Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins?

because he's not a white supemacist?

You're a bigger fucking idiot than I thought.

Libs cannot defend their agenda of open borders, so out comes the "racist!" card. And they wonder why people are so fed up with the politics in this country, where tone-deaf, shit pols like obama simply just ignore/tune out anyone who doesn't agree with his policies.
because unjust laws should be broken

What "unjust" aws are those, idiot? Why don't you list a country that does not protect its borders, that accepts massive amounts of immigrants anywhere near what the US does?

Stupid fucking liberals; I don't like speeding laws, or laws against theft - so I can drive my car as fast as I want, and just tell the poor who might be hungry go rob some banks? The lack of intellectual heft on the left is astounding.
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okay but thats germany, the gemans were never subject racist laws to keeping them out

You're not only stupid, you're fucking ignorant of history. Look up Germany during the 1920s and 1930s.

so its not the same thing. America has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world. Why do you want it so strict what are you afraid of?


What were you saying about "strictest" policies?

Facts much, idiot?
11 million thats all? the way republicans talk you would think it was half a billion

but yes of course they should be given citizenship
Why should criminal illegals be given automatic citizenship? Justify it.

They justify it....by simply doing it....they will put their puppets on the Supreme Court and say screw you......they want those votes, they will get those votes and nothing you say means one thing to them........that is how they justify it......
great harm is going to be done to those that are here legally now.
if the whore allows them all to suddenly be legal, anyone that has a spanish accent will then be considerd illegal and treated as such.
Why would anyone want to start a whole new group of people that will be singled out for years to come.
Send the illegal ones back, it will cost much less than letting them stay.
Democrats can find other ways to get those votes, and in reality, this is the only reason that the illegals are not being shipped out right now.
at least the democrats could try to be honest about it. They dont care about the welfare of people, if they did they would have tried to fix the problems in the black community by bringing in jobs, they dont, instead they chase jobs out of the country, if they were concerned with the blacks they would do something about the schools, they dont.
How are the democrats going to deal with 11 million new poor people when so far they have done nothing for those here legally that actually deserve the attention.
Show me one person who cares about "border security" who isn't a genocidal psychopath.

I'm disappointed with myself that I ever responded to this imbecile, who's one of THE weakest posters ever on this forum.

For those who have half a brain, but consider that giving a path to the 30+ MM illegals, read the linked site below and tell me if one of the people listed there were one of your family members, what you would do when an open-border/status-quo seeking democrat came to your house to apologize...

I read this site and I literally want to unload my full arsenal, which is not small in size or caliber, on every fucking pro-amnesty turd I can find:

The Remembrance Project
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Just give it to them, right?

You're an idiot if you believe that crap. :cuckoo:

Rewarding those that break the law is not only wrong, but also unfair, costly, and won't work.

It's unfair to those who played by the rules and entered lawfully, as well as the millions of people currently waiting in our immigration system to be admitted legally. It's costly because even a small amnesty qualifies millions of people for overburdened government welfare and entitlement programs. It won’t work because another amnesty will signal a pattern, since lawmakers have already done it before
It's unfair that a person who's family came here without any retrictions at all, is now turning around and burning the bridge behind you.... besides everyone who isn't an idiot knows this isnt about immigration, its about scapegoating mexicans
You're right, it's not about immigration, it's about illegal invasion. Do you think laws shouldn't be followed when you disagree with them? Do you think people who broke the law should be granted citizenship while people who were coming here legally should be kept in line? Do you think illegal border-jumping is the only way to get into this country?
why is it an invasion? because they're brown? when your family came here was that an invasion too? Or is this just something for brown people?
It's an invasion because they're not citizens of this nation, and are breaking the law to be here, not paying taxes, and taking jobs from people who ARE here legally. My family never came here, I was born in Germany, and was brought here legally, but I'll answer your false narrative, anyway. What laws were there when the British settled here? Oh, right, there weren't any. They bought land and founded this Nation, then there were laws.
okay but thats germany, the gemans were never subject racist laws to keeping them out so its not the same thing. America has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world. Why do you want it so strict what are you afraid of?
America has one of the strictest immigration laws? are you fucking stupid or just hoping people will believe that crap.
try moving to Canada, or even better yet, Mexico, yes, try to move to mexico and work. Dont call anyone here to help you get out of that prison you end up in.
the U.S has no immigration law to speak of. and any law that is there, is not followed.
And idiots like this wonder why:

1) the country is functionally bankrupt
2) there are no jobs for college grads
3) the environment is being destroyed in the US


Employment to population ratios of 20- to 24-year-olds, by sex and educational attainment: 2015

For each group presented, the employment to population ratio, or employment rate, is the number of persons in that group who are employed as a percentage of the civilian population in that group. Data exclude persons enrolled in school. "Some college, no bachelor's degree" includes persons with an associate's degree. "High school completion" includes equivalency credentials, such as the GED credential.

I expressly ask you to show credibly how and that the 11 undocumented immigrants are material to ruining the environment. Even Al Gore hasn't come up with that one.
you would make it the berlin wall if you had your way, just like reagan wouldve wanted

Retard, there are over 65 countries with walls/fences on their borders RIGHT NOW, with several more nations adding them as well, including the beloved pet of the left, Norway. You are so incredibly dumb its hard to believe your brain can provide an ability to breathe.
you would make it the berlin wall if you had your way, just like reagan wouldve wanted

Retard, there are over 65 countries with walls/fences on their borders RIGHT NOW, with several more nations adding them as well, including the beloved pet of the left, Norway. You are so incredibly dumb its hard to believe your brain can provide an ability to breathe.
you know, instead of a wall or at least a complete wall, make office buildings and manufacturing plants, the side facing the wetbacks would be solid, high and no windows/doors, all activity would be tothe front. office buildings could be connected with the wall. Then the government or whoever builds these buildings rents them out or uses them for their own business.
Security on the roof could be partially paid by the government and partially paid for by the companies that are in each facility.
the "wall" could end up being a profitable structure that brings jobs and revenue back into the country instead of a total loss and expense.
Employment to population ratios of 20- to 24-year-olds, by sex and educational attainment: 2015

Millennial College Graduates: Young, Educated, Jobless

I expressly ask you to show credibly how and that the 11 undocumented immigrants are material to ruining the environment. Even Al Gore hasn't come up with that one.

