Will You Really Take The (Covid 19) Vaccine After Watching This

Covid surging in the Seychelles....most vac. Country!
AU ABC news ^

Around 71 per cent of people have had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, and 62 per cent have been fully vaccinated. Of these, 57 per cent have received the Sinopharm vaccine, and 43 per cent AstraZeneca.

Despite this, there has been a recent surge in cases, with 37 per cent of new active cases and 20 per cent of hospital cases being fully vaccinated.
Stupid country Seychelles allowed vaccine to spoil before injecting, so it didn't work & you think it's somehow proof US citizens should not get vaccinated???!!!
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

Lying Trash Propaganda!!!

99.75% of people are in hospitals because they did NOT get vaccinated!!!

20% of confirmed cases have not recovered from Covid-19.

You also keep Lying claiming Covid Death numbers were from others causes of death / co-morbidity. Total bullshit because weekly death totals from all causes skyrocketed! That would be impossible if they were re-labeling heart disease as Covid!!!
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I checked the video. Its truth. Quit lying and spreading misinformation. Thats very dangerous and could cost lives.

A video from a random guy online that asks a bunch of questions (many of which actually have answers) and pointless conjecture is not going to make me take undue risks. Then, halfway through, he goes into blatant lies.

I guess we do not want to give Trump credit for creating the vaccine now?

It is rather sad that most of the people decrying the vaccine are the same people demanding that Trump did an amazing job in making sure the vaccine became a reality. Double think, getting more prevalent every fucking day.
Already had Pfizer two shot, as have wife, kids, and family. All is well.

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs' by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."
Me, too. I hope the anti-vaxxers find there are going to be places where they're not welcome. It's your decision, join society as it is or live on the fringes with the rest of the virus variant factories.
who gives a shit...this is not nazi germany....yet.....and nobody wants to join the scum demonRATS anyhow...we already have good friends so, you go join the "society' that you want, i'll be standing next to you, and you won't even know.....boo-hoo
You think it's because you don't want to join? The truth is that you won't be allowed to join. Go live in a cabin in the mountains and let the people who believe we can have a civil society live their lives without your sanctimonious rantings.
thats the problem...you believe LIES...i'll be standing next to you, and you won't even know.....
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

Lying Trash Propaganda!!!

99.75% of people are in hospitals because they did NOT get vaccinated!!!

20% of confirmed cases have not recovered from Covid-19.

You also keep Lying claiming Covid Death numbers were from others causes of death / co-morbidity. Total bullshit because weekly death totals from all causes skyrocketed! That would be impossible if they were re-labeling heart disease as Covid!!!
View attachment 491524

thats not what your masters say...at least not what the cdc says....go back to class now
fake-i, and the scum demonRATS want to know about round 2 of the chinese flu, with this NON-vaccine...experiment...try, try, again is what these scum bags will do
then you retarded sheep can blame TRUMP again....
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

Lying Trash Propaganda!!!

99.75% of people are in hospitals because they did NOT get vaccinated!!!

20% of confirmed cases have not recovered from Covid-19.

You also keep Lying claiming Covid Death numbers were from others causes of death / co-morbidity. Total bullshit because weekly death totals from all causes skyrocketed! That would be impossible if they were re-labeling heart disease as Covid!!!
View attachment 491524

From your own link--Moderna vaccines have been found to be 95% and 94% effective, respectively, at preventing symptomatic infections. Now, please explain why I would want to inject an experimental drug that is 94-95% effective for a virus that I have a greater than 99% chance of surviving. Kind of like sitting in an inner tube to protect me from drowning on a cruise ship.
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

Didn't watch it all but I did like how it accused the pro-vax side of fear mongering and then spent the next several minutes doing exactly that.

Maybe they talk about it later but the part I watched didn't talk about the dangers of NOT getting vaccinated, only the vax dangers. Are they equally risky? I bet the danger of Covid is much greater than the danger of the vax.

Maybe you should watch the whole thing. The most at risk group--over 85 years old had a 99.2% survival rate. Every other group had a greater survival rate than that. But that's OK, you do what you want to do. I will not tell emperor Biden that he has a nice set of new clothes. Moron.
Never. Whoever was involved with this needs to be beaten and hung.


A video from a random guy online that asks a bunch of questions (many of which actually have answers) and pointless conjecture is not going to make me take undue risks. Then, halfway through, he goes into blatant lies.

I guess we do not want to give Trump credit for creating the vaccine now?

It is rather sad that most of the people decrying the vaccine are the same people demanding that Trump did an amazing job in making sure the vaccine became a reality. Double think, getting more prevalent every fucking day.
I have one simple question for you--why are you so intent on making me get vaccinated? I am not telling anyone to not get vaccinated. I am simply saying that I choose not to. You know like you guys who advocate for the murder of the unborn--my body, my choice. If you are vaccinated, covid is no threat to you and if I get it and die, that's one less conservative that you have to worry about. Personally, that's what I think about commie democrats that get vaccinated--if the side effects kill you, meh? One less social justice warrior/virtue signaller that I have to worry about.
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

Didn't watch it all but I did like how it accused the pro-vax side of fear mongering and then spent the next several minutes doing exactly that.

