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Will the Resistance fade?

I dunno. This is anecdotal evidence only, but holy crap - my Facebook screen is crammed with lefties reporting on meetings they've gone to, plans they've made, etc. etc. News stories from across the country are showing the same thing. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but at least for now they're incredibly energized.
We're a little more than a month into the regime, Emotional reservoirs are only so deep. The number of people who are stark raving batshit crazy with blood shooting out their eyes can't possibly exceed 1%. Added to that, the police are now starting to push back and FINALLY enforce the laws.

The media, most outlets being obviously anti-Trump, are going to put a big magnifying glass before any band of whiners, no matter how small, and ignore things like the positive rallies that draw thousands. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because when the tear gas starts flying and the mass arrests begin to occur -all in front of the cameras- people with a shred of sense aren't going to want to get involved.
I dunno. This is anecdotal evidence only, but holy crap - my Facebook screen is crammed with lefties reporting on meetings they've gone to, plans they've made, etc. etc. News stories from across the country are showing the same thing. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but at least for now they're incredibly energized.
We're a little more than a month into the regime, Emotional reservoirs are only so deep. The number of people who are stark raving batshit crazy with blood shooting out their eyes can't possibly exceed 1%. Added to that, the police are now starting to push back and FINALLY enforce the laws.

The media, most outlets being obviously anti-Trump, are going to put a big magnifying glass before any band of whiners, no matter how small, and ignore things like the positive rallies that draw thousands. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because when the tear gas starts flying and the mass arrests begin to occur -all in front of the cameras- people with a shred of sense aren't going to want to get involved.
Yeah, I can see that. And certainly the media will make the most of anything.

We'll see. A year from now should be a good barometer. If it's still like this, it could get interesting.
Which Revolution?


No, the laughably dubbed "republican revolution" of 1994, where pushback against Clinton's brazen overreach unexpectedly gave both legislative branches to the GOP.

They promptly showed what paper tigers they are and have been for nearly a century.
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I dunno. This is anecdotal evidence only, but holy crap - my Facebook screen is crammed with lefties reporting on meetings they've gone to, plans they've made, etc. etc. News stories from across the country are showing the same thing. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but at least for now they're incredibly energized.
We're a little more than a month into the regime, Emotional reservoirs are only so deep. The number of people who are stark raving batshit crazy with blood shooting out their eyes can't possibly exceed 1%. Added to that, the police are now starting to push back and FINALLY enforce the laws.

The media, most outlets being obviously anti-Trump, are going to put a big magnifying glass before any band of whiners, no matter how small, and ignore things like the positive rallies that draw thousands. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because when the tear gas starts flying and the mass arrests begin to occur -all in front of the cameras- people with a shred of sense aren't going to want to get involved.
Yeah, I can see that. And certainly the media will make the most of anything.

We'll see. A year from now should be a good barometer. If it's still like this, it could get interesting.

Don't forget there's an election in 9 months with enough national implications to be an indicator.
And what did you think of the GOP calling it a Revolution in 1994?
Hyperbole, only less outrageous than the losers blaming their loss on a voter "temper tantrum".

The loss was the fault of whoever thought nominating Hillary Clinton was a bright idea. I said that in 2015.
The loss was going to happen no matter who the DNC nominated.

Commie Bernie doesn't have any appeal outside of ignorant mush head millennials and burned out stoner hippies.

You MIGHT have had a chance with Jim Webb, but your party has gone full Bolshevik.
Here's a snippet of the rank stupidity filling these "protests".

These cretinous children don't have the staying power to keep it up. They'll get distracted by the newest video game soon enough.

Here's a snippet of the rank stupidity filling these "protests".

These cretinous children don't have the staying power to keep it up. They'll get distracted by the newest video game soon enough.

Why should they be any different than the adults they listen to?
As if political passions in this country were not high enough, Trump's win has taken them to a whole new level.

I heard Rush the other day say that the Resistance is beginning to slow down, and I see zero (0) sign of that. Trump has 12-18 months to make a clear and positive mark, because what's coming from the Left in '18 and '20 will be big and intense.

What worries me is that a Trump flameout would usher back in the "progressives", not liberals, and the madness will continue - just in a different form.

Can the Resistance keep up the intensity through 2020?

They are paying for the resistance...so they can always get a crowd/rioters to from up whenever they want.....bob craemer and scot foval are still in business and still organizing people to incite violence....except now they are doing it at Town Halls instead of Trump rallies......

The real insanity....if Ruth Ginsberg assumes room temperature and Trump gets to appoint her replacement....you have not seen the bitch fest that the left will engage in when that happens...you are talking calling out the National Guard to restore order and to keep all the local Starbucks safe from window smashers....( the funny thing is....Star Bucks actually supports those nut jobs......)

Dude, when Ginsberg leaves or ends up as worm food? Champagne is going to flow......I will offer forth glasses full of the "bubbly" when that klunt dies or leaves......

