Will Republicans just STOP trying to defend "losing arguments"?

When Demoncrats stop re-distributing our wealth to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Just say no to the bill forgiving repayment of loans to Egypt.
Pretty poor attempt at deflection, nimbnutz.

You'll have to try harder if you're going to get to the rderp level of stupidity.

Well... if he's stupid, then I wonder how people like you draw their next breath....without some schmuck on AM radio telling you to, that is.
I don't listen to AM radio.

I still can't figure out how hopelessly dependent dumb fucks like you can manage to feed yourselves, without official gubmint instructions on how to find your mouth with a spoon.

Oh... that's easy.... I work, I get paid, I shop, I eat. Thanks for playing, you get an "E" for effort.... although, your effort was pretty lame because all you did was take my original dig and changed the words around a little.

BTW.... I don't believe you about the AM radio.
You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.

A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Science is NOT a faith.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

And while we're at it.

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.
all valid points of discussion Dean......now its your commentary after the point that 90% of the Posters that get on you are talking about......so Quit trying to act like its the point itself....every point you bring up is always followed by the Dean standards....The Republican Party this....The Republican party that.....they are 90% white.....Republicans are against this......Republicans are against that......and then you have enough gall to say......"i dont hate Republicans.....its just the leadership".... my fucking ass....
Health Care for any American (who needs it) is good.

Obamacare sucks and is bad for America.

Yes, now that the CBO admits it lied and it is going to cost us a ton......but to bad you liars didn't have the balls to face the American people and admit during the debate over the bill we had to pass so we could find out what was in it.
I surely-do hate to confuse you with a big-city publication, Goober, but.......


Obamacare Is Working!!!


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


Who cares what Forbes says.

"Working" only means that the addicts to the federal tit like it.

Or that in this case, you are forcing the young (who don't want insurance) to pay for the elderly so the elderly can leach off the system.

Sorry...another fail.
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Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

No one ever made the claim that it was. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare affordable. Premiums have gone up because of the 20,000 page bill that was done transparently behind locked doors.
We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

We won the war in Iraq in 3 months time. Then Bush and Rumsfeld screwed up the peace. I know I've stated this many many times if you would just listen. But then again Bush isn't running again, And it's Bush's fault won't make it this time.

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.

Yes Bush made a stupid comment. But when he left office there were still 12,000 troops in Afghanistan whose primary mission was to hunt down UBL. I can't comment on the CIA.

A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

Capital gains tax is capital gains tax, You controlled congress for 2 years why is it an issue now?

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Good thing everyone has their own vote.....

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

No but they are made up of people.
Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Link please.
Science is NOT a faith.

Depends upon the definition of science. Some of it is pretty wacked out.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

I don't know anyone who ever said that. Unless it was about someone they knew personally, and then it's none of your business

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Some probably are.........

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

No clue where that came from.....

And while we're at it.

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

And no clue where that came from........
When Demoncrats stop re-distributing our wealth to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Just say no to the bill forgiving repayment of loans to Egypt.

Serious question -

WHERE does garbage like this come from? Who says it and why would anyone actually believe it?
Health Care for any American (who needs it) is good.

Obamacare sucks and is bad for America.

Yes, now that the CBO admits it lied and it is going to cost us a ton......but to bad you liars didn't have the balls to face the American people and admit during the debate over the bill we had to pass so we could find out what was in it.
I surely-do hate to confuse you with a big-city publication, Goober, but.......

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:



And its driving the pubs absolutely nutz.

I suspect there are people who would actually refuse the benefits rather than admit to the fact that ObamaCare is, does and will work FOR us.

Thank you Mr. President.
Health Care for any American (who needs it) is good.

Obamacare sucks and is bad for America.

Yes, now that the CBO admits it lied and it is going to cost us a ton......but to bad you liars didn't have the balls to face the American people and admit during the debate over the bill we had to pass so we could find out what was in it.
I surely-do hate to confuse you with a big-city publication, Goober, but.......

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:



And its driving the pubs absolutely nutz.

I suspect there are people who would actually refuse the benefits rather than admit to the fact that ObamaCare is, does and will work FOR us.

Thank you Mr. President.

Another Kool Aid drinker.

"Working" means you are hitting the young (who are having a hard enough time as it is) with insurance they don't want so the elderly can keep more of their SS and buy stuff they don't need.

Thank you Mr. President.

Sending your ass back to Chicago should be pretty easy.
A list of typical leftie anti-American crap and a swipe at Christianity. What else is new?
When Demoncrats stop re-distributing our wealth to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Just say no to the bill forgiving repayment of loans to Egypt.

