Will you vaccinate?

If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?

Given they have been wrong about nearly everything... no. I won't.

I'll wait until everyone else does, and see how that goes.

Besides, I think I already had it. So I'm likely already good.
No, you are not. There is no indication that you cannot get it again as several sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt just found out!

Right, you can get virtually any illness again. Even chick pox, you can actually catch it again.

It is highly unlikely. Extremely unlikely.

We learned this from the Spanish Flu in the 1900s. The vast vast majority of the people who got the more mild version of the Spanish flu, in the first wave, did not get the more deadly version that was spreading during the second wave.

But... yes a few people did get 2nd wave strain, or the 3rd wave strain.

But regardless, there is no reason to be worried about it.

This last thing I had, if it was Corona, I got this after being isolated for weeks. Literally I had no contact with the outside world. After my job was terminated, I spent about 2 weeks sitting at home, doing pretty much nothing. I didn't go out to eat. I went to the story one time at 9:30 PM when the place was nearly empty, and was out in 15 minutes.

Despite being almost entirely isolated with no contact with the outside world, I got horribly sick that lasted nearly two full weeks.

I'm convinced that putting a mask on does nothing, and that the lock downs did nothing. If I can be entirely isolated for weeks, and yet still catch something that terrible.... what's the point again? Seriously, none of these "safety" standards stopped me from getting ill. So what was the point again?

Unless you think I caught it at work, and it was dormant for 2 weeks. Even that is unlikely, because I worked, and ate alone at work.
I'm somewhat surprised at the number of folks so willing to put their friends and loved ones at risk by predetermining that they will not protect themselves by having the vaccine. Your choice, your consequences.
It took them 20 months to develop the last SARS vaccine. Animal and human trials take time. This cannot be expedited via technology. This can only be expedited by the same 'humans' in existence 50 years ago by eliminating the normal FDA screening procedures.
The last time those humans expedited the process...a lot of people got hurt.

THAT is your reasoning for NOT trying?

Well yeah. The problem is not that they are going to make a vaccine.

If they do... great.

The problem is, you can not shut down the entire world, for 20 months. And honestly, we don't even know if it will be 20 months.

Because remember, China doesn't care. If China deploys a bad vaccine, the loss of a few hundred people, in a dictatorship country, where they have 1.3 Billion people, is not big deal to them.

Remember the 2015 Tianjin explosions?

The one were nearly the entire port blew up, but only 69 non-firefighters died? You really believe that?

So when you say they deployed a vaccine in 20 months, that is not using US standards.

In the US, deploying a vaccine can take years. Most vaccines are 15 years in the making. The shortest of estimates for a Corona vaccine I've seen, is 3 years.

Do you think we can shut down the country, for 3 years?
I don't.
If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?
If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?

Do you see it as a one-or-the-other situation?....I don't.
I'm somewhat surprised at the number of folks so willing to put their friends and loved ones at risk by predetermining that they will not protect themselves by having the vaccine. Your choice, your consequences.

Yeah, it is. We don't care what you think.

During the Spanish Flu, hundred on hundreds of people died, because they blindly followed the advice of the government, and the treatment killed the patients.

You want to do that? You blindly follow some politicians, well known for their brilliance at running government?

No, I'll wait and see what works and what doesn't.

Again, Sweden, Japan, even Florida, all didn't do the massive lock downs that your politicians and doctors predicted would have piles and piles of bodies everywhere.

Never happened. All your predictions, and your models, and your dire doom and gloom warnings. None of it happened. All your experts were wrong.

So it is our choices, and our consequences. Life is a risk, and I don't intend to hind in my basement until I want to kill myself anyway.
Now the question is will you allow your new born baby or grandchild to be vaccinated?! Of course you must! The vast majority of people do it happily and responsibly, and have been doing so since before we all were born. And thus we have for over a century ended terrible diseases that threatened our children and society!

Bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument.

Just sayin'.

