Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Trump has been GREAT for poor and middle-class Americans

BS. They have to get 2 minimum wage jobs to pay the rent.
Under trump, the rich got richer.
The elite, more elite.

The Stock Market rising did squat for the poor and VERY little for middle class.
Who owns Stock, the Rich and the Elite and the Upper Middle Class. Certainly NOT the poor.
So go pound more sand.

Under Obama using trillions from taxpayers that still hasn't been earned
and we're paying interest up the ass on now....
the rich got richer and the elite more elite

Taxpayers for generations to come paid the consequences
so others wouldn't have to

I'd like to see Pelosi's husbands tax returns
and everyone else in Washington who invest in real estate

The difference between Trump and the others is
at least we benefited
I am still flat-out not seeing what possible leverage Pelosi has on McConnell, what difference does it make to him if the trial starts next month or in 6 months, or whenever. No matter what, it takes 67 votes to remove Trump from office and that is iron-clad. Are they really going to wait until after the next election next November? The Dems ain't going to take the Senate back with a super majority of 67 seats. Ain't seeing that, and the vulnerable House Dems in contested districts will have a hard time getting re-elected cuz most people want this crap over with, and dragging it out will not be popular. And trying to blame McConnell isn't going to work, all he has to say is we're willing to use the same rules for Trump that we used for Clinton. What are the Dems going to say to that?

If I'm McConnell, I tell Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of them to piss up a rope. Go ahead and sit on the Articles of Impeachment as long as you want, but you ain't going to dictate to us anything concerning this trial.
Lying con tool, Trump solicited campaign help from a foreign national. ..That is against the law and I don't know of any other president who's done that.
If you had either a witness. Or evidence you'd have a point.

But you don't .
Republicans were complaining that the impeachment process was rushed. I honestly don't see how it would be good for them if the process is stretched out longer, leading closer to the election.

You have some lofty expectations for the next election that really don't have any supporting evidence.

Trumps approval has jumped and indies are turning on the left.

You bet there is supporting evidence.

The GOP only needs to continue to cast this entire process in a partisan light. Which isn't hard. And America is going to reward the left accordingly.

You're bragging about Trump's approval?


You mean the one where people still disapprove of him more than they approve of him? That one?

Please show me where I bragged.....

I said they jumped.

Do you need to be taught the difference.

You're the one who brought it up. I'm not going to play word judo with you.

Like I said, you don't have supporting evidence for your lofty expectations. If the best you can bring up is Trump's negative approval rating, then you've made my point for me.

I didn't brag you jackass.

I said they jumped. Some recent polls show a much bigger increase.

A jump is a change. It has nothing to do with where it was before.

Get a brain.

Right. And it's still well below 50-50. I don't think that's supporting evidence for your lofty expectations for the next election.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
That's fine.
She can sit on them for as long as she likes.
She's seen as a fucking hypocrite for running such a crooked investigation and now she's demanding a fair trial.
America is laughing at you bastards.

Don't be so quick to underestimate Nancy. She may be a POS, but she is also a ruthless political chess master whereas McConnell has the political IQ of a Boy Scout.

I expect she will sit on this for a very long time claiming its impossible to get a fair and legitimate hearing in the Senate. She will point to all the things that McConnell has already stupidly publicly announced. She will spin this as further proof that Trump is guilty of the charges, so guilty that he needs the Senate GOP to protect him. That if he were innocent, then the Senate would have no objection to a totally fair (as they determine it) hearing! And she has 103 major news outlets, all the major news networks, and all of Hollywood and every late night show that reaches 90% of America to tell all the brain-dead Tards out there just what to think.

McConnell is such a stupid ass, I would be surprised if Nancy doesn't parlay this out to getting most or all of the concessions she wants. Except for Trump, the GOP have always been the DNC's favorite kicking post to be lead around by the nose. And as proof of that, look at what the GOP got done during the full first year they had Trump, the House AND the Senate! Anything really useful for the party or the people other than a lot of infighting between themselves as always?

WHY ELSE do you think Obama was there putting flowers on McCain's casket?

Yes. To be “slick” and cunning is seen as a greater virtue than being right. Do not underestimate her hatred and disdain for America.
But she doesn’t control the Senate. She will sit back and allow the globalist media to hammer the Senate day in and day out with the Democrat message. She hopes it will break them into following her rules.
But they don’t have to. And they stood up to the ruling elites well during the last two SC nominations.
Just be prepared for a loud, obsessive approaching a jet engine roar of propaganda from the controlling press. They work together.
Trumps approval has jumped and indies are turning on the left.

