Will someone please help me? I’m just not seeing the Memo dangers.

Yet, somehow I don't feel less safe right now

Could someone please enlighten me about what threat or threats might be lurking from sharing this information about malfeasance from many on the left and within our intelligence infrastructure?

OR is it that I was, once again, lied to by leftists trying to hold onto power :dunno:
And then it turns out to be a big nothing

Yup, now Trump (anyone on the Republican side) can produce a false document, get approval, spy using the intelligence agencies and undermine all Democratic candidates they desire.. nope, nothing to worry about there, parasite media and their banana republic lemmings agree..:)
The question has now become ~

Is there anything, anything at all Trump could do that the Republicans would not construct a fake 'crisis' or 'worse than Watergate' fallacy to cover his wrong doing? Because right now there appears to be nothing he could do where they would put the country before their party. Nothing.

here's a link on some of it from Adam Schiff....yes a democrat.. but someone who actually READ the underlying top secret material....unlike Nunes, the sponsor of the memo.... I'll keep searching

The 3 big lies in the Nunes memo, according to Democrats

On Friday, House Republicans and Donald Trump decided to release the Nunes memo, which purports to expose corruption and partisanship within the Department of Justice and the FBI. It suggests that surveillance of Carter Page, a one-time adviser to the Trump campaign, was based in part on a dossier funded by Democrats. The memo, taken at face value, falls well short of the hype.

But, in public statements and private comments to the press, Democrats are saying that at least three important claims in the document are incorrect.

Democrats say they have proof of these lies but are being blocked from making that information public. Adam Schiff and other Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee prepared a rebuttal to the Nunes memo with all the relevant facts but Republicans voted against making that document public.

The memo says the Deputy FBI Director testified there would have been no surveillance of Page without the dossier.
The heart of the memo is that the surveillance of Page would not have been possible without the Steele dossier. The memo says, “Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] without the Steele dossier information.” Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee say that is not true.

Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member, also confirmed that only portions of the dossier were presented to the court and some of that information already had “corroboration.”

The memo says the FBI failed to notify the surveillance court about the funding of the Steele dossier.
The memo says that the surveillance court was not notified that funding for the Steele dossier came from supporters of Hillary Clinton. “The application does not mention Steele was working on behalf of — and paid by — the DNC and the Clinton campaign,” the memo reads. A statement released by Schiff says claims “that the FBI failed to alert the court as to Mr. Steele’s potential political motivations or the political motivations of those who hired him” are “not accurate.”

The memo says that an article by Yahoo News was used to corroborate the Steele dossier.
The memo spends a long time discussing an article in Yahoo News, claiming it was used by the FBI to corroborate the Steele dossier. This is important, according to the memo, because Steele was allegedly a source for the Yahoo News article and, therefore, the corroboration was circular. Schiff’s statement says “this is not at all why the article was referenced.” The statement does not elaborate, presumably because the actual use of the Yahoo News article is still classified.

Schiff’s statement also says there are other inaccuracies in the Republican memo which would be revealed by the rebuttal memo prepared by Democrats.

Are these the same Democrats who said releasing the memo would harm National Security? Or are these the ones who said that it was criminal to use the FISA court to conduct surveillance on American Citizens?
The only round-a-bout threat to "national security" is that the values and principles of the FBI and DOJ are in serious question because it seems /very/ likely that they have become a politicized weapon used to facilitate the consolidation of power into the hands of political parties. Even one bad apple can spoil the bunch, here we have more than one. The FBI and DOJ are now facing the wrath and mistrust of the American public for bullshit they did. It is a validation of the very objections that were made when these spying on the public ideas were first floated.

Changes will have to be made in these groups, changes which could, and apparently fucking should, massively change the way that the FBI and DOJ are allowed to secretly observe and collect information on American fucking citizens.

Even if you want to argue that "the other cases were justified," it only takes one fake news based warrant to prove, without a doubt, that these spy operations on Americans, not only can, but fucking will, be used for illegitimate purposes.


It's a disgusting commentary on just how far America's government has sunk; top agencies have completely and utterly lost their principles and respect for the rule of law and the rights of the very citizens they were tasked to protect.