I get that. But we live in a free society. When a child dies a few days after a vaccine we hear about it. Everywhere. When a new vaccine fails, we hear about it. When a new disease threatens we hear about it. Scientists study what happened. Politicians make promises of faster vaccine roll outs. Our public health and biological scientists do their best to educate and protect us.

So why suddenly the hysteria? The truth is conspiracy thinking, doomsday predictions, obsessions about satanic forces taking over are hardwired into humanity. They have been with us for thousands of years. The U.S. has generated its own rich variety of new religions rooted in such fears. The “paranoid style” of American politics runs deep. But this new right populist mainstream party partisan variety of the phenomenon is especially sick. It goes deeper than Trump, but he plays this game cynically, with a wink and a nod even to Q-Anon, and with his alliances with Christian fundamentalists.

Not that every Christian fundamentalist or Q-Anon supporter is evil. Most are very nice people in ordinary life. The guy who took his AR-15 into that pizza parlor to save the children in the non-existent basement from the Democratic Party bigwig pedophiles ... was a nice guy who later apologized.

Science does not offer full protection from Death and Disease. “Mother Nature“ can still bring us down and make us cry like babies. Our own nature and superstitions can do that too. Pharma companies seek profits first. This is part of the nature of our economic institutions. Political witch-hunting and xenophobia can also destroy us.

A little Enlightenment is necessary. Skepticism yes. Madness and partisan extremism no. The “bandwagon” problem isn’t that we will listen to scientific advice, and all sides of any political fight, but that we will blind ourselves in our own certainty that we are pure and the “others” are evil ... and so work ourselves and society into a frenzy. Then we ride the bandwagon right over the cliff.
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Now the question is will you allow your new born baby or grandchild to be vaccinated?! Of course you must! The vast majority of people do it happily and responsibly, and have been doing so since before we all were born. And thus we have for over a century ended terrible diseases that threatened our children and society!

Bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument.

Just sayin'.

I get that. But we live in a free society. When a child dies a few days after a vaccine we hear about it. Everywhere. When a new vaccine fails, we hear about it. When a new disease threatens we hear about it. Scientists study what happened. Politicians make promises of faster vaccine roll outs. Our public health and biological scientists do their best to educate and protect us.

So why suddenly the hysteria? The truth is conspiracy thinking, doomsday predictions, obsessions about satanic forces taking over are hardwired into humanity. They have been with us for thousands of years. The U.S. has generated its own rich variety of new religions rooted in such fears. The “paranoid style” of American politics runs deep. But this new right populist mainstream party partisan variety of the phenomenon is especially sick. It goes deeper than Trump, but he plays this game cynically, with a wink and a nod even to Q-Anon, and with his alliances with Christian fundamentalists.

Not that every Christian fundamentalist or Q-Anon supporter is evil. Most are very nice people in ordinary life. The guy who took his AR-15 into that pizza parlor to save the children in the non-existent basement from the Democratic Party bigwig pedophiles ... was a nice guy who later apologized.

Science does not offer full protection from Death and Disease. “Mother Nature“ can still bring us down and make us cry like babies. Our own nature and superstitions can do that too. Pharma companies seek profits first. This is part of the nature of our economic institutions. Political witch-hunting and xenophobia can also destroy us.

A little Enlightenment is necessary. Skepticism yes. Madness and partisan extremism no. The “bandwagon” problem isn’t that we will listen to scientific advice, and all sides of any political fight, but that we will blind ourselves in our own certainty that we are pure and the “others” are evil ... and so work ourselves and society into a frenzy. Then we ride the bandwagon right over the cliff.
The sudden hysteria has been pressed upon us by the media and the gubmint....As more and more facts come out, it becomes more and more evident that we have been, to a very large degree, played....Why would such duplicity end there?

You want to quell skepticism and "conspiracy theories", then wouldn't it be incumbent upon the people who are being pointed to as the authorities to quit bullshitting us?
A little Enlightenment is necessary. Skepticism yes. Madness and partisan extremism no. The “bandwagon” problem isn’t that we will listen to scientific advice, and all sides of any political fight, but that we will blind ourselves in our own certainty that we are pure and the “others” are evil ... and so work ourselves and society into a frenzy. Then we ride the bandwagon right over the cliff.
That, sir, is a WINNER.

