Will this GOP Business Strategy "fail"?

corporations, corporate executives, most of the 1% live in blue states, not red states. higher incomes, will yield higher taxes. it has everything to do with it. maitaining a road, heating a school, servicing government vehicles costs the same in a red state or a blue state. blue states have higher incomes and more corporate taxes than red states. it makes sense the would draw more tax dollars

Federal dollars come down to much more than maintaing roads and heating schools (those are paid locally anyway). The Federal dollars Red States recieve are Military bases, federal jobs, highway projects, farm subsidies...all of which Red States receive a disproportionate share

that isn't disproportionate, that is in proportion to the services they provide to the nation.

Oh great - one more gimme, gimme, gimme "taker" addicted to the government teat.
Federal dollars come down to much more than maintaing roads and heating schools (those are paid locally anyway). The Federal dollars Red States recieve are Military bases, federal jobs, highway projects, farm subsidies...all of which Red States receive a disproportionate share

that isn't disproportionate, that is in proportion to the services they provide to the nation.

Oh great - one more gimme, gimme, gimme "taker" addicted to the government teat.

seriously dude, i cut out welfare all together if the choice were mine. tax dollars would be spent only on things that provided a service to everyone.
So I'm watching Morning Joe, they are filming right across the street from where I live, and Joe and Meeka go on endlessly about how smart and clever Rick Perry is for going to Blue States like California and New York and trying to poach skilled workers and businesses.

And they ran this ad:


This has the potential for failure on several levels.

First, do conservative Republicans with that "accent" want liberals to show up in their state, get preferential treatment and become their bosses, if other liberals haven't already taken their jobs?

Do conservative Republicans want another reason why their leaders don't want to waste money educating them? After all, they can poach the educated from Blue States.

Do conservative Republicans want their tax money to help liberals start up businesses and help move liberals into their state?

That's from the conservative point of view. From the other side:

How many liberals want to move their children into a state where the societal contamination could turn their kids into (gasp) "yokels"?

How many liberals want their kids hamstrung by learning that "accent"?

How many liberals want their kids to become drop outs and learn those right wing "values" of anti education and guns?

So it makes you wonder what kind of liberals would move to Texas? And, does the conservative base really want them there?

Another day and another stupid Deanie thread! Yawn...

Gee, you woke up this morning and immediately turned on MSNBC? Why doesn't that surprise me, Deanie!

For a guy who's constantly disparaging the intelligence of conservatives it's funny how you get the bulk of your "knowledge" from places like MSNBC and ThinkProgress. The truth is...if they didn't give you your daily talking points you aren't intelligent enough to come up with one on your own.
Another day and another stupid Deanie thread! Yawn...

Gee, you woke up this morning and immediately turned on MSNBC? Why doesn't that surprise me, Deanie!

For a guy who's constantly disparaging the intelligence of conservatives it's funny how you get the bulk of your "knowledge" from places like MSNBC and ThinkProgress. The truth is...if they didn't give you your daily talking points you aren't intelligent enough to come up with one on your own.

Oh, be fair. He does have that whole incomprehensibly goofy 6% deal down pat. :lol:
Once again - you are making assumptions that are untrue.

Across the nation, fewer than one in five metros (19 percent) experienced both population growth and productivity growth over the past decade.

The Great Growth Disconnect: Population Growth Does Not Equal Economic Growth - Richard Florida - The Atlantic Cities

Wrong again - Some things never change.

Productivity. Economy. It all sounds about the same, right?

I swear I'm joining Edgtho for a stiff drink when I'm done here.

You might want to read a book instead. Maybe then you could understand more about the data that has been provided, and not make so many erroneous assumptions.

You lecturing anyone on not understandign something is scathingly rich in irony.

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