Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

Smart move on her part. The D's need to concentrate on getting President Trump reelected, so they can schedule the trial for 2021.

If they can win a 2/3 majority in the next Senate, they won't have a problem at all with the impeachment trial.
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?
I hope they're that desperate.

Just when you think your opponent can't get stupider.

McConnell will quickly force acquittal without consideration of the evidence. He has declared he is not impartial.

Let Trump run as an impeached President not an acquitted one.
I am still flat-out not seeing what possible leverage Pelosi has on McConnell, what difference does it make to him if the trial starts next month or in 6 months, or whenever. No matter what, it takes 67 votes to remove Trump from office and that is iron-clad. Are they really going to wait until after the next election next November? The Dems ain't going to take the Senate back with a super majority of 67 seats. Ain't seeing that, and the vulnerable House Dems in contested districts will have a hard time getting re-elected cuz most people want this crap over with, and dragging it out will not be popular. And trying to blame McConnell isn't going to work, all he has to say is we're willing to use the same rules for Trump that we used for Clinton. What are the Dems going to say to that?

If I'm McConnell, I tell Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of them to piss up a rope. Go ahead and sit on the Articles of Impeachment as long as you want, but you ain't going to dictate to us anything concerning this trial.

How DO you make the argument that a Senate trial with exactly the same rules and procedures that were used in the Clinton impeachment, suddenly isn't "fair"? You're right...all McConnell has to do is point out how imminently "fair" it is! What response to that do the Democrats have that doesn't make them look even more pathetic?
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?
I hope they're that desperate.

Just when you think your opponent can't get stupider.

McConnell will quickly force acquittal without consideration of the evidence. He has declared he is not impartial.

Let Trump run as an impeached President not an acquitted one.

Trump will run as a duly elected President who's been "impeached" by a Democratic Party that's grossly abused it's power in the House! With each passing day it becomes more and more obvious that this was NEVER about protecting the country from a President who poses a national security threat! With each passing day it become more and more obvious that this was ALWAYS about a Democratic Party that has no viable candidates to run and an agenda that the voters don't agree with!
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?
I hope they're that desperate.

Just when you think your opponent can't get stupider.

McConnell will quickly force acquittal without consideration of the evidence. He has declared he is not impartial.

Let Trump run as an impeached President not an acquitted one.

Trump will run as a duly elected President who's been "impeached" by a Democratic Party that's grossly abused it's power in the House! With each passing day it becomes more and more obvious that this was NEVER about protecting the country from a President who poses a national security threat! With each passing day it become more and more obvious that this was ALWAYS about a Democratic Party that has no viable candidates to run and an agenda that the voters don't agree with!

Poor Trump. Broke the law and got impeached. Poor guy, he's always the victim.
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?
I hope they're that desperate.

Just when you think your opponent can't get stupider.

McConnell will quickly force acquittal without consideration of the evidence. He has declared he is not impartial.

Let Trump run as an impeached President not an acquitted one.
She is just handing him strong talking points.

Over and over again the democrats have been claiming that this is an imperative - they simply MUST impeach Trump. It was so important that they could not afford going to he courts to have the witnesses and documents they demanded turned over. They could not get the evidence they claimed they needed because it would take to long.

Then, after the huge rush to get him impeached, she hold up the process herself refusing to allow the process to continue. That would be a rather massive win for the right, not the left - framing her as lying through her teeth the entire time would become simple.
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?
You do realize the polls are NOT heading in the demoncrats direction right? In fact they are collapsing before their very eyes. Go ahead hold it up....this is fun.
Wasn't Hillary up by like 70 points at this point of the election cycle?

Wasn't that right about the time that the curtain got pulled back on Hillary's sleazy behavior at the State Department...her destruction of evidence...not to mention her back room sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Too bad you on the left have NOTHING like that on Trump! :)
Yeah, too bad all we have is him breaking the law and abusing the power of his office to solicit a foreign national to help out his campaign -- and getting impeached for it.




Lying con tool, Trump solicited campaign help from a foreign national. That is against the law and I don't know of any other president who's done that.

shame how the few don't comprehend the Constitution
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?
You do realize the polls are NOT heading in the demoncrats direction right? In fact they are collapsing before their very eyes. Go ahead hold it up....this is fun.
Wasn't Hillary up by like 70 points at this point of the election cycle?

Wasn't that right about the time that the curtain got pulled back on Hillary's sleazy behavior at the State Department...her destruction of evidence...not to mention her back room sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Too bad you on the left have NOTHING like that on Trump! :)
Yeah, too bad all we have is him breaking the law and abusing the power of his office to solicit a foreign national to help out his campaign -- and getting impeached for it.





Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?
I hope they're that desperate.

Just when you think your opponent can't get stupider.

McConnell will quickly force acquittal without consideration of the evidence. He has declared he is not impartial.

Let Trump run as an impeached President not an acquitted one.

Trump will run as a duly elected President who's been "impeached" by a Democratic Party that's grossly abused it's power in the House! With each passing day it becomes more and more obvious that this was NEVER about protecting the country from a President who poses a national security threat! With each passing day it become more and more obvious that this was ALWAYS about a Democratic Party that has no viable candidates to run and an agenda that the voters don't agree with!