A validation of the age old theory; big government corrupts. THAT is why small government is better. I never thought that AMERICA would join that long list of corrupted governments. Sad.
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We have a constitutional right NOT to be spied on in this country.
Lying to a judge to accomplish it? Jail worthy...
Dems, here is the Russian collusion you so fervently wished for.
Be careful what you wish for..
However one has to wonder... given the number of judges Obama appointed... Is the judge who signed off on the warrant upset at being lied to? It’s no small secret that many of the Obama appointed judges have had it out for Trump, every bit as much as the corrupt FBI officials do. Many of them, are also cogs in the same machine.
BTW, it was just reported that the FISA Judge WAS MADE AWARE that the dossier did come from paid opposition research.... so the Nunes memo/( R narrative) lied.....

Also, in previous FISA WARRANT cases that lead to suits, the Court ruled that information provided by partisan or biased sources is no reason to turn down this evidence presented to the FISA judge.....

let that sink in.....
First. Where the hell are the National Security dangers? These vile and real dangers to our ways and means and intelligence sources? What was the FISA court actually secret? Or was it the low hurdles that are dwarfed by a blade of grass to get a warrant approved? People like me have been complaining about that for more than a decade.

Second. Now calling into the public light questions about Federal Agencies is playing into our enemies hands? That is what Wolf Blitzer says. CNN's Wolf Blitzer Attacks GOP for Memo Release: 'Putin Has Succeeded' - Breitbart Sorry about the Breitbart link, but that is all I could find with the video.

Nancy Pelosi says this is a constitutional crisis. Really?

Was it a Constitutional Crisis to say that Bush lied about WMDs and politicized the intelligence against Saddam? A lot of people certainly took issue, rightly in my mind, with Federal Agencies. When someone does the wrong thing, abuses their power, and lies to the people, they deserve criticism at the very least.

I admire what Snowden did. He told us the truth. I even like Manning telling us the truth. I like Truth. I am a truth whore, I’ll take it from anyone.

The real problem is that the politicized bullshit is exposed, and people may start to doubt the assertions of Federal Agencies, again rightly in my mind. Question Authority.

If you want a real resist movement, resist the whole sheep to the trust me Government mentality.

The democrats lied of course, that’s what they do. Remember also when Trump said he was spied on and the left told us he was delusional and an idiot? Lies are all the democrats have.

With the way our intelligence agencies appear to be politicized and allied to the Democratic party.....

How do we know that Bush lied about information forwarded to him by the intelligence agencies about the WMD's?




Clinton appointee George Tenent insisted it was a "slam dunk case", and the Bush regime took all the heat.

Purge DC of leftist filth and we will once again be able to contain these sociopaths.
...Purge DC of leftist filth and we will once again be able to contain these sociopaths.
Zum befehl, Herr Obergruppenfuhrer !!!

Gimme a break... do you have any idea how bad that sounds?... trying to suppress political adversaries... that's supposed to be a Leftist tactic, eh?

You're supposed to be better than that... on the high moral ground, eh?
...Purge DC of leftist filth and we will once again be able to contain these sociopaths.
Zum befehl, Herr Obergruppenfuhrer !!!

Gimme a break... do you have any idea how bad that sounds?... trying to suppress political adversaries... that's supposed to be a Leftist tactic, eh?

You're supposed to be better than that... on the high moral ground, eh?

Tell that to my political adversaries.

They want to disarm me and purge me as well as millions of others people. They seek to undermine the Constitution of the US. Their record is that of failure, malaise, stagnation and decline. Endeavoring to prevent such deliberate destruction of the nation IS the higher moral ground.
The memo appears to be a Big Nothingburger...

It appears to be, only because it's shit we knew already.

We knew The dossier was used as for probable cause. We now know for sure the people who used it knew it was bullshit though. It's a crime to knowingly use bullshit to obtain warrants.

If anyone is ever actually prosecuted for anything I will be surprised. I'm willing to bet it's more political drama that will be dragged out like some asinine Soap opera.

As long as democrooks lose more seats in 2018 the US will continue to heal.
instead we got piss mixed with vinegar and over flowing lies and deception! :D

The memo is just the beginning .. sheesh

False documents generated by the Clinton campaign were used by the Obama administration to undermine and spy on a (Trump) Presidential candidate and steal an election seems to be the probable bottom line.