You bet there is supporting evidence.

The GOP only needs to continue to cast this entire process in a partisan light. Which isn't hard. And America is going to reward the left accordingly.

You're bragging about Trump's approval?


You mean the one where people still disapprove of him more than they approve of him? That one?

Please show me where I bragged.....

I said they jumped.

Do you need to be taught the difference.

You're the one who brought it up. I'm not going to play word judo with you.

Like I said, you don't have supporting evidence for your lofty expectations. If the best you can bring up is Trump's negative approval rating, then you've made my point for me.

I didn't brag you jackass.

I said they jumped. Some recent polls show a much bigger increase.

A jump is a change. It has nothing to do with where it was before.

Get a brain.

Right. And it's still well below 50-50. I don't think that's supporting evidence for your lofty expectations for the next election.

You somehow think that means that America is going to vote a loser like Dizzy Lizzy in.

Hold onto that as it travels to the bottom of the ocean.
I hadn't considered that.

That makes way more sense than rushing it into the Senate where it won't pass anyway.

Think of it this way.

The left has been claiming that this about duty. Which we all know is bullshit.

Now, bet on the idea the senate will somehow impeach him. Oh wait....it takes 51%....uh sorry 2/3's to convict. If the dems get the senate, they run the kangaroo court and they still won't get a conviction.

A better way to think of it is.....this drags out.

We shove the lefts "motives" down their throats during the election. They are not only not going to get the senate...they are going to lose the house and the vindictive bastard we re-elect is going to wipe them out at every turn.

Now...the last thing to consider is that if the senate were to convict after re-election....we would be done as a country. I don't relish the bloodbath that follows.

Republicans were complaining that the impeachment process was rushed. I honestly don't see how it would be good for them if the process is stretched out longer, leading closer to the election.

You have some lofty expectations for the next election that really don't have any supporting evidence.

Trumps approval has jumped and indies are turning on the left.

You bet there is supporting evidence.

The GOP only needs to continue to cast this entire process in a partisan light. Which isn't hard. And America is going to reward the left accordingly.

You're bragging about Trump's approval?


You mean the one where people still disapprove of him more than they approve of him? That one?

The graph looks like one from the 80's analyzing the 49er's...

You're bragging about Trump's approval?


You mean the one where people still disapprove of him more than they approve of him? That one?

Please show me where I bragged.....

I said they jumped.

Do you need to be taught the difference.

You're the one who brought it up. I'm not going to play word judo with you.

Like I said, you don't have supporting evidence for your lofty expectations. If the best you can bring up is Trump's negative approval rating, then you've made my point for me.

I didn't brag you jackass.

I said they jumped. Some recent polls show a much bigger increase.

A jump is a change. It has nothing to do with where it was before.

Get a brain.

Right. And it's still well below 50-50. I don't think that's supporting evidence for your lofty expectations for the next election.

You somehow think that means that America is going to vote a loser like Dizzy Lizzy in.

Hold onto that as it travels to the bottom of the ocean.

I didn't say that.
McConnell is a great guy.

He'll do the right thing.

He'll get those impeachment papers and wipe his ass with them.
Please show me where I bragged.....

I said they jumped.

Do you need to be taught the difference.

You're the one who brought it up. I'm not going to play word judo with you.

Like I said, you don't have supporting evidence for your lofty expectations. If the best you can bring up is Trump's negative approval rating, then you've made my point for me.

I didn't brag you jackass.

I said they jumped. Some recent polls show a much bigger increase.

A jump is a change. It has nothing to do with where it was before.

Get a brain.

Right. And it's still well below 50-50. I don't think that's supporting evidence for your lofty expectations for the next election.

You somehow think that means that America is going to vote a loser like Dizzy Lizzy in.

Hold onto that as it travels to the bottom of the ocean.

I didn't say that.

How's it feel.
Think of it this way.

The left has been claiming that this about duty. Which we all know is bullshit.

Now, bet on the idea the senate will somehow impeach him. Oh wait....it takes 51%....uh sorry 2/3's to convict. If the dems get the senate, they run the kangaroo court and they still won't get a conviction.

A better way to think of it is.....this drags out.

We shove the lefts "motives" down their throats during the election. They are not only not going to get the senate...they are going to lose the house and the vindictive bastard we re-elect is going to wipe them out at every turn.

