Wipe those silly grins off your faces

The problem for Trump and the hard core right is they have no leverage over the more moderate members while the more moderate member's constituents do have the leverage at the polls. Guess who the more moderate members are listening to, yup their constituents, the ones they're were elected to represent............ Like it or not that's the way it works.
I've said it numerous times if preexisting conditions are reinstated and expanded Medicaid eliminated most likely the GOP's going to find itself out on the street begging for alms.
It's a perfect partisan conundrum. Obamacare does not do what it promised because it was passed without bipartisan support, and it was founded on an faulty assumption that insurance companies would compete to contain healthcare costs - and why would they possibly do that when they are guaranteed a profit regardless of what actual health care their policies provide?

To fix the law, we'd have to remove the faulty premise. However a minority of the gop wants to remove the taxes and what additional treatment is now offered. A maj of the gop doesn't want to remove the treatment but they don't have enough gop votes to remove the faulty premise AND keep the taxes and treatment.

So the only possible solution is a bipartisan compromise, but the gop has declared that to be not a possible option.

Its surviving and all the GOP needs to do is say we are going to continue with the ACA and all the Ins companies would rush in to seize territory. But no the GOP has been bad mouthing it from day 1 and trying to repeal it. Also expand Medicaid in every state and that includes the GOP ones. Next we will go for universal healthcare, but mark my words, like prophecy, like God told me, the Dems will have healthcare available for all, not er care.
Lol! The same companies that are dumping obama care because the obama bribe money ran out? Why would they rush in to insure people at a massive loss?

They all would. They made millions. That is what the GOP and Dems need to do is set prices or get rid of the ins. companies. The middle man ends up with everyones money.
They made money off the built in bailouts. Those are ended and thus the insurance companies are leaving the markets.

Only because they are worried the GOP will repeal the ACA. Yes they took advantage of the gov subsidizes by raising rates.
Obamacare has been a huge win for Rep's. Dem's passed it then lost the House, Senate, and White House. Dem's in congress bitched at Obama, forced him to go on national tv and take the blame for it after Dem constituents at home ripped them a new one for passing it. They lost their elections anyway. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving :eusa_dance:

Yes, Republican rhetoric on Obamacare was good for them - it wasn't good for America.

Why didn't more Dem's run on Obamacare during their elections? Why didn't voters re-elect Dem's in droves as thanks for Obamacare? That turd of a bill destroyed the Democratic party costing them over 50 seats in the House alone, the Senate, and the White House its hilarious. Go ahead OWN Obamacare 100%. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Obama (a root word in Obamacare) ran on it and won himself a second term. Funny how that escaped your thinking.

Recently Obamacare actually became popular with about 55% support from Americans (no small thanks to Republicans and Trump getting caught with their pants down when it came to actually coming up with a palatable alternative.)

Obama LIED about Obamacare to get re-elected. He told voters they could keep their plan, doctor, that they would save $2,500 a year. When those lies were exposed voters bitch slapped Obama in 2014 taking away the Senate from Dems. Voters bitch slapped Obama again in 2016 when he put Obamacare and his legacy on the line. How many beatings will Dem's endure for Obama? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Those plans that changed were not worth keeping and who would think the Ins companies would raise prices so much.
Obama did what every Pres. before him failed to do , including Nixon.
Obamacare is a complete failure.


If it would be a complete failure Republicans wouldn't be sweating, huffing and puffing (with full control of Congress and the White house no less) to repeal it. They would just do it.

They CAN'T repeal it because that actually would be a disaster because AHCA actually does make insurance accessible and yes, affordable, for a lot of people that would otherwise be without insurance.

It's going to be complete disaster either way. They were elected to repeal it. Making a plan that will not anger a lot of folks as they recover from the obamacare lie is going to be difficult.

Millions of people have insurance today because of Obamacare, that is not a lie. That is a FACT. Just like a fact that millions, especially people who are barely making ends meet would lose their healthcare.

The difficulty is in living up to Repeal! rhetoric, now that push comes to shove and people's actual lives are going to effected.
It's a perfect partisan conundrum. Obamacare does not do what it promised because it was passed without bipartisan support, and it was founded on an faulty assumption that insurance companies would compete to contain healthcare costs - and why would they possibly do that when they are guaranteed a profit regardless of what actual health care their policies provide?

To fix the law, we'd have to remove the faulty premise. However a minority of the gop wants to remove the taxes and what additional treatment is now offered. A maj of the gop doesn't want to remove the treatment but they don't have enough gop votes to remove the faulty premise AND keep the taxes and treatment.

