Will Trump attack McCain?

The two female Senators were a given, I believe it is agreed upon before a vote between a few of them who will vote no to tip the scales and since McCain really has nothing to lose at this point he chose to be the deciding vote or Lindsay talked him into it.
Very true. McCain has nothing to lose. He doesn't come up for re-election till 2020 and running again seems very unlikely.

McCain has had unflinching support for the party over the years. Casting the deciding vote to defeat the skinny repeal bill may be the end of voting for the good the party and the beginning of voting for the good of the people. Too bad other Senators don't follow his example.

If you remember McCain's speech when he returned to the Senate a few days ago, he spoke of working with Democrats on the healthcare bill. I think this is exactly what he is hoping will happen now the repeal seems to be dead.
Democrats working with Republicans ain't gonna happen. The democrats won't work with anyone they proved that for 8 years and counting.
Bipartisan support for anything is the exception but yes it will probably happen as it has in the past, when each side sees it as necessary and the only alternative.

About 35,000 people buying insurance in Affordable Care Act marketplaces in 45 counties could have no carriers to choose from this fall. This would be the first time that has happened since the marketplaces were opened in 2014. Trump is doing everything he can to make sure this happens by threatening to not enforce the individual mandate this year and to withhold payments to insurance companies.

McConnell is counting on this problem bringing enough renegade republicans into the fold to pass some kind of healthcare legislation. If that fails they will turn to democrats. And it that fails, they will have to blame their failure to repeal Obamacare on the democrats even thou they control both houses of congress and the presidency, not a good plan but the only alternative at that point.
the Democrats need to throw the gaunlet down and pledge to help create something better then what we have. If they don't then ACA is still all them.

Mandates are just a funding issue it doesn't seem to me that is why HC companies are dropping out.

I think a 80/20 healthcare plan like Medicare would work well if EVERYONE, including CONGRESS, the WH and everyone else were enrolled. Think how freeing that would be for companies and employees.
First of all when we are talking about health insurance companies dropping out, I want to be very clear; employee sponsored group insurance, medicaid, medicare, and other government healthcare is not part of the insurance company drop out. It is the individual healthcare market that is effected. This is where 14% of the people get their insurance.

47 counties in the country may have no companies offering individual insurance on the exchanges this fall.
This is an immediate problem that both parties should come together to solve. There are a number causes and both parties bare the responsibility, not just democrats.

Trump's shortening the enrollment period on the exchanges, threatening not to enforce the individual mandate, and threats of withholding payments to insurance companies has created uncertainty as to the viability of the individual insurance market and is certainly responsible for many companies backing out of the exchanges.

Democrats also must share the blame because Obamacare did too much too fast and made one huge mistake. They underestimated the impact on insurers of covering people with pre-existing conditions and over estimated the number of healthy customers that would enter the individual market due to the mandate. This drove costs, premiums, and deductibles up. These are very fixable problems if the two parties would work together.

The 80/20 split on cost is a good idea with a reasonable out of pocket maximum. Medicare has no out of pocket maximum which drives people to buy supplemental policies adding to America's healthcare cost.

The 80/20 split on cost is a good idea with a reasonable out of pocket maximum. Medicare has no out of pocket maximum which drives people to buy supplemental policies adding to America's healthcare cost.

By what I see on the TV companies are very interested in signing up those on medicare. It isn't hard to find a plan that has limits on out of pocket and NO premium, plus they offer freebees such as gym membership. If medicare is so bad for companies I don't see it. Who has the potential for pre-existing condition then those over 65.

It would work, but everyone would have to be enrolled, which is what Obamacare tried to do, they just did it in a bad way.

A plan for EVERYONE like Medicare with companies buying supplemental or advantage plans for their employees if they want to enhance the benefit, seems to me to be the way to go.
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.

Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare
Actually Trump care is a fantasy. Why?
Health and Human Services Secretary Thomas E. Price has had no part in creating the replacement for Obamacare. Senate republicans have not even involve the administration in creating their healthcare bills. Further, Trump is a completely lacking in any knowledge of the the US healthcare system. He just attacks republicans in congress for not supporting whatever bill reaches the floor. Worse yet, he is doing every possible thing he can to make sure the individual healthcare insurance market collapses.
We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

Well we don't know yet--Trump got rid of Reince Preibus today--to deflect attention away from the failure of Republicans not being able to pass a skinny repeal on Obamacare--but he tends to work himself up into a frenzy and goes on a tweety rampage in the early morning hours. So we'll see.

Very true. McCain has nothing to lose. He doesn't come up for re-election till 2020 and running again seems very unlikely.

McCain has had unflinching support for the party over the years. Casting the deciding vote to defeat the skinny repeal bill may be the end of voting for the good the party and the beginning of voting for the good of the people. Too bad other Senators don't follow his example.

If you remember McCain's speech when he returned to the Senate a few days ago, he spoke of working with Democrats on the healthcare bill. I think this is exactly what he is hoping will happen now the repeal seems to be dead.
Democrats working with Republicans ain't gonna happen. The democrats won't work with anyone they proved that for 8 years and counting.
Bipartisan support for anything is the exception but yes it will probably happen as it has in the past, when each side sees it as necessary and the only alternative.

About 35,000 people buying insurance in Affordable Care Act marketplaces in 45 counties could have no carriers to choose from this fall. This would be the first time that has happened since the marketplaces were opened in 2014. Trump is doing everything he can to make sure this happens by threatening to not enforce the individual mandate this year and to withhold payments to insurance companies.

