Will you vaccinate?

I'm a liberal and believe in science and technology, but without significant testing of the new vaccine, I would have serious problems being convinced that it was safe or had efficacy. Operation WARP SPEED doesn't sound like a great idea when it comes to developing a safe, effective vaccine, especially coming from Mr. Happy Talk's administration.
I'm a liberal and believe in science and technology, but without significant testing of the new vaccine, I would have serious problems being convinced that it was safe or had efficacy. Operation WARP SPEED doesn't sound like a great idea when it comes to developing a safe, effective vaccine, especially coming from Mr. Happy Talk's administration.

It's good to encounter a reasonable liberal. That's a rare thing around here, as we can see on this thread.
I think I will. I live with two high risk people, and periodically visit another high risk person.

Well, what are you gonna do if it kills you? Worse yet, you get a crooked eye or something. Gosh.

Trump's vaccine czar doesn't have a very good track record, you know.
I think I will. I live with two high risk people, and periodically visit another high risk person.

Well, what are you gonna do if it kills you? Worse yet, you get a crooked eye or something. Gosh.

Trump's vacine czar doesn't have a very good track record, you know.

I have no good answer....
The President said it:

"Vaccine or not vaccine we are back"

Why not? Do you not trust science? Do you believe this contagion is a hoax?
1) The numbers show me that the virus is far less of a threat to healthy people such as myself than it has been hyped up to be.

2) Is still is no guarantee that I won't get the virus.

3) The record of SARS and MERS indicate that the Covid will likely mutate its way to impotence.

4) May have already had it, so I'm likely immune.
Thank you Dr. Oddball. I hope your hunches are better than the opinions of trained people epidemiologists
If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?
If 3 men tie me down and force me to
I will, otherwise hell no. I've never even had a flu shot and the small pox vaccine from 50 years ago was my last one
(3rd grade)...I don't remember if they asked for parents consent or not - just lined us up and shot us with that gun - the scar was there for years even though it didn't hurt.
If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?
There is no cure for the common cold, dumbass.
And the last time 86,000 people died in seven weeks from the common cold was when?
well....after all.....

why not try the vaccine..... :biggrin: heck.....just give it a shot

If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you as you roll up your sleeve to accept whatever they come with. No I have never had a flu shot and I certainly will won't be getting a China virus shot. But best of luck to you and whoever does.
If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?
HELL YEAH!!! But one must also check that the vaccine is suitable and not allergenic to any potential users. I suggest checking FIRST if one has a history of reactions to a vaccine!!

I’m sure if a vaccine becomes available and the public health experts recommend it they’ll be conspiracy theorist, idiots who won’t take it. What we really need is a vaccine for stupidity
What we really need is a test that shows each person that it is safe for THEM!!!

If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?
So if they say your kids can’t go to school without it, what will U do?
If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?

If, God willing, a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and available come Autumn, will you take it? So much cynicism and mistrust has been sown, some foolish people refuse to vaccinate their children against readily preventable contagions.

Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?
There is no cure for the common cold, dumbass.
And the last time 86,000 people died in seven weeks from the common cold was when?
When did the movie the PURGE become reality............oh..it just did in places like New York and New Jersey where they put infected people into Nursing homes and assisted living centers.

Like Obama said..........take the pill..............some old folks should just DIE in other words. This level of Stupidity is sooooooooooooSTUPID.........that the only common sense answer is they did this BS on purpose.

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