Will Trump attack McCain?

I hope he does. I hope he picks up something and smacks him right in the head.

I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?
No fool, he owes the people of this country he is supposed to represent loyalty.
He's being loyal to his Arizona constituents.
I would say no, because given McCain's current situation it would be insensitive. But this Trumo we're talking about. So anything goes.

I hope Trump does. I love seeing him make an ass out of himself.
McCain being a secret liberal democrat is the worst kept secret in DC since deepthroat
Maybe he is just more moderate? It looks bad for him to come back from a cancer diagnosis to vote to begin discussing the repeal of a bill to only two days later vote against the repeal yeah. It doesn't look great for him but he is not the only problem, 6 other senators voted against so obviously something is wrong or everybody is trying to screw the President over.
No there's no way he's just moderate. He's done some of the most liberal shit a republican can do over his career.
Clearly he's conservative enough though? He ran for presidential office in 2008 so he's no liberal.
Wow you are clueless :lol:
Your party nominated him!

A majority did not vote with them, it was 7 I believe but that's besides the point. At least with Senator Paul he had been voicing his concerns along the way. There were 6 who came out and said during the original vote around a week ago that they would not repeal and replace and with no real change in the bill how can we expect them to pass it? Yes they all campaigned on wanting to change it so they should stick to that promise but do we really want to vote them all out of office because then there is no way anything in Trump's agenda could get passed it barely gets past with a majority right now so how would that be better with more democrats?

You are confused about what I posted. I said the great majority of the Republicans voted to do away with all or most or some of Obamacare. At the end there were three RINOs that sided with the 48 filthy Democrats to stop any change.

Trump has a great agenda but he can't do it alone. Since he is not a dictator he needs Congress.

Many of those Republicans were elected on his coattails to make this country great again. They oppose his agenda at their peril. Trump has the heart of America. The Democrats and the RINOs have the welfare queens and illegals of America.

We saw what happen in 1994 to the Republicans that went along with Slick Willy's agenda to raise taxes and do away with the right to keep and bear arms. Many of them were voted out of office and replaced with more Conservative Republicans. That is when Newt and his boys were abe to keep Slick Willy under control.

We need for these RINO Republicans to go the way of the 1,000 Democrats that have lost their seats and have them replaced by real Conservatives that have the courage to do away with an economy busting Obamacare that takes money away from the paying customers and gives it to the welfare queens.

All Republicans needed to do is come up with a better plan than Obamacare

To do that, you need to put some effort into it. More than slapping together a national healthcare plan in a few weeks and demanding a vote

They got their vote and got slapped down

A majority did not vote with them, it was 7 I believe but that's besides the point. At least with Senator Paul he had been voicing his concerns along the way. There were 6 who came out and said during the original vote around a week ago that they would not repeal and replace and with no real change in the bill how can we expect them to pass it? Yes they all campaigned on wanting to change it so they should stick to that promise but do we really want to vote them all out of office because then there is no way anything in Trump's agenda could get passed it barely gets past with a majority right now so how would that be better with more democrats?

You are confused about what I posted. I said the great majority of the Republicans voted to do away with all or most or some of Obamacare. At the end there were three RINOs that sided with the 48 filthy Democrats to stop any change.

Trump has a great agenda but he can't do it alone. Since he is not a dictator he needs Congress.

Many of those Republicans were elected on his coattails to make this country great again. They oppose his agenda at their peril. Trump has the heart of America. The Democrats and the RINOs have the welfare queens and illegals of America.

We saw what happen in 1994 to the Republicans that went along with Slick Willy's agenda to raise taxes and do away with the right to keep and bear arms. Many of them were voted out of office and replaced with more Conservative Republicans. That is when Newt and his boys were abe to keep Slick Willy under control.

We need for these RINO Republicans to go the way of the 1,000 Democrats that have lost their seats and have them replaced by real Conservatives that have the courage to do away with an economy busting Obamacare that takes money away from the paying customers and gives it to the welfare queens.

All Republicans needed to do is come up with a better plan than Obamacare

To do that, you need to put some effort into it. More than slapping together a national healthcare plan in a few weeks and demanding a vote

They got their vote and got slapped down
It's easier said than done to come up with a completely new bill that both sides can at least respect to get the votes and Republicans have had around 8 years to come up with a new plan and clearly have been working on it in that time, if all their congressional legislation was getting slapped down before what could they have neen doing in that time except planning for something like this?
I don't see it

What I saw was similar to a student who had three months to write a term paper and threw something together the night before it was due
Of course it seems as though they threw it together but what are they going to do, have press conferences during the obama administration about how they are going to change healthcare? Of course not, because they would have been heard on deaf ears so they worked on it either as a party or individually and when they finally got the chance to enact it and make it happen they did, unsuccessful as the recent voting was it started the conversation.

Why wouldn't they announce their plan?

They claimed Obamacare was a disaster. If they had something better to offer, why wouldn't they say....Vote for us and here is the great healthcare plan we will give you

Obamacare is the law of the land. Republicans claimed they could do better but made a pathetic attempt to come up with a credible plan

It is time for Dems and Repubs to get together and fix what needs fixing

Not a chance in hell of that happening

For several decades slavery was the law of the land so don't use the fact that greedy assholes were able to get enough votes to pass the stupid Obamacare as some vindication of the law. The law is a disaster and will fail on its on soon.

