Will Trump attack McCain?

Trump erupts, lashes out at filibuster instead of the actual Senators like Senile McCain who denied him skinny repeal...

Trump turned the White House and Executive Branch into a chaotic dysfunctional mess. Now he wants to blame his incompetence on the legislative branch. The Liar in Chief is unable to lead.
McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.

Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare

I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
A few cynics believe McCain took the bullet because he won't be running again and the rest of the Repubs knew it would be safe to vote no, just like in the Obama days, knowing full well it wouldn't pass.
I'm not sure if that's true, but at least one of the other abstainers, Susan Collins, is also thinking of leaving the Senate next year to run for Governor. They may have known that the vote would be political suicide as Republicans. Whether it was actually a strategy is what I'd love to know, just out of curiosity.
McCain is now Trump's worst nightmare

He has no reason to engage in partisan politics....especially for Trump

The Maverick has returned. He has nothing to lose

McCain has been playing the traitor for decades, being sick changes nothing.
A traitor to the Republican party but a hero to this country.

Only a total fool thinks it is good to pass a bill they dont want to become law. To repeal the ACA without a replacement. It was a stupid bill & thank God there were 3 Republican Senators that love America more than their political party.
The Skinny Repeal would have destroyed the healthcare system, left 30 million + with no insurance, driven rates through the roof, and left 99% of Obamacare in place. I can't believe it got as many votes as it did. McCain voted in the best interest of the American people, not the party. When you are in his situation, your perspective changes.
No one I know called McCain a racist?

You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain

You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab
Gave one big middle finger to Trump

He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare

I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
A few cynics believe McCain took the bullet because he won't be running again and the rest of the Repubs knew it would be safe to vote no, just like in the Obama days, knowing full well it wouldn't pass.
I'm not sure if that's true, but at least one of the other abstainers, Susan Collins, is also thinking of leaving the Senate next year to run for Governor. They may have known that the vote would be political suicide as Republicans. Whether it was actually a strategy is what I'd love to know, just out of curiosity.
I honestly think McCain did not want it on his conscience
I think Collins is safe in Maine
He given the big middle finger to Republicans many times. THat is why you like him. THat is why the media likes him.

Of course, when he became a problem for your agenda, suddenly you lefties turned on him on a dime. Suddenly realized that he was a hot head, and racist to boot.

That he forgave that and went back to his old ways is very, very sad and pathetic of him.

That you lefties just dropped all the shit about him being unstable and racist, to suddenly embrace him again, is disgusting on your part.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare

I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
A few cynics believe McCain took the bullet because he won't be running again and the rest of the Repubs knew it would be safe to vote no, just like in the Obama days, knowing full well it wouldn't pass.
I'm not sure if that's true, but at least one of the other abstainers, Susan Collins, is also thinking of leaving the Senate next year to run for Governor. They may have known that the vote would be political suicide as Republicans. Whether it was actually a strategy is what I'd love to know, just out of curiosity.
I honestly think McCain did not want it on his conscience
I think Collins is safe in Maine
Collins is safe; the Republicans in Maine are a good percentage older or poor and she protected us from a bill that would be really bad for us as individuals and for rural healthcare in general. That may not the be case elsewhere, but she looked out for the people of Maine. Also, she's got a proposal of her own that hopefully will get a look now that the Congress needs to buckle down and really think this thing through.
I don't know much about McCain. Sounds like he's followed his conscience a lot in the past, and that's not much appreciated here. LOL
You are probably editing your memory. It was all the rage for lefties to call him racist during the campaign.

After all, "Southern Strategy", lol!!!
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain

You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab

Obama called McCain a racist right there.