Poor Trump. Broke the law and got impeached. Poor guy, he's always the victim.
What law? Could you cite the code section or statute?
You give me this and I’ll give you that but the “you give me this first” is made up, unprecedented bullshit.
thats right the cowardly left is contemplating withholding the articles thereby delaying the impeachment trial ! i thought the dems were standing up for the constitution !! bullshit !its all politics folks !! they are waiting for info on who the republicans will subpoena [Biden,Schiff,whistle blower ect] this act will give the left a way out if polls start going the wrong way !! proof positive that all democrats are liars and cowards !!Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

Quote: "....I may be the only guy not surprised Pelosi’s not sending these worthless articles over to the Senate. None of this has ever made sense if you include the fact that Trump is gonna be acquitted. That cancels everything this is about.

So she’s not gonna permit that. She’s not gonna permit an acquittal. This is all about the blemish. This is all about the asterisk. This is all about the black mark. This is all about for 2020. This is all about Donald Trump was impeached, period. Not Donald Trump was impeached and acquitted in a Senate trial. Donald Trump was impeached. And she is counting on the fact that the idiocy of her base will think that means that Trump has been claimed illegitimate and unqualified and mission accomplished. That’s it.

This has never made sense. It is never made sense when you throw every likelihood into it. They do these articles of impeachment, they go over to the Senate, they have a trial, Trump’s acquitted. What do they accomplish? Literally nothing. The worst outcome in any event, the worst outcome possible for her is for Trump to be acquitted.

So how do you prevent that? You claim exactly what I said her out was gonna be. You refuse to send the articles and why? Because the Republicans are racist, sexist, bigots, homophobes, and they’re unfair, and they’re partisan, and there won’t be a fair trial. She’s not even gonna announce who her House managers are, the prosecutors, until she gets a low down on how the Senate’s gonna conduct itself. It’s none of her business. She has not a single thing to say about how the Senate does things, zilch, zero, nada. All she can do is try to force Chuck You Schumer into doing her bidding, which probably he would do, but she can’t tell McConnell to do anything.

The only way she can get what she ultimately wants is to make sure there isn’t a trial, because if Trump is acquitted then all of this is out the window. She’s already got a big enough problem by not sending those articles over because why? Well, Trump is such an immediate threat, we couldn’t wait. We couldn’t wait to do this. We couldn’t take the normal amount of time. We couldn’t take the 14 months it took for Nixon, because Trump represents such an existential threat to the country, to the Constitution, to the Moon, to Mars, to climate change, you name it, we gotta get rid of him.

Now they got the articles, and what? Why, Mitch McConnell has become the threat. McConnell is the threat. We can’t let McConnell get involved in this, Pelosi’s saying. Mitch McConnell is the threat? Yes, that’s right, ma’am, because Mitch McConnell would oversee the acquittal. Now, there are other reasons why she’s not gonna send these articles over there. They’re bogus! They’re fake! This was a fake impeachment to go along with fake news. Everything about it is political.

I have to tell you, McConnell was better today than I have seen him in years, nuking Pelosi from the floor of the Senate. We have the audio sound bites coming up. But, man. I’m actually feeling kind of puffed up here today because she’s doing exactly what I told her her out was. Now, look. I did not predict nor advise her not to send the articles over. But I told her her out was to blame it all on the Republicans. It can’t get a fair process. The Republicans are partisan. The Republicans are racists. The Republicans are bigots. The Republicans’ minds are made up. She’s saying all of that.

She’s really focusing on (imitating Pelosi), “McConnell’s already said there’s gonna be a fair trial. Well, I’m not gonna participate in this.” She is taking the only route she’s got. They got what they want. They got Donald Trump impeached. In fact, Chris Cillizza sent a tweet out last night, “Mission accomplished.” He says — I’m paraphrasing because I didn’t bother wasting the time to print it, but his tweet says something along the lines of, “From now to eternity, the first paragraph in everything written about Donald Trump will say Donald Trump, quote, impeached in his first term.”

That’s mission accomplished. That’s what they wanted. It is, they think, a necessity for hastening along their 2020 campaign. By the way, over on that side, there’s a Democrat debate tonight that I can’t find anybody who even remembered it was on, much less that wants to watch it. And now the long knives for Biden are coming out. Now there are doctors saying this guy’s got health problems that are being covered up, he’s got a heart problem. Yeah, separate Stack for that...........

- Rush Limbaugh I’m Not Surprised! Pelosi Doesn’t Want Trump Acquitted
Speaker Pelosi is playing a great game of political chess with McConnell. Go Nancy!
Speaker Pelosi is playing a great game of political chess with McConnell. Go Nancy!

But she's violating the Constitution, specifically the 6th Amendment, which guarantees the accused a SPEEDY TRIAL, no questions asked.

And that's just a disgrace when the Speaker defecates on the Constitution like this IMHO.

Didn't libs always say that it is better for a hundred guilty people to go free than for one person to be denied their human rights?
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
Why are Democrats terrified to send their witch hunt to the Senate? They voted for it, what’s the holdup?


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