Will US Troops Fire On US Citizens?

What decent government would murder children just to "get at" their parents, cowardly or otherwise? I assume you consider liberal pols cowardly, then? They hide behind children all the time in order to protect themselves and their pet projects.

Law enforcement was in an impossible situation in Waco, one in which the parents of those children put themselves in. It's analogous to when a police officer finds themselves in a hostage situation where a parent, out of their mind, has a gun on the kids. You know the parent is unstable and could shoot the kids at any time, and you also know that if you act, you risk the kids getting shot. So what's the right choice? Wait and hope reason prevails or act and hope you can move fast enough to save the kids?

I don't think anyone would say that Waco was a perfect example of law enforcement, but considering that it was the cult that precipitated and continued the stand off when they could have stood down at any time, I'm not that sympathetic for the adults involved. Take a shot at a cop or a soldier and don't be surprised when they shoot right back.

The kids though... that is a tragedy. Goddamn wacko parents that put their kids in situations like that.
Reno is a criminal. She burned and gassed those poor kids. It was absolutely unnecessary. But no one held her accountable. And that's even more criminal.

The gang (yes they were a gang) in that compound murdered four federal agents and were hiding behind children like the cowards they were. What parent would allow their children to be used as shields? The same parent who would allow Koresh to sexually molest their children

They asked for and deserved their fate

What decent government would murder children just to "get at" their parents, cowardly or otherwise? I assume you consider liberal pols cowardly, then? They hide behind children all the time in order to protect themselves and their pet projects.


I started to answer your post, but then realized it made no sense
It started early in America when George Washington led 15,000 militia to quell the rebellion in PA against the Whiskey tax.

Militia/National Guard troops have been used against American citizens several times since.

Then lets not forget the Civil War.

Well I understand that, US National Guard troops also fired on people during the Watts Riots, but the poster I was responding to said the troops have a previous history of doing it, which troops is he talking about? I served in the Military from 2000-2007, never had to fire on any US Civilians, I still know people serving and they haven't had to either, my point is THIS Military has no experience firing upon crowds of American Civilians. The things we are talking about happened before our troops today were even born.

exactly.....i believe the question was asked about today's Military.... not what happened in 1817.............

Once those Marines lose a couple of buddies to raging gun nuts, I'm sure they would have no problem returning fire with a vengeance

Drug Enforcement Agents have no problem exchanging fire with drug dealers........they are American Citizens

BIG difference between a Drug Dealer and a Law-Abiding Citizen RW.....one would shoot you without a thought.....the other would think about it....and we are not talking about DEA agents.....we are talking about the US Military....once again....BIG difference.....

If you are firing on our military, you are not a law abiding citizen
you dont like addressing questions do ya?....you were talking DEA Agents RW.....the thread is about the Military.....not Police....they fire quite often on Citizens.....and who was firing on the Military?....you SPUN the Question around.....lets take your spin off....its would the US Military fire against Citizens of the USA....
[With recent reports that Homeland Security has ordered the delivery of 450,000,000 hollow point bullets for its use, more than one bullet for every man woman and child alive today in this country, with Barack Obama, the Office Of White House Communications, mediamatters, and especially MSNBC's Al Sharpton busily trying to orchestrate and foment a Race War bringing about Barack's very own "Reichstag Fire Moment" when he can suspend the Constitution and remove the irritation, chafing and constraints the Bill of Rights places upon him, this is a pertinent question.]

"Who would believe that in the year 2012 one would have to ask if the U.S. Military would fire on American Citizen’s?

The question of troop involvement in a possible upcoming Martial Law scenario that is being predicted is no imaginary possibility – nor is it a ‘conspiracy theory’.

Many readers will recall the survey given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms Marine Corps base in California.

The survey asked the respondents to consider the following statement: “I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”

The current situation is even more alarming, for example:

The passing of the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which THEBLAZE covers in an article titled, “Can the ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Send Americans to Military Prison Without Trial?” (12-08-11) has caused even the most skeptic to be concerned for their personal safety – especially those fighting for liberty.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness: Comparing Previous Executive Orders article that theintelhub.com posted online is another example of the emergence of a Fascist Police State taking complete control.

Lastly, the purchase by the Department of Homeland Security of 450,000,000 rounds of ammunition over a five year period should be warning enough that something is definitely wrong.

Who are these rounds to be used on? Even at 80,000,000 rounds per year, that’s one bullet for every dissenter at a minimum."

Will U.S. Troops Fire On American Citizens? :

"Will US Troops Fire On US Citizens?"
if ii could make bloody letter too.

