Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

I don't think there will be riots if Trump wins, but we can be sure as shit there will be when Clinton wins. These fucking crazed rightist nutjobs will be out in the streets with their guns trying to pretend they're being attacked by some totalitarian regime.
Fear monger.
It appears to me like you want to kill them if they do. How tyrannical, how despotic.

I choose not to see it that way.

Oppressors need to die. Period.

"See it that way"....No, this is what you want. And you doubled down on it...
Fortunately, we the majority of freedom loving Americans will never allow your kind to make any headway.
So you can go back to your cult and report that it's just not going to work out for you.
Now, if you are thinking you have any chance in hell of carrying some kind of aggression against the people, you come get ya some.
yeah not in the area no way
Yanno, with a tagline like this:

Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду!

Which roughly translates as:

"Death to those who hinder the freedom of working people!"

You have zero room to talk. And yes, you're out of your mind.

What do you have against working people?
Now, let's dispense with this term "working people"....Because in the left wing world that means "union"...
Only 7% of the private sector are members of unions. That number continues to shrink.
Next, you disqualify from the "working people" umbrella, anyone who is not working in a grimy outdated factory or anyone that occupies an office environment.
Working people is a term that no longer applies to anything. It's an outdated concept.

Wow. I guess a right wing fruit cake might believe that crap.
What crap?....Hey pal, those are the facts.
Any thinking person knows precisely the lefty definition of "working people"....
It got called out and exposed. So you're just pissed off.

Yep. Youre still an idiot.
yep As predictable as the summer thunderstorms on the Florida Gulf Coast. Straight out of the lib playbook...When losing an argument, absent of substantive rebuttal, insult your opponent. Sheesh
It appears to me like you want to kill them if they do. How tyrannical, how despotic.

I choose not to see it that way.

Oppressors need to die. Period.

"See it that way"....No, this is what you want. And you doubled down on it...
Fortunately, we the majority of freedom loving Americans will never allow your kind to make any headway.
So you can go back to your cult and report that it's just not going to work out for you.
Now, if you are thinking you have any chance in hell of carrying some kind of aggression against the people, you come get ya some.
yeah not in the area no way
Onyx is so out of breath with anger, you have to stick up for him/her.....Funny shit right there.
I don't think there will be riots if Trump wins, but we can be sure as shit there will be when Clinton wins. These fucking crazed rightist nutjobs will be out in the streets with their guns trying to pretend they're being attacked by some totalitarian regime.

And yet it is the liberals who are attacking Trump supporters and people who have Trump signs in their yards.
This is correct. People with Trump signs have had their homes vandalized. Those displaying Trump bumper stickers, cars vandalized.
This is how libs operate. Worst of all, the libs think this criminal behavior is justified.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.
yeah...Sure. Keep believing that....Pea brain
I don't think there will be riots if Trump wins, but we can be sure as shit there will be when Clinton wins. These fucking crazed rightist nutjobs will be out in the streets with their guns trying to pretend they're being attacked by some totalitarian regime.

And yet it is the liberals who are attacking Trump supporters and people who have Trump signs in their yards.
Bullshit. To blame the violence solely on the left is bullshit. Just lies. You people believe a reality you want rather than a reality that is true.

