
above my pay grade and why we have courts,,
What a pussy ass copout. There is no clause in the Constitution, and although stare decisis over the last 150 years have resulted in "qualified immunity" for the executive office, there has never been a court decision granting total immunity to the president, and it is just plain stupid, and actually insulting to anyone with intelligence, to imply that there is.

You could have mentioned Nixon v. Fitzgerald, or even Clinton v. Jones. Department of Justice memorandums from 1973 and 2000, both indicating an unwillingness to criminally prosecute a sitting president--got that, a sitting president. Both those memorandums have laid down the rules that have dictated justice department behavior for more than twenty years.

To put it simply, a president cannot be prosecuted for criminal actions he engages in, while president, and while performing his duties. And he has great leeway in the definition of his "duties". But the moment he leaves office, that "qualified immunity" evaporates. Rather it is via impeachment, resignation, or end of his term.

Trump is claiming total immunity. He claims no president can be punished for criminal actions while they are president. Doesn't have to do with the performance of their duties. And when they leave office, well they can't be prosecuted

It is funny really. All those people Bill Clinton had killed while he was president, according to Trump, well he had immunity, so why the hell did all you Republican turds bitch about it. Biden, while VP, accepting all those bribes and shit, well if the executive office enjoys total immunity, the VP is part of the executive office. He gets it too.
What a pussy ass copout. There is no clause in the Constitution, and although stare decisis over the last 150 years have resulted in "qualified immunity" for the executive office, there has never been a court decision granting total immunity to the president, and it is just plain stupid, and actually insulting to anyone with intelligence, to imply that there is.

You could have mentioned Nixon v. Fitzgerald, or even Clinton v. Jones. Department of Justice memorandums from 1973 and 2000, both indicating an unwillingness to criminally prosecute a sitting president--got that, a sitting president. Both those memorandums have laid down the rules that have dictated justice department behavior for more than twenty years.

To put it simply, a president cannot be prosecuted for criminal actions he engages in, while president, and while performing his duties. And he has great leeway in the definition of his "duties". But the moment he leaves office, that "qualified immunity" evaporates. Rather it is via impeachment, resignation, or end of his term.

Trump is claiming total immunity. He claims no president can be punished for criminal actions while they are president. Doesn't have to do with the performance of their duties. And when they leave office, well they can't be prosecuted

It is funny really. All those people Bill Clinton had killed while he was president, according to Trump, well he had immunity, so why the hell did all you Republican turds bitch about it. Biden, while VP, accepting all those bribes and shit, well if the executive office enjoys total immunity, the VP is part of the executive office. He gets it too.
wouldnt that mean we can prosecute every POTUS after they leave office for crimes they committed while in office??

if thats true oibama better run,,
wouldnt that mean we can prosecute every POTUS after they leave office for crimes they committed while in office??

if thats true oibama better run,,

I'm pretty sure that has been understood since at least when Nixon had to resign. They were going to prosecute him until Ford pardoned him. The thing is, is Faux Not News broadcast a lot of phony allegations but as usual they had no evidence against Obama to file charges. They're not really news anyway are they? The GOP led Congress had less than Faux not News, so good luck getting yer charges to stick.
I'm pretty sure that has been understood since at least when Nixon had to resign. They were going to prosecute him until Ford pardoned him. The thing is, is Faux Not News broadcast a lot of phony allegations but as usual they had no evidence against Obama to file charges. They're not really news anyway are they? The GOP led Congress had less than Faux not News, so good luck getting yer charges to stick.
ford didnt pardon him at the state level dumbass,,
It's true the Feds were not contemplating State Charges against Former President Nixon. He didn't pressure any state official to help him find enough votes to win in any state nor did he endorse using forged slates of electors from any state.......
asking state officials to find something isnt illegal,,

if he aske them to create them is another story,,
wouldnt that mean we can prosecute every POTUS after they leave office for crimes they committed while in office??

if thats true oibama better run,,
Sure it is flippin true. What crimes did Obama commit? You really want to go to the extrajudicial killing of OBL? I mean you guys have no filter. Did that operation violate US law, no. International law, maybe, but that is for the ICC to determine and the US Constitution sure doesn't provide immunity in that venue.

I mean I don't understand you dumbshits. What the fawk do you stand for? You have absolutely ZERO integrity, and from where I sit, that means you are a waste of damn air. Clinton should be prosecuted for the whole Monica thing, but Trump gets a free pass on January 6? WTF, how does that make sense?

I mean something I was taught from when I was knee high to a grasshopper. If you can't stand for something, you will fall for anything. What the fawking hell do you stand for? The Constitution, that is a laugher. Free trade, nope, threw that out the window. Equal rights, nope, not happening. Freedom of speech, nope, let's ban some books. Personal freedom, not happening, you guys want to control what a woman does with her body, how a transgender person conducts their live, and all of it because, in some warped sense of reality, you believe your viewpoint is superior to everyone else. I hate to break the news to you, but that is NOT how a democracy works.

And I hate to break the news to you. But Trump is a total piece of shit. Self-absorbed, delusional, and dumber than a box of damn rocks. Making his own closing argument, what a flippin moron. Here is my prediction, and bookmark it for future reference. Trump won't be alive on inauguration day in 2025. If his legal fights go south, he is going to eat a bullet that he himself delivers. But if that doesn't happen, he is probably going to choke to death on a well-done steak, smothered in ketchup. And if that doesn't pass, well his ass is going to die from a massive heart attack, the fatass piece of shit has no clue. McDonald's big macs will kill you. And the real question is, then what will you do, turn to Niki Haley? What a bunch of flippin losers.
Sure it is flippin true. What crimes did Obama commit? You really want to go to the extrajudicial killing of OBL? I mean you guys have no filter. Did that operation violate US law, no. International law, maybe, but that is for the ICC to determine and the US Constitution sure doesn't provide immunity in that venue.