So the only possible solution is a bipartisan compromise, but the gop has declared that to be not a possible option.

Its surviving and all the GOP needs to do is say we are going to continue with the ACA and all the Ins companies would rush in to seize territory. But no the GOP has been bad mouthing it from day 1 and trying to repeal it. Also expand Medicaid in every state and that includes the GOP ones. Next we will go for universal healthcare, but mark my words, like prophecy, like God told me, the Dems will have healthcare available for all, not er care.
Lol! The same companies that are dumping obama care because the obama bribe money ran out? Why would they rush in to insure people at a massive loss?

They all would. They made millions. That is what the GOP and Dems need to do is set prices or get rid of the ins. companies. The middle man ends up with everyones money.
They made money off the built in bailouts. Those are ended and thus the insurance companies are leaving the markets.

Only because they are worried the GOP will repeal the ACA. Yes they took advantage of the gov subsidizes by raising rates.
Two years ago?
Obamacare is a complete failure.


If it would be a complete failure Republicans wouldn't be sweating, huffing and puffing (with full control of Congress and the White house no less) to repeal it. They would just do it.

They CAN'T repeal it because that actually would be a disaster because AHCA actually does make insurance accessible and yes, affordable, for a lot of people that would otherwise be without insurance.

It's going to be complete disaster either way. They were elected to repeal it. Making a plan that will not anger a lot of folks as they recover from the obamacare lie is going to be difficult.

Millions of people have insurance today because of Obamacare, that is not a lie. That is a FACT. Just like a fact that millions, especially people who are barely making ends meet would lose their healthcare.

The difficulty is in living up to Repeal! rhetoric, now that push comes to shove and people's actual lives are going to effected.

There are many who love free shit (yourself included)... but that doesn't mean that the program is in any way sustainable. It doesn't matter if few more have health care if it means the cost quadruples and tax payer are in the hook too (although of course, for you more taxes the better).

Obamacare is a complete failure, that is imploding.
Obamacare is a complete failure.


If it would be a complete failure Republicans wouldn't be sweating, huffing and puffing (with full control of Congress and the White house no less) to repeal it. They would just do it.

They CAN'T repeal it because that actually would be a disaster because AHCA actually does make insurance accessible and yes, affordable, for a lot of people that would otherwise be without insurance.

It's going to be complete disaster either way. They were elected to repeal it. Making a plan that will not anger a lot of folks as they recover from the obamacare lie is going to be difficult.

Millions of people have insurance today because of Obamacare, that is not a lie. That is a FACT. Just like a fact that millions, especially people who are barely making ends meet would lose their healthcare.

The difficulty is in living up to Repeal! rhetoric, now that push comes to shove and people's actual lives are going to effected.

There are many who love free shit (yourself included)... but that doesn't mean that the program is in any way sustainable. It doesn't matter if few more have health care if it means the cost quadruples and tax payer are in the hook too (although of course, for you more taxes the better).

Obamacare is a complete failure.

Don't bullshit about me, I've been lucky enough to pay for everything I have and then some. But I also understand that is not the case for everyone and we do need to help ensure people have some bare minimum.

Healthcare is a bare minimum as many agree, I call those "many" Americans.

We've had this back and forth over many decades and here is the bottom line - Americans by a large margin reject the idea of letting people suffer without medical help because they can't afford it.
The problem for Trump and the hard core right is they have no leverage over the more moderate members while the more moderate member's constituents do have the leverage at the polls. Guess who the more moderate members are listening to, yup their constituents, the ones they're were elected to represent............ Like it or not that's the way it works.
I've said it numerous times if preexisting conditions are reinstated and expanded Medicaid eliminated most likely the GOP's going to find itself out on the street begging for alms.

Then they should survive a primary yes?
Maybe, maybe not. It's just a non partisan observation on my part based on the fact that the elimination of preexisting conditions and the expansion of Medicaid are the two most popular aspects of Obamacare, taking those away will most likely result in a major voter backlash. Granted I don't own a crystal ball and what I'm predicting is nothing more than a possibility but given the popularity of both those aspects of the ACA it has a high probability of becoming a reality.
not sure I agree, why did these reps and senators win? To repeal obummerfail right? So if those are aspects of obummerfail, why wouldn't their constituents want those eliminated. Dude that makes absolutely no sense. But then again, I'm guessing you lean a little left. to be expected.
Obamacare is a complete failure.


If it would be a complete failure Republicans wouldn't be sweating, huffing and puffing (with full control of Congress and the White house no less) to repeal it. They would just do it.

