Will you vaccinate?

I'm somewhat surprised at the number of folks so willing to put their friends and loved ones at risk by predetermining that they will not protect themselves by having the vaccine. Your choice, your consequences.
If the vaccine works, why would those who take it be affected by those who don't?

Just as happens today with, say the measles vaccine. People who refuse the vaccine, contract the virus, and carry it to others who have not taken the vaccine.

For example, measles, claimed to have been eradicated in 2000, is making a comeback...because of people refusing to get the vaccine for their kiddos.

2019 Measles Outbreak: What You Should Know
By Debbie Koenig

April 11, 2019 -- Measles cases have been skyrocketing in the U.S. this year, with 1,203 reported so far, according to the CDC. It's the most cases reported in this country since 1992 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000. Worldwide, the number of reported cases jumped 300% in the first three months of 2019 compared to the same time period in 2018, according to the World Health Organization. Learn why it’s happening and how to protect your family from this potentially deadly disease.
Why has measles come back?
Measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. in 2000, 3 decades after the vaccine was introduced. But in recent years, “A critical number of parents have chosen not to vaccinate their children,” says Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. “When that happens, measles -- the most contagious of vaccine-preventable illnesses -- is often the first to come back.”

Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Before taking a vaccine when one becomes available I will ask my source what he recommends I do and why. He will then tell me if he is going to take it and I will do as he recommends as I can trust him to know the inside story of the vaccine and to share with me what he knows about it. :thup:
Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his ystories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?

Do you see it as a one-or-the-other situation?....I don't.

His stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something too. Where's the leadership?

As you know, the information available about COVID-19 has changed nearly hourly since China first admitting the virus existed. Combine that with the fact that China has been far less
The problem is, you can not shut down the entire world, for 20 months. And honestly, we don't even know if it will be 20 months.

Where do you get that? The world's economy is already opening up.

The rest of your post has nothing to do with COVID-19.

Then why do I still know people who are losing their jobs, because of the lock downs?

As you know, many businesses coúld not hold on any longer paying their employees or having to close when they had held on for a while.

Just as important each governor is proceeding to open their state as they deem best for their state. Is there anything wrong with that approach?
Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.
Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.

I wouldn't know about any of that; I'm not a politics afficianado. What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice. You folks just didn't like my opinion. I still try to be fair, not because I give a damn what y'all think, but because I still have to respect myself.

Nothing good will come of this hyper divide. No one will "win." It's outrageous, and yes, the left does the same thing. It's way past time for the "Evil" and "Commie" and other stupid playground names stop. Act like adults for once.
Check your premise....Trump's story has been nearly identical to Fauci's from the get-go....First both said it wouldn't be a threat, then a few weeks later it's a threat....Both have played both sides of the mask issue, and many others.

Gee, I wonder why?

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.


Coronavirus: China’s 17 day delay in releasing genome sequence of COVID-19
Health authorities have issued a dire warning about coronavirus as it continues to spread rapidly across China and the world.

Staff writers and wires news.com.au FEBRUARY 13, 20207:23AM

There was a 17 day delay in the release of critical information about coronavirus during the crucial early stages of the outbreak, it’s been revealed.

A group of scientists is now calling for changes in the way new viruses are reported.

In a letter to medical journal The Lancet, the scientists said one of the important lessons from the outbreak was a delay in releasing information.

“The Chinese authorities ruled out SARS and MERS, as well as a few other non-coronaviruses, on January 5, and confirmed a novel coronavirus as a potential cause on January 9,” they said in the Lancet.

“However, the genome sequence — crucial for rapid development of diagnostics needed in an outbreak response — was not released until January 12, 2020 — 17 days after the preliminary sequence data were obtained.”

If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it?

Not immediately. My brand new 1976 Dodge Aspen taught me to wait awhile before jumping on anything, "new and improved". I'd hold off at least 1½ years to see how well it worked and whether it had dangerous side affects,
Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.

I wouldn't know about any of that; I'm not a politics afficianado. What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice. You folks just didn't like my opinion. I still try to be fair, not because I give a damn what y'all think, but because I still have to respect myself.