Hmm? I hope so, this how to impose “rights” on the people
Hopefully for the last time! In this manner. btw is it not less then 400m w/ illegals so we need more ammo?
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BIG difference between a Drug Dealer and a Law-Abiding Citizen RW.....one would shoot you without a thought.....the other would think about it....and we are not talking about DEA agents.....we are talking about the US Military....once again....BIG difference.....

If you are firing on our military, you are not a law abiding citizen
you dont like addressing questions do ya?....you were talking DEA Agents RW.....the thread is about the Military.....not Police....they fire quite often on Citizens.....and who was firing on the Military?....you SPUN the Question around.....lets take your spin off....its would the US Military fire against Citizens of the USA....

First of all, Marines would not be involved in engaging gun nuts screaming "from my cold dead fingers" it is not their mission. ATF agents and local authorities would handle it

As a gun owner, you have a constitutional right to own weapons. You do not have a constitutional right to kill people trying to take your weapon. If authorities come to your door claiming you have an illegal weapon, you are required to turn it over. Your Constitutional rights are to get a lawyer and prove your second amendment rights have been violated

If you choose to shoot it out with law enforcement over your rights to own guns.....you are a criminal
The same as a drug dealer shooting it out trying to protect his turf
If you are firing on our military, you are not a law abiding citizen
you dont like addressing questions do ya?....you were talking DEA Agents RW.....the thread is about the Military.....not Police....they fire quite often on Citizens.....and who was firing on the Military?....you SPUN the Question around.....lets take your spin off....its would the US Military fire against Citizens of the USA....

First of all, Marines would not be involved in engaging gun nuts screaming "from my cold dead fingers" it is not their mission. ATF agents and local authorities would handle it

As a gun owner, you have a constitutional right to own weapons. You do not have a constitutional right to kill people trying to take your weapon. If authorities come to your door claiming you have an illegal weapon, you are required to turn it over. Your Constitutional rights are to get a lawyer and prove your second amendment rights have been violated

If you choose to shoot it out with law enforcement over your rights to own guns.....you are a criminal
The same as a drug dealer shooting it out trying to protect his turf

Yep that is the constitution.
If you are firing on our military, you are not a law abiding citizen
you dont like addressing questions do ya?....you were talking DEA Agents RW.....the thread is about the Military.....not Police....they fire quite often on Citizens.....and who was firing on the Military?....you SPUN the Question around.....lets take your spin off....its would the US Military fire against Citizens of the USA....

First of all, Marines would not be involved in engaging gun nuts screaming "from my cold dead fingers" it is not their mission. ATF agents and local authorities would handle it

As a gun owner, you have a constitutional right to own weapons. You do not have a constitutional right to kill people trying to take your weapon. If authorities come to your door claiming you have an illegal weapon, you are required to turn it over. Your Constitutional rights are to get a lawyer and prove your second amendment rights have been violated

If you choose to shoot it out with law enforcement over your rights to own guns.....you are a criminal
The same as a drug dealer shooting it out trying to protect his turf
I think it's worth pointing out the larger principle here which is this:

Even if your rights are being violated, once you make a decision to use violence against law enforcement officials, even if they are in the wrong, you likely won't live to make your case in a court of law.

That's just how it is. Once bullets are flying the only folks that care about your Constitutional rights are your heirs who will be profiting from the lawsuit they file with the cops.

That's even more true if you're in a scenario where the US Military is being used to enforce the law. There aren't many folks out there that can say they started a firefight with a Marine because most of the folks stupid enough to do so are now dead. Just because you're a civilian doesn't mean they won't respond with overwhelming force of you start crap.
If you are firing on our military, you are not a law abiding citizen
you dont like addressing questions do ya?....you were talking DEA Agents RW.....the thread is about the Military.....not Police....they fire quite often on Citizens.....and who was firing on the Military?....you SPUN the Question around.....lets take your spin off....its would the US Military fire against Citizens of the USA....

First of all, Marines would not be involved in engaging gun nuts screaming "from my cold dead fingers" it is not their mission. ATF agents and local authorities would handle it

As a gun owner, you have a constitutional right to own weapons. You do not have a constitutional right to kill people trying to take your weapon. If authorities come to your door claiming you have an illegal weapon, you are required to turn it over. Your Constitutional rights are to get a lawyer and prove your second amendment rights have been violated

If you choose to shoot it out with law enforcement over your rights to own guns.....you are a criminal
The same as a drug dealer shooting it out trying to protect his turf

the question was...would the US Military fire on its own citizens?....not COPS......the guy who started the thread never said why the Military is on the streets to begin with....but it seems you just dont want to answer that question......why?....
Do you people vote for just the party you belong too??? Do you think out anything other then what party your affliated with and obligated to vote for? Are you controlled and obligated to a party affliation or can you think outside the box?
you dont like addressing questions do ya?....you were talking DEA Agents RW.....the thread is about the Military.....not Police....they fire quite often on Citizens.....and who was firing on the Military?....you SPUN the Question around.....lets take your spin off....its would the US Military fire against Citizens of the USA....

