Willian Joyce and Tank might be right about Blacks and our PC Police are a Joke!

Its funny how libbys and race deniers use anecdotal 'evidence' all the time for their own purposes but refuse to awknowledge it from the other side.

What would the crime stats say if shit like this wasn't swept under the table?

I'm up for the "what if" game today. What if the black population as a whole were still not treated as second-class citizens in huge swaths across the country? What if black kids in urban areas turned ghetto had the same educational opportunities as whites? What if the cycle of poverty/lack of parenting/drug abuse leading to violent characteristics never ends because its easier for white people to just sit around and complain that it's not THEIR fault rather than trying to be part of the solution to end the cycle?

What if game? Sure! Educational opportunities- if you switched the students from an inner city school with a majority white school within ten years the reputations and achievements would be totally reversed, and blacks would be saying how unfair it was that their new school wasn't as good as their old school now that the whites moved.

Cycle of poverty, bad parenting, crime and violence? Why aren't blacks changing that? Do you think whites should change black culture by force or something?

Its not whites fault and there has never been a time in history that one race has put as much time money effort and sacrifice into uplifting a different race.

The opportunities are there, now is the time for blacks to abandon excuses and entitlement victimology and just take personal responsibility.
Are Jews white people?? I thought they were more like Arabs or Italians ?..what ever they are...
Its funny how libbys and race deniers use anecdotal 'evidence' all the time for their own purposes but refuse to awknowledge it from the other side.

What would the crime stats say if shit like this wasn't swept under the table?

I'm up for the "what if" game today. What if the black population as a whole were still not treated as second-class citizens in huge swaths across the country? What if black kids in urban areas turned ghetto had the same educational opportunities as whites? What if the cycle of poverty/lack of parenting/drug abuse leading to violent characteristics never ends because its easier for white people to just sit around and complain that it's not THEIR fault rather than trying to be part of the solution to end the cycle?

What if game? Sure! Educational opportunities- if you switched the students from an inner city school with a majority white school within ten years the reputations and achievements would be totally reversed, and blacks would be saying how unfair it was that their new school wasn't as good as their old school now that the whites moved.
Project much?

Cycle of poverty, bad parenting, crime and violence? Why aren't blacks changing that? Do you think whites should change black culture by force or something?

Its not whites fault and there has never been a time in history that one race has put as much time money effort and sacrifice into uplifting a different race.

The opportunities are there, now is the time for blacks to abandon excuses and entitlement victimology and just take personal responsibility.

Given the chance, I believe they will. Enough charter schools and the children can at least get decent primary educations, which is a start.
I'm up for the "what if" game today. What if the black population as a whole were still not treated as second-class citizens in huge swaths across the country? What if black kids in urban areas turned ghetto had the same educational opportunities as whites? What if the cycle of poverty/lack of parenting/drug abuse leading to violent characteristics never ends because its easier for white people to just sit around and complain that it's not THEIR fault rather than trying to be part of the solution to end the cycle?

What if game? Sure! Educational opportunities- if you switched the students from an inner city school with a majority white school within ten years the reputations and achievements would be totally reversed, and blacks would be saying how unfair it was that their new school wasn't as good as their old school now that the whites moved.
Project much?

Cycle of poverty, bad parenting, crime and violence? Why aren't blacks changing that? Do you think whites should change black culture by force or something?

Its not whites fault and there has never been a time in history that one race has put as much time money effort and sacrifice into uplifting a different race.

The opportunities are there, now is the time for blacks to abandon excuses and entitlement victimology and just take personal responsibility.

Given the chance, I believe they will. Enough charter schools and the children can at least get decent primary educations, which is a start.

They are being given the chance right now! Canada has no history of slavery or Jim Crow. Why are we pulling our hair out trying to find the right magical solution to improve the racial gap in achievement and behaviour? And failing I might add. We have co-opted the white guilt excuse for blacks and get the same poor results and the same shreiks of "racism". Odd that the asians don't seem to have any trouble excelling.

"Project much"- please point out a few examples of schools or neighbourhoods or cities that have turned majority-minority and improved. Or even held their ground. Blacks tend to become inefficient and incompetent managers when they become the majority in an area. And whites are the opposite. Ever seen the amazing turnaround when a dangerous decayed downtown area becomes 'gentrified'?
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It is so easy for so many people to say all races of people are equal.

But not so easy to prove it.
Actually they are probably wrong, but I just had an incident yesterday with a black teenager (16-17) at the public pool yesterday that would strengthen their point. I apologize for the N-bombs, but I am still emotional about it. In reality I am more angry about the 2 white cowardly cops (I guarantee if two black cops came to the scene the situation would have been different, because from my experience Black cops have far less sympathy and PCness for thugish Black teens).