Maybe they talk about it later but the part I watched didn't talk about the dangers of NOT getting vaccinated, only the vax dangers. Are they equally risky? I bet the danger of Covid is much greater than the danger of the vax.

Maybe you should watch the whole thing. The most at risk group--over 85 years old had a 99.2% survival rate. Every other group had a greater survival rate than that. But that's OK, you do what you want to do. I will not tell emperor Biden that he has a nice set of new clothes. Moron.

You may OK with having to go to a hospital or having long term issues, the odds of those are much higher. If your odds of having a mild case of covid are 99% while odds of having no problems with the vax are 99.999%, which would you choose?
odds of having no problems with the vax are 99.999%, which would you choose?
You don't read your own posts. Moderna efficacy is 94-95%, by your own post. Where the fuck did you get 99% out of that. People over 85 have a 99.2% survival rate WITHOUT the vaccine. You get the moron moniker. I reserve that solely for the truly stupid.
Covid surging in the Seychelles....most vac. Country!
AU ABC news ^

Around 71 per cent of people have had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, and 62 per cent have been fully vaccinated. Of these, 57 per cent have received the Sinopharm vaccine, and 43 per cent AstraZeneca.

Despite this, there has been a recent surge in cases, with 37 per cent of new active cases and 20 per cent of hospital cases being fully vaccinated.
Stupid country Seychelles allowed vaccine to spoil before injecting, so it didn't work & you think it's somehow proof US citizens should not get vaccinated???!!!
Blah, blah, blah.
Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine and he is warning against the Vaccine.

odds of having no problems with the vax are 99.999%, which would you choose?
You don't read your own posts. Moderna efficacy is 94-95%, by your own post. Where the fuck did you get 99% out of that. People over 85 have a 99.2% survival rate WITHOUT the vaccine. You get the moron moniker. I reserve that solely for the truly stupid.
Let me try to set you straight here. The post you replied to was addressing the risks of the vaccines NOT their effectiveness verses ALL the risks of getting covid (including more than just the deaths). Maybe if you go back and reread my post you'll understand.
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

If you want to understand the vaccine, why start with a propaganda cartoon to get that understanding? lol. If there's anything i've learned from republicans is, they'll believe anything. That is why a con man like Trump was able to get so many under his spell of lies. It's why so many are so willing to believe ludicrous conspiracy theories. It's why propaganda such as this video is so effective. It's greatest weapon is it elicits fear, and what are right wingers most known for, but being enormous snowflakes? They bitch and moan about masks, so what do you do, you create an entire culture of fake information surrounding the efficacy of masks, how they don't work, how they cut off your oxygen, how they cause death, etc. Next you whine about vaccines, so what happens next is, hundreds of sites pop up overnight to spread disinformation about it so you can justify in your minds why you can't take it.
Covid surging in the Seychelles....most vac. Country!
AU ABC news ^

Around 71 per cent of people have had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, and 62 per cent have been fully vaccinated. Of these, 57 per cent have received the Sinopharm vaccine, and 43 per cent AstraZeneca.

Despite this, there has been a recent surge in cases, with 37 per cent of new active cases and 20 per cent of hospital cases being fully vaccinated.
the "vaccinated" are actually catching the disease from the vaccine and then spreading it to others who arent vaccinated. But hey big pharma does say that getting vaccinated doesn't prevent one from getting the disease--they are just hoping for lessen symptoms (as they spread the disease to others.)

big pharma and the government--should atleast be warning vaccinated people to stay away from those who aren't vaccinated and who haven't had the disease instead of allowing to spread the disease around.
Despite this, there has been a recent surge in cases, with 37 per cent of new active cases and 20 per cent of hospital cases being fully vaccinated.
Yeah, I believe there will be another surge. Not based on any judgement, except that there have been surges in India and Japan and other places ---- I'm just having a bad feeling about it. In theory, the combo of the percent vaccinated and the percent who have had it in America and are thus immune should now be pretty high and stop the epidemic ---------- but I don't have a good feeling about this summer.
This is a great short video that must be shared to the public. This is pretty much the way I understand it.

Didn't watch it all but I did like how it accused the pro-vax side of fear mongering and then spent the next several minutes doing exactly that.

Maybe they talk about it later but the part I watched didn't talk about the dangers of NOT getting vaccinated, only the vax dangers. Are they equally risky? I bet the danger of Covid is much greater than the danger of the vax.

Maybe you should watch the whole thing. The most at risk group--over 85 years old had a 99.2% survival rate. Every other group had a greater survival rate than that. But that's OK, you do what you want to do. I will not tell emperor Biden that he has a nice set of new clothes. Moron.

You may OK with having to go to a hospital or having long term issues, the odds of those are much higher. If your odds of having a mild case of covid are 99% while odds of having no problems with the vax are 99.999%, which would you choose?

We have no idea of what the effects are of the injection. We do know that tens of thousands have died from it compared to the 1976 swine flu in which 53 people died and the vaccine program was shut down. We also know that it is an experimental drug with only two months of clinical trials. Every other vaccine that has been brought to market has taken 8-12 years.

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