
Trump's lawyer made it very clear. If a President commits a crime and then resigns before he can be impeached, he is immune from prosecution. That was the foundation of his defense of Trump.

Which brings up another issue. If a President sells a pardon, and then leaves office before this becomes public knowledge, he can't be prosecuted. And that's according to Trump and his lawyer.

Biden can have Trump killed and totally get away with it, scot free.
I'd register as a democrat and vote for Biden before I'd vote fo Haley, just to spite the RNC. lol...
I'd register as a democrat and vote for Biden before I'd vote fo Haley. lol...
Well, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party is becoming more and more like the commsymp pantywaist liberal Democrats of the 70s and 80s with each passing day.
This is getting out of control. So bad I'm starting to agree with Republicans

Nineteen Republican former members of Congress have signed an open letter that calls on the courts to move “as quickly as possible” on Donald Trump’s four criminal cases for the sake of the country.

“This is why we are joining a chorus of voices from both sides of the aisle calling on the courts to ensure that the former president is tried with the speed and dispatch that should attend every criminal prosecution,” the lawmakers added.
A large majority of Americans don't want Biden or Trump to run for re-election. Biden's too old, and Trump's too dangerous.

Now...follow me here.

Biden has said the main reason he is running is he believes he is the only one who can defeat Trump in the next election:

Trump has argued that if a president assassinates his political rival and then immediately resigns, he is immune from prosecution.

So...Biden should put out a hit on Trump, then resign.

Presto! Nikki Haley is our next president.

It's win/win for America.

Let's start a petition!

US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues

Video recording of TRUMP making the argument you reference.
This is getting out of control. So bad I'm starting to agree with Republicans

Nineteen Republican former members of Congress have signed an open letter that calls on the courts to move “as quickly as possible” on Donald Trump’s four criminal cases for the sake of the country.

“This is why we are joining a chorus of voices from both sides of the aisle calling on the courts to ensure that the former president is tried with the speed and dispatch that should attend every criminal prosecution,” the lawmakers added.

the problem is that, in terms of timeline, these cases are moving much faster than trump or his lawyers would want, and the courts are accommodating him.

if the insurrection was not enough, the classified documents would have been a quick court martial and a firing squad in any rational world.

insurrection warrants a fast trial and speedy conclusion. this problem should have been bu8ried.. forever. no later than 2021. .
Trump is three years younger than Biden. So when does Trump become too old?
When he starts saying things like water ruins magnets. Or that he could take out his political opponent if he were president and it wouldn't be breaking the law.

Who is Trump's VP btw? That's sort of important and I'm sure he knows.
Now you are being even dumber than you usually are.

It's almost like you want civil war, or any trump voter to be part of some TDS "final solution"
Lol, it's Trump that says it's legal. His attorneys are the ones that are saying it is legal to bump off your enemies or anything the hell else ya wanna do as president. If so we might as well get on with it. Not just Trump might as well knock off Gates, some Supreme Court justices. MTG, the Colorado fluzy. Let's get to it. Civil War? Ya I am for it if there is nonlaws against what a president can do. Might as well tear this shit up right now. Yet done while I can still hold a gun so my grandchildren don't have too.
You don't think his supporters wouldn't see assassinating him as a direct attack on them?
Don't care! Yall don't care what the other side thinks. Why do we care what you think. The president can do what ever he wants we want our people in that position no matter what then.
Lol, it's Trump that says it's legal. His attorneys are the ones that are saying it is legal to bump off your enemies or anything the hell else ya wanna do as president. If so we might as well get on with it. Not just Trump might as well knock off Gates, some Supreme Court justices. MTG, the Colorado fluzy. Let's get to it. Civil War? Ya I am for it if there is nonlaws against what a president can do. Might as well tear this shit up right now. Yet done while I can still hold a gun so my grandchildren don't have too.
Lucky back during the Civil War the southern white racist slave owners didn't have control of the Federal Government. If they did the south would have won right? Well right now the North has control of the Federal government.

I think first some red states have to secede. I don't think they really want to. It'd be a nightmare for them. Anyone who secedes gives up their social security. LOL
Lucky back during the Civil War the southern white racist slave owners didn't have control of the Federal Government. If they did the south would have won right? Well right now the North has control of the Federal government.

I think first some red states have to secede. I don't think they really want to. It'd be a nightmare for them. Anyone who secedes gives up their social security. LOL
If it is going down. Now is the time. Ya if those dumb fucks think the pres is immune to everything we might as well take advantage. Sure as hell not gunna let it be one sided. We already watched Trump try and have his own VP and the speaker done in on Jan 6th. Yep let's get on with it.
If it is going down. Now is the time. Ya if those dumb fucks think the pres is immune to everything we might as well take advantage. Sure as hell not gunna let it be one sided. We already watched Trump try and have his own VP and the speaker done in on Jan 6th. Yep let's get on with it.

Who's "we"? Like you're going to get off your couch and do anything, you fat boomer?

When he starts saying things like water ruins magnets. Or that he could take out his political opponent if he were president and it wouldn't be breaking the law.

Who is Trump's VP btw? That's sort of important and I'm sure he knows.

You mean like drink bleach to cure COVID?

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