Will Trump attack McCain?


I would say that the voters Democrats get elected by are the selfish ones wanting to steal from the treasury, not the elected individuals even if they represent those views. And yeah the world is a game of trying to get to the top of the pyramid so a system like democracy with an economy based in capitalism obviously is flawed by letting the power hungry get to the top by hurting those below them.

Capitalism allows you to succeed if you are willing to work and fail if you are unwilling. I can live and prosper in that system.

Socialism is using the state to steal what you are unable or unwilling to provide for yourself. That system destroys everything it touches.

Thievery is thievery no matter if it is against the law or if it is in compliance with the law.

It is simply wrong for somebody to think that they have the right to make somebody else pay their bills for them.

The Democrat run on a platform that if you elect them then they will get somebody else to pay your bills. I think that is pretty damn despicable, don't you?

Republicans don't run on that platform but there are always some of the cowards that succumbed to that oppression like we saw last night.
I would agree except in saying the Republicans were cowards. Yes they should have voted for it and then gone to change the issues with it but they didn't because they are standing up for their respective states, on issues that may be the smallest thing ever but none the less.
So the Republicans are the coward because their more liberal members are not voting with the majority. What you seem to like is the lemming love of the democrats. We wouldn't have the POS ACA if it were not for the lemmings in the Democrat party, not one willing to go against their party, much like they still will not.

ACA is all Democrat, all of it and it is disingenuous to now try and blame Republicans for not fixing the democrat f..k up.

So the Republicans are the coward because their more liberal members are not voting with the majority. What you seem to like is the lemming love of the democrats. We wouldn't have the POS ACA if it were not for the lemmings in the Democrat party, not one willing to go against their party, much like they still will not.

ACA is all Democrat, all of it and it is disingenuous to now try and blame Republicans for not fixing the democrat f..k up.

You are correct.

That bill didn't fail last night because of three weak minded Republican votes. It failed because of 46 Democrat and two Independents that vote with the Democrats.
Bill Clinton used his wife's "bimbo eruption squad" to attack victims of his sexual perversion. Bill Clinton used tanks and poison gas to attack Americans. Barry Hussein used the IRS to attack political enemies and shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels which were used to attack Mexican citizens and at least one American federal officer. A Sanders supporter used a firearm to attack republicans at a baseball game. Maybe the radical left is so filled with anger and hatred that they forgot the meaning of the word attack
After Trump's election after running on a platform to repeal Obamacare I wonder who told those three dingbat Republicans yesterday that they should vote against it? That was as stupid as the Democrats from states that voted for Trump voting against the bill thinking they had support back home.

I think the lesson is that it is not enough just to get a President that wants to make this country great again. We need to get rid of both the Democrats and weak minded RINOs.

Kind of like what we did back in 1994 when the Demcrats and RINOs passed that stupid assault weapons ban. Many of them went packing just like 62 Democrats that voted for Obamcare went packing in 2010 after voting for the stupid thing.
All Republicans needed to do is come up with a better plan than Obamacare

To do that, you need to put some effort into it. More than slapping together a national healthcare plan in a few weeks and demanding a vote

They got their vote and got slapped down
All Republicans needed to do is come up with a better plan than Obamacare

To do that, you need to put some effort into it. More than slapping together a national healthcare plan in a few weeks and demanding a vote

They got their vote and got slapped down
It's easier said than done to come up with a completely new bill that both sides can at least respect to get the votes and Republicans have had around 8 years to come up with a new plan and clearly have been working on it in that time, if all their congressional legislation was getting slapped down before what could they have neen doing in that time except planning for something like this?
I don't see it

What I saw was similar to a student who had three months to write a term paper and threw something together the night before it was due
Of course it seems as though they threw it together but what are they going to do, have press conferences during the obama administration about how they are going to change healthcare? Of course not, because they would have been heard on deaf ears so they worked on it either as a party or individually and when they finally got the chance to enact it and make it happen they did, unsuccessful as the recent voting was it started the conversation.

Why wouldn't they announce their plan?

