Will those who take great pride in casting a vote that doesn't matter vote for nothing again in 2020

So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.

Yeah, at the end of the day your anecdote about grandfather isn't going to persuade me to vote aganist what I believe in.

It's all good...thank God there is only 36 of you badasses.
1.3 million,,,

so you lied,,,and thats why I dont trust you repubes anymore than the dems,,,

all of you are liars that have no respect for the constitution,,,,

No time for hair splitting semantics...leave that to third graders.
nothing 3rd grade about you lying,,,at least dems are honest about their hatred for the country and constitution,,,not so much for you repubes,,,
Let's say that again, the LLL voting principle:






do you suck your "parties" ass loser?

Nope, I stick it to them by voting for Hulk Hogan...See, the duopoly loses when I do that...right?
you said 36 people,,the libertarians got 1.3 million,,so are you with them or not???

Are you bragging?
They garnered the support of one small city in Mexifornia?

If libertarians are so inconsequential, why do you invest so much of your time attacking them? ;)
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,
do you suck your "parties" ass loser?

Nope, I stick it to them by voting for Hulk Hogan...See, the duopoly loses when I do that...right?
you said 36 people,,the libertarians got 1.3 million,,so are you with them or not???

Are you bragging?
They garnered the support of one small city in Mexifornia?

If libertarians are so inconsequential, why do you invest so much of your time attacking them? ;)

I "attack" all silly whacks...it's what I do for entertainment in cyberspace.
do you suck your "parties" ass loser?

Nope, I stick it to them by voting for Hulk Hogan...See, the duopoly loses when I do that...right?
you said 36 people,,the libertarians got 1.3 million,,so are you with them or not???

Are you bragging?
They garnered the support of one small city in Mexifornia?

If libertarians are so inconsequential, why do you invest so much of your time attacking them? ;)

I "attack" all silly whacks...it's what I do for entertainment in cyberspace.
you also lie a lot,,,,
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,

haha...stay with that loony logic...I'm certain that you'll get your guy one century...hahaha
Meanwhile keep allowing others to decide your fate...I'm sure that's working SWEET for you.
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,

haha...stay with that loony logic...I'm certain that you'll get your guy one century...hahaha
Meanwhile keep allowing others to decide your fate...I'm sure that's working SWEET for you.
nothing loonie about it,,,if hes on the ballot the the vote counts,,,

and others are already deciding my fate and is why I dont vote for dems or repubes due to their bad performance and violations of my rights,,,,,,
do you suck your "parties" ass loser?

Nope, I stick it to them by voting for Hulk Hogan...See, the duopoly loses when I do that...right?
you said 36 people,,the libertarians got 1.3 million,,so are you with them or not???

Are you bragging?
They garnered the support of one small city in Mexifornia?

If libertarians are so inconsequential, why do you invest so much of your time attacking them? ;)

I "attack" all silly whacks...it's what I do for entertainment in cyberspace.

Maybe. Or maybe libertarians just really get under your skin because they highlight your rank hypocrisy and stupidity. They expose you for the authoritarian douchebag that you are. Maybe.
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,

haha...stay with that loony logic...I'm certain that you'll get your guy one century...hahaha
Meanwhile keep allowing others to decide your fate...I'm sure that's working SWEET for you.
nothing loonie about it,,,if hes on the ballot the the vote counts,,,

and others are already deciding my fate and is why I dont vote for dems or repubes due to their bad performance and violations of my rights,,,,,,

Fuck it...write in Mickey Mouse...it's all the same huh?
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,

haha...stay with that loony logic...I'm certain that you'll get your guy one century...hahaha
Meanwhile keep allowing others to decide your fate...I'm sure that's working SWEET for you.
nothing loonie about it,,,if hes on the ballot the the vote counts,,,

and others are already deciding my fate and is why I dont vote for dems or repubes due to their bad performance and violations of my rights,,,,,,

Fuck it...write in Mickey Mouse...it's all the same huh?
so when youre proven wrong you change the subject to cartoon characters,,,

thats very mature of you,,,,
do you suck your "parties" ass loser?

Nope, I stick it to them by voting for Hulk Hogan...See, the duopoly loses when I do that...right?
you said 36 people,,the libertarians got 1.3 million,,so are you with them or not???

Are you bragging?
They garnered the support of one small city in Mexifornia?

If libertarians are so inconsequential, why do you invest so much of your time attacking them? ;)

I "attack" all silly whacks...it's what I do for entertainment in cyberspace.

Maybe. Or maybe libertarians just really get under your skin because they highlight your rank hypocrisy and stupidity. They expose you for the authoritarian douchebag that you are. Maybe.

You make zero sense bud...Look, stupidity is wasting a vote by voting for a candidate who has no chance at winning...stupidity is allowing others to vote for a winner who will decide the fate of the stubborn fools. Come on man...simple shit.
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,

haha...stay with that loony logic...I'm certain that you'll get your guy one century...hahaha
Meanwhile keep allowing others to decide your fate...I'm sure that's working SWEET for you.
nothing loonie about it,,,if hes on the ballot the the vote counts,,,

and others are already deciding my fate and is why I dont vote for dems or repubes due to their bad performance and violations of my rights,,,,,,

Fuck it...write in Mickey Mouse...it's all the same huh?
so when youre proven wrong you change the subject to cartoon characters,,,

thats very mature of you,,,,
Gay semantics again...think total context. Don't be scared.
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.