McConnell is counting on this problem bringing enough renegade republicans into the fold to pass some kind of healthcare legislation. If that fails they will turn to democrats. And it that fails, they will have to blame their failure to repeal Obamacare on the democrats even thou they control both houses of congress and the presidency, not a good plan but the only alternative at that point.
the Democrats need to throw the gaunlet down and pledge to help create something better then what we have. If they don't then ACA is still all them.

Mandates are just a funding issue it doesn't seem to me that is why HC companies are dropping out.

I think a 80/20 healthcare plan like Medicare would work well if EVERYONE, including CONGRESS, the WH and everyone else were enrolled. Think how freeing that would be for companies and employees.
First of all when we are talking about health insurance companies dropping out, I want to be very clear; employee sponsored group insurance, medicaid, medicare, and other government healthcare is not part of the insurance company drop out. It is the individual healthcare market that is effected. This is where 14% of the people get their insurance.

47 counties in the country may have no companies offering individual insurance on the exchanges this fall.
This is an immediate problem that both parties should come together to solve. There are a number causes and both parties bare the responsibility, not just democrats.

Trump's shortening the enrollment period on the exchanges, threatening not to enforce the individual mandate, and threats of withholding payments to insurance companies has created uncertainty as to the viability of the individual insurance market and is certainly responsible for many companies backing out of the exchanges.

Democrats also must share the blame because Obamacare did too much too fast and made one huge mistake. They underestimated the impact on insurers of covering people with pre-existing conditions and over estimated the number of healthy customers that would enter the individual market due to the mandate. This drove costs, premiums, and deductibles up. These are very fixable problems if the two parties would work together.

The 80/20 split on cost is a good idea with a reasonable out of pocket maximum. Medicare has no out of pocket maximum which drives people to buy supplemental policies adding to America's healthcare cost.

The 80/20 split on cost is a good idea with a reasonable out of pocket maximum. Medicare has no out of pocket maximum which drives people to buy supplemental policies adding to America's healthcare cost.

By what I see on the TV companies are very interested in signing up those on medicare. It isn't hard to find a plan that has limits on out of pocket and NO premium, plus they offer freebees such as gym membership. If medicare is so bad for companies I don't see it. Who has the potential for pre-existing condition then those over 65.

It would work, but everyone would have to be enrolled, which is what Obamacare tried to do, they just did it in a bad way.

A plan for EVERYONE like Medicare with companies buying supplemental or advantage plans for their employees if they want to enhance the benefit, seems to me to be the way to go.
I think Medicare for all would work far better than our current system.

What you see on TV are mostly Medicare Supplements which pay the 20% that Medicare does not pay. They exist because Medicare has no out of pocket maximum. My wife has such a plan because her healthcare bills run over a $100,000 a year and will probably reach $250,000 at some point. Since we cannot afford paying over $20,000 to $50,000 on medical expenses a year we carry a supplement plan that pays the 20%.

The Medicare plans that offer out of pocket maximums are MedAdvantage plans. These plans are managed care plan offered by insurance companies and funded by Medicare and a premium paid by the patient. In addition to out of pocket maximums, they offer a fixed amount of copay for various services instead of the 20% coinsurance. They also bundle in a drug programs and other goodies like physical fitness programs. The cost varies a lot depending on the addition services they provide, plan differences, and size of network.

I have a MedAdvantage Plan. My wife has a supplemental plan. The MediAdvantage plan is great if you don’t have a lot serious medical problems. If you do the copays will make the plan really expensive. Also MedAdvatage plans have networks. If you go out of network, your costs will really go up. Regular Medicare allows you to go to any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare which is about 99% of all hospitals and 90% of the doctors.

Another important difference in plans is you can join a MedAdvantage at any time after you are 65. However, with supplement plans, you only have 12 months after you reach 65 to sign up with guaranteed rates and acceptance. After that the insurance company can set rates based on age and your medical condition.

Medicare + a Supplemental plan is great for the patient because everything is paid for. You don't have to worry about medical bills. Although it's great for the patient, it's relatively expensive and not so good for the tax payer.
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McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.

Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare

I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?
McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.

Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare

I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
McCain is a progressive... hence no spine...
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?

You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.

Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare
Actually Trump care is a fantasy. Why?
Health and Human Services Secretary Thomas E. Price has had no part in creating the replacement for Obamacare. Senate republicans have not even involve the administration in creating their healthcare bills. Further, Trump is a completely lacking in any knowledge of the the US healthcare system. He just attacks republicans in congress for not supporting whatever bill reaches the floor. Worse yet, he is doing every possible thing he can to make sure the individual healthcare insurance market collapses.
And obamacare is?
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?
You name a flaw, McCain has it... lol
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.

Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare
Actually Trump care is a fantasy. Why?
Health and Human Services Secretary Thomas E. Price has had no part in creating the replacement for Obamacare. Senate republicans have not even involve the administration in creating their healthcare bills. Further, Trump is a completely lacking in any knowledge of the the US healthcare system. He just attacks republicans in congress for not supporting whatever bill reaches the floor. Worse yet, he is doing every possible thing he can to make sure the individual healthcare insurance market collapses.
Trump has no knowledge of healthcare and no desire to learn

All he cares about is destroying anything Obama created and he couldn't care less about what replaces it
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?

You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain
McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?

You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain

You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Trump erupts, lashes out at filibuster instead of the actual Senators like Senile McCain who denied him skinny repeal...

A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.

I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?

You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain

You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism
Trump is absolutely correct. If the democrats had the majority in congress they already would have changed the majority vote to 51. 100%
I thought McCain was a dangerous racist hot head. That's what you lefties told us. When did he become a hero again?
No one I know called McCain a racist?

You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain

You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."

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