Will Smith mulls running for the presidency because of Trump.

Smith, concerned over Trump's ethnic and racial insensitiveness has announced he may run for president.

Hidden in that bold statement is the assumption that Smith doesn't think the present field of democrats vying for the office are "up to snuff,' Including Hillary. Ol' Will might have a point there. Trump's domination of the airways and major TV networks have made and kept him a frontrunner in the polls for months. No other candidate of either party has been given a fraction of the air time Trump has. If Smith enters the race it is possible that he will take at least some of the exposure from Trump. But will it be enough?

Donald Trump may force me to run for President: Will Smith | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

If he believes America's problem(s) have anything to do with Trump's supposed "ethnic and racial insensitiveness" then he is a asshole and can fuck off.
Smith, concerned over Trump's ethnic and racial insensitiveness has announced he may run for president.

Hidden in that bold statement is the assumption that Smith doesn't think the present field of democrats vying for the office are "up to snuff,' Including Hillary. Ol' Will might have a point there. Trump's domination of the airways and major TV networks have made and kept him a frontrunner in the polls for months. No other candidate of either party has been given a fraction of the air time Trump has. If Smith enters the race it is possible that he will take at least some of the exposure from Trump. But will it be enough?

Donald Trump may force me to run for President: Will Smith | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

If he believes America's problem(s) have anything to do with Trump's supposed "ethnic and racial insensitiveness" then he is a asshole and can fuck off.
Ok... you don't leave much room for debate but your point has been made.
ZOMG!!! He's articulate! Is he clean too?? He could be the Return of Obama
You will have to ask Joe Biden if he is "clean." He is the sole authority on cleanliness of Black presidential candidates. But I don't know that Smith could approach the linguistic prowess of Obama who is a Harvard Graduate. Still, he speaks English in a way that most White people can accept and understand.
Smith's platform: welcome to Erff!!
Oh, stop with the stereotypes. Smith is painfully articulate.
Is he clean too?!! It's another storybook black guy !!
No negro dialect from what I've heard

What Negro dialect? He doesn't have that beautiful African accent if that is what you mean.
Nor is Smith burdened by the pidgin English or the Southern vernacular instilled by illiterate white overseers during slavery times.
Just another NI66ER, and member of the THUGERY....You can't take the GHETTO out of the rich black!

Smith's platform: welcome to Erff!!
Oh, stop with the stereotypes. Smith is painfully articulate.
Is he clean too?!! It's another storybook black guy !!
No negro dialect from what I've heard

Only when he wants one
He learned that from Hillary
The man IS an actor after all, just like your hero..Ray Gun
Oh, stop with the stereotypes. Smith is painfully articulate.
Is he clean too?!! It's another storybook black guy !!
No negro dialect from what I've heard

Only when he wants one
He learned that from Hillary
The man IS an actor after all, just like your hero..Ray Gun
Ronald is not my hero dumbass. As a GROWN MAN I no longer swoon over other people. I leave that for all the dumbfucks who lack so much within that they have to look elsewhere to find direction in their lives.
RUN WILL RUN! More democrats the democrat voters have to vote for the better!
He is good in movies. As POTUS? Oh hayell no.
But that is what they said about Reagan when he ran for governor of California and subsequently when he sought the presidency. Except reagan wasn't all that good in the moo-vies, better known as westerns.

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