First of all, Marines would not be involved in engaging gun nuts screaming "from my cold dead fingers" it is not their mission. ATF agents and local authorities would handle it

As a gun owner, you have a constitutional right to own weapons. You do not have a constitutional right to kill people trying to take your weapon. If authorities come to your door claiming you have an illegal weapon, you are required to turn it over. Your Constitutional rights are to get a lawyer and prove your second amendment rights have been violated

If you choose to shoot it out with law enforcement over your rights to own guns.....you are a criminal
The same as a drug dealer shooting it out trying to protect his turf

the question was...would the US Military fire on its own citizens?....not COPS......the guy who started the thread never said why the Military is on the streets to begin with....but it seems you just dont want to answer that question......why?....

The answer is a simple and resounding.....YES

If you are firing at our Marines you move from being a US Citizen to the status of criminal
First of all, Marines would not be involved in engaging gun nuts screaming "from my cold dead fingers" it is not their mission. ATF agents and local authorities would handle it

As a gun owner, you have a constitutional right to own weapons. You do not have a constitutional right to kill people trying to take your weapon. If authorities come to your door claiming you have an illegal weapon, you are required to turn it over. Your Constitutional rights are to get a lawyer and prove your second amendment rights have been violated

If you choose to shoot it out with law enforcement over your rights to own guns.....you are a criminal
The same as a drug dealer shooting it out trying to protect his turf

the question was...would the US Military fire on its own citizens?....not COPS......the guy who started the thread never said why the Military is on the streets to begin with....but it seems you just dont want to answer that question......why?....

The answer is a simple and resounding.....YES

If you are firing at our Marines you move from being a US Citizen to the status of criminal

actually this whole subject is moot......it would have to be established as to why are the troops in the streets to begin with......is it a legitimate reason?.....or not?.....
the question was...would the US Military fire on its own citizens?....not COPS......the guy who started the thread never said why the Military is on the streets to begin with....but it seems you just dont want to answer that question......why?....

The answer is a simple and resounding.....YES

If you are firing at our Marines you move from being a US Citizen to the status of criminal

actually this whole subject is moot......it would have to be established as to why are the troops in the streets to begin with......is it a legitimate reason?.....or not?.....

Gun nuts have had this "From my cold, dead fingers " fantasy where evil government is coming to take their guns away and they will fight to the death to protect their second amendment rights

In fact, the only constitutional right of regress you have is through the courts. If you fire on law enforcement......you are a criminal

No better than a drug dealer
Yes, absolutely. Our Police and Military are trained to be loyal & obedient to the State. Their loyalty is not to the People. They will do what they're ordered to do without hesitation. Make no mistake about that.
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Yes, absolutely. Our Police and Military are trained to be loyal & obedient to the State. Their loyalty is not to the People. They will do what they're ordered to do without hesitation. Make no mistake about that.

it just may depend on the circumstances.....like why are they there?....
The answer is a simple and resounding.....YES

If you are firing at our Marines you move from being a US Citizen to the status of criminal

actually this whole subject is moot......it would have to be established as to why are the troops in the streets to begin with......is it a legitimate reason?.....or not?.....

Gun nuts have had this "From my cold, dead fingers " fantasy where evil government is coming to take their guns away and they will fight to the death to protect their second amendment rights

In fact, the only constitutional right of regress you have is through the courts. If you fire on law enforcement......you are a criminal

No better than a drug dealer

Yes it was illegal to fire on the British too. However the victor writes the rules. You will need more then luck.
actually this whole subject is moot......it would have to be established as to why are the troops in the streets to begin with......is it a legitimate reason?.....or not?.....

Gun nuts have had this "From my cold, dead fingers " fantasy where evil government is coming to take their guns away and they will fight to the death to protect their second amendment rights

In fact, the only constitutional right of regress you have is through the courts. If you fire on law enforcement......you are a criminal

No better than a drug dealer

Yes it was illegal to fire on the British too. However the victor writes the rules. You will need more then luck.

Absolutely......if you engage in a revolution

You better win
Yes, absolutely. Our Police and Military are trained to be loyal & obedient to the State. Their loyalty is not to the People. They will do what they're ordered to do without hesitation. Make no mistake about that.

it just may depend on the circumstances.....like why are they there?....

I would like to believe that too, but i just can't. They will follow orders. Their loyalty is to the State, to the State alone.

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