"Top Ten Donald Trump Examples of Violence and Bullying

(10) Trump was accused of using mob-like strong-arm tactics (breaking out the brass knuckles) against the Rolling Stones and Steel Wheels tour producer Michael Cohl in 1989.
(9) Trump has denied protesters their constitutional rights to freedom of speech, assembly and dissent; currently at least three protesters are suing Trump after being manhandled and physically abused at his campaign events. Peaceful protestors have been threatened, verbally abused, spat on, pepper-sprayed, manhandled, beaten and kicked by Trump supporters. Slate has documented 20 different occurrences of violence at Trump events, and that doesn't include violence that occurred outside the venues in question.
(8) Trump campaign manager Roger Stone threatened the entire RNC by promising to give out the names and phone numbers of delegates who switched from Trump to another candidate.
(7) Trump bullied a little old lady, Vera Coking, by attempting to use eminent domain to steal her house for a quarter of its value; fortunately she stood up to his bullying in court and was able to keep her house.
(6) Trump bullies and insults the handicapped, women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Jews and Muslims. And for more than a decade, he tried to keep disabled vets from street vending on ritzy Fifth Avenue.
(5) Trump was accused of rape by his first wife, Ivana, after he became enraged by a botched scalp reduction procedure performed by a doctor she had recommended.
(4) Trump seems anxious to start torturing people, as he called for waterboarding and more extreme measures, even though experts have said that torture is counter-productive for information gathering.
(3) Trump insists that American soldiers must become mass murderers of women and children, by hunting down and "taking out" the families of terrorists for purposes of "retribution."
(2) Trump wants Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia (the later home to Osama bin Laden and most of the 9-11 attackers) to have nukes.
(1) Trump says that he won't rule out using nukes in Europe or attacking China militarily over trade disagreements.

Donald Trump seems to bring out the worst in everyone: his supporters and the opposition. How can a politician so divisive help the United States come together"
Donald Trump Violence Quotes
Anyone with an agenda can make up lists....
Such a list of what's wrong with Hillary Clinton would be miles long....
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.

When has the left asked rioters to back down when they are destroying their neighborhoods? When have they come out and asked thugs to stop killing cops? When have they come out and condemned the animals screaming 'allah' as they kill?

The left loves violence when it plays into their hand.
This is stupid. We are talking about how Trump incites people to violence and has a violent temperament

If you want to talk about crime in US neighborhoods, start another thread.

Because of his violent rhetoric, he will incite minorities to be violent, if he is elected. Because his supporters agree with him, there will be riots between certain groups he has incited and his supporters. So the answer to your OP question, "Will there be riots if Trump is elected?" Yes, I think probably so.
No...Violence in our inner cities is an important issue.
Because inner city dwellers are primarily protected classes, the Left chooses to ignore that issue and resort to personal attacks.
60 years of liberal control of major cities, all the promises to end poverty, create jobs, etc have resulted in violent places occupied by a permanent underclass.
All of which is sanctioned by wealthy liberals....
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.
yeah...Sure. Keep believing that....Pea brain
The Trump Effect: Our kids and country are still being contaminated
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.

When has the left asked rioters to back down when they are destroying their neighborhoods? When have they come out and asked thugs to stop killing cops? When have they come out and condemned the animals screaming 'allah' as they kill?

The left loves violence when it plays into their hand.
This is stupid. We are talking about how Trump incites people to violence and has a violent temperament

If you want to talk about crime in US neighborhoods, start another thread.

Because of his violent rhetoric, he will incite minorities to be violent, if he is elected. Because his supporters agree with him, there will be riots between certain groups he has incited and his supporters. So the answer to your OP question, "Will there be riots if Trump is elected?" Yes, I think probably so.
No...Violence in our inner cities is an important issue.
Because inner city dwellers are primarily protected classes, the Left chooses to ignore that issue and resort to personal attacks.
60 years of liberal control of major cities, all the promises to end poverty, create jobs, etc have resulted in violent places occupied by a permanent underclass.
All of which is sanctioned by wealthy liberals....
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.
yeah...Sure. Keep believing that....Pea brain
America’s Therapists Are Worried About Trump’s Effect On Your Mental Health

His candidacy is sowing fear, distress and anger across the country, they say. Here’s what one psychologist is doing to try to stop it.

By Gail Sheehy October 10, 2016

What is Donald Trump doing to Americans’ mental health? It came up in the debate Sunday night, when Hillary Clinton pointed to a “Trump effect,” an uptick in bullying and distress that teachers are noticing in classrooms as their students are exposed to a candidate who regularly attacks his opponents in bombastic, even threatening terms. The new revelation of Trump’s crude boasts in 2005 about being able to kiss and grope women and “move on” a married woman “like a bitch” gave new fuel to the charge that his candidacy might be normalizing aggressive, disparaging talk and behavior.

This all might be another political attack, just stacked up on top of the familiar charges that Trump is a danger to national security, an impulsive and erratic personality, and indifferent to the Constitution. But thousands of therapists are worried that it’s something more—and they’ve been saying so for months.

