Will You Really Take The (Covid 19) Vaccine After Watching This

Me, too. I hope the anti-vaxxers find there are going to be places where they're not welcome. It's your decision, join society as it is or live on the fringes with the rest of the virus variant factories.
How are folks that don't get vaxed on the 'fringes?' You just made that shit up. I got the vax but it don't give a shit whether you got one or not. The whole thing is a Democrat political sham, get over it, move on and shut the fuck up.
If you believe in fringe theories without evidence, that does it for me. The unvaxxed are potential variant factories and deserve to be ostracized.
If you believe in fringe theories without evidence, that does it for me. The unvaxxed are potential variant factories and deserve to be ostracized.
There is no scientific proof that the 'unvaxxed' are potential variant factories.

What more proof do you need when you see what is occurring in India right now? They may have the deadliest variant yet. Do you think that variant would even exist if that entire country had been vaxxed? It's just common sense.
Already had Pfizer two shot, as have wife, kids, and family. All is well.

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs' by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

I died from mine, just like the conspiracy buffs said I would. Did you die from yours? We're all supposed to be dead now. The great thing is we no longer have to worry about the flu, or paying taxes!
Me, too. I hope the anti-vaxxers find there are going to be places where they're not welcome. It's your decision, join society as it is or live on the fringes with the rest of the virus variant factories.
How are folks that don't get vaxed on the 'fringes?' You just made that shit up. I got the vax but it don't give a shit whether you got one or not. The whole thing is a Democrat political sham, get over it, move on and shut the fuck up.
If you believe in fringe theories without evidence, that does it for me. The unvaxxed are potential variant factories and deserve to be ostracized.

Wow. This is horrible news.

Canadian vaccine expert Dr. Byram Bridle recently spoke of the terrifying reasons serious side effects, including heart inflammation and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), may occur in those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. He explained that critical information has recently been discovered that centers around spike proteins—a crucial element in both the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph, received funding to develop a novel vaccine platform and is very much pro-vaccine. Nonetheless, he insists science must be properly performed and then followed carefully before entering into the public rollout of vaccines. Brindle, who stated the importance of sharing this new information openly, recently visited On Point with Alex Pierson and spoke at length on the “scary” situation facing humanity as the push to vaccinate the global population against SARS-CoV-2 gains momentum. He explained that, through cutting edge, peer-reviewed science, we’ve learned more about the many problems associated with spike proteins and COVID-19 vaccines:

“The SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein on its surface. We now know spike protein gets into circulation. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew it was a toxin. So by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
What more proof do you need when you see what is occurring in India right now? They may have the deadliest variant yet. Do you think that variant would even exist if that entire country had been vaxxed? It's just common sense.
India?? You're kidding...right? India ain't the U.S. You're bonkers.
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Wow. This is horrible news.

Canadian vaccine expert Dr. Byram Bridle recently spoke of the terrifying reasons serious side effects, including heart inflammation and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), may occur in those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. He explained that critical information has recently been discovered that centers around spike proteins—a crucial element in both the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph, received funding to develop a novel vaccine platform and is very much pro-vaccine. Nonetheless, he insists science must be properly performed and then followed carefully before entering into the public rollout of vaccines. Brindle, who stated the importance of sharing this new information openly, recently visited On Point with Alex Pierson and spoke at length on the “scary” situation facing humanity as the push to vaccinate the global population against SARS-CoV-2 gains momentum. He explained that, through cutting edge, peer-reviewed science, we’ve learned more about the many problems associated with spike proteins and COVID-19 vaccines:

“The SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein on its surface. We now know spike protein gets into circulation. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew it was a toxin. So by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
Yes vaxes give you a case of whatever they inject into you. Your immune system is supposed to fight it off and then you will have immunity. That is the story we have been given since the Polio vaccine. Studies show that children playing in dirt have better immunity. All viruses have spikes. The toxin strength is miniscule but it stimulates the immune system. That is the theory.
At my age and with my health issues it made good sense to take the risk and avoid coming down with COVID-19. Therefore I am now fully vaccinated and have had zero side effects so far. My arm was sensitive at the very worst not sore.

Of course I may drop dead in a year or two but that is always possible when you are 75.

I have a cousin a couple years younger than me whose husband has been in the hospital for months after he came down with COVID-19. He entered the hospital with the coronavirus in December of last year and somehow came down with gangrene in his leg which required surgery. He should be getting out shortly. (He was in good health before he came down with the virus.)

I have no desire to end up in a hospital with this possibly weaponized Chinese virus let alone end up in the hospital for 6 months. I am glad I got the vaccine.

In passing I get a flu shot every year and also have zero side effects from it. When I was a child I got the smallpox vaccine several times and it never took. When I joined the Air Force I got the vaccine again and once again it didn’t take. I don’t have the typical skin lesion at the site of the shot.
What more proof do you need when you see what is occurring in India right now? They may have the deadliest variant yet. Do you think that variant would even exist if that entire country had been vaxxed? It's just common sense.
India?? You're kidding...right? India ain't the U.S. You're bonkers.

I wasn't aware that covid respected borders.
"Vaccine researchers had assumed that novel mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like “traditional” vaccines and the vaccine spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the vaccination site at the shoulder muscle. Instead, the Japanese data showed that the infamous spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and then accumulated in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries."--Bridle

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