Will the DNC rig their 2020 primary election and will Mexicrats support the cheating again?

It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?
The Socialist democrat candidate will be a genuine Communist
The DNC will most likely foist upon the voters the chosen candidate who most represents the identity politics they practice. They could very well run a Puerto-Rican transvestite who thinks he's black, this time.

That candidate's core beliefs will be ripped to shreds by Donald Trump during the debates, as well as being given a nickname that he or she will have to endure for the rest of his or her life.

New Yorkers are good at coming up with nicknames for idiots.

Can't wait to see what they come up with for idiot Trump. Trump can't beat anyone in a debate on facts. He will lie as usual. Lyin Donald Trump.
He did pretty well against Hillary though, didn't he?

She was the weakest candidate they could have run. Yet he narrowly beat her.
He beat her handily. 306 - 232, but if it gives you comfort to minimize it, go ahead. :itsok:
You see, first you let the election go by, THEN you make up stories of (fill in number here) of "illegal voters" to avoid admitting how many votes you lost by. Can't make that number up until the results are in. Then when you do it just by sheer coinkydink happens to match your margin of rejection.
I know what you mean. Kinda like when Democrats lose an election, then after the totals are in, miraculously thousands of votes show up in odd places like trunks of cars, stairwells, and school lockers. Then Dems demand they be counted and as luck would have it, they all just happen to favor the Dem candidate. Just enough to put him/her over the top. Then no more votes are found. What a coinkydink, huh?
It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?

Because it is utterly bipartisan and all american? What do you think the electoral college is?
You see, first you let the election go by, THEN you make up stories of (fill in number here) of "illegal voters" to avoid admitting how many votes you lost by. Can't make that number up until the results are in. Then when you do it just by sheer coinkydink happens to match your margin of rejection.
I know what you mean. Kinda like when Democrats lose an election, then after the totals are in, miraculously thousands of votes show up in odd places like trunks of cars, stairwells, and school lockers. Then Dems demand they be counted and as luck would have it, they all just happen to favor the Dem candidate. Just enough to put him/her over the top. Then no more votes are found. What a coinkydink, huh?

Guess that's for when gerrymandering and voter suppression fail.
You see, first you let the election go by, THEN you make up stories of (fill in number here) of "illegal voters" to avoid admitting how many votes you lost by. Can't make that number up until the results are in. Then when you do it just by sheer coinkydink happens to match your margin of rejection.
I know what you mean. Kinda like when Democrats lose an election, then after the totals are in, miraculously thousands of votes show up in odd places like trunks of cars, stairwells, and school lockers. Then Dems demand they be counted and as luck would have it, they all just happen to favor the Dem candidate. Just enough to put him/her over the top. Then no more votes are found. What a coinkydink, huh?

Sure is, and even more coinkydinkal is that these phantom votes are always found by the Tweeterers and the Nosebookers and the Googly Images and the Jim Fucking Hofts and Alex John Brinkley Joneses of the world, and never by legitimate sources. Huh.

Don't trip over those three million illegals now. They're over there where it's not raining, dancing on rooftops.
Sure is, and even more coinkydinkal is that these phantom votes are always found by the Tweeterers and the Nosebookers and the Googly Images and the Jim Fucking Hofts and Alex John Brinkley Joneses of the world, and never by legitimate sources. Huh.
They're usually found by such "legitimate sources" like this.

It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?

Trump is rigging the GOP primary process as we speak hypocrite
Worried about a potential Republican primary challenge, President Donald Trump’s campaign has launched a state-by-state effort to prevent an intraparty fight that could spill over into the general-election campaign.

The nascent initiative has been an intense focus in recent weeks and includes taking steps to change state party rules, crowd out potential rivals and quell any early signs of opposition that could embarrass the president.

It is an acknowledgement that Trump, who effectively hijacked the Republican Party in 2016, hasn’t completely cemented his grip on the GOP and, in any event, is not likely to coast to the 2020 GOP nomination without some form of opposition. While any primary challenge would almost certainly be unsuccessful, Trump aides are looking to prevent a repeat of the convention discord that highlighted the electoral weaknesses of Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter in their failed re-election campaigns.

To defend against that prospect, Trump’s campaign has deployed what it calls an unprecedented effort to monitor and influence local party operations. It has used endorsements, lobbying and rule changes to increase the likelihood that only loyal Trump activists make it to the Republican nominating convention in August 2020.

Bill Stepien, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, calls it all a “process of ensuring that the national convention is a television commercial for the president for an audience of 300 million and not an internal fight.”

Trump Embarks On State-By-State Effort To Challenge GOP Opponents | HuffPost
Will the DNC rig their 2020 primary election
Of course they will, whether they rig it "a little bit" or rig it "a whole lot" depends on whether or not Bernie Sanders starts gaining traction among the rank and file lemmings-D again.
Look up that Buttigieg guy who announced running dem. Mayor from South Bend Indiana. His pedigree reads like a dream candidate. Minute he announced, dem MSM speculators opined that he wouldn’t make the debate stage. Why?

Pete Buttigieg - Wikipedia

A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal.
It appears to be acceptable in Mexicratic LibTardia...candidates can rob donors of tens of millions knowing all along they have a predetermined winner in their fixed election....How the fuck is that even legal?

Trump is rigging the GOP primary process as we speak hypocrite
Worried about a potential Republican primary challenge, President Donald Trump’s campaign has launched a state-by-state effort to prevent an intraparty fight that could spill over into the general-election campaign.

The nascent initiative has been an intense focus in recent weeks and includes taking steps to change state party rules, crowd out potential rivals and quell any early signs of opposition that could embarrass the president.

It is an acknowledgement that Trump, who effectively hijacked the Republican Party in 2016, hasn’t completely cemented his grip on the GOP and, in any event, is not likely to coast to the 2020 GOP nomination without some form of opposition. While any primary challenge would almost certainly be unsuccessful, Trump aides are looking to prevent a repeat of the convention discord that highlighted the electoral weaknesses of Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter in their failed re-election campaigns.

To defend against that prospect, Trump’s campaign has deployed what it calls an unprecedented effort to monitor and influence local party operations. It has used endorsements, lobbying and rule changes to increase the likelihood that only loyal Trump activists make it to the Republican nominating convention in August 2020.

Bill Stepien, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, calls it all a “process of ensuring that the national convention is a television commercial for the president for an audience of 300 million and not an internal fight.”

Trump Embarks On State-By-State Effort To Challenge GOP Opponents | HuffPost

In other words Republicans 2020 = Democrats 2016.

A/K/A 1912 all over again, expecting different results.

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