If the scenario was reversed Democrats and the parasite media wouldn't care in the least...:popcorn:
good luck with that! :D
your beloved Nunes memo, says in the last paragraph, that the Russian investigation began with Papadopolous mouthing off in a bar with an Australian diplomat back in May of 2016 that the Russians had clinton/ campaign emails as dirt on Hillary....

and not with the dossier, not by Clinton....

Beloved..:laugh: ... I appreciate that Nunes finally got the ball rolling and we're all being informed for a change instead of suckholing left wing parasite crapola but you're welcome to continue, no problem.

So now the direction of the left in personal attacks and twisting reality as opposed to finding out the facts... nothing new there.
the Nunes memo was a dud....

Soooo.....you always knew that the officials in the FBI and DoJ were corrupt and biased????

here's a link on some of it from Adam Schiff....yes a democrat.. but someone who actually READ the underlying top secret material....unlike Nunes, the sponsor of the memo.... I'll keep searching

The 3 big lies in the Nunes memo, according to Democrats

On Friday, House Republicans and Donald Trump decided to release the Nunes memo, which purports to expose corruption and partisanship within the Department of Justice and the FBI. It suggests that surveillance of Carter Page, a one-time adviser to the Trump campaign, was based in part on a dossier funded by Democrats. The memo, taken at face value, falls well short of the hype.

But, in public statements and private comments to the press, Democrats are saying that at least three important claims in the document are incorrect.

Democrats say they have proof of these lies but are being blocked from making that information public. Adam Schiff and other Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee prepared a rebuttal to the Nunes memo with all the relevant facts but Republicans voted against making that document public.

The memo says the Deputy FBI Director testified there would have been no surveillance of Page without the dossier.
The heart of the memo is that the surveillance of Page would not have been possible without the Steele dossier. The memo says, “Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] without the Steele dossier information.” Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee say that is not true.

Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member, also confirmed that only portions of the dossier were presented to the court and some of that information already had “corroboration.”

The memo says the FBI failed to notify the surveillance court about the funding of the Steele dossier.
The memo says that the surveillance court was not notified that funding for the Steele dossier came from supporters of Hillary Clinton. “The application does not mention Steele was working on behalf of — and paid by — the DNC and the Clinton campaign,” the memo reads. A statement released by Schiff says claims “that the FBI failed to alert the court as to Mr. Steele’s potential political motivations or the political motivations of those who hired him” are “not accurate.”

The memo says that an article by Yahoo News was used to corroborate the Steele dossier.
The memo spends a long time discussing an article in Yahoo News, claiming it was used by the FBI to corroborate the Steele dossier. This is important, according to the memo, because Steele was allegedly a source for the Yahoo News article and, therefore, the corroboration was circular. Schiff’s statement says “this is not at all why the article was referenced.” The statement does not elaborate, presumably because the actual use of the Yahoo News article is still classified.

Schiff’s statement also says there are other inaccuracies in the Republican memo which would be revealed by the rebuttal memo prepared by Democrats.

This is serious, more than meets the eye....as it should be
First. Where the hell are the National Security dangers? These vile and real dangers to our ways and means and intelligence sources? What was the FISA court actually secret? Or was it the low hurdles that are dwarfed by a blade of grass to get a warrant approved? People like me have been complaining about that for more than a decade.

Second. Now calling into the public light questions about Federal Agencies is playing into our enemies hands? That is what Wolf Blitzer says. CNN's Wolf Blitzer Attacks GOP for Memo Release: 'Putin Has Succeeded' - Breitbart Sorry about the Breitbart link, but that is all I could find with the video.

I can see how this could be a question in your mind or anyone's mind, including my own....and I had been racking my brains on what was in this memo that was TOP SECRET? Not SECRET but top secret.....? So, to quote a one time friend of mine who recently passed onward, "This goes deeper than pastry!"

I have been scouring the net and Intelligence sites and blogs, and going to all the 24/7's to see if they had any ex-intelligence agents on that could go in to as much as they could...and all of the 24/7's have their own Intelligence agents and other experts in the fields from past, lengthy gvt positions, like 25 years in Counter Intelligence kind of people.....on their payrolls now and they invite other expert guests.

Well, this morning I got a little bit more information from the experts on the different shows....

