Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins?

Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

No. If she ends up winning, her victory will at best be based on lies. Fuck her.

I will never accept anything from her or for her.
You know you really are an idiot.

How can you support the enforcement of immigration laws, when at the same time you want to reward those that break the law? :cuckoo:

Orwell called it “Doublethink”.

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself – that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.
The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.
How is enforcing our sovereign borders an unjust practice?
ethnic cleansing is an unjust practice.... just ask the germans

What are you talking about? Who said anything about ethnic cleansing?
Thats what we're talking about

No, you're equating border enforcement with genocide. You're such a loon.
Show me one person who cares about "border security" who isn't a genocidal psychopath.

You're talking to one. And I assume everyone at ICE isn't either. Our border isn't the Berlin Wall.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?


Why award someone with citizenship when they came here illegally or overstayed their visa which put them out of status?

Work visas with a sunset clause is fine but no pathway to citizenship unless they go back to their home country and apply the correct way and even then they should not be allow back in for ten years minimum!
ethnic cleansing is an unjust practice.... just ask the germans

What are you talking about? Who said anything about ethnic cleansing?
Thats what we're talking about

No, you're equating border enforcement with genocide. You're such a loon.
Show me one person who cares about "border security" who isn't a genocidal psychopath.

You're talking to one. And I assume everyone at ICE isn't either. Our border isn't the Berlin Wall.
you would make it the berlin wall if you had your way, just like reagan wouldve wanted
why is it an invasion? because they're brown? when your family came here was that an invasion too? Or is this just something for brown people?

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. That's typical of those of you on the far left wrong, to try to make something about racism when it has nothing to do with it.

It is about the security, sovereignty, and well-being of this country and its people, and the impossibility of maintaining these in the face of uncontrolled foreign invasion of our country in violation of our laws.
so its just a coincidence the only people who talk about it are insane racists?
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

So in other words, would I be OK with rewarding those that break the law?

Hell No!!!

Trump breaks the law all the time and your rewarding him with the highest office in America

I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's funny how you liberals assume everyone else is if they don't support your liberal crap. :lol:
its the same way with those who support trump and you dont.....you must be a clinton supporter....what else could you be?.....
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

There are well over 30 MM illegals at this point, and if HRC/dems try to legalize them, it is going to lead to an uprising not seen since the Civl War.
Within my opinion,,,I'll be fine with it as long as our immigration laws continue to be enforced.

"Enforced"? What laws have been enforced? Almost every month there is a massive surge of more illegals, minor illegals, etc. Under this fucking bastard in the WH, the dems have opened the floodgates to the poor of central/south america onto the country's welfare rolls.
I've seen polls that suggest 2/3rds of this country want a path to citizenship for the illegals. I think Congress should make it official.

Sonny, what percent of the country do you think would support such a path once the actual very high costs to support these illegals and their families are shown to those polled? Like 3%?

NYS spends over FIVE BILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR ALONE to educate illegal alien children. That is only 1 out of 50 states, and isn't even the largest one. That does not include health coverage, food stamps, free breakfasts/lunches, section 8 housing, etc.

Those 30+ MM illegals are costing the taxpayer HUNDREDS of billions per year, and people fucking wonder why there is no money for infrastructure, the roads/bridges are falling apart, and there are thousands of homeless vets in the streets.
The two positions re irreconcilable. Enforcing our immigration laws means expelling the invading foreign criminals from our nation; not giving them citizenship.

Taking the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of this nation and its citizens, is treason; and any public official who does so ought to be removed from office, tried on that charge, and on conviction, put before a firing squad.

The forum, and country at large, needs to stop what they are doing; an adult just walked into the room and they get it.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Yes, a "path" to citizenship is fine with me.

Of course...you don't care about this country, you just want the democrats to get 11 million new votes with people who are not American, don't understand America and will simply vote to get more government goodies from Santa hilary.......
I've seen polls that suggest 2/3rds of this country want a path to citizenship for the illegals. I think Congress should make it official.

another example of liars polling the uninformed....
it's a PATH to citizenship, not an immediate free grant....

can't have a criminal record, you'll be deported, had to have lived here 5 years or longer, anyone illegally here for 1-4 years will be deported or not given a path to citizenship...have to be working, have to learn English, can't be in any gang, a drug dealer, etc....pay any back taxes if owed, then once given a path to citizenship another 5 years with a squeaky clean record, before even eligible to take citizenship test...

there is a lot more to it...
it's a PATH to citizenship, not an immediate free grant....

can't have a criminal record, you'll be deported, had to have lived here 5 years or longer, anyone illegally here for 1-4 years will be deported or not given a path to citizenship...have to be working, have to learn English, can't be in any gang, a drug dealer, etc....pay any back taxes if owed, then once given a path to citizenship another 5 years before even eligible to take citizenship test...

there is a lot more to it...

and they will vote in elections from day 1.....and get all the welfare and freebies they want.....and crush our economy......you really think the democrats will enforce any of that? Wow....you are not a smart person...
I truly don't care whether they are given citizenship or merely legal residency. I do care that families are not disrupted and broken apart. Also, to the extent that there are younger members of those families who have been born in the U.S., well, they are U.S. citizens already; thus they deserve as much support and encouragement as do all other American citizens. So the idea of sending them off somewhere to languish is not acceptable to me.

And idiots like this wonder why:

1) the country is functionally bankrupt
2) there are no jobs for college grads
3) the environment is being destroyed in the US

obama added NINE TRILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT IN JUST EIGHT YEARS advancing his lunatic "progressive" agenda doing stupid shit like this.

Is there anyone on the left who can actually think anymore?
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Yes, a "path" to citizenship is fine with me.
Amnesty is rejected by the People.
sure they do The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes."

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

As I pointed out multiple times elsewhere on this forum, which you liberal trash keeps hoping people don't see, the amount of taxes (primarily sales taxes since illegals work off the books) DOES NOT EVEN COME CLOSE to the amount in services they use.

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