Nothing good will come of this hyper divide. No one will "win." It's outrageous, and yes, the left does the same thing. It's way past time for the "Evil" and "Commie" and other stupid playground names stop. Act like adults for once.

I used to think that way. Not anymore. These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.
What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice.

A lot of people take advantage of other people when other people try to be nice about things. For some reason it's seen as a sign of weakness. It's kind of like the school yard bullies who typically want to pick on the nerd because they see them as an easy target who won't fight back.

I try to be as nice as I can to people. I've even been told that I'm overly nice to people on here. But I can be a real prick ifn I wanna be. I can be ruthless. The reality is that the prideful bully is almost always the easiest target. And often the weakest, to be clear. Only reason I haven't yet been is because I always end up feeling bad about it later on. There's really nothing to be had by it. Not really.
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Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.

I wouldn't know about any of that; I'm not a politics afficianado. What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice. You folks just didn't like my opinion. I still try to be fair, not because I give a damn what y'all think, but because I still have to respect myself.

Nothing good will come of this hyper divide. No one will "win." It's outrageous, and yes, the left does the same thing. It's way past time for the "Evil" and "Commie" and other stupid playground names stop. Act like adults for once.

I used to think that way. Not anymore. These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.

The ONLY "evil" I see is that attitude. Seriously.
These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.
I guess all these years I was “evil” and “horrible” and didn’t even know it. And I was called “left wing” ... by the Democrats!
Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.

I wouldn't know about any of that; I'm not a politics afficianado. What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice. You folks just didn't like my opinion. I still try to be fair, not because I give a damn what y'all think, but because I still have to respect myself.

Nothing good will come of this hyper divide. No one will "win." It's outrageous, and yes, the left does the same thing. It's way past time for the "Evil" and "Commie" and other stupid playground names stop. Act like adults for once.

I used to think that way. Not anymore. These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.

The ONLY "evil" I see is that attitude. Seriously.

I don't care anymore. When left-wingers start acting like decent people, I'll treat them as such.

As long as they keep calling me racists every time I suggest a different policy, then they are evil people. And me calling them out for being evil, isn't evil. It's good and right.
These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.
I guess all these years I was “evil” and “horrible” and didn’t even know it. And I was called “left wing” ... by the Democrats!
I have no idea. If you called people racists for not supporting Obama's policies... then you are evil and horrible.

If you didn't engage in that, then I have no opinion.
It took them 20 months to develop the last SARS vaccine. Animal and human trials take time. This cannot be expedited via technology. This can only be expedited by the same 'humans' in existence 50 years ago by eliminating the normal FDA screening procedures.
The last time those humans expedited the process...a lot of people got hurt.

THAT is your reasoning for NOT trying?

Well yeah. The problem is not that they are going to make a vaccine.

If they do... great.

The problem is, you can not shut down the entire world, for 20 months. And honestly, we don't even know if it will be 20 months.

Because remember, China doesn't care. If China deploys a bad vaccine, the loss of a few hundred people, in a dictatorship country, where they have 1.3 Billion people, is not big deal to them.

Remember the 2015 Tianjin explosions?

The one were nearly the entire port blew up, but only 69 non-firefighters died? You really believe that?

So when you say they deployed a vaccine in 20 months, that is not using US standards.

In the US, deploying a vaccine can take years. Most vaccines are 15 years in the making. The shortest of estimates for a Corona vaccine I've seen, is 3 years.

Do you think we can shut down the country, for 3 years?
I don't.

Well, I never called people racists because they disagreed with Obama’s policies. Hell, I disagreed with many of them myself! Mostly I disagreed with Obama because my views are further to “the left.” But those who use monkey memes, tried to slander him as a Muslim, called him a Kenyan communist out to destroy white Christian America ... they were part of a paranoid right-wing populist movement at least influenced by U.S. racism.

Actually, I think Hillary and Biden are far to the right of old FDR-style New Deal Democratic Party politics. But I’m off topic here. Sorry.
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Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.

I wouldn't know about any of that; I'm not a politics afficianado. What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice. You folks just didn't like my opinion. I still try to be fair, not because I give a damn what y'all think, but because I still have to respect myself.