More people/higher population===>>>more trash created, water consumed, houses built/land cleared, more cars/more pollution = more resources used.

Not really that hard to grasp.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Yes, a "path" to citizenship is fine with me.

In your case, I'd let ten in if you left.
How about we throw ten hillbilly's out for every hispanic we let in?
Are you finished packing?
11 million thats all? the way republicans talk you would think it was half a billion

but yes of course they should be given citizenship

Just give it to them, right?

You're an idiot if you believe that crap. :cuckoo:

Rewarding those that break the law is not only wrong, but also unfair, costly, and won't work.

It's unfair to those who played by the rules and entered lawfully, as well as the millions of people currently waiting in our immigration system to be admitted legally. It's costly because even a small amnesty qualifies millions of people for overburdened government welfare and entitlement programs. It won’t work because another amnesty will signal a pattern, since lawmakers have already done it before
It's unfair that a person who's family came here without any retrictions at all, is now turning around and burning the bridge behind you.... besides everyone who isn't an idiot knows this isnt about immigration, its about scapegoating mexicans

It's about the burden on our infrastructure and finances.

They are not just Mexicans coming here.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

So in other words, would I be OK with rewarding those that break the law?

Hell No!!!

Trump breaks the law all the time and your rewarding him with the highest office in America

I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's funny how you liberals assume everyone else is if they don't support your liberal crap. :lol:
its the same way with those who support trump and you dont.....you must be a clinton supporter....what else could you be?.....

you must be a clinton supporter.


I don't support the corrupt old hag. Never have and never will.
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Within my opinion,,,I'll be fine with it as long as our immigration laws continue to be enforced.

Liberal logic. "Continue" to enforce the laws but allow a path to citizenship for 11 million illegals. LMAO You Liberals are the dumbest fucking people on the planet. Hey, they won't be taking my job thats for sure. But those poor blacks in the inner city who are being slaughtered are going to have it even harder now. But it's OK, they'll all vote for Hillary. Never saw a group of people so hell bent on their own destruction.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?
Amnesty? I would suspect Hildabeasts plan would probably deport 11 million citizens to bring in 11 million illegal aliens…
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

So in other words, would I be OK with rewarding those that break the law?

Hell No!!!

Trump breaks the law all the time and your rewarding him with the highest office in America

Name one instance when and where Trump broke the law. Trump has been under continious IRS and FBI scrutiny for many years and if he had committed a criminal act he would be locked up because he hasn't any political insider connections.
— Donald Trump has a long history of not honoring contracts with construction companies

— Donald Trump has knowingly and intentionally defrauded Trump University students, fleecing them out of thousands of dollars

— He may have illegally coordinated with his SuperPac

— He illegally used corporate resources to pay an employee to write a political speech

— He violated federal law by claiming proceeds from various Trump products would go to charity, although there is no evidence that Trump ever donated the money to charity

— He violated IRS rules by using $12,000 from his charity organization to purchase a Tim Tebow helmet

— He violated election laws by emailing foreign officials to solicit political contributions

— He violated federal laws by offering Ben Carson a job in exchange for his endorsement

— His employees violated a U.S. trade embargo by pursuing commercial activities in Cuba when it was illegal to do so

— He’s run afoul of election laws by using campaign contributions to pay $6 million to his own businesses

— He violated Wisconsin election laws by talking with voters as they stood in line to vote

— He violated New York state education laws for operating a for-profit investment school without the required license

— His foreign policy proposals would violate NATO

— He’s violated copyright law for using copyrighted images without permission

— Many of the proposals he has vowed to pursue as President violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution

— Trump broke New York state law by lobbying to prevent an Indian casino from opening in the Catskills

— His vow to use torture on suspected terrorists would violate the Geneva conventions. He would be committing war crimes.

— He broke anti-discrimination laws to keep a mob boss gambling at one of his casinos

— He violated immigration laws by misrepresenting his company on work-visa applications

It's Definitely Hillary Clinton Who Thinks She Is 'Above the Law'
Prosecutions or convictions for your list?
I truly don't care whether they are given citizenship or merely legal residency. I do care that families are not disrupted and broken apart. Also, to the extent that there are younger members of those families who have been born in the U.S., well, they are U.S. citizens already; thus they deserve as much support and encouragement as do all other American citizens. So the idea of sending them off somewhere to languish is not acceptable to me.
if you dont want families broken apart then you should be for building the wall and enforcing immigration laws, that would keep those nasty pregnant whores on in their own country and force us to ship themb back.
now there are two ways to look at breaking up the family, one way is that cuntzualla and pedro knew they were taking a chance on getting sent back even after their illegal blob chewed its way out of her., thats on them not the U.S. the parents are the ones that put their child in that situation, not the U.S.
as far as them staying, lets pretend for just a moment that the constitution was meant to say that no matter what, you were a citizen if you happened to fall out of your moms taco on U.S soil, that ammendment did not include the parents that were not born here, they are still illegal and need to be shipped back. If the family is broken up, again, their decision to leave without wetback Jr. Nothing stopping them from dragging the spawn back across the border witht them.
but the wall and keeping them out is the best bet for all if you dont want to take a chance of breaking up a family.

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