Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins?

why is it an invasion? because they're brown? when your family came here was that an invasion too? Or is this just something for brown people?

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. That's typical of those of you on the far left wrong, to try to make something about racism when it has nothing to do with it.

It is about the security, sovereignty, and well-being of this country and its people, and the impossibility of maintaining these in the face of uncontrolled foreign invasion of our country in violation of our laws.
so you are saying its okay to have racist genocidal laws and the people subject to those genocidal laws, should obey those laws? Do you feel the same way about the holocaust? were jews wrong to not show up at auschwitz, papers in hand and declare themsleves enemies of the state for simply being of the wrong ethnicity?

Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Put this into perspective.

That many illegal aliens is equal to adding another New York City plus 1.5 million to the population

11 million, if a State, would be the 8th largest state in the union. Only slightly smaller than Ohio.

No, I don't agree
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?
It's what Reagan would have done...Or did...

When Reagan approved that, it was part of a supposed compromise. Those invading foreign criminals who were already in the country would be allowed to stay, but security at our borders was to be increased, and our immigration policies strictly enforced.

As happened far too often, Reagan and the Republicans held up our side of the deal, while the Democrooks refused to hold up their side.

Foolishly, we fell for exactly the same scam again under one of the Bush administrations.
You're right, it's not about immigration, it's about illegal invasion. Do you think laws shouldn't be followed when you disagree with them? Do you think people who broke the law should be granted citizenship while people who were coming here legally should be kept in line? Do you think illegal border-jumping is the only way to get into this country?
why is it an invasion? because they're brown? when your family came here was that an invasion too? Or is this just something for brown people?
It's an invasion because they're not citizens of this nation, and are breaking the law to be here, not paying taxes, and taking jobs from people who ARE here legally. My family never came here, I was born in Germany, and was brought here legally, but I'll answer your false narrative, anyway. What laws were there when the British settled here? Oh, right, there weren't any. They bought land and founded this Nation, then there were laws.
okay but thats germany, the gemans were never subject racist laws to keeping them out so its not the same thing. America has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world. Why do you want it so strict what are you afraid of?
Nobody is subject to "Racist immigration laws", you just don't understand how laws work. I fail to see how America's immigration laws being strict makes it okay to break said laws, even if they were the strictest in the world. You can't excuse it, because there's a process in place that they could be taking to enter the country legally, and are just choosing not to. There would be no issue if they all immigrated legally in the first place.
so you are saying its okay to have racist genocidal laws and the people subject to those genocidal laws, should obey those laws? Do you feel the same way about the holocaust? were jews wrong to not show up at auschwitz, papers in hand and declare themsleves enemies of the state for simply being of the wrong ethnicity?
There are no "Racist genocidal laws", there are literally none. What I am saying is that as long as a law doesn't infringe upon your rights and threaten your well-being, you should follow those laws. Given that there are ways for entering the country legally, which you continue to completely ignore, no rights are being infringed upon, and well-being is not being threatened. You're just calling everything you disagree with "racist", because Liberals can't hold an intelligent conversation.

tl;dr: You have not a single point, and have lacked one the entire thread.
There are no "Racist genocidal laws", there are literally none. What I am saying is that as long as a law doesn't infringe upon your rights and threaten your well-being, you should follow those laws. Given that there are ways for entering the country legally, which you continue to completely ignore, no rights are being infringed upon, and well-being is not being threatened. You're just calling everything you disagree with "racist", because Liberals can't hold an intelligent conversation.

To take this further, one of the duties explicitly assigned to the federal government, under the Constitution, is to protect this nation and its people against foreign invasion. We, the American people, have a right to this protection, and failure on the part of the federal government to uphold this duty is a violation of our rights and a threat to our well-being, as individuals and as a nation.
I've seen polls that suggest 2/3rds of this country want a path to citizenship for the illegals. I think Congress should make it official.

Well I've seen polls where most Americans want all illegals out of our country.

I also wonder what your thoughts are on the Syrian refugee's that Hillary has said she will be let in if she lands in the WH.

Refugee's we taxpayers will be paying for. Refugees that the FBI has already said can't be vetted.That's what Hilary along with that douchebag in the WH wants we taxpayers to support.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?
It's what Reagan would have done...Or did...

When Reagan approved that, it was part of a supposed compromise. Those invading foreign criminals who were already in the country would be allowed to stay, but security at our borders was to be increased, and our immigration policies strictly enforced.

As happened far too often, Reagan and the Republicans held up our side of the deal, while the Democrooks refused to hold up their side.

Foolishly, we fell for exactly the same scam again under one of the Bush administrations.
Got anymore excuses?
In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time. Far fewer support allowing those immigrants to remain in the U.S. to work for a limited period of time (14%), or to deport all of these immigrants back to their home countries (19%). U.S. adults' views have been largely stable over the past decade.


The latest update comes from Gallup's 2015 Minority Rights and Relations poll, conducted June 15-July 10. The poll included larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. Immigration is of special significance to Hispanics, about half of whom are immigrants themselves, according to the poll.

Hispanics (77%) are more likely than non-Hispanic whites (62%) or non-Hispanic blacks (70%) to favor a path to citizenship for immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally. One in five whites, compared with 14% of blacks and 8% of Hispanics, prefer deporting undocumented immigrants back to their home countries.

Hispanics are slightly less likely now than in 2006 (86%) to favor a path to citizenship for immigrants. The 2006 survey was the last time Gallup asked the question in a poll that included an expanded sample of Hispanics. Whites' and blacks' views are largely unchanged since then.

Path to Citizenship Less Appealing to Republicans

U.S. adults' views on the best approach to take with illegal immigrants living in the U.S. differ based on their party identification. At 80%, Democrats overwhelmingly favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. and to have an opportunity to become citizens. Republicans are far less likely to support a path to citizenship, at 50%, but that is still the most common view among this group. Thirty-one percent of Republicans want to see all illegal immigrants deported, while 18% favor allowing them to stay for a limited time to work.
Within my opinion,,,I'll be fine with it as long as our immigration laws continue to be enforced.

You know you really are an idiot.

How can you support the enforcement of immigration laws, when at the same time you want to reward those that break the law? :cuckoo:
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

11 million thats all? the way republicans talk you would think it was half a billion

but yes of course they should be given citizenship
If that 11 million somehow voted Republican in 2008 or 2012 Obama would have been destroyed.

11 million might as well be 500 million in a country with only a little over 300 million people in total and only 2 major political parties.
I've seen polls that suggest 2/3rds of this country want a path to citizenship for the illegals. I think Congress should make it official.

Sure, because people aren't told the full ramifications. It these criminal asses file their past taxes the will be given billions in child tax credits, they will be getting checks, not writing them. So we'll not only be giving the a pass for breaking the law, we'll be paying them. Fuck that shit.

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