First, Top Secret, has a definitive meaning and when someone uses terms like Grave consequences, code word Grave....then it defines what means something that is of Top Secret in it....

And Top Secret, is the level where the information is so protected, because it could lead to the deaths or exposing foreign sources that we use, or a hint of a method we use to spy on our adversaries, or expose unwitting moles in our adversary's government, or one of our Foreign allies spying mechanisms that found out something about our joint adversaries and passed this on to us or in a military sense strategic plans etc etc......whatever is in there as TOP SECRET, always involves a Foreign Nation, that we are protecting their sources, or a Foreign enemy Nation that we are trying to protect ourselves from.... either way, a Foreign Nation is involved with Top Secret.

MOST really really really secret stuff still only reaches the SECRET level....

So, these experts said that with this one part of the Carter Page/Nunes memo, and the surveillance/tap on him for three months at a time, then renewal .... these calls by Donald Trump's now run Justice Department and Trump's picked FBI Director Christopher Wray going against the President and saying the word Grave Danger or Grave consequence if the memo was released means there is something in that memo, that will give information out to our enemy nation's intelligence agencies who follow us like a hawk.....in this case, Russia would be the best guess, since the whole Carter Page tap was about Russia recruiting him to be a witting or unwitting agent of a Foreign power, for them... it's what Russian Operatives do best....they are really good at it....

So these guys said, by giving some of these details and focus on Carter Page and all that, brings attention to Carter Page, and giving the exact timing out also, gives the enemy Intel Agencies ways to back track or rather follow the time Carter was being surveilled and now trace who he met, who was around to see who he met, try to figure out who he met and what was said, to know what the USA knows about what was said, and/or who could have given them any other innocuous stuff to us, but not to them, that could give away other things that we actually got from a foreign ally source....then diminishing the Foreign source for us to use as our asset.... and hurting our Foreign Ally's safety for their own Nation....

And so much more about things that never ever occurred to me, and of course they explained it in a much clearer way than me.... :(
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...Purge DC of leftist filth and we will once again be able to contain these sociopaths.
Zum befehl, Herr Obergruppenfuhrer !!!

Gimme a break... do you have any idea how bad that sounds?... trying to suppress political adversaries... that's supposed to be a Leftist tactic, eh?

You're supposed to be better than that... on the high moral ground, eh?

Tell that to my political adversaries.

They want to disarm me and purge me as well as millions of others people. They seek to undermine the Constitution of the US. Their record is that of failure, malaise, stagnation and decline. Endeavoring to prevent such deliberate destruction of the nation IS the higher moral ground.
Do you not understand that calling for the purging and silencing of political opponents is, in itself, a grotesque undermining of the Constitution?
First. Where the hell are the National Security dangers? These vile and real dangers to our ways and means and intelligence sources? What was the FISA court actually secret? Or was it the low hurdles that are dwarfed by a blade of grass to get a warrant approved? People like me have been complaining about that for more than a decade.

Second. Now calling into the public light questions about Federal Agencies is playing into our enemies hands? That is what Wolf Blitzer says. CNN's Wolf Blitzer Attacks GOP for Memo Release: 'Putin Has Succeeded' - Breitbart Sorry about the Breitbart link, but that is all I could find with the video.

Nancy Pelosi says this is a constitutional crisis. Really?

Was it a Constitutional Crisis to say that Bush lied about WMDs and politicized the intelligence against Saddam? A lot of people certainly took issue, rightly in my mind, with Federal Agencies. When someone does the wrong thing, abuses their power, and lies to the people, they deserve criticism at the very least.

I admire what Snowden did. He told us the truth. I even like Manning telling us the truth. I like Truth. I am a truth whore, I’ll take it from anyone.

The real problem is that the politicized bullshit is exposed, and people may start to doubt the assertions of Federal Agencies, again rightly in my mind. Question Authority.

If you want a real resist movement, resist the whole sheep to the trust me Government mentality.

