Will the DNC rig their 2020 primary election and will Mexicrats support the cheating again?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?
Are you referring to the super-delegates? Or the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazille style of helping the preferred candidate win?
Will the DNC rig their 2020 primary election
Of course they will, whether they rig it "a little bit" or rig it "a whole lot" depends on whether or not Bernie Sanders starts gaining traction among the rank and file lemmings-D again.
Are you referring to the super-delegates? Or the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazille style of helping the preferred candidate win?

Haha...either really.
Superdelegates are bullshit too....all should be pledged.
The DNC will most likely foist upon the voters the chosen candidate who most represents the identity politics they practice. They could very well run a Puerto-Rican transvestite who thinks he's black, this time.

That candidate's core beliefs will be ripped to shreds by Donald Trump during the debates, as well as being given a nickname that he or she will have to endure for the rest of his or her life.

New Yorkers are good at coming up with nicknames for idiots.
Superdelegates are bullshit too....all should be pledged.

Yes, it's pretty pathetic that the rank and file Democrats can stand by while the party establishment puts in system that is basically designed to override their choice if the party establishment doesn't like who they pick.

.. and this coming from the lemming slice that constantly whines about the EC and "democracy being subverted".
More juvenile rantings from Comrade Trump's base. Priceless!!

Well, we figure since you whacko’s are so concerned with “rigged” elections now maybe this time you won’t be so willing to take it in the ass from your own party...no?
More juvenile rantings from Comrade Trump's base. Priceless!!
Another troll thread?

What a surprise.

Of course the 2016 primaries weren't "rigged"...but thanks Bernie for promoting THAT lie.

Bernie just didn't get the votes.
The DNC will most likely foist upon the voters the chosen candidate who most represents the identity politics they practice. They could very well run a Puerto-Rican transvestite who thinks he's black, this time.

That candidate's core beliefs will be ripped to shreds by Donald Trump during the debates, as well as being given a nickname that he or she will have to endure for the rest of his or her life.

New Yorkers are good at coming up with nicknames for idiots.
Kinda like what happened in November when Trump & the Trumptards had their asses handed back to them. In a few days the Democratic Party is going to make Trump wish he was back in N.Y. fleecing seniors on fixed incomes out of their rent money in one of high rise dumps.
It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?

You're going about this with the wrong approach. You see, first you let the election go by, THEN you make up stories of (fill in number here) of "illegal voters" to avoid admitting how many votes you lost by. Can't make that number up until the results are in. Then when you do it just by sheer coinkydink happens to match your margin of rejection.

Hope this helps.
It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?

If Hillary runs again, yes she will rig the nomination again.
The 2020 Dem nomination will be a huge yoog between the Dem racist wing, their neo-marxist wing, their corrupt establishment wing, their gay wing, their feminist wing and their massive illegal alien wing.
The DNC will most likely foist upon the voters the chosen candidate who most represents the identity politics they practice. They could very well run a Puerto-Rican transvestite who thinks he's black, this time.

That candidate's core beliefs will be ripped to shreds by Donald Trump during the debates, as well as being given a nickname that he or she will have to endure for the rest of his or her life.

New Yorkers are good at coming up with nicknames for idiots.
Kinda like what happened in November when Trump & the Trumptards had their asses handed back to them. In a few days the Democratic Party is going to make Trump wish he was back in N.Y. fleecing seniors on fixed incomes out of their rent money in one of high rise dumps.

How did they "get their asses handed back to them"? Actually the Democrats won far less than they lost in 2010 and during the Clinton midterms.

There was no imaginary "blue wave."
It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?

You're going about this with the wrong approach. You see, first you let the election go by, THEN you make up stories of (fill in number here) of "illegal voters" to avoid admitting how many votes you lost by. Can't make that number up until the results are in. Then when you do it just by sheer coinkydink happens to match your margin of rejection.

Hope this helps.

“Lost by”....who LOST?
More juvenile rantings from Comrade Trump's base. Priceless!!

Well, we figure since you whacko’s are so concerned with “rigged” elections now maybe this time you won’t be so willing to take it in the ass from your own party...no?
Well, thanks for your concern. Whats your thoughts on Mike Pence, our next President once Trump is indicted & forced to pull a Nixon & resign in disgrace? But, I could be wrong considering you Trumptards don't seem to mind being led by the nose by Dotard Trump, one of the stupidest people to ever hit Washington. And a criminal to top it off.
In a few days the Democratic Party is going to make Trump wish he was back in N.Y. fleecing seniors on fixed incomes out of their rent money in one of high rise dumps.

Naw, he can still do that just fine from the Oval Office, the only difference Crime Family-D taking over the HoR is going to make is that President Twitter will have to given them a bigger cut of the "fleecing" action.
More juvenile rantings from Comrade Trump's base. Priceless!!

Well, we figure since you whacko’s are so concerned with “rigged” elections now maybe this time you won’t be so willing to take it in the ass from your own party...no?
Well, thanks for your concern. Whats your thoughts on Mike Pence, our next President once Trump is indicted & forced to pull a Nixon & resign in disgrace? But, I could be wrong considering you Trumptards don't seem to mind being led by the nose by Dotard Trump, one of the stupidest people to ever hit Washington. And a criminal to top it off.
Remember top change hands and keep up with the Vaseline. You could put your back out.
Democrats have been rigging elections since at least 1960. They do it every 4 years. The super delegates are there as an insurance policy, in case the wrong candidate starts getting more votes than the preferred one. This is how stupid Democrat voters are. They actually think they have a choice.

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