What we saw yesterday was simply three RINOs, that laced the courage to do the right thing join the filthy ass Democrats to keep the worst law this country ever had.

Trump should campaign against those idiots, both Democrat and Republicans, that didn't have the courage to do what was right. I suspect he will do that.

Trump should do absolutely nothing to shore up the Obamacare disaster when it fails. Then he can tell the people that suffer that it is their doing by electing assholes to Congress that it failed. Maybe the dumbshits will learn that nothing ever good comes from voting for Liberals of either party.

McCain's actions yeaterday is a great example of why we Conservatives did not vote for him back in 2008. We knew that he was nothing more than big government Liberal and not that much different from that Obama asshole. McCain supporting Obama's signature failure was a vindication that we were right in not electing him. We would have got another Obama except without all the Muslim loving bullshit.
What we saw yesterday is poorly crafted legislation crashing and burning
Same thing we saw back in 2009...except even worse...it passed!
If that is the case, why couldn't Republicans give us something better?

We had something better, Obama fucked it all up.

Obama is not President
If Republicans had something better, why didn't they put it up for a vote?
I posted this in 'Retweetable':


I would say that the voters Democrats get elected by are the selfish ones wanting to steal from the treasury, not the elected individuals even if they represent those views. And yeah the world is a game of trying to get to the top of the pyramid so a system like democracy with an economy based in capitalism obviously is flawed by letting the power hungry get to the top by hurting those below them.

Capitalism allows you to succeed if you are willing to work and fail if you are unwilling. I can live and prosper in that system.

Socialism is using the state to steal what you are unable or unwilling to provide for yourself. That system destroys everything it touches.

Thievery is thievery no matter if it is against the law or if it is in compliance with the law.

It is simply wrong for somebody to think that they have the right to make somebody else pay their bills for them.

The Democrat run on a platform that if you elect them then they will get somebody else to pay your bills. I think that is pretty damn despicable, don't you?

Republicans don't run on that platform but there are always some of the cowards that succumbed to that oppression like we saw last night.
Obama is not President
If Republicans had something better, why didn't they put it up for a vote?
And give up all of that power? no way. A politician is a politician first and a member of a party 2nd. That is why we call it a swamp. Swamps hold creatures of all kinds. It's up to us the American people to find a way of limiting the time a politician can live in the swamp.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.
we've seen the left attack trump and throw hissy fits cause he won the election and they didn't like it... they threatened to blow up the white house, and his life daily.

but you like that, don't you? that's ok cause you don't like trump and in the end, that's the only thing that matters. the world - revolving around you.

Actually, we attack Trump for the stupid shit he says & does.
I know you don't believe it but it is possible to be President of the United States & get your policies enacted & help this country wirhout being a flaming asshole.
never said he wasn't an asshole. in fact, i've said several times in here he is. quite often.

it's also quite possible that just because someone is an asshole they're NOT a criminal.

chew on that buckwheat, buckwheat.
So, you voted for an asshole & are damn proud of it.
and you are an asshole and damn proud of it.

wheee. let's do this again! so productive!
I enjoy posts like the above, when they're put into the perspective of the hundreds of RW'er posts we've seen over the years insisting that the GOP and conservatives are the ones tolerant and welcoming of differing opinions in their party.
Saying what I did has nothing to do with tolerance. It has to do with wanting his face smacked. Tell us another lie.

Being "tolerant" does not mean letting someone treat you like shit and not calling them on it.

Lefties play games with words and then attack you based on their bullshit.

So McCain owes the GOP majority lockstep unquestioning obedience,

if he wants to avoid being accused of treating them like shit?
No fool, he owes the people of this country he is supposed to represent loyalty.
He's being loyal to his Arizona constituents.

That's absolutely true, but then again the NATIONAL opposition to this bill would make his no vote an exercise of 'loyalty' to the American people as a whole.
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose
Few people are intimidated or afraid of Donald Trump. McCain welcomes the wrath of Trump because McCain is loyal to Ameria and a warrior. Attacks from trump are laughed at and even welcomed as good and fun sport. Trump is not a serious adult.
Secretly, Republicans are celebrating what McCain did

He saved them from themselves and from having to go back home and explaining their vote to the public
McCain being a secret liberal democrat is the worst kept secret in DC since deepthroat
Maybe he is just more moderate? It looks bad for him to come back from a cancer diagnosis to vote to begin discussing the repeal of a bill to only two days later vote against the repeal yeah. It doesn't look great for him but he is not the only problem, 6 other senators voted against so obviously something is wrong or everybody is trying to screw the President over.
No there's no way he's just moderate. He's done some of the most liberal shit a republican can do over his career.
Clearly he's conservative enough though? He ran for presidential office in 2008 so he's no liberal.
Wow you are clueless :lol:
Your party nominated him!
Yes because they trusted him to carry out the ideals of the Republican Party.
You are confused about what I posted. I said the great majority of the Republicans voted to do away with all or most or some of Obamacare. At the end there were three RINOs that sided with the 48 filthy Democrats to stop any change.