If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his ystories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?

Do you see it as a one-or-the-other situation?....I don't.

His stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something too. Where's the leadership?
If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his ystories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?

Do you see it as a one-or-the-other situation?....I don't.

His stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something too. Where's the leadership?

That's not an answer to the question posed.
Now the question is will you allow your new born baby or grandchild to be vaccinated?! Of course you must! The vast majority of people do it happily and responsibly, and have been doing so since before we all were born. And thus we have for over a century ended terrible diseases that threatened our children and society!

I'm beginning to think that anyone stupid enough to say NO to a Covid vaccine, a mask, social distancing, cooperating with contact tracing because they think LIBERALS want them to deserves what they get. Thin that herd, nature's way, due to a low functioning brain.
More lectures from the side that's dropping like flies

I also dont appreciate your misrepresentation of our position, dimwit
The problem Conservatives have with people like you is that you think you can make us do whatever YOU think we should. That dog doesn't hunt sweet cheeks.

I can give you hundreds more from "your" position just like it. In the threads saying Masks are Dangerous, Will You Participate in Contact Tracing? The threads screaming about Constitutional Rights for being ordered to stay home during an epidemic.

Your "position" is based on twisted numbers and downright lies, conspiracy theories and bogus science. If an enemy foreign power ever wanted to bring this country to its knees, it would enlist people just like your side to accomplish it. Gullible and selfish to the core, caring about no one but themselves and prone to violence. Nice mates, Death Angel.
I'm somewhat surprised at the number of folks so willing to put their friends and loved ones at risk by predetermining that they will not protect themselves by having the vaccine. Your choice, your consequences.
If the vaccine works, why would those who take it be affected by those who don't?

Just as happens today with, say the measles vaccine. People who refuse the vaccine, contract the virus, and carry it to others who have not taken the vaccine.

For example, measles, claimed to have been eradicated in 2000, is making a comeback...because of people refusing to get the vaccine for their kiddos.

2019 Measles Outbreak: What You Should Know
By Debbie Koenig

April 11, 2019 -- Measles cases have been skyrocketing in the U.S. this year, with 1,203 reported so far, according to the CDC. It's the most cases reported in this country since 1992 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000. Worldwide, the number of reported cases jumped 300% in the first three months of 2019 compared to the same time period in 2018, according to the World Health Organization. Learn why it’s happening and how to protect your family from this potentially deadly disease.
Why has measles come back?
Measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. in 2000, 3 decades after the vaccine was introduced. But in recent years, “A critical number of parents have chosen not to vaccinate their children,” says Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. “When that happens, measles -- the most contagious of vaccine-preventable illnesses -- is often the first to come back.”

If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his ystories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?

Do you see it as a one-or-the-other situation?....I don't.

His stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something too. Where's the leadership?

That's not an answer to the question posed.

When the federal government offers advice it's either Trump or medical experts such as Fauci. One or the other.
If Fauci, Gates, the WHO or China has anything to do with developing the vaccine, the answer is no.
Why don't you trust Fauci?
Maybe because his ystories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something?

Maybe because he seems to only promote directions of therapy that will benefit him?

Which Dr. Fauci will we see tomorrow, no mask or mandated mask?

Do you trust Trump?

Do you see it as a one-or-the-other situation?....I don't.

His stories change faster than a criminal suspect who is hiding something too. Where's the leadership?

That's not an answer to the question posed.

When the federal government offers advice it's either Trump or medical experts such as Fauci. One or the other.

Check your premise....Trump's story has been nearly identical to Fauci's from the get-go....First both said it wouldn't be a threat, then a few weeks later it's a threat....Both have played both sides of the mask issue, and many others.

What if Trump has been full of shit because Fauci has been blowing shit in his ear since day one?....It certainly follows the pattern of every other shitty staffing decision Trump as made (i.e. Bolton, Pompeo, Priebus, Bannon, ad nauseum).

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