I went to meet my wife, my brother-in-law and my kids at the public pool after I got off from work. When I got their my wife told me one of the ******* (see used a different word) over there stole her Iphone. I asked her if she was sure and she said she saw him take it. So I confronted him.

I let me know just to give the phone back and their wouldn't be any trouble.
How did the ****** respond, "Iss no know wha yousss talkin bout, ya racist asshol, tinking all baks are Kiminals."
I responded "my wife saw you, just give it back."
He say "Iss outa here."
I then grab his arm and I said "you're going no where."
This ****** then takes a swing at me and connects on the side of my face. I then tackle this ****** (I was a hell of a wrestler back in the day) and start pounding him. I thought it was more than justified. I mean the ****** stole the phone, refused to give it back and then punched me in the face. I was protecting my family.

Finally the police arrive. Lone and behold the phone was found in the ******'s pocket. But who do these poor excuses for law enforcement officers arrest? ME! Saying I went over the line in subduing and beating this ******. I pointed to the fact that the ****** was about 2 ins taller (6'0) then me and about the same size and build as me. I pointed out he punched me when I stopped him from fleeing. I pointed out that my children had to witness this and were frigthened. LASTLY WE FOUND OUR PROPERTY IN HIS POCKET!!! These sorry excuses for cops wouldn't hear it. I got arrested. The little ****** thief was let got without one charge!

When we got to the police station, I had a criminal lawyer family member come and get all the charges dropped. But it should have never gotten to that point. I should never have been arrested and the ****** thief should never have been let go.

It gets tougher and tougher to dispute claims that Blacks are more violent and crime prone than ever other race that Tank and WJ make, when you look to the fact of how many of them are behind bars, the over crime statistics committed by Blacks, the most dangerous places in the country are black neighborhoods, African Countries have ALWAYS been the most violent places on Earth and never get better, African American Western Countries (Haiti and Jamiaca) are violent shitholes etc.

But then again I have some good black friends that I would judge their character as well above most people regardless of race, I plan to vote in at least the Presidential primaries for a Blacks man (Michael Cain) and two of the top 5 Americans in history were black (MLK and Douglass). Yes I am probably overly emotional, because this just happened yesterday and I was subject of a huge injustice by the police, but I think liberal PCness needs to END!!! The African American community needs to stop blaming white people and stand up on its own two feet and take responsibility for itself.
Awesome, Adolf. Go fuck yourself.
you didn't believe us racists in the past because it was more convenient for you that way.

after you got punched in the face it wasn't all that convenient any more so now you are forced to see the truth.

if only people could care about truth for the sake of truth this would be a good world to live in, but everybody only cares about personal convenience.

all these colorblind cocsuckers are that way only because this is what works best for them. they know if they openly state what is obviously true ( that ******* are different and inferior ) that nothing is going to happen except that they might lose their job, friends etc so they stay colorblind.

this is the tragic reality of the world we live in - people are selfish, spineless, hypocritical cocksuckers.
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Actually they are probably wrong , but I just had an incident yesterday with a black teenager (16-17) at the public pool yesterday that would strengthen their point. I apologize for the N-bombs, but I am still emotional about it. In reality I am more angry about the 2 white cowardly cops (I guarantee if two black cops came to the scene the situation would have been different, because from my experience Black cops have far less sympathy and PCness for thugish Black teens).

I went to meet my wife, my brother-in-law and my kids at the public pool after I got off from work. When I got their my wife told me one of the ******* (see used a different word) over there stole her Iphone. I asked her if she was sure and she said she saw him take it. So I confronted him.

I let me know just to give the phone back and their wouldn't be any trouble.
How did the ****** respond, "Iss no know wha yousss talkin bout, ya racist asshol, tinking all baks are Kiminals."
I responded "my wife saw you, just give it back."
He say "Iss outa here."
I then grab his arm and I said "you're going no where."
This ****** then takes a swing at me and connects on the side of my face. I then tackle this ****** (I was a hell of a wrestler back in the day) and start pounding him. I thought it was more than justified. I mean the ****** stole the phone, refused to give it back and then punched me in the face. I was protecting my family.

Finally the police arrive. Lone and behold the phone was found in the ******'s pocket. But who do these poor excuses for law enforcement officers arrest? ME! Saying I went over the line in subduing and beating this ******. I pointed to the fact that the ****** was about 2 ins taller (6'0) then me and about the same size and build as me. I pointed out he punched me when I stopped him from fleeing. I pointed out that my children had to witness this and were frigthened. LASTLY WE FOUND OUR PROPERTY IN HIS POCKET!!! These sorry excuses for cops wouldn't hear it. I got arrested. The little ****** thief was let got without one charge!

