Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

If he loses, there will be violence.

What he has done is validate hate, anger, and bigotry on a mass scale. Mix that with record purchases of weaponry and testosterone…

How it manifests itself is anyone’s guess.

If he loses, there will be violence.

What he has done is validate hate, anger, and bigotry on a mass scale. Mix that with record purchases of weaponry and testosterone…

How it manifests itself is anyone’s guess.
Oy vey...Another post typical of you. Struggling to rise to the level of galactically stupid.
Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk.

A good life for those that oppose working class freedom?
"working class freedom"....An illusion created by those who's style of government is an abject failure...
Freedom of the so called "working class" does not exist.
Never has....
Example of a complex Idiot-gram (CrusaderFrank will be so green with envy)
you live under a rock?
have brain damage?
or are you really so stewpud that you don't know that leftist have already rioted?

First off, FU.

That said, define "leftist" and point out where and when this set of people have already rioted. Leave the ad hominem's out, and stop being an asshole; offer proof of you comments with evidence. Define your terms, what is a riot (in your mind, not a cut and paste from a dictionary) and then describe the behavior of those who express their opinions which so scares you.
liberals riot at trump rally - Google Search

so many to choose from.

liberals attack trump supporters - YouTube

so many on youtube.

rioting is when a low life batch of people can't control themselves and damage property and attack people.

like you and your leftist buddies.

now, are you going to keep pretending your ignorant of the fact you and yours have no self control and resort to violence when you don't get your way?

Individual acts of violence are not riots, and to claim these individual acts are committed by liberals is unsupported; there is no evidence to prove your claim.

There is evidence that non liberals have threatened violence, and committed acts of violence, even premeditated murder is well known. Consider for example the actions of Mcveigh, Roeder, Rudolph, the Bundy Bunch, self proclaimed Sovereign Citizens and arch conservative religious zealots.
so your defense is that we can't know who it was that attacked trump supporters even though everywhere were hillary and bernie banners.

that's some of the worst lying I have ever seen.

your violent, you will riot if trump wins.
real ta;lk
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
Probably. Throughout all of human history there have been riots when a leader and their government go after minority groups in their nation.
Define "go after"...
Take away rights and incite fear and hatred against
It appears to me like you want to kill them if they do. How tyrannical, how despotic.

I choose not to see it that way.

Oppressors need to die. Period.

"See it that way"....No, this is what you want. And you doubled down on it...
Fortunately, we the majority of freedom loving Americans will never allow your kind to make any headway.
So you can go back to your cult and report that it's just not going to work out for you.
Now, if you are thinking you have any chance in hell of carrying some kind of aggression against the people, you come get ya some.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
Probably. Throughout all of human history there have been riots when a leader and their government go after minority groups in their nation.
Define "go after"...
Take away rights and incite fear and hatred against
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
Probably. Throughout all of human history there have been riots when a leader and their government go after minority groups in their nation.
Define "go after"...
Take away rights and incite fear and hatred against
And how do you propose this will happen?
BTW, with the above post it is YOU who are inciting fear and hatred.
Pot to kettle. "You're black"....
You're out of your mind.

You have me confused with Trump.

Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk. And yes, you're out of your mind.

What do you have against working people?
Now, let's dispense with this term "working people"....Because in the left wing world that means "union"...
Only 7% of the private sector are members of unions. That number continues to shrink.
Next, you disqualify from the "working people" umbrella, anyone who is not working in a grimy outdated factory or anyone that occupies an office environment.
Working people is a term that no longer applies to anything. It's an outdated concept.
You're out of your mind.

You have me confused with Trump.

Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk. And yes, you're out of your mind.

What do you have against working people?
Now, let's dispense with this term "working people"....Because in the left wing world that means "union"...
Only 7% of the private sector are members of unions. That number continues to shrink.
Next, you disqualify from the "working people" umbrella, anyone who is not working in a grimy outdated factory or anyone that occupies an office environment.
Working people is a term that no longer applies to anything. It's an outdated concept.

Wow. I guess a right wing fruit cake might believe that crap.
Dood, you know what Chinese water torture actually sounds like? "Bing bing ... bong bong"...

Nah, that sounds like someone high on pot.

"woman who fly upside down have crack up"
You're out of your mind.

You have me confused with Trump.

Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk. And yes, you're out of your mind.

What do you have against working people?
Now, let's dispense with this term "working people"....Because in the left wing world that means "union"...
Only 7% of the private sector are members of unions. That number continues to shrink.
Next, you disqualify from the "working people" umbrella, anyone who is not working in a grimy outdated factory or anyone that occupies an office environment.
Working people is a term that no longer applies to anything. It's an outdated concept.

Wow. I guess a right wing fruit cake might believe that crap.
What crap?....Hey pal, those are the facts.
Any thinking person knows precisely the lefty definition of "working people"....
It got called out and exposed. So you're just pissed off.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
Probably. Throughout all of human history there have been riots when a leader and their government go after minority groups in their nation.

One agree off the third post in 48 pages. Tisk.
You're out of your mind.

You have me confused with Trump.

Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk. And yes, you're out of your mind.

What do you have against working people?

Absolutely nothing. But I shudder to think what his definition of "hindering the freedom of working people" is. I mean, death to states who pass right to work legislation, or people who refuse to let people unionize?

Death might be too much, but I'd like to see their ass kicked in some way. When you screw working people with heartless stunts like that, you deserve some repercussions.
Here we go.....Another lefty definition of the so called "working people" .....Permanent members of a victim class.
re: OP

With Hell freezing over and all, I suspect riots will be the least of our problems. If Trump wins that is.
You have me confused with Trump.

Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk. And yes, you're out of your mind.

What do you have against working people?
Now, let's dispense with this term "working people"....Because in the left wing world that means "union"...
Only 7% of the private sector are members of unions. That number continues to shrink.
Next, you disqualify from the "working people" umbrella, anyone who is not working in a grimy outdated factory or anyone that occupies an office environment.
Working people is a term that no longer applies to anything. It's an outdated concept.

Wow. I guess a right wing fruit cake might believe that crap.
What crap?....Hey pal, those are the facts.
Any thinking person knows precisely the lefty definition of "working people"....
It got called out and exposed. So you're just pissed off.

Yep. Youre still an idiot.

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