Obama was not stating the obvious, he was race baiting, and being a vile piece of shit.
McCain is a vile piece of shit who can't die fast enough or painfully enough. When I go to heaven, I'm going to ask for special permission to visit hell, just so I can see him be tortured like he would have been tortured as a POW if he hadn't turned.
Fantastic irony that McCain was the one to bury Trumpcare

I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
A few cynics believe McCain took the bullet because he won't be running again and the rest of the Repubs knew it would be safe to vote no, just like in the Obama days, knowing full well it wouldn't pass.
I'm not sure if that's true, but at least one of the other abstainers, Susan Collins, is also thinking of leaving the Senate next year to run for Governor. They may have known that the vote would be political suicide as Republicans. Whether it was actually a strategy is what I'd love to know, just out of curiosity.
I honestly think McCain did not want it on his conscience
I think Collins is safe in Maine
Collins is safe; the Republicans in Maine are a good percentage older or poor and she protected us from a bill that would be really bad for us as individuals and for rural healthcare in general. That may not the be case elsewhere, but she looked out for the people of Maine. Also, she's got a proposal of her own that hopefully will get a look now that the Congress needs to buckle down and really think this thing through.
I don't know much about McCain. Sounds like he's followed his conscience a lot in the past, and that's not much appreciated here. LOL
Collins basically said.......if your state likes Obamacare exchanges, you can keep it. Otherwise you can pick the Republican plan
McCain is a vile piece of shit who can't die fast enough or painfully enough. When I go to heaven, I'm going to ask for special permission to visit hell, just so I can see him be tortured like he would have been tortured as a POW if he hadn't turned.
McCain and Jesus will not let you in
I never heard anyone call McCain a racist

With Trump, his racism was obvious. Never saw anything like that out of McCain

You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab

Obama called McCain a racist right there.

Obama was not stating the obvious, he was race baiting, and being a vile piece of shit.
Obama was talking about the deplorables in the Republucan party. He respected McCains character

Obama was right about the abuse that the racists on the right would throw at him

Last edited:
You have either conveniently forgotten, or are lying.

Lefties like yourself do not call people racist, because of any racism on their part, but because the lefties in question are vile people who like to smear and marginalize their enemies on false grounds.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab

Obama called McCain a racist right there.

Obama was not stating the obvious, he was race baiting, and being a vile piece of shit.
Obama was talking about the deplorables in the Republucan party. He respected McCains character

Obama was right about the abuse that the racists on the right would throw at him

He was talking about the McCain campaign, which McCain was in charge of and responsible for.

And Obama was a vile race baiting piece of shit for doing it.

The media should have torn him apart on it. But, the media are vile pieces of shit too.
I don't see any Irony. McCain has made a career out of betraying republicans.

What part of this is "ironic"?

Or is this one of those times that you lefties invent new meanings for words, and pretend to expect that we all know what you just decided in your head?
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
A few cynics believe McCain took the bullet because he won't be running again and the rest of the Repubs knew it would be safe to vote no, just like in the Obama days, knowing full well it wouldn't pass.
I'm not sure if that's true, but at least one of the other abstainers, Susan Collins, is also thinking of leaving the Senate next year to run for Governor. They may have known that the vote would be political suicide as Republicans. Whether it was actually a strategy is what I'd love to know, just out of curiosity.
I honestly think McCain did not want it on his conscience
I think Collins is safe in Maine
Collins is safe; the Republicans in Maine are a good percentage older or poor and she protected us from a bill that would be really bad for us as individuals and for rural healthcare in general. That may not the be case elsewhere, but she looked out for the people of Maine. Also, she's got a proposal of her own that hopefully will get a look now that the Congress needs to buckle down and really think this thing through.
I don't know much about McCain. Sounds like he's followed his conscience a lot in the past, and that's not much appreciated here. LOL
Collins basically said.......if your state likes Obamacare exchanges, you can keep it. Otherwise you can pick the Republican plan
She has worked around healthcare policies all her life, so I assume she has some sort of justification that it would be able to stand on two legs. I am (in vain) still hoping for universal healthcare, myself. It's what I thought I was voting for in 2008 and then we got this mess instead.
I was just making the point that Collins isn't just saying no, she has an idea.
Them are fighting words

You claim people called McCain a racist......prove it

Do that and I will show you Trumps bigotry and racism

"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab

Obama called McCain a racist right there.

Obama was not stating the obvious, he was race baiting, and being a vile piece of shit.
Obama was talking about the deplorables in the Republucan party. He respected McCains character

Obama was right about the abuse that the racists on the right would throw at him

He was talking about the McCain campaign, which McCain was in charge of and responsible for.

And Obama was a vile race baiting piece of shit for doing it.