They claimed Obamacare was a disaster. If they had something better to offer, why wouldn't they say....Vote for us and here is the great healthcare plan we will give you
Nobody would have listened because Obamacare was in a honeymoon phase where nobody could see the flaws.

You mean flaws like Obama killing Sarah Palin's baby?

I would say that the voters Democrats get elected by are the selfish ones wanting to steal from the treasury, not the elected individuals even if they represent those views. And yeah the world is a game of trying to get to the top of the pyramid so a system like democracy with an economy based in capitalism obviously is flawed by letting the power hungry get to the top by hurting those below them.

Capitalism allows you to succeed if you are willing to work and fail if you are unwilling. I can live and prosper in that system.

Socialism is using the state to steal what you are unable or unwilling to provide for yourself. That system destroys everything it touches.

Thievery is thievery no matter if it is against the law or if it is in compliance with the law.

It is simply wrong for somebody to think that they have the right to make somebody else pay their bills for them.

The Democrat run on a platform that if you elect them then they will get somebody else to pay your bills. I think that is pretty damn despicable, don't you?

Republicans don't run on that platform but there are always some of the cowards that succumbed to that oppression like we saw last night.
I would agree except in saying the Republicans were cowards. Yes they should have voted for it and then gone to change the issues with it but they didn't because they are standing up for their respective states, on issues that may be the smallest thing ever but none the less.

I don't think Republicans are cowards, I think they are inept

They wrote a bill in the backroom without any input....then expected people to vote for it
They ignored the CBO scoring
They refused to reach a compromise
They never sold their bill to the American public
Trump did nothing to help
So I guess what is bein said in the OP is that Trump should praise women and McCain for their opposition. Or is the OP saying that Trump should do what Obama did and buy off his own party? I guess the later is business as usual for Washington. Maybe that is the problem, people like McCain are used to getting their collective asses kissed with ample government money.
Wow, you actually go along with threatening Senators & their states. Vote yes or I'll cut off federal funding to your state? This is the government you want.

We need Senators & Congressmen that vote what they want & not follow party lines or be blackmailed by the President.

Sadly this is the government they want.
No there's no way he's just moderate. He's done some of the most liberal shit a republican can do over his career.
Clearly he's conservative enough though? He ran for presidential office in 2008 so he's no liberal.
Wow you are clueless :lol:
What is your conspiracy theory on this then? That he's working from inside the Republicans to tear them down for the democrats? Enlighten me if I'm so clueless
Why does it have to be a conspiracy theory? The guy is just a fucking piece of shit and somehow keeps getting reelected by Arizonans probably because they don't want the gravy train to end
If he's such a piece of crap like you say, contact Republican leadership in Arizona and make a change to get somebody else to run.
Hello? The guy has a brain tumor he's probably out of there soon anyway
The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.
Very true. McCain has nothing to lose. He doesn't come up for re-election till 2020 and running again seems very unlikely.

McCain has had unflinching support for the party over the years. Casting the deciding vote to defeat the skinny repeal bill may be the end of voting for the good the party and the beginning of voting for the good of the people. Too bad other Senators don't follow his example.

If you remember McCain's speech when he returned to the Senate a few days ago, he spoke of working with Democrats on the healthcare bill. I think this is exactly what he is hoping will happen now the repeal seems to be dead.
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The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.
Very true. McCain has nothing to lose. He doesn't come up for re-election till 2020 and running again seems very unlikely.

McCain has had unflinching support for the party over the years. Casting the deciding vote to defeat the skinny repeal bill may be the end of voting for the good the party and the beginning of voting for the good of the people. Too bad other Senators don't follow his example.

If you remember McCain's speech when he returned to the Senate a few days ago, he spoke of working with Democrats on the healthcare bill. I think this is exactly what he is hoping will happen now the repeal seems to be dead.
Democrats working with Republicans ain't gonna happen. The democrats won't work with anyone they proved that for 8 years and counting.
McCain has made a career of sabotaging Republican agendas from within. Fuck him.
McCain represents Arizona, the #2 retirement destination after Florida. That's a lot of assisted livings, nursing homes, and memory cares. All would be thrown in turmoil if the Medicaid was slashed.

