Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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I don't believe the state should charge me for females who kill their own babies by listening to the lies of smoothe talkers who tell them how good their decision for themselves was, when in fact, it's a soul-kiliing thing to do to oneself, to kill one's unborn child. Those 600 million dead fetuses? There was a price to pay, and taxpayers have been taxed to death for a stupid Roe v. Wade footshoot decision against all unborn childrenin this nation. I'm sorry to tell you, but women are nothing like men. We are the givers of life, we need partners, but we don't need yo bull. And it's on you if you rattle some poor girl's hormones.

Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

Your original question did not include the information that the fetus was in a machin e.

you're changing the perimeters of the question.

The act of a coward.
No. It will not be overturned but the pro-abortion crowd will fuel this fear so they can keep up abortions out of the womb and sell the parts at markup.
I'm thinking Roe v. Wade will be overturned. It was a decision that had severe consequences and resulted in the annihilation of 60 million Americans. That's ten times more than were killed in Nazi Germany's Holocaust and attempted genocide of all the Jews in not only Europe but also in the Middle East, which was Hitler's agreement with the Mufti of Jerusalem who oversaw most of the Jewish poisonings with toxic gas showers complete with the lies they told to herd them into those rooms with securely locked doors from the outside.

The abortionists have killed ten times those killed in that manner. And I object to it all.

A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.
Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.
I don't speak to vomitus. You laid a trap for anyone by not setting your case straight. Can you say entrapment?

It's not a trap, you have all the info. two fetuses sans mother(s) in one room and a 6 month old baby in the next, who do you save? It's obvious you can't answer the question and I don't blame you, your entire pro-life argument just kind of went *poof*, didn't it?
I did answer your direct question. You hated the answer and are making a specious fool of yourself.

Nah…you posted a 70 word run-on-sentence that made no sense at all.

God kills babies in utero every year (or at least doesn’t save them).
This is the same God you worship to.
How can you do that?
That's God's decision. Since you claim there is a God, let Him decide.

I don’t make any such claim.

I’m taking those to task who do.
So you don't believe in God, but you claim God is killing babies in utero. You're nuts.

I believe the question is about your belief system as a religious person who is pro life why would you obey a god who let's "children" die?

Thanks for crystalizing my position. I look forward to the obfuscation, lies, slander, etc...
Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

Your original question did not include the information that the fetus was in a machin e.

you're changing the perimeters of the question.

The act of a coward.

Not changing, more like clarifying and now that it's out there, why don't you answer it?
You are the subject of Proverbs. It warns all God's people to avoid your kind, madam.

LOL, you're anger keeps you from actually understanding what's being posted. Reread who I posted to... ;)

She’s at a moral cross-roads. She’s worship a Gold who lets babies and Mothers die. She’s conflicted…. Which is bad. But she won’t admit it. Which is even worse.

God allows us to choose, He allows us to suffer from the choices we make. Death is a part of life Candy, you think that death is the end, I know that death is the beginning.

So the baby who dies in utero is being allowed to die for what reason?

You chose to kill it.

Read the Proverbs and you will know why I worship God. Then read the book of Matthew. That will answer your question, but you won't like it.

Sorry to paint you into the corner showing you the hilarious ridiculousness of your own beliefs—so much so that you’ve had to cower behind “read this” and “read that” instead of answering a direct question.

But you really brought it on yourself.

So God kills a baby. You supposedly hate that.
But you worship the God that allows a baby to die.

Yep—that is your existence in a nutshell.

You can continue to deny it but it is the truth.
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?
Your resorting to profanity against another person on this board is a very bad idea in debate. It means you have lost the debate, because you can't control your anger. Buh-bye.

You start calling me names…I’m happy to return the favor bitch.

I get that you hate being revealed as a brainless hypocrite but when you act like a brainless hypocrite…look in the mirror. You will find your answer there.

So you worship a baby killer. How does that make you feel?