Over the summer, some 3,000 therapists signed a self-described manifesto declaring Trump’s proclivity for scapegoating, intolerance and blatant sexism a “threat to the well-being of the people we care for” and urging others in the profession to speak out against him. Written and circulated online by University of Minnesota psychologist William J. Doherty, the manifesto enumerated a variety of effects therapists report seeing in their patients: that Trump’s combative and chaotic campaign has stoked feelings of anxiety, fear, shame and helplessness, especially in women, gay people, minority groups and nonwhite immigrants, who feel not just alienated but personally targeted by the candidate’s message.

The manifesto also made a subtler point: that all the attention heaped on Trump is actually making it harder for therapists to do their jobs. Trump’s campaign is legitimizing, even celebrating, a set of personal behaviors that psychotherapists work to reverse every day in their offices: “The tendency to blame ‘others’ in our lives for our personal fears and insecurities, and then battle these ‘others,’ instead of taking the healthier, more difficult path, of self-awareness and self-responsibility,” as Doherty wrote. Trump also “normalizes a kind of hyper-masculinity that is antithetical to the healthy relationships that psychotherapy helps people achieve.” Not to mention that his comments in the 2005 tape, Doherty says, are consistent with the behavior of a “sexual predator.”

Women have been a repeated target of Trump’s, particularly of late, with his crude hot mic comments, his revived body-shaming attacks against former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and his not-so-veiled threats on Hillary Clinton’s life—suggesting that Second Amendment supporters could take up arms against her, or that Clinton’s bodyguards should disarm to “see what happens to her.” Those comments have touched a nerve in many women, sometimes even more alarmingly among those dealing with the post-traumatic effects of physical or sexual abuse by husbands, boyfriends or fathers.

Patrick Dougherty, a trauma therapist in the Twin Cities who is a longtime colleague of Doherty’s (no relation), has found that even his mostly white heterosexual male patients—Trump’s demographic sweet spot—are experiencing anger and fear as a result of Trump’s campaign. Partly it’s that many of the men Dougherty treats grew up in dysfunctional families—a violent or alcoholic parent, or one who was depressed or negligent. Trump’s aggressiveness is triggering for them personal childhood traumas, says Dougherty, himself a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War. For others, Trump is contributing to a sense of “collective trauma,” a blow that tears at the basic tissue of social life.

Trump’s emergence in therapy sessions presents a powerful conflict for some therapists between their professional norms—which include not imposing their political beliefs on their clients—and what some describe as a strong, even historic sense of moral obligation to keep this candidate out of the White House. Kirsten Lind Seal, a therapist who teaches ethics at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and signed Doherty’s manifesto, assured me, “I am not going to diagnose Trump from afar, but I have an ethical obligation to make my voice heard [outside of the consulting room] about how bigotry, xenophobia, racist and sexist speech is ripping apart the fabric of our social and political life.”
America’s Therapists Are Worried About Trump’s Effect On Your Mental Health

(Dohert is a former Marine.)
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.
yeah...Sure. Keep believing that....Pea brain
The Trump Effect: Our kids and country are still being contaminated
good 1
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.
yeah...Sure. Keep believing that....Pea brain
America’s Therapists Are Worried About Trump’s Effect On Your Mental Health

His candidacy is sowing fear, distress and anger across the country, they say. Here’s what one psychologist is doing to try to stop it.

By Gail Sheehy October 10, 2016

What is Donald Trump doing to Americans’ mental health? It came up in the debate Sunday night, when Hillary Clinton pointed to a “Trump effect,” an uptick in bullying and distress that teachers are noticing in classrooms as their students are exposed to a candidate who regularly attacks his opponents in bombastic, even threatening terms. The new revelation of Trump’s crude boasts in 2005 about being able to kiss and grope women and “move on” a married woman “like a bitch” gave new fuel to the charge that his candidacy might be normalizing aggressive, disparaging talk and behavior.

This all might be another political attack, just stacked up on top of the familiar charges that Trump is a danger to national security, an impulsive and erratic personality, and indifferent to the Constitution. But thousands of therapists are worried that it’s something more—and they’ve been saying so for months.