What do you do with all those people? Most of the men are WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans. Is this how Republicans want to take care of the veterans?

What do the family members do? Quit their jobs to stay home with 88 year old mom, who can't be left alone?

You Republicans sure are dumb.
Are ewe confused?
It's easier said than done to come up with a completely new bill that both sides can at least respect to get the votes and Republicans have had around 8 years to come up with a new plan and clearly have been working on it in that time, if all their congressional legislation was getting slapped down before what could they have neen doing in that time except planning for something like this?
I don't see it

What I saw was similar to a student who had three months to write a term paper and threw something together the night before it was due
Of course it seems as though they threw it together but what are they going to do, have press conferences during the obama administration about how they are going to change healthcare? Of course not, because they would have been heard on deaf ears so they worked on it either as a party or individually and when they finally got the chance to enact it and make it happen they did, unsuccessful as the recent voting was it started the conversation.

Why wouldn't they announce their plan?

They claimed Obamacare was a disaster. If they had something better to offer, why wouldn't they say....Vote for us and here is the great healthcare plan we will give you
Nobody would have listened because Obamacare was in a honeymoon phase where nobody could see the flaws.

You mean flaws like Obama killing Sarah Palin's baby?
Are you referring to the stump speech she gave while supporting Trump where she mentioned her son being left without support after getting PTSD from serving? Or the statement about Obamacare?
The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.
Very true. McCain has nothing to lose. He doesn't come up for re-election till 2020 and running again seems very unlikely.

McCain has had unflinching support for the party over the years. Casting the deciding vote to defeat the skinny repeal bill may be the end of voting for the good the party and the beginning of voting for the good of the people. Too bad other Senators don't follow his example.

If you remember McCain's speech when he returned to the Senate a few days ago, he spoke of working with Democrats on the healthcare bill. I think this is exactly what he is hoping will happen now the repeal seems to be dead.
Democrats working with Republicans ain't gonna happen. The democrats won't work with anyone they proved that for 8 years and counting.
Bipartisan support for anything is the exception but yes it will probably happen as it has in the past, when each side sees it as necessary and the only alternative.

About 35,000 people buying insurance in Affordable Care Act marketplaces in 45 counties could have no carriers to choose from this fall. This would be the first time that has happened since the marketplaces were opened in 2014. Trump is doing everything he can to make sure this happens by threatening to not enforce the individual mandate this year and to withhold payments to insurance companies.

McConnell is counting on this problem bringing enough renegade republicans into the fold to pass some kind of healthcare legislation. If that fails they will turn to democrats. And it that fails, they will have to blame their failure to repeal Obamacare on the democrats even thou they control both houses of congress and the presidency, not a good plan but the only alternative at that point.
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Will Trump attack McCain?

He already has.


I would say that the voters Democrats get elected by are the selfish ones wanting to steal from the treasury, not the elected individuals even if they represent those views. And yeah the world is a game of trying to get to the top of the pyramid so a system like democracy with an economy based in capitalism obviously is flawed by letting the power hungry get to the top by hurting those below them.

Capitalism allows you to succeed if you are willing to work and fail if you are unwilling. I can live and prosper in that system.

Socialism is using the state to steal what you are unable or unwilling to provide for yourself. That system destroys everything it touches.

Thievery is thievery no matter if it is against the law or if it is in compliance with the law.

It is simply wrong for somebody to think that they have the right to make somebody else pay their bills for them.

The Democrat run on a platform that if you elect them then they will get somebody else to pay your bills. I think that is pretty damn despicable, don't you?

Republicans don't run on that platform but there are always some of the cowards that succumbed to that oppression like we saw last night.
I would agree except in saying the Republicans were cowards. Yes they should have voted for it and then gone to change the issues with it but they didn't because they are standing up for their respective states, on issues that may be the smallest thing ever but none the less.