Trump has a great agenda but he can't do it alone. Since he is not a dictator he needs Congress.

Many of those Republicans were elected on his coattails to make this country great again. They oppose his agenda at their peril. Trump has the heart of America. The Democrats and the RINOs have the welfare queens and illegals of America.

We saw what happen in 1994 to the Republicans that went along with Slick Willy's agenda to raise taxes and do away with the right to keep and bear arms. Many of them were voted out of office and replaced with more Conservative Republicans. That is when Newt and his boys were abe to keep Slick Willy under control.

We need for these RINO Republicans to go the way of the 1,000 Democrats that have lost their seats and have them replaced by real Conservatives that have the courage to do away with an economy busting Obamacare that takes money away from the paying customers and gives it to the welfare queens.

All Republicans needed to do is come up with a better plan than Obamacare

To do that, you need to put some effort into it. More than slapping together a national healthcare plan in a few weeks and demanding a vote

They got their vote and got slapped down
You are confused about what I posted. I said the great majority of the Republicans voted to do away with all or most or some of Obamacare. At the end there were three RINOs that sided with the 48 filthy Democrats to stop any change.

Trump has a great agenda but he can't do it alone. Since he is not a dictator he needs Congress.

Many of those Republicans were elected on his coattails to make this country great again. They oppose his agenda at their peril. Trump has the heart of America. The Democrats and the RINOs have the welfare queens and illegals of America.

We saw what happen in 1994 to the Republicans that went along with Slick Willy's agenda to raise taxes and do away with the right to keep and bear arms. Many of them were voted out of office and replaced with more Conservative Republicans. That is when Newt and his boys were abe to keep Slick Willy under control.

We need for these RINO Republicans to go the way of the 1,000 Democrats that have lost their seats and have them replaced by real Conservatives that have the courage to do away with an economy busting Obamacare that takes money away from the paying customers and gives it to the welfare queens.

All Republicans needed to do is come up with a better plan than Obamacare

To do that, you need to put some effort into it. More than slapping together a national healthcare plan in a few weeks and demanding a vote

They got their vote and got slapped down
It's easier said than done to come up with a completely new bill that both sides can at least respect to get the votes and Republicans have had around 8 years to come up with a new plan and clearly have been working on it in that time, if all their congressional legislation was getting slapped down before what could they have neen doing in that time except planning for something like this?
I don't see it

What I saw was similar to a student who had three months to write a term paper and threw something together the night before it was due
Of course it seems as though they threw it together but what are they going to do, have press conferences during the obama administration about how they are going to change healthcare? Of course not, because they would have been heard on deaf ears so they worked on it either as a party or individually and when they finally got the chance to enact it and make it happen they did, unsuccessful as the recent voting was it started the conversation.

Why wouldn't they announce their plan?

They claimed Obamacare was a disaster. If they had something better to offer, why wouldn't they say....Vote for us and here is the great healthcare plan we will give you
Nobody would have listened because Obamacare was in a honeymoon phase where nobody could see the flaws.

I would say that the voters Democrats get elected by are the selfish ones wanting to steal from the treasury, not the elected individuals even if they represent those views. And yeah the world is a game of trying to get to the top of the pyramid so a system like democracy with an economy based in capitalism obviously is flawed by letting the power hungry get to the top by hurting those below them.

Capitalism allows you to succeed if you are willing to work and fail if you are unwilling. I can live and prosper in that system.

Socialism is using the state to steal what you are unable or unwilling to provide for yourself. That system destroys everything it touches.

Thievery is thievery no matter if it is against the law or if it is in compliance with the law.

It is simply wrong for somebody to think that they have the right to make somebody else pay their bills for them.

The Democrat run on a platform that if you elect them then they will get somebody else to pay your bills. I think that is pretty damn despicable, don't you?

Republicans don't run on that platform but there are always some of the cowards that succumbed to that oppression like we saw last night.
I would agree except in saying the Republicans were cowards. Yes they should have voted for it and then gone to change the issues with it but they didn't because they are standing up for their respective states, on issues that may be the smallest thing ever but none the less.
So I guess what is bein said in the OP is that Trump should praise women and McCain for their opposition. Or is the OP saying that Trump should do what Obama did and buy off his own party? I guess the later is business as usual for Washington. Maybe that is the problem, people like McCain are used to getting their collective asses kissed with ample government money.
Wow, you actually go along with threatening Senators & their states. Vote yes or I'll cut off federal funding to your state? This is the government you want.

We need Senators & Congressmen that vote what they want & not follow party lines or be blackmailed by the President.
Wow and you support buying off representative with things like the "corn husker kickback." I would rather threaten states then to pay off reps. But the status quo seems to be what you prefer, sad.
It's a crack up watching liberals and democrats cheer on over priced bad healthcare! I suggest all small business people report as little income as possible in order to get a subsidy because if you don't this Obamacare nightmare will rob you blind. Break Uncle Sams bank not yours.
When the likes of McCain are gone in 2018 then we can fix it but until then lie your fing ass off.

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