Serious question -

WHERE does garbage like this come from? Who says it and why would anyone actually believe it?

I agree. It is garbage. Our president said it. Congress is buying it. We are paying for it.

2 Billion dollars worth.

How many student loans in this country would that forgive? How many fewer American children would go to bed hungry?
Charity begins at home.
You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Which arguments are you talking about?

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

Who said it was?

We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

Why are Democrats afraid to win wars?

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.


A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

Yet Obama defends it.

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Yet you want to run this country at the behest of the wealthy corporations you like.

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

I am not your friend.

Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Taking money away from the states just to give it back after making them jump through some tome hoops is abhorrent.

Science is NOT a faith.

Yet you keep acting like it is.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

What is enough?

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Can you explain the scientific studies linking vaccines to autism if that is 100% true?

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

You prefer unacceptable levels of birth defects? I thought I was supposed to be the heartless bastard.

And while we're at it.

At what?

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

It actually came when Adam flushed the toilet. :razz:

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.

Not if you are going to participate.
When Demoncrats stop re-distributing our wealth to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Just say no to the bill forgiving repayment of loans to Egypt.

Serious question -

WHERE does garbage like this come from? Who says it and why would anyone actually believe it?

I agree. It is garbage. Our president said it. Congress is buying it. We are paying for it.

2 Billion dollars worth.

How many student loans in this country would that forgive? How many fewer American children would go to bed hungry?
Charity begins at home.

We've forgiven so many to Israel it's ridiculous, dittohead...
Will Republicans just STOP trying to defend "losing arguments"?
I'm pretty-certain it's a deeply-ingrained habit, by now......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDgRr_Ynvc]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]​

Wow, all those crying white people. So sad. Boo hoo.

There's gays and there's working people.

Who are they taking the country back from? Cuz they seem to want to give it to billionaires.
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You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Which arguments are you talking about?

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

Who said it was?

Why are Democrats afraid to win wars?


Yet Obama defends it.

Yet you want to run this country at the behest of the wealthy corporations you like.

I am not your friend.

Taking money away from the states just to give it back after making them jump through some tome hoops is abhorrent.

Yet you keep acting like it is.

What is enough?

Can you explain the scientific studies linking vaccines to autism if that is 100% true?

You prefer unacceptable levels of birth defects? I thought I was supposed to be the heartless bastard.

At what?

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

It actually came when Adam flushed the toilet. :razz:

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.

Not if you are going to participate.

See how stupid somebody is? Not a single link. Here, let me give one to the Duhmmy.

CDC Study Shows No Vaccine, Autism Link

It forgot it's "Thinking Cap".

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You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.

A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Science is NOT a faith.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

And while we're at it.

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.

When did you ever have a serious debate, Deanie? You start strings that blame Republicans for EVERYTHING with ridiculous crap pulled from sources like the Huffington Post or Think Progress and then accuse anyone who laughs at you (and that IS the usual response to your stuff) of "lying" about the topic.

How is what you post, in any way shape or form, "serious"?
You can't have a "serious" debate if you keep defending losing arguments that you have to know are indefensible.

Health care for Americans is NOT bad.

We didn't "win" in Iraq. They hate us. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Their women are now enslaved in Burkas when they weren't before. In other words, the "cure" is much worse than the "disease".

Bush really did say that he didn't think about Bin Laden and he really did close down the CIA unit assigned with finding Bin Laden.

A 13.9% tax rate on someone who made more than $20,000,000.00 is indefensible.

A country totally controlled by the wealthy and corporations is NOT a good thing.

Corporations are NOT people my friend.

Cutting education by a half billion to a billion per state is not defensible.

Science is NOT a faith.

You can stop abortion, but you can't punish the mother by not helping her once she is forced to have the baby. Saying "It's her fault she got pregnant" is not enough.

Scientists are not lazy liars with an agenda.

Acceptable levels of new birth defects to create jobs is not to be defended.

And while we're at it.

The Grand Canyon did NOT come from "Noah's Flood".

Once you get passed these ridiculous talking points, we can begin to have a real discussion.

Dont forget to make a stop into here on election night s0n!!! Its gonna be a fucking hoot..........but not for you!!!:fu:


Listen......to allmy conservative pals on here. No worries.........just make positively sure that you show up here on election night because its gonna be the most epic political ideology WIN party you';ve ever seen...........and I'll be in here wiht dozens of new gay MS Paint Photobucket Classics rubbing the salt in the open woulnds of the k00ks who are going to be the most misearable mofu's to walk the planet in the past 100 years.
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