Over the summer, some 3,000 therapists signed a self-described manifesto declaring Trump’s proclivity for scapegoating, intolerance and blatant sexism a “threat to the well-being of the people we care for” and urging others in the profession to speak out against him. Written and circulated online by University of Minnesota psychologist William J. Doherty, the manifesto enumerated a variety of effects therapists report seeing in their patients: that Trump’s combative and chaotic campaign has stoked feelings of anxiety, fear, shame and helplessness, especially in women, gay people, minority groups and nonwhite immigrants, who feel not just alienated but personally targeted by the candidate’s message.

The manifesto also made a subtler point: that all the attention heaped on Trump is actually making it harder for therapists to do their jobs. Trump’s campaign is legitimizing, even celebrating, a set of personal behaviors that psychotherapists work to reverse every day in their offices: “The tendency to blame ‘others’ in our lives for our personal fears and insecurities, and then battle these ‘others,’ instead of taking the healthier, more difficult path, of self-awareness and self-responsibility,” as Doherty wrote. Trump also “normalizes a kind of hyper-masculinity that is antithetical to the healthy relationships that psychotherapy helps people achieve.” Not to mention that his comments in the 2005 tape, Doherty says, are consistent with the behavior of a “sexual predator.”

Women have been a repeated target of Trump’s, particularly of late, with his crude hot mic comments, his revived body-shaming attacks against former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and his not-so-veiled threats on Hillary Clinton’s life—suggesting that Second Amendment supporters could take up arms against her, or that Clinton’s bodyguards should disarm to “see what happens to her.” Those comments have touched a nerve in many women, sometimes even more alarmingly among those dealing with the post-traumatic effects of physical or sexual abuse by husbands, boyfriends or fathers.

Patrick Dougherty, a trauma therapist in the Twin Cities who is a longtime colleague of Doherty’s (no relation), has found that even his mostly white heterosexual male patients—Trump’s demographic sweet spot—are experiencing anger and fear as a result of Trump’s campaign. Partly it’s that many of the men Dougherty treats grew up in dysfunctional families—a violent or alcoholic parent, or one who was depressed or negligent. Trump’s aggressiveness is triggering for them personal childhood traumas, says Dougherty, himself a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War. For others, Trump is contributing to a sense of “collective trauma,” a blow that tears at the basic tissue of social life.

Trump’s emergence in therapy sessions presents a powerful conflict for some therapists between their professional norms—which include not imposing their political beliefs on their clients—and what some describe as a strong, even historic sense of moral obligation to keep this candidate out of the White House. Kirsten Lind Seal, a therapist who teaches ethics at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and signed Doherty’s manifesto, assured me, “I am not going to diagnose Trump from afar, but I have an ethical obligation to make my voice heard [outside of the consulting room] about how bigotry, xenophobia, racist and sexist speech is ripping apart the fabric of our social and political life.”
America’s Therapists Are Worried About Trump’s Effect On Your Mental Health

(Dohert is a former Marine.)
excellent post
Russians by definition cannot commit treason against the United States.

Running for political office in opposition to the politburo isn't treason yet.
Running for office in Russia against the United Russia or Communist parties will attract death threats, getting beat up by goons and perhaps even getting killed.
death threats will occur regardless
I am afraid Trump has little to do with this, he's just a pawn. The far right/neo-nazis have been on the rise in Europe for quite a while, and with it various forms of hate speech including among children, maybe not so much the sexist stuff.

Traditionally the Soviet Union has been supporting left-wing terrorists, be it Palestinians, Basque, IRA, Red Army Faction and whatnot. I am not going to comment on their cause, just that they committed terrorist acts on European soil in order to destabilize Western Europe.

Neo-nazis have existed in the USA and Europe for a long time, they were certainly around in the 1970s and later, and no doubt earlier, but no state would provide them support.

Enter Putin, who figured out several years ago that in order to take over Europe, he needs to fund and help these groups in various ways.

Russia Hosting Europe’s Neo-Nazis, Nationalists and Anti-Semites, Putin Supporters All
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