Will There Be A Debate In September?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I can see both sides wanting to drop out. Biden knows he can't beat Trump in a debate so dropping out (using some phony excuse like maybe he's got Covid and wants to do the patriotic thing and protect everyone) would be better than being humiliated all over again. And, for Trump, he took Biden to the woodshed this time around so why not quit while he's ahead? Why take a chance that Biden would do better next time around? He could come across like a concerned person, saying he respects the elderly and the frail too much to put an old man through that again, just as Robert Hur detailed.

Then, there's always the chance that Biden won't be the nominee by the September debate. Obviously, Snoopy could be a better debater than Biden and Trump could say, "Hey, I agreed to a debate with Biden, not with so and so".
How about this: I don't believe that there will be another Biden/Trump debate in September. If Biden is still the nominee it will not happen, and if someone else is named, maybe.
Big maybe. Since anyone, including Snoopy, would do better than Biden did, I don't see Trump willing to let the democrats look better than they were, just before the election. That's what the narrative would be and the media would be playing it to the hilt.
I don't think Biden will be the democrat nominee, but if he is then he won't participate citing ill health.
It would be bad for the country if it was still FJB.

If I was Trump I would come out tomorrow and say it was off as long as the dem's candidate was still FJB.

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