I know you're too stupid to understand this, but a vote "matters" regardless of whether the candidate you voted for wins. It counts, as in gets counted, and recorded as support for what you believe in. That is, unless you vote for a candidate you don't actually believe in because you are scared of some other candidate. That's actually worse than a wasted vote. It's a dishonest vote. If you wanna be a liar when you go to the polls, have it it. I'll pass.

Haha...that’s really the problem with you weirdos...you honestly believe that voting against something is a ”waste” and “dishonest”?
It’s weird that you people can’t wrap your peanut sized minds around the fact that only two parties have a chance at winning a national election.
and as long as you fucking party people have that mindset it will never change...cut the party cord loser......and backup what you say and leave california...what the hell is the matter with you?......its like a different world out here.....
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?
stopping them has nothing to do with it,,,I cant and wont vote for someone that I believe will violate your or my rights,,,

Your logic sounds cool as fuck but it's extremely flawed...You see, one of two candidates will win regardless of your noble 'I'm a total badass' position....For sane folks it only makes perfect sense to vote for the candidate you hate the least as none of us love all things any politician stands for. For the most part this shit is third grade level rationale. Let go of the tough guy shit and see things in total clarity.
so if I vote for one of them and they violate your rights doesnt that make me partially responsible for that violation?? more so because I knew they would do it???

sorry my choice hurts your feelings but I will never vote for a person or group of people that I know will bring harm to you, me or another person,,,

Again, your nobility is noted...you are a total badass and obviously super cool....BUT will that stop one of the two parties from winning and "violating" our rights?
voting isnt about voting for who will win,,,

Like drafting a player to help your team win as many games as possible.
You may not always get to choose the most desirable player but that doesn't mean you should say fuck it and draft Rocky Balboa because he makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside....he doesn't have a chance at making your team better. Simple shit...third grade level shit
not even close,,,
The exact same shit...scary to admit huh?
no its not,,,,

tell you what,,if you repubes want my vote then start undoing the democrat agenda starting with gun control laws and maybe a few of the abusive agencies,,,and then we can talk about me joining your team,,,
I’ll do it again in 2020 with a song in my heart. I am not going to vote against my own principles so the partisans sycophants can open a bottle of Dom on election night. Fuck that noise.

haha...you honestly believe that you'll stop the duopoly from celebrating a victory if you stay "principled"....SERIOUSLY?

Of course not. I can't stop you blind partisans from celebrating and toasting to your own demise. I just don't want any part it, which is why neither major candidate has earned my vote.

Long ago my grandfather told me..."Kid, in some elections you'll vote for your guy....in other elections you won't vote for someone but against someone."
He'd always say..."Don't waste a vote, make your vote count."
He would never want me to cast a wasted vote for Hulk Hogan.
in other words pick one of the parties and start kissing their asses.....

NEGATIVE....This shit isn't complicated for anyone even half sane...."MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT"
Does a vote for Hulk Hogan COUNT?
if hes on the ballot then yes it counts,,,

haha...stay with that loony logic...I'm certain that you'll get your guy one century...hahaha
Meanwhile keep allowing others to decide your fate...I'm sure that's working SWEET for you.
nothing loonie about it,,,if hes on the ballot the the vote counts,,,

and others are already deciding my fate and is why I dont vote for dems or repubes due to their bad performance and violations of my rights,,,,,,

Fuck it...write in Mickey Mouse...it's all the same huh?
so when youre proven wrong you change the subject to cartoon characters,,,

thats very mature of you,,,,
Gay semantics again...think total context. Don't be scared.
gay semantics???WTF does that mean???

youre not a good rep for the republican party because youre just showing they are as loonie as the dems,,,,
do you suck your "parties" ass loser?

Nope, I stick it to them by voting for Hulk Hogan...See, the duopoly loses when I do that...right?
you said 36 people,,the libertarians got 1.3 million,,so are you with them or not???

Are you bragging?
They garnered the support of one small city in Mexifornia?

If libertarians are so inconsequential, why do you invest so much of your time attacking them? ;)

I "attack" all silly whacks...it's what I do for entertainment in cyberspace.

Maybe. Or maybe libertarians just really get under your skin because they highlight your rank hypocrisy and stupidity. They expose you for the authoritarian douchebag that you are. Maybe.

Every "Libertarian" I know is a self proclaimed total badass...they all promise to use their AR-15 ONE DAY when they realize that voting for Mickey Mouse for decades isn't working...Guess what...ONE DAY never comes....hahaha
Fuck it...write in Mickey Mouse...it's all the same huh?
You really don't see how voting for principle gets the winner interested in carrying out the will of the 3rd-Party constituents to win their vote next time?

It happens here in Texas all the fucking time.

We knew Ted Cruz would face a well-funded, Soros-backed candidate in Beto Fake-Mexican O'Rourke ($70 million in funding compared to Cruz's $40 million), but many of us still voted for Neal Dikeman. We had to risk a Beto victory to send a message to Ted Cruz to REMEMBER his duties to us. And, Ted does remember us I promise you that.

We will do the same to John Cornyn, and he doesn't have quite the same level of support as Cruz. We may need to send a Democrat to Washington if he does not shape the fuck up.

Vote your will and your conscience. They DO listen.

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