDgRr_Ynvc]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]​
Just as soon as Liberals stop pushing their Failed Ideas, and Policies.
Yeah.....that's quite the list ya' got, there.

I'm convinced.

OK. I won't argue with liberal Democrats anymore about Obama being the worst President we've ever had. I'll ask them to just agree to disagree.
Just as soon as Liberals stop pushing their Failed Ideas, and Policies.

At least I listed Republican arguments. Glad you couldn't find any that were incorrect. Perhaps you could add to the list? I probably missed some.
No you didn't...You listed a platoon of strawmen.

But that's OK...Nobody is going to mistake you for someone with a single thought in your head anyways.
Yeah... like Hussein, Communist, Kenyan, Class Warfare and all the rest of the shit right wingers spew aren't strawmen and talking points.
Just as soon as Liberals stop pushing their Failed Ideas, and Policies.

At least I listed Republican arguments. Glad you couldn't find any that were incorrect. Perhaps you could add to the list? I probably missed some.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h3cJQJkc_o&feature=related]Right America: Feeling Wronged - Some Voices from the Campaign Trail - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]



Yeah... like Hussein, Communist, Kenyan, Class Warfare and all the rest of the shit right wingers spew aren't strawmen and talking points.
Pretty poor attempt at deflection, nimbnutz.

You'll have to try harder if you're going to get to the rderp level of stupidity.
Yeah... like Hussein, Communist, Kenyan, Class Warfare and all the rest of the shit right wingers spew aren't strawmen and talking points.
Pretty poor attempt at deflection, nimbnutz.

You'll have to try harder if you're going to get to the rderp level of stupidity.
You're probably right.

When it comes to rderp-masters.....

.....it's probably much-too-late for any Progressives to catch-up to you Teabaggers.​
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You forgot that the earth is only 6 thousand years old and the crazy beliefs of the "dominionists".
Yeah... like Hussein, Communist, Kenyan, Class Warfare and all the rest of the shit right wingers spew aren't strawmen and talking points.
Pretty poor attempt at deflection, nimbnutz.

You'll have to try harder if you're going to get to the rderp level of stupidity.

Well... if he's stupid, then I wonder how people like you draw their next breath....without some schmuck on AM radio telling you to, that is.
Yeah... like Hussein, Communist, Kenyan, Class Warfare and all the rest of the shit right wingers spew aren't strawmen and talking points.
Pretty poor attempt at deflection, nimbnutz.

You'll have to try harder if you're going to get to the rderp level of stupidity.

Well... if he's stupid, then I wonder how people like you draw their next breath....without some schmuck on AM radio telling you to, that is.
I don't listen to AM radio.

I still can't figure out how hopelessly dependent dumb fucks like you can manage to feed yourselves, without official gubmint instructions on how to find your mouth with a spoon.
What you, and others of your ilk, fail to realize Dino is this: As much as you and your leftist true believers believe the arguments Republicans are defending are losers, the true believers on their side believe the arguments you and yours defend are losers as well.
Health Care for any American (who needs it) is good.

Obamacare sucks and is bad for America.

Yes, now that the CBO admits it lied and it is going to cost us a ton......but to bad you liars didn't have the balls to face the American people and admit during the debate over the bill we had to pass so we could find out what was in it.
You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.

A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Science is NOT a faith.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

And while we're at it.

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.

:lol: never heard that one.
Cutting "education" has already been done and the quality has shown to have improved.

Just look at Wisconsin.

Another stupid statement by the King of Stupid Statements...Chri...er....RDean.

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