Will the NFL players take a knee to defy "racist" police after the bravery they showed in Vegas?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
Contrary to Steven Speiburg movies, Afro Americans are not particularly brave! I mean they let Jews buy them up from other Blacks and ship them out across the Atlantic back in the cotton picking days!
Contrary to Steven Speiburg movies, Afro Americans are not particularly brave! I mean they let Jews buy them up from other Blacks and ship them out across the Atlantic back in the cotton picking days!
Who knew Trump had an account here? :dunno:
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
They didn't give a shit that police saved a bunch of BLACK people here in Dallas. Hell, the NFL told the Cowboys to FUCK OFF when they requested a helmet sticker honoring the POLICE who SAVED BLACK PEOPLE protesting against POLICE in Dallas.
Who the fuck cares, honestly. If you're worried that these meatheads aren't standing for the anthem, you have some serious issues.
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
Of course they do, and will.
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.
The guy with the biggest, err, the guy with alot of courage, was definitely the unarmed security guard to be honest. I tell you, I don't consider myself one who backs down from doing the right thing, but going to the door of a madman with a fully automatic weapon with nothing but a Billy Club!??! That guy deserves a medal, and is probably not the kind of guy I would want to cross.

Just imagine if one had to walk down the hallway to his door...those long intense seconds as you came closer to the dooway not knowing if he would pop out and shoot you from 20 feet out. That's serious courage, and he took a bullet for this bravery.

Not taking anything away from the SWAT team at all, they went forward as they had to. To me though, this security guard is the biggest hero of the night and it was after his approach to his door that the gunfire stopped as the coward knew his time was coming to an end.
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

So your argument is that if the police do something positive, this means all the negative shit never happened?

So, if a bully beats the living shit out of you, but then offers you a hand to help you to your feet, you shouldn't complain about the bully beating the shit out of you?
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

No, but then that would be because of the term "murderer" rather than because they're not killing people.
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
You just don't get it, do you?
Okay, so can we all agree Black criminality is a Black thing and has nothing to do with cops?
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
Apples and oranges....we thankful to those who helped In Vegas although that's the job they signed up for and their duty . But we also should recognize that there are bad apples in the ranks of police also.
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Will the NFL players take a knee to defy "racist" police after the bravery they showed in Vegas?

Of course.

A thousand police can show incomparable bravery, wisdom, sacrifice, and even-handedness. And if a liberal can find even one cop who once referred to a black man as a "boy", he'll get every other liberal within earshot (in uniform or out) to keep calling the police racist and put on ridiculous squalling "demonstrations" in front of every camera he can find.

If they didn't have somebody to complain about and pretend they themselves are somehow being oppressed, they'd wither up and die.
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

Who said all cops were murderers? Sounds like another one of the crazy accusations the right wing is always spouting. The heros in LV deserve all the praise they might get, but that doesn't exonerate the bad cops that we still have.
The only police being called racist are those that deserve it But for some reason many White males take offense at that and automatically assume all police officers are being excoriated. To be honest , though, some of those not involved directly in racial misconduct are just as guilty as those cops who do. So-called good cops know who the bad apples are but they are silent. That silence allows dangerous cops to stay on the streets brutalizing people until they kill someone. Then the good cops close ranks to protect the killer cop and the police union hires the best lawyers to defend him on the rare occasions they are brought to trial. But even then the system protects its own at the expense of the victims and their families. Jury selections and the choosing of judges to tried killer cop cases are all part of protecting murderous cops. I don't believe that most cops are murderers... but I think most know some of their fellow officers are or they know officers in their ranks who have a high potential for committing murder.

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