Will we ever be one country again?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Actually, we are not really supposed to ever really agree.

We have not had a true opposition party in who knows how long. Sounds crazy, but that is how it is suppose to work.

That is the way it has always been. The president was never an elected king.

Beware of the term "bipartisanship." That is just another BS word intended to seduce the naive and gullible. Just know that when or if both parties agree, we the people are getting screwed.

Let me put it this way. Every president, with the exception of maybe Washington, hated the office. Thomas Jefferson had it left off of his tombstone on purpose cause he despised it so much. John Adams foolishly passed the Sedition Act cause he could not take the heavy criticism.

The point is don't get seduced the hippy dippy marxist utopian crap. That is what it is.
Russia and China are asserting themselves in the world. At some point that means Americans have to act as one.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
A lot of money has been spent and efforts exerted to assist in the breakdown so it may be fifty plus years before this ends.

From what I see a big problem will be the cities and metro areas that have planned poorly, were short sighted or/and those that have been led by corrupt political associates.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
A lot of money has been spent and efforts exerted to assist in the breakdown so it may be fifty plus years before this ends.

From what I see a big problem will be the cities and metro areas that have planned poorly, were short sighted or/and those that have been led by corrupt political associates.

so true-----the fantasies of ROBERT MOSES-----still plague the great city of NEW YORK
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
The "protesters" and rioters are a very small cross section of the Murican public. Media coverage seems aimed at portraying them as a far larger group than they are.

Agitators, malcontents, and goon squads don't need to be united with, they need to be crushed, politically speaking.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.
A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.

Pot calls kettle black

Duel at noon
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Our Founders went through holy hell to establish this country. I'm sure they'd consider what we're going through as small potatoes.
I'd be happy to see people start getting along better, but a lot of what you listed in the OP is really exaggerated and distorted perception of what is happening by the media you are following. Watch your local news each night and go out and talk to your neighbors. We don't always agree with each other at the local diner, or in class, but we manage to keep it peaceful. I imagine that is how it is in your neighborhood, too. Don't gobble the message that our country has gone to hell. It takes minor mole hills and turns them into mountains. Ironically, your viewpoint is part of the problem.
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I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.
I assume it's a frivilous hope that you're also including yourself in that statement. There's no way you could possibly be that introspective...........
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A lot of money has been spent and efforts exerted to assist in the breakdown so it may be fifty plus years before this ends.

From what I see a big problem will be the cities and metro areas that have planned poorly
, were short sighted or/and those that have been led by corrupt political associates.
The problem there is the negative consequences of such planning.

Were central planning all that, then these urban centers -nearly all of which being singularly run by democrats- would be borderline paradises. But reality shows the exact opposite.
I assume it's a frivilous hope that you're also including yourself in that statement. there's no way you could possibly be that introspective...........
He doesn't.

From what I've seen of that dude's posts, he's easily at the top of the list of the forum's least introspective.
Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.
The human mirror speaks. We are divided because the left races to the left and claims the right is being divisive for not going along.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
The "protesters" and rioters are a very small cross section of the Murican public. Media coverage seems aimed at portraying them as a far larger group than they are.

Agitators, malcontents, and goon squads don't need to be united with, they need to be crushed, politically speaking.

they are significant in numbers and reflect a much larger SIGNFICANT number of
americans------just by the fact that they are loud and destructive and young etc etc.----
almost a fashion issue. Mowing them down with mounted police rattling sabers is
We have always been divided-----in pre revolutionary AMERICA-----loyalists and patriots were killing
each other (loyalist was "LOYAL" to king George and patriots was PAUL REVERE)

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