Nothing good will come of this hyper divide. No one will "win." It's outrageous, and yes, the left does the same thing. It's way past time for the "Evil" and "Commie" and other stupid playground names stop. Act like adults for once.

I used to think that way. Not anymore. These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.

The ONLY "evil" I see is that attitude. Seriously.

I don't care anymore. When left-wingers start acting like decent people, I'll treat them as such.

As long as they keep calling me racists every time I suggest a different policy, then they are evil people. And me calling them out for being evil, isn't evil. It's good and right.

Not all leftists are empty headed assholes parroting the Democrats' platform regardless. The lumping is what's wrong. But sometimes I do it, too. I don't think any of them are "Evil" though. Really wrong headed, maybe.
Well this has to do with the way you approach people. The left-wing has been evil, mocking, and insulting.

Shockingly to the moronic fools on the left, insulting doesn't win friends and influence people.

Stop being trash to your fellow citizens, and you'll do better at convincing them to get vaccinated.
Pot meet kettle.
Just throwing back in people's faces, what they have dished out.

You do realize that this is exactly why Trump won the election?

Mitt Romney by any measure was a kind, quiet decent man. The left-wing had Joe Biden saying "put ya'll back in chains!".

The left-wing has a long long history of being evil, terrible, lying trash. Jessie Smollett. Covington Kids. Bret Kavanough.

And the left-wing didn't start being evil with Trump. They were evil terrible people for decades.

The right-wing got tired of being attacked and mocked non-stop, and said fine... we'll vote for someone will smack the left-wing back. Trump does that. He insults, belittles, and smacks the left-wing around, like the trash they have always been.

Now you people are on here... "oh see you're just as bad!"... ok fine. We're just as bad now. We were nice. We were friendly. We ran kind hearted people like Mitt Romney, and you guys wrecked them.

Now we're fighting fire with fire. Now we're dishing back to you, all the evil and cruelty you have been dishing out for decades, calling all of us racists for even daring to question the actions of Obama.

Well tough snot. We don't care what you think anymore, and your fault. So just shoved up your butt. We don't give a crap what you think.

I wouldn't know about any of that; I'm not a politics afficianado. What I DO know is that when I came on board here at the end of 2015, I was attacked from the very start. And I was VERY nice. You folks just didn't like my opinion. I still try to be fair, not because I give a damn what y'all think, but because I still have to respect myself.

Nothing good will come of this hyper divide. No one will "win." It's outrageous, and yes, the left does the same thing. It's way past time for the "Evil" and "Commie" and other stupid playground names stop. Act like adults for once.

I used to think that way. Not anymore. These people are evil. Calling them out for what they are, is not childish. It is in fact, what an adult should do. The left-wing is in fact evil. They are terrible horrible people, and I'm going to call them out on it.

The ONLY "evil" I see is that attitude. Seriously.

I don't care anymore. When left-wingers start acting like decent people, I'll treat them as such.

As long as they keep calling me racists every time I suggest a different policy, then they are evil people. And me calling them out for being evil, isn't evil. It's good and right.

Not all leftists are empty headed assholes parroting the Democrats' platform regardless. The lumping is what's wrong. But sometimes I do it, too. I don't think any of them are "Evil" though. Really wrong headed, maybe.

Completely fabricated accusations, plus threatening the supposed witness to support the accusations against Bret Kavanough. Obviously false.

Supporting a guy who claimed he was racially attacked at 2 AM in Chicago at -16º, by MAGA hat wearing white people. Obviously false.

Attacks against kids at a tourist attraction, who didn't even respond back to their harassment. Obviously false.

Joe Biden saying Mitt Romney was going to put people back in chains. Obviously false.

People claiming Bush lied and people died, when their own Democrat led investigation concluded Bush didn't lie about anything.

BLM marching through NYC chanting "We want dead cops".

Trying to destroy the lives of religious people, because they won't do a pizza cater of a gay wedding (as if any gay person would have ever even asked a tiny pizza shop in the middle of nowhere, to cater their ridiculous wedding).

Threatening violence against conservative speakers at public universities.

Attacking an innocent civilian, because a black kid attacked that civilian and was shot for it.

How many examples of pure evil, that is the foundation of all the left-wing, do you need?

No, these people are pure concentrated evil.

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