I mean I don't understand you dumbshits. What the fawk do you stand for? You have absolutely ZERO integrity, and from where I sit, that means you are a waste of damn air. Clinton should be prosecuted for the whole Monica thing, but Trump gets a free pass on January 6? WTF, how does that make sense?

I mean something I was taught from when I was knee high to a grasshopper. If you can't stand for something, you will fall for anything. What the fawking hell do you stand for? The Constitution, that is a laugher. Free trade, nope, threw that out the window. Equal rights, nope, not happening. Freedom of speech, nope, let's ban some books. Personal freedom, not happening, you guys want to control what a woman does with her body, how a transgender person conducts their live, and all of it because, in some warped sense of reality, you believe your viewpoint is superior to everyone else. I hate to break the news to you, but that is NOT how a democracy works.

And I hate to break the news to you. But Trump is a total piece of shit. Self-absorbed, delusional, and dumber than a box of damn rocks. Making his own closing argument, what a flippin moron. Here is my prediction, and bookmark it for future reference. Trump won't be alive on inauguration day in 2025. If his legal fights go south, he is going to eat a bullet that he himself delivers. But if that doesn't happen, he is probably going to choke to death on a well-done steak, smothered in ketchup. And if that doesn't pass, well his ass is going to die from a massive heart attack, the fatass piece of shit has no clue. McDonald's big macs will kill you. And the real question is, then what will you do, turn to Niki Haley? What a bunch of flippin losers.
calm down karen,, everything will be OK,,
NeoCon Nimarata Randhawa is running for the democrats..... and I don't vote for anyone that likes to fuck kids.

The same reason I won't be voting for Robert L Peters either.

So you're not voting for Donald Trump then. Well that's good news. Especially after he bragged about seeing Miss Teen America contestants naked. ALL of these girls are underage and any man who wants to see them naked is a sick fucking pervert:

The woman dropped her case after the lives of her family were threatened.

Then there's also:

And his best friend was a convicted child sex trafficker.

He's impeached for what he did, the Senate votes for it, he's prosecutable for murder.

Also, the State Trump was murdered in would have to be in on it, unless Trump was murdered in DC.

Republicans voted against Donald Trump's second impeachment for January 6th, on the grounds that Trump was no longer President, and therefore could not be impeached. At that time, Republicans argued that he could ONLY be dealt with by the DOJ as a private citizen and so they voted against impeachment.

Yesterday Trump's lawyers argued that, if Joe Biden sent Seal Team 6 to assassinate him tomorrow, Biden could resign the moment that Trump was dead, and Biden couldn't be impeached because he's no longer President, and he can't be arrested or tried for the crime, because he did it while he was President, and has absolute immunity from prosecution for any crime he commits while President, unless he's impeached and convicted before he leaves office.

Under the heading of "Do unto others before they do it to you", Joe Biden should order Seal Team 6 to assassinate Trump, and then resign. Biden could also claim "Not guilty" by reason of dementia, since all Republicans believe he's not of sound mind, if they try to prosecute.
Republicans voted against Donald Trump's second impeachment for January 6th, on the grounds that Trump was no longer President, and therefore could not be impeached. At that time, Republicans argued that he could ONLY be dealt with by the DOJ as a private citizen and so they voted against impeachment.

Yesterday Trump's lawyers argued that, if Joe Biden sent Seal Team 6 to assassinate him tomorrow, Biden could resign the moment that Trump was dead, and Biden couldn't be impeached because he's no longer President, and he can't be arrested or tried for the crime, because he did it while he was President, and has absolute immunity from prosecution for any crime he commits while President, unless he's impeached and convicted before he leaves office.
Heads Trump wins
Tails Democracy loses.
It's true the Feds were not contemplating State Charges against Former President Nixon. He didn't pressure any state official to help him find enough votes to win in any state nor did he endorse using forged slates of electors from any state.......

Well. All his crimes took place on Federal Property. The upshot of that was that no State was possibly involved. That left it in the Federal Ballpark, which was handled with the Pardon.
You DO know Hunted fucked his dead brother's widow for months until she caught him molesting her 14-year old daughter.... got a footjob from his niece... and like most satanic, soulless shit missiles he always videoed his depravity.

So there it is in 1080 res... technically, no penetration... but she's 14.

What a family.... hmm?

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Give Brandon credit, at least we know he lusts after 9-year olds.... his brother's not sure what he wants to fuck.... :laughing0301:

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Can you tell us what Hunter Biden is running for? I don't recall him being nominated for or running for ANYTHING. Not to mention you have no evidence of ANYTHING YOU CLAIM, INCLUDING THOSE DEEP FAKE PICTURES YOU'RE POSTING.

So the question is completely irrelevant.
A large majority of Americans don't want Biden or Trump to run for re-election. Biden's too old, and Trump's too dangerous.

Now...follow me here.

Biden has said the main reason he is running is he believes he is the only one who can defeat Trump in the next election:

Trump has argued that if a president assassinates his political rival and then immediately resigns, he is immune from prosecution.

So...Biden should put out a hit on Trump, then resign.

Presto! Nikki Haley is our next president.

It's win/win for America.

Let's start a petition!

US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues

Biden is already trying to get RFK Jr killed

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