Will you vaccinate?

I’m not a con you establishment dupe. It’s well know viruses mutate. The flu vaccine is a good example of this. Learn something before posting.

Using your logic, since seat belts and air-bags do not save ALL LIVES, you don't want them in your car. Got it! :D
or just don't wear a seatbelt
Idiot. You don’t even know viruses mutate.
and staying at home does what? The virus will be there and you'll not be Immun to the sickness
Will this cynicism drive your decision to not avail yourself and your family of a COVID-19 vaccine?

If public health officials recommend a vaccination, would their advice weigh more in your attitude than if an elected official advised you? Do you not trust doctors because they were not elected by the people? If so, who's going to tell Jared?

We have hundreds of companies trying to compete to rush a vaccine. We've seen this happen before. And we have politicians openly willing to rush it through.

I recall back in 1976 they also rushed to create a vaccine for the swine flu.

They rushed to create a vaccine.

Politicians rushed to vote it through.

The vaccine killed more people than the flu.

It cost Dr. David Sencer his job as Centers for Disease Control director.

Sencer said officials "believed that we were doing the right thing"

In the aftermath, the government was criticized for pushing Americans to get unnecessary vaccinations.

Asked about those hurt by the vaccine, he said the government paid settlements to those hurt, "So that we tried to make at least reparations in that standpoint."

Let that sink in nice and good.
Every year I'm supposed to get a flu shot. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I have had the flu innumerable times. I don't get it any more.
I’m not a con you establishment dupe. It’s well know viruses mutate. The flu vaccine is a good example of this. Learn something before posting.

Using your logic, since seat belts and air-bags do not save ALL LIVES, you don't want them in your car. Got it! :D
or just don't wear a seatbelt

Is that how you suffered your current brain damage?
Tory you fucking traitor when will you stop kissing the ass of the king?
and staying at home does what? The virus will be there and you'll not be Immun to the sickness
Slows transmission rate, of course. What an idiotic question. How can any functional adult not know this by now?
It doesn't slow anything it pulses until you come back out Sweden is doing great and they didn't kill their jobs to do it.
Ready this autumn? If it were rushed like that it could not possibly be safety tested. If a "miracle" happened and the experts all assured us it was safe, it would still go first to front-line folks. Politicians' endorsements, like pharma company salesmanship, means nothing. I take flu shots now, since I'm older, and I've escaped the flu for years now, whereas I used to catch it all the time. Of course I'd eventually love to take a vaccine for Covid-19! Do I want to be one of the first to try it? No. The reality is vaccines can have unexpected side effects, like all medicines. Besides, I don't like needles! :safetocomeoutff::yes_text12:
No, I don't want to participate in helping the criminals behind this scam make a massive fortune from their vaccine, and based on Kill Gates' track record with vaccines, I'll pass on anything that comes from him.

Besides, I'm a vegan and most vaccines contain animal ingredients, so even if that was the only reason, I wouldn't take it, but that is just one reason of many.
I’m not a con you establishment dupe. It’s well know viruses mutate. The flu vaccine is a good example of this. Learn something before posting.

Using your logic, since seat belts and air-bags do not save ALL LIVES, you don't want them in your car. Got it! :D
or just don't wear a seatbelt
Idiot. You don’t even know viruses mutate.
They can mutate for the good or for the worse. Go back to your room and play with yourself. If you do it right, you might get something out of it!
Wuhanvirus is a multi-faceted designer bioweapon that won't have an effective vaccine for 3-5 years.
Just my take on it.

Yeah, and if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass!
If you want to take the shot take it don't force those who don't want it
I never said you had to take it, did I?

Just remember when you get the virus and spread it to someone you love who dies, you can just live with the fact you murdered them.
No, I don't want to participate in helping the criminals behind this scam make a massive fortune from their vaccine, and based on Kill Gates' track record with vaccines, I'll pass on anything that comes from him.

Besides, I'm a vegan and most vaccines contain animal ingredients, so even if that was the only reason, I wouldn't take it, but that is just one reason of many.

Good luck with that line of thinking. It is obvious your brain is starving.
It doesn't slow anything
Well that's just idiotic, and you should feel embarrassed of yourself right now. I am starting to think you might literally be the dumbest poster on this site.

Sweden's tactics have not worked very well. But, more importantly, Sweden has a highly educated populace that is smart about distancing and limiting trips and crowds, voluntarily. Such a thing could never occur here, with you morons running around.
I’m not a con you establishment dupe. It’s well know viruses mutate. The flu vaccine is a good example of this. Learn something before posting.

Using your logic, since seat belts and air-bags do not save ALL LIVES, you don't want them in your car. Got it! :D
No it’s not the same thing, but you’ll never know why.
I’m not a con you establishment dupe. It’s well know viruses mutate. The flu vaccine is a good example of this. Learn something before posting.

Using your logic, since seat belts and air-bags do not save ALL LIVES, you don't want them in your car. Got it! :D
or just don't wear a seatbelt
Idiot. You don’t even know viruses mutate.
My post was meant for Markle not you. Sorry.
It doesn't slow anything it pulses until you come back out Sweden is doing great and they didn't kill their jobs to do it.

If Sweden's plan of doing nothing is so successful. Why do they have more than THIRTY PERCENT more fatalities per million citizens than we do here in the United States.


I’m not a con you establishment dupe. It’s well know viruses mutate. The flu vaccine is a good example of this. Learn something before posting.

Using your logic, since seat belts and air-bags do not save ALL LIVES, you don't want them in your car. Got it! :D
No it’s not the same thing, but you’ll never know why.

It seems to me that it is exactly the same thing which is why you cannot give a logical reason as to why they are not the same.

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