Now...the last thing to consider is that if the senate were to convict after re-election....we would be done as a country. I don't relish the bloodbath that follows.

Republicans were complaining that the impeachment process was rushed. I honestly don't see how it would be good for them if the process is stretched out longer, leading closer to the election.

You have some lofty expectations for the next election that really don't have any supporting evidence.

Trumps approval has jumped and indies are turning on the left.

You bet there is supporting evidence.

The GOP only needs to continue to cast this entire process in a partisan light. Which isn't hard. And America is going to reward the left accordingly.

You're bragging about Trump's approval?


You mean the one where people still disapprove of him more than they approve of him? That one?

Yeah. The same one that made him your president the first time.

Well, no, actually. This one is a president job approval graph. It started after he became president. So no, it wouldn't be the same one.

yeah same one. He’ll be your president in 2024 with those same numbers.
You're the one who brought it up. I'm not going to play word judo with you.

Like I said, you don't have supporting evidence for your lofty expectations. If the best you can bring up is Trump's negative approval rating, then you've made my point for me.

I didn't brag you jackass.

I said they jumped. Some recent polls show a much bigger increase.

A jump is a change. It has nothing to do with where it was before.

Get a brain.

Right. And it's still well below 50-50. I don't think that's supporting evidence for your lofty expectations for the next election.

You somehow think that means that America is going to vote a loser like Dizzy Lizzy in.

Hold onto that as it travels to the bottom of the ocean.

I didn't say that.

How's it feel.

Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
That's great don't send the articles of impeachment to the Senate after they lose the house and the Senate makes bigger gains in the Senate and the American people can no longer be held captive by inbred leftist, America can move on and this impeachment will be a memory like a bad dream.
Republicans were complaining that the impeachment process was rushed. I honestly don't see how it would be good for them if the process is stretched out longer, leading closer to the election.

You have some lofty expectations for the next election that really don't have any supporting evidence.

Trumps approval has jumped and indies are turning on the left.

You bet there is supporting evidence.

The GOP only needs to continue to cast this entire process in a partisan light. Which isn't hard. And America is going to reward the left accordingly.

You're bragging about Trump's approval?


You mean the one where people still disapprove of him more than they approve of him? That one?

Yeah. The same one that made him your president the first time.

Well, no, actually. This one is a president job approval graph. It started after he became president. So no, it wouldn't be the same one.

yeah same one. He’ll be your president in 2024 with those same numbers.

Repeating the same wrong statement doesn't make it any more true.
I didn't brag you jackass.

I said they jumped. Some recent polls show a much bigger increase.

A jump is a change. It has nothing to do with where it was before.

Get a brain.

Right. And it's still well below 50-50. I don't think that's supporting evidence for your lofty expectations for the next election.

You somehow think that means that America is going to vote a loser like Dizzy Lizzy in.

Hold onto that as it travels to the bottom of the ocean.

I didn't say that.

How's it feel.


Figure it out......
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
Isn't it up to Justice Roberts to conduct a fair trial? After all, he is the one presiding over it.

Shouldn't he be the one setting the ground rules, such as which witnesses can be called, etc...

Aren't the senators simply the jurors, and nothing more?

I'm not sure, but I've heard the Senate will make the basic rules to be followed, and Roberts will preside according to that framework.
Definitely not like a regular court case. I guess Roberts just sits there like a potted plant.

Wondering why the fuck he has to waste his time when the outcome isn't in doubt.
True, especially when Moscow Mitch and Lin both stated that they --- and for that matter, the rest of the Republican senators --- don't intend to be impartial at all.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
Isn't it up to Justice Roberts to conduct a fair trial? After all, he is the one presiding over it.

Shouldn't he be the one setting the ground rules, such as which witnesses can be called, etc...

Aren't the senators simply the jurors, and nothing more?

I'm not sure, but I've heard the Senate will make the basic rules to be followed, and Roberts will preside according to that framework.
Definitely not like a regular court case. I guess Roberts just sits there like a potted plant.

Wondering why the fuck he has to waste his time when the outcome isn't in doubt.
True, especially when Moscow Mitch and Lin both stated that they --- and for that matter, the rest of the Republican senators --- don't intend to be impartial at all.

When you win, you get to do that.

Just like Schitt and Company got to run one of the most fucked up and dirty investigations in the history of the country.

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