Will santorum denounce and leave the catholic church.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Santorum is still attacking Obama for alleging he sat in the pew for 20 years listening to Rev. Wright’s racist sermons. Obama denounce Rev. Wright and left the church as he was called to do.

What Rev. Wright said do not reflect on who Obama is. What Bill Ayers did before Obama was born do not reflect on who Obama is. If it does then what Santorum’s wife did by living 6 years with the doctor that delivered her must reflect on who he is. And the rape of children and nuns and impregnating them and forcing them to abort and bury their aborted fetus in the church court yard by priest for more than 20 years must reflect on who Santorum is and he should denounce the church and leave. If he does not he is a hypocrite.

Santorum is still attacking Obama for alleging he sat in the pew for 20 years listening to Rev. Wright’s racist sermons. Obama denounce Rev. Wright and left the church as he was called to do.

What Rev. Wright said do not reflect on who Obama is. What Bill Ayers did before Obama was born do not reflect on who Obama is. If it does then what Santorum’s wife did by living 6 years with the doctor that delivered her must reflect on who he is. And the rape of children and nuns and impregnating them and forcing them to abort and bury their aborted fetus in the church court yard by priest for more than 20 years must reflect on who Santorum is and he should denounce the church and leave. If he does not he is a hypocrite.

Several glaring misconceptions on blast here. First, the actual priest of pastor who is -your- personal priest or pastor has a more direct role on directing your beliefs than other priests or pastors who happen to share your denomination, yet who practice in other places and don't preach to you directly. Furthermore, the priests who were bending alter boys in the confessional weren't actually preaching the moral advantages to swearing celibacy and then committing pedophilia and rape. Their teachings were still typical Catholic doctrine despite its contradiction to their secretive actions. Therefore, even the people who actually sat in the pews and listened to the sermons of these degenerates weren't actually being swayed to commit the same sorts of crimes, and ESPECIALLY the people who sat under the sermons of OTHER preachers of the same faith cannot be assumed to have inherited a penchant for the buggery of youngins.

The contention with President Obama having attended the Church of Reverend Wright is that, because the man is alleged to have PREACHED ideals that promote racism against white people, there's a much better chance that such philosophies might have rubbed off on someone to whom this reverend was a DIRECT SPIRITUAL MENTOR. The validity of this claim may or may not be true, but implying that it's definitively stupid and trying to parallel it to your Catholic analogy is either ignorant or dishonest. Only you can truly say which.

On top of that, saying that someone should abandon their faith because others who practice that faith have done horrible things EVEN THOUGH those things are in direct conflict with the teachings of that faith is spectacularly silly. IMO, there's several truly compelling reasons why someone might not cling to denominational faith, but this doesn't even come close to qualifying as one of them.

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