Yeah...but the left is going to go insane......let me correct that...they are going to go even more insane than they already are...we are talking burning cities if Trump gets to pick her replacement...and if that replacement is an actual Judge....a conservative.......yeah....call out the National Guard....
A good test case will be tomorrow at the Oscars. We will see if the elite left will escalate their crazed political agenda.
How is that a test? The looney Hollywood elites never pass up a point to pretend their voices are somehow important.
Yes, but how far will they go? If they go off the rails, we will know then.
The 2020 campaign for POTUS has already begun. The left and media are using the same playbook they used on Bush from 2006 - 2008, attack Trump 24/7, spin everything negative, the economy is horrible, the country is doomed, blast that out of loud speakers until the country buys their spin and votes Dem in 2020.
They go off the rails every time they open their mouths. Did you see Clooney in Paris in the last day or so?
Good point. If the Hollywood elites say stupid shit like Looney Clooney, on national TV tomorrow, it will be a good indicator. Could be they want to burn the country down.
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As if political passions in this country were not high enough, Trump's win has taken them to a whole new level.

I heard Rush the other day say that the Resistance is beginning to slow down, and I see zero (0) sign of that. Trump has 12-18 months to make a clear and positive mark, because what's coming from the Left in '18 and '20 will be big and intense.

What worries me is that a Trump flameout would usher back in the "progressives", not liberals, and the madness will continue - just in a different form.

Can the Resistance keep up the intensity through 2020?

I think what you are seeing is the Left waking up politically and forming their own Tea Party movement. It's not going to go away soon.

I think it's also a "redefining" movement of what it means to be Left and what the Democrats should stand for.

It's very like the Tea Party.
I dunno. This is anecdotal evidence only, but holy crap - my Facebook screen is crammed with lefties reporting on meetings they've gone to, plans they've made, etc. etc. News stories from across the country are showing the same thing. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but at least for now they're incredibly energized.

I started "unfollowing" my lefty friends on facebook. We're still friends, I just don't see their daily meltdowns... just couldn't take it anymore. I go to facebook to see what my friends and family are up to, look at their cat pictures and what they're having for dinner, see their kid's accomplishments, maybe get a chuckle from a cartoon or meme.... I don't mind a political jab here and there, I have a sense of humor... but after the election they just went bat shit crazy. I thought after the inauguration it would calm down but it just got more intense. A couple of times, I tried to interject a little sanity but got my head bit off... so... now I don't see what they have to say anymore.

I think this is going to die down. They cannot sustain this level of discord for 4 years. Remember, it's only been a month. I would say, by this time next year, it will be totally different. Once Trump settles in and things start rolling, and people realize it's not the end of the world, he's not going to run the gays out of the country or re-institute slavery... people will settle down.

At some point, Democrats are going to have a "come to Jesus" moment when they realize they need a message and game plan. You're not going to win the mid-terms on "Not My President!" It's just not a winning strategy. Look, it didn't work in the election... they had their Dream Candidate in Hillary... they've been grooming her for 8 years. They threw everything including the pussy-grabbing kitchen sink at Trump and he still won. Continuing to bash him isn't going to win over voters in states where they need to win.

Because of the way the election cycles fall, the Democrats have a major uphill battle for 2018. They only have 8 Republican Senate seats they can flip and they are all safe seats. They have to defend 23 seats, many in districts Trump won. All the House seats are up, but they'll need something like the Republican Revolution of '94 to swing the House... that's not gonna happen.

Everyday, we see they are becoming more and more unhinged from reality... more radical and crazy. They did this in '68 and scared the hell out of mainstream Americans who elected Nixon in consecutive landslides.

Hardly unsurprising that you had to "unfollow" your lefty friends. Conservatards are the first to unfollow those who share different political opinions.
I am not sure that will be the deciding factor.

We have things that have to be done. The Democrats have proven they are incapable. The GOP is proving they are incapable. I think a lot of people are tired of watching both kick cans down the road.
And yet the reelection rate remains in the 90 percent range (off the top of my head).

Therein lies the problem - people say that they are tired of kicking the can and then elect the same dipshits. The electorate has become very lazy.

It's true, they keep electing the same liars, although I don't know that it's laziness. More likely selfishness plays some role also.

People's approval rating for Congress as a whole is what 15-20% (I'm using a large range because I saw conflicting data)

But approval for THEIR Congressperson is a little less than 50%.

It's as if they think it's just other cooks spoiling the soup, but more likely, imo, especially in terms of longer term, powerful, legislators, they figure that person is more likely to bring home the bacon for their district than that newbie.

I do think there's an element of lazy here too, so I'm not really disagreeing with that point. I agree that people are not engaged enough to research the new guy and that they have a tendency to vote for whom they recognize, and I guess that factor also increases with time in office, but I think a good portion of it has to do with good old American greed as well.

Me, me, me, gimme, gimme, gimme and who is more likely to get the the fat stacks for me, right now. Too short-sighted to see the big picture of how damaging that is as a whole as these guys play on that to keep their plum jobs.
The resistance is only beginning. Another major demonstration is planned for march.
I believe the resistance won't slow down but will instead become more pinpointed on the issues and less on personality and generalizations. Over the past month all the whining by the Democrats seems rather silly to me. But it isn't any different than the feeling I had for Republicans during Obama's first month. I'm all for giving any new guy a bit of time before thinking him an horse's ass.

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