First of all, Wolf Blitzer is an idiot and CNN is a joke! To your point, there is no classified information that would be damaging to national security in the memo! However, we now know why Rod Rosenstein begged Paul Ryan not to release the memo and why the FBI and the democrats were so panicked about its release! This is about transparency and the American people deserve to know the truth about the FISA warrant that was obtained by the FBI based on a fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign as opposition research. I seriously doubt that any FISA court judge would approve a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page if they had been informed of this fact. It speaks loudly about the bias and poor judgement by leadership within the FBI and Justice Department. I have a friend who is an Attorney and he said that any evidence obtained by an illegal, improperly obtained warrant is not admissible in court. This should be upsetting to every American citizen, because the danger of a politically motivated FBI, DOJ, or intelligence agencies should be obvious. Add to all of this that the text messages of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his girlfriend FBI Attorney Lisa Page that the House Intelligent Committee issued a subpoena for were supposedly lost according to the FBI, were found in less than 48 hours! Most interesting, was an email from Srzok to page, where he said in regards to the Russia Collusion investigation "There is non there, there!" I believe this whole matter is a scam and this is just the tip of the ice burg on what else is going to come out!
First. Where the hell are the National Security dangers? These vile and real dangers to our ways and means and intelligence sources? What was the FISA court actually secret? Or was it the low hurdles that are dwarfed by a blade of grass to get a warrant approved? People like me have been complaining about that for more than a decade.

Second. Now calling into the public light questions about Federal Agencies is playing into our enemies hands? That is what Wolf Blitzer says. CNN's Wolf Blitzer Attacks GOP for Memo Release: 'Putin Has Succeeded' - Breitbart Sorry about the Breitbart link, but that is all I could find with the video.

Nancy Pelosi says this is a constitutional crisis. Really?

Was it a Constitutional Crisis to say that Bush lied about WMDs and politicized the intelligence against Saddam? A lot of people certainly took issue, rightly in my mind, with Federal Agencies. When someone does the wrong thing, abuses their power, and lies to the people, they deserve criticism at the very least.

I admire what Snowden did. He told us the truth. I even like Manning telling us the truth. I like Truth. I am a truth whore, I’ll take it from anyone.

The real problem is that the politicized bullshit is exposed, and people may start to doubt the assertions of Federal Agencies, again rightly in my mind. Question Authority.

If you want a real resist movement, resist the whole sheep to the trust me Government mentality.

First of all, Wolf Blitzer is an idiot and CNN is a joke! To your point, there is no classified information that would be damaging to national security in the memo! However, we now know why Rod Rosenstein begged Paul Ryan not to release the memo and why the FBI and the democrats were so panicked about its release! This is about transparency and the American people deserve to know the truth about the FISA warrant that was obtained by the FBI based on a fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign as opposition research. I seriously doubt that any FISA court judge would approve a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page if they had been informed of this fact. It speaks loudly about the bias and poor judgement by leadership within the FBI and Justice Department. I have a friend who is an Attorney and he said that any evidence obtained by an illegal, improperly obtained warrant is not admissible in court. This should be upsetting to every American citizen, because the danger of a politically motivated FBI, DOJ, or intelligence agencies should be obvious. Add to all of this that the text messages of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his girlfriend FBI Attorney Lisa Page that the House Intelligent Committee issued a subpoena for were supposedly lost according to the FBI, were found in less than 48 hours! Most interesting, was an email from Srzok to page, where he said in regards to the Russia Collusion investigation "There is non there, there!" I believe this whole matter is a scam and this is just the tip of the ice burg on what else is going to come out!
...Purge DC of leftist filth and we will once again be able to contain these sociopaths.
Zum befehl, Herr Obergruppenfuhrer !!!

Gimme a break... do you have any idea how bad that sounds?... trying to suppress political adversaries... that's supposed to be a Leftist tactic, eh?

You're supposed to be better than that... on the high moral ground, eh?

Tell that to my political adversaries.

They want to disarm me and purge me as well as millions of others people. They seek to undermine the Constitution of the US. Their record is that of failure, malaise, stagnation and decline. Endeavoring to prevent such deliberate destruction of the nation IS the higher moral ground.
Do you not understand that calling for the purging and silencing of political opponents is, in itself, a grotesque undermining of the Constitution?

Can you explain how exposing senior leadership within both the FBI & DOJ that acted fraudulent, improper and possibly illegal way because of their political bias undermines the Constitution? You are aware aren't you that the Constitution states that it is Congress who has oversight responsibility for FBI, DOJ, Intelligence agencies, Federal & Supreme Court etc.?

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