The media should have torn him apart on it. But, the media are vile pieces of shit too.
Only Palin

But we know what kind of scum she can be...but the rightwing deplorables loved her
McCain saved Republicans from themselves
A few cynics believe McCain took the bullet because he won't be running again and the rest of the Repubs knew it would be safe to vote no, just like in the Obama days, knowing full well it wouldn't pass.
I'm not sure if that's true, but at least one of the other abstainers, Susan Collins, is also thinking of leaving the Senate next year to run for Governor. They may have known that the vote would be political suicide as Republicans. Whether it was actually a strategy is what I'd love to know, just out of curiosity.
I honestly think McCain did not want it on his conscience
I think Collins is safe in Maine
Collins is safe; the Republicans in Maine are a good percentage older or poor and she protected us from a bill that would be really bad for us as individuals and for rural healthcare in general. That may not the be case elsewhere, but she looked out for the people of Maine. Also, she's got a proposal of her own that hopefully will get a look now that the Congress needs to buckle down and really think this thing through.
I don't know much about McCain. Sounds like he's followed his conscience a lot in the past, and that's not much appreciated here. LOL
Collins basically said.......if your state likes Obamacare exchanges, you can keep it. Otherwise you can pick the Republican plan
She has worked around healthcare policies all her life, so I assume she has some sort of justification that it would be able to stand on two legs. I am (in vain) still hoping for universal healthcare, myself. It's what I thought I was voting for in 2008 and then we got this mess instead.
I was just making the point that Collins isn't just saying no, she has an idea.
Olympia Snowe was also very good on healthcare
"Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab

Obama called McCain a racist right there.

Obama was not stating the obvious, he was race baiting, and being a vile piece of shit.
Obama was talking about the deplorables in the Republucan party. He respected McCains character

Obama was right about the abuse that the racists on the right would throw at him

He was talking about the McCain campaign, which McCain was in charge of and responsible for.

And Obama was a vile race baiting piece of shit for doing it.

The media should have torn him apart on it. But, the media are vile pieces of shit too.
Only Palin

But we know what kind of scum she can be

I'm not sure what you think you are accomplishing by lying.
She can't say anything, she is just a toy that he bought.

We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

He's probably tweeting as we're typing, yes he will attack McCain.

IMO ---the most notable example of Trump's HOOF IN MOUTH ILLNESS------was his
attack on McCain for being taken a POW. I hope melania keeps him under control
She can't say nothing, she is just a toy that he bought.

We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

He's probably tweeting as we're typing, yes he will attack McCain.

IMO ---the most notable example of Trump's HOOF IN MOUTH ILLNESS------was his
attack on McCain for being taken a POW. I hope melania keeps him under control

why so vulgar, issa, dear?
That would be your bully president and his staff...not me.

She can't say nothing, she is just a toy that he bought.

We saw Trump attack two women Senators when they voted against him. He ranted & had a tissy fit & threatened their States.

Will the chickenshit little orange man attack John McCain? Will he threaten Arizona?

I'm betting not. Even with his cancer, John McCain can kick the dough boy Trump's ass - physically or mentally.

He's probably tweeting as we're typing, yes he will attack McCain.

IMO ---the most notable example of Trump's HOOF IN MOUTH ILLNESS------was his
attack on McCain for being taken a POW. I hope melania keeps him under control

why so vulgar, issa, dear?
Obama was stating the obvious

As evidenced by the rights insistence on calling him Barack "Hussein" Obama

You still haven't pointed to where McCain was called a racist. He was anything but a racist and defended Obama against a nutjob calling him an Arab

Obama called McCain a racist right there.

Obama was not stating the obvious, he was race baiting, and being a vile piece of shit.
Obama was talking about the deplorables in the Republucan party. He respected McCains character

Obama was right about the abuse that the racists on the right would throw at him

He was talking about the McCain campaign, which McCain was in charge of and responsible for.

And Obama was a vile race baiting piece of shit for doing it.

The media should have torn him apart on it. But, the media are vile pieces of shit too.
Only Palin

But we know what kind of scum she can be

I'm not sure what you think you are accomplishing by lying.
Palin was Queen of the Deplorables

A constituency Trump rode to the presidency

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