I don't think Republicans are cowards, I think they are inept

They wrote a bill in the backroom without any input....then expected people to vote for it
They ignored the CBO scoring
They refused to reach a compromise
They never sold their bill to the American public
Trump did nothing to help
Neither side will come to a compromise. Both sides will stand their ground and neither side will try to come to a happy medium so they had to make it behind closed doors. If they came out with this bill it would be denounced by Obama and the liberal media.
McCain has made a career of sabotaging Republican agendas from within. Fuck him.
McCain represents Arizona, the #2 retirement destination after Florida. That's a lot of assisted livings, nursing homes, and memory cares. All would be thrown in turmoil if the Medicaid was slashed.

What do you do with all those people? Most of the men are WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans. Is this how Republicans want to take care of the veterans?

What do the family members do? Quit their jobs to stay home with 88 year old mom, who can't be left alone?

You Republicans sure are dumb.
Are ewe confused?
The man has multi mental problems from his POW and now cancer, so I don't think he has full mental control over anything he does. I can not say the same for Polisi and others people keep sending back to their offices.
The death panel in the U.K. Got their way. That little baby died. The death panel would not even let the baby go home to die. That's what stupid people like democrats and john McCain want.

Neither side will come to a compromise. Both sides will stand their ground and neither side will try to come to a happy medium so they had to make it behind closed doors. If they came out with this bill it would be denounced by Obama and the liberal media.

The best thing for this country would be an outright repeal of Obamacare. It could be phased out in order to give the welfare queens some time to find something else.

The Democrat filth opposes that. The Democrat filth plus seven RINOs opposes that.

The next best thing is for as many of the things that are wrong in the bill to be corrected. Everything from the taxes to the mandate to the employer mandate to the outrageous policy requirements to the subsidies.

However, the Democrats filth plus one senile old man and two cowardly dingbats opposes the common sense improvements that was voted on last night.

Our country is very broke and I honestly don't think it can be fixed. There are too many welfare queens sucking off that $4 trillion a year teat of big government.

Trump cam in with the right agenda to fix it but he can't drain that swamp alone. He needs those idiotic power hungry slime balls in Congress, who are all controlled by special interest to go along and that ain't happening.

Our Republic can't function with half of Congress beholding to welfare queens to keep them elected and the other half beholding to other special interest groups.

Maybe it is time to start all over. This time with a stronger ironclad Bill of Rights that protects the Liberty of the American people from the abuses of big government.
The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.
Very true. McCain has nothing to lose. He doesn't come up for re-election till 2020 and running again seems very unlikely.

McCain has had unflinching support for the party over the years. Casting the deciding vote to defeat the skinny repeal bill may be the end of voting for the good the party and the beginning of voting for the good of the people. Too bad other Senators don't follow his example.

If you remember McCain's speech when he returned to the Senate a few days ago, he spoke of working with Democrats on the healthcare bill. I think this is exactly what he is hoping will happen now the repeal seems to be dead.
Democrats working with Republicans ain't gonna happen. The democrats won't work with anyone they proved that for 8 years and counting.
Bipartisan support for anything is the exception but yes it will probably happen as it has in the past, when each side sees it as necessary and the only alternative.

About 35,000 people buying insurance in Affordable Care Act marketplaces in 45 counties could have no carriers to choose from this fall. This would be the first time that has happened since the marketplaces were opened in 2014. Trump is doing everything he can to make sure this happens by threatening to not enforce the individual mandate this year and to withhold payments to insurance companies.

McConnell is counting on this problem bringing enough renegade republicans into the fold to pass some kind of healthcare legislation. If that fails they will turn to democrats. And it that fails, they will have to blame their failure to repeal Obamacare on the democrats even thou they control both houses of congress and the presidency, not a good plan but the only alternative at that point.
the Democrats need to throw the gaunlet down and pledge to help create something better then what we have. If they don't then ACA is still all them.

Mandates are just a funding issue it doesn't seem to me that is why HC companies are dropping out.

I think a 80/20 healthcare plan like Medicare would work well if EVERYONE, including CONGRESS, the WH and everyone else were enrolled. Think how freeing that would be for companies and employees.

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