You can’t answer the question…not because you’ll look more ridiculous than ever but because ….you don’t have an answer.

You can’t answer the question…

which one?

the original question, or the revised one?
Oh He IS in control, He just doesn't force anyone to do anything, He allows you/me to choose our own paths.

And he allows kids to die in utero. I’m wondering how you guys worship the God who lets babies die in the womb.
You believe in God?
Yet, you believe God is killing babies in utero. Confused much.

He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

Your original question did not include the information that the fetus was in a machin e.

you're changing the perimeters of the question.

The act of a coward.

Not changing, more like clarifying and now that it's out there, why don't you answer it?

LOL, you're anger keeps you from actually understanding what's being posted. Reread who I posted to... ;)

She’s at a moral cross-roads. She’s worship a Gold who lets babies and Mothers die. She’s conflicted…. Which is bad. But she won’t admit it. Which is even worse.

God allows us to choose, He allows us to suffer from the choices we make. Death is a part of life Candy, you think that death is the end, I know that death is the beginning.

So the baby who dies in utero is being allowed to die for what reason?

You chose to kill it.


God does not over ride free will.
If you choose to kill it so be it.
The problem you have is that you think death is the end, it isn't.
LOL, you're anger keeps you from actually understanding what's being posted. Reread who I posted to... ;)

She’s at a moral cross-roads. She’s worship a Gold who lets babies and Mothers die. She’s conflicted…. Which is bad. But she won’t admit it. Which is even worse.

God allows us to choose, He allows us to suffer from the choices we make. Death is a part of life Candy, you think that death is the end, I know that death is the beginning.

So the baby who dies in utero is being allowed to die for what reason?

You chose to kill it.


Me thinks they have not thought their arguments through.
Nah…you posted a 70 word run-on-sentence that made no sense at all.

God kills babies in utero every year (or at least doesn’t save them).
This is the same God you worship to.
How can you do that?
That's God's decision. Since you claim there is a God, let Him decide.

I don’t make any such claim.

I’m taking those to task who do.
So you don't believe in God, but you claim God is killing babies in utero. You're nuts.

I believe the question is about your belief system as a religious person who is pro life why would you obey a god who let's "children" die?

Thanks for crystalizing my position. I look forward to the obfuscation, lies, slander, etc...

Looks like they have a couple of holes in their arguments on an ethical and religious base.

A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

Your original question did not include the information that the fetus was in a machin e.

you're changing the perimeters of the question.

The act of a coward.

Not changing, more like clarifying and now that it's out there, why don't you answer it?


No bullshit.

Do you save the two fetus or the 6 month old baby. It comes down to that. I can't help it if you're a coward and can't answer the question.
She’s at a moral cross-roads. She’s worship a Gold who lets babies and Mothers die. She’s conflicted…. Which is bad. But she won’t admit it. Which is even worse.

God allows us to choose, He allows us to suffer from the choices we make. Death is a part of life Candy, you think that death is the end, I know that death is the beginning.

So the baby who dies in utero is being allowed to die for what reason?

You chose to kill it.


Me thinks they have not thought their arguments through.
That's God's decision. Since you claim there is a God, let Him decide.

I don’t make any such claim.

I’m taking those to task who do.
So you don't believe in God, but you claim God is killing babies in utero. You're nuts.

I believe the question is about your belief system as a religious person who is pro life why would you obey a god who let's "children" die?

Thanks for crystalizing my position. I look forward to the obfuscation, lies, slander, etc...

Looks like they have a couple of holes in their arguments on an ethical and religious base.

Au contraire my friend. I've thought it all the way through.
Sorry to paint you into the corner showing you the hilarious ridiculousness of your own beliefs—so much so that you’ve had to cower behind “read this” and “read that” instead of answering a direct question.

But you really brought it on yourself.

So God kills a baby. You supposedly hate that.
But you worship the God that allows a baby to die.