When we got to the police station, I had a criminal lawyer family member come and get all the charges dropped. But it should have never gotten to that point. I should never have been arrested and the ****** thief should never have been let go.

It gets tougher and tougher to dispute claims that Blacks are more violent and crime prone than ever other race that Tank and WJ make, when you look to the fact of how many of them are behind bars, the over crime statistics committed by Blacks, the most dangerous places in the country are black neighborhoods, African Countries have ALWAYS been the most violent places on Earth and never get better, African American Western Countries (Haiti and Jamiaca) are violent shitholes etc.

But then again I have some good black friends that I would judge their character as well above most people regardless of race , I plan to vote in at least the Presidential primaries for a Blacks man (Michael Cain) and two of the top 5 Americans in history were black (MLK and Douglass). Yes I am probably overly emotional, because this just happened yesterday and I was subject of a huge injustice by the police, but I think liberal PCness needs to END!!! The African American community needs to stop blaming white people and stand up on its own two feet and take responsibility for itself.
Awesome, Adolf. Go fuck yourself.

Why would you say such a thing? In case you didn't read my entire post, I put in a lot of mixed emotions and even started the post by saying Tank and WJ are probably wrong (emphasized above). I would guarantee you are more prejudice than I am. I think African Americans must stop blaming others and stand on their own two feet. The Chinese have had a raw deal in America also (we have enacted laws against them as a people), but have NOT let that get them down. In fact they have ALWAYS been widely successful successful people as a group in America. Ditto for the Jews, Arabs and Koreans (Not to mention the Asian Indians).

You on the other hand view them as children that need constant coddling and constant parenting by their superior White Parents! :eek: They fuck up and you think (but not say) what do you expect from them, they are children!

I don't think it's the Black man's genetics that keeps the Black man down, rather I think its the Black man's culture that keeps them down from the African American communities, to African American countries to Africa itself. In the end they have no one to blame but themselves for it and the only ones who will pull them out of it are themselves!!!
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This thread has some laugh out loud moments. Living in Philly with all sorts, I'm amazed they didn't drag you both in? Police are like all people some good some bad. Do what I did once, call Internal Affairs and report them, then be prepared to have them following you. They beat one of my brothers badly after a routine car stop, Knowing my brother I'm sure he was just too polite. ;) What a hassle that turned out to be. Local papers can assist too.
Local papers can assist too.
LOL, not the pub I want. I would come off as an over-aggressive white middle class villian "unjustly" acting a poor black teen, as many of the my liberal friends here like Ravi have stated.
Ghook, you talk about blacks like the Nazis talked about Jews.

Sweeping generalizations, demonization, racial slurs...it's all there in your post.
Local papers can assist too.
LOL, not the pub I want. I would come off as an over-aggressive white middle class villian "unjustly" acting a poor black teen, as many of the my liberal friends here like Ravi have stated.

That problem could have been resolved by telling your story a little less embellished, but leaving out the fact that the kid was black. Public reaction would have been interesting.
typical whiny hebe shyster, and some of my best friends are jews.


Go fuck yourself Del, my offer of meeting in the real world where I could bash your head against the wall still stands!

Your OP story is pure bullshit. If you ever want to discuss it in the "real world" then go to the Purple Shamrock in Boston and ask for me. Fly into Logan, take the shuttle to the Blue line, get off at the Aquarium stop, and walk to the other side of Faneuil Hall. Ask anyone and they'll point you in the right direction.
typical whiny hebe shyster, and some of my best friends are jews.


Go fuck yourself Del, my offer of meeting in the real world where I could bash your head against the wall still stands!

Your OP story is pure bullshit. If you ever want to discuss it in the "real world" then go to the Purple Shamrock in Boston and ask for me. Fly into Logan, take the shuttle to the Blue line, get off at the Aquarium stop, and walk to the other side of Faneuil Hall. Ask anyone and they'll point you in the right direction.

You pussy!
Go fuck yourself Del, my offer of meeting in the real world where I could bash your head against the wall still stands!

Your OP story is pure bullshit. If you ever want to discuss it in the "real world" then go to the Purple Shamrock in Boston and ask for me. Fly into Logan, take the shuttle to the Blue line, get off at the Aquarium stop, and walk to the other side of Faneuil Hall. Ask anyone and they'll point you in the right direction.

You pussy!

You single handedly embarrass all of Texas with your username.
Your OP story is pure bullshit. If you ever want to discuss it in the "real world" then go to the Purple Shamrock in Boston and ask for me. Fly into Logan, take the shuttle to the Blue line, get off at the Aquarium stop, and walk to the other side of Faneuil Hall. Ask anyone and they'll point you in the right direction.

You pussy!

You single handedly embarrass all of Texas with your username.

And you're still a pussy.

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