Yep—that is your existence in a nutshell.

You can continue to deny it but it is the truth.
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?
Your resorting to profanity against another person on this board is a very bad idea in debate. It means you have lost the debate, because you can't control your anger. Buh-bye.

You start calling me names…I’m happy to return the favor bitch.

I get that you hate being revealed as a brainless hypocrite but when you act like a brainless hypocrite…look in the mirror. You will find your answer there.

So you worship a baby killer. How does that make you feel?

You can’t answer the question…not because you’ll look more ridiculous than ever but because ….you don’t have an answer.

You can’t answer the question…

which one?

the original question, or the revised one?

Either one really:

If you believe God is in control…you have to believe that God lets babies die in utero and lets mothers die in child birth. So….in terms of our debate on abortion…if you’re pro-life; how do you worship a God who lets babies and mothers die?
Sorry to paint you into the corner showing you the hilarious ridiculousness of your own beliefs—so much so that you’ve had to cower behind “read this” and “read that” instead of answering a direct question.

But you really brought it on yourself.

So God kills a baby. You supposedly hate that.
But you worship the God that allows a baby to die.

Yep—that is your existence in a nutshell.

You can continue to deny it but it is the truth.
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?

Your ignorance of Christianity is showing honey.
You are the subject of Proverbs. It warns all God's people to avoid your kind, madam.

LOL, you're anger keeps you from actually understanding what's being posted. Reread who I posted to... ;)
I apologize. Thank you for pointing out my error.
God allows us to choose, He allows us to suffer from the choices we make. Death is a part of life Candy, you think that death is the end, I know that death is the beginning.

So the baby who dies in utero is being allowed to die for what reason?

You chose to kill it.


Me thinks they have not thought their arguments through.
I don’t make any such claim.

I’m taking those to task who do.
So you don't believe in God, but you claim God is killing babies in utero. You're nuts.

I believe the question is about your belief system as a religious person who is pro life why would you obey a god who let's "children" die?

Thanks for crystalizing my position. I look forward to the obfuscation, lies, slander, etc...

Looks like they have a couple of holes in their arguments on an ethical and religious base.

Au contraire my friend. I've thought it all the way through.

Doesn't appear that way but how knows, maybe you'll tell us why you worship a god that let's "children" die. But take issue with a fetus the size of a kidney bean being removed.
And he allows kids to die in utero. I’m wondering how you guys worship the God who lets babies die in the womb.
You believe in God?
Yet, you believe God is killing babies in utero. Confused much.

He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?

Your ignorance of Christianity is showing honey.
You are the subject of Proverbs. It warns all God's people to avoid your kind, madam.

LOL, you're anger keeps you from actually understanding what's being posted. Reread who I posted to... ;)
I apologize. Thank you for pointing out my error.

It’s okay…you have a lot of trouble keeping things straight. You hate abortion but are okay with God letting babies die. You call people names but are upset when they call you names.
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

Your original question did not include the information that the fetus was in a machin e.

you're changing the perimeters of the question.

The act of a coward.

Not changing, more like clarifying and now that it's out there, why don't you answer it?


No bullshit.

Do you save the two fetus or the 6 month old baby. It comes down to that. I can't help it if you're a coward and can't answer the question.
Dude, I answered the question 10 minutes ago and you haven't addressed my answer. Are you just baiting people into answering your stupid little hypothetical without any actual regard to their answers?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.
Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.
I don't speak to vomitus. You laid a trap for anyone by not setting your case straight. Can you say entrapment?

It's not a trap, you have all the info. two fetuses sans mother(s) in one room and a 6 month old baby in the next, who do you save? It's obvious you can't answer the question and I don't blame you, your entire pro-life argument just kind of went *poof*, didn't it?
I answered your question. You swore at me for my answer. Now you've changed your confused mind and are demanding an answer that will further your ability to entrap a poster you have already cursed. I stand by my original answer.

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