They CAN'T repeal it because that actually would be a disaster because AHCA actually does make insurance accessible and yes, affordable, for a lot of people that would otherwise be without insurance.

It's going to be complete disaster either way. They were elected to repeal it. Making a plan that will not anger a lot of folks as they recover from the obamacare lie is going to be difficult.

Millions of people have insurance today because of Obamacare, that is not a lie. That is a FACT. Just like a fact that millions, especially people who are barely making ends meet would lose their healthcare.

The difficulty is in living up to Repeal! rhetoric, now that push comes to shove and people's actual lives are going to effected.

There are many who love free shit (yourself included)... but that doesn't mean that the program is in any way sustainable. It doesn't matter if few more have health care if it means the cost quadruples and tax payer are in the hook too (although of course, for you more taxes the better).

Obamacare is a complete failure.

Don't bullshit about me, I've been lucky enough to pay for everything I have and then some. But I also understand that is not the case for everyone and we do need to help ensure people have some bare minimum.

Healthcare is a bare minimum as many agree, I call those "many" Americans.

We've had this back and forth over many decades and here is the bottom line - Americans by a large margin reject the idea of letting people suffer without medical help because they can't afford it.
so give em your money. you feel so badly that you made it and they didn't.
Obamacare has been a huge win for Rep's. Dem's passed it then lost the House, Senate, and White House. Dem's in congress bitched at Obama, forced him to go on national tv and take the blame for it after Dem constituents at home ripped them a new one for passing it. They lost their elections anyway. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving :eusa_dance:

Yes, Republican rhetoric on Obamacare was good for them, but it wasn't good for America. And where Republicans are now is between a rock and a hard place, because all that political rhetoric was so far out of step with realities of actually improving healthcare system.
so the americans who voted them in voted for themselves to suffer? most people vote reps and senators in to better their lives. wow, you are one fking idiot.

If it would be a complete failure Republicans wouldn't be sweating, huffing and puffing (with full control of Congress and the White house no less) to repeal it. They would just do it.

They CAN'T repeal it because that actually would be a disaster because AHCA actually does make insurance accessible and yes, affordable, for a lot of people that would otherwise be without insurance.

It's going to be complete disaster either way. They were elected to repeal it. Making a plan that will not anger a lot of folks as they recover from the obamacare lie is going to be difficult.

Millions of people have insurance today because of Obamacare, that is not a lie. That is a FACT. Just like a fact that millions, especially people who are barely making ends meet would lose their healthcare.

The difficulty is in living up to Repeal! rhetoric, now that push comes to shove and people's actual lives are going to effected.

There are many who love free shit (yourself included)... but that doesn't mean that the program is in any way sustainable. It doesn't matter if few more have health care if it means the cost quadruples and tax payer are in the hook too (although of course, for you more taxes the better).

Obamacare is a complete failure.

Don't bullshit about me, I've been lucky enough to pay for everything I have and then some. But I also understand that is not the case for everyone and we do need to help ensure people have some bare minimum.

Healthcare is a bare minimum as many agree, I call those "many" Americans.

We've had this back and forth over many decades and here is the bottom line - Americans by a large margin reject the idea of letting people suffer without medical help because they can't afford it.
so give em your money. you feel so badly that you made it and they didn't.

This is not my personal problem, this is an American problem and this is how Americans elect to deal with them.

Wake up and smell the coffee. This is not 1920 anymore, this discussion is moot.
Obamacare has been a huge win for Rep's. Dem's passed it then lost the House, Senate, and White House. Dem's in congress bitched at Obama, forced him to go on national tv and take the blame for it after Dem constituents at home ripped them a new one for passing it. They lost their elections anyway. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving :eusa_dance:

Yes, Republican rhetoric on Obamacare was good for them - it wasn't good for America.

Why didn't more Dem's run on Obamacare during their elections? Why didn't voters re-elect Dem's in droves as thanks for Obamacare? That turd of a bill destroyed the Democratic party costing them over 50 seats in the House alone, the Senate, and the White House its hilarious. Go ahead OWN Obamacare 100%. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Obama (a root word in Obamacare) ran on it and won himself a second term. Funny how that escaped your thinking.

Recently Obamacare actually became popular with about 55% support from Americans (no small thanks to Republicans and Trump getting caught with their pants down when it came to actually coming up with a palatable alternative.)

Obama LIED about Obamacare to get re-elected. He told voters they could keep their plan, doctor, that they would save $2,500 a year. When those lies were exposed voters bitch slapped Obama in 2014 taking away the Senate from Dems. Voters bitch slapped Obama again in 2016 when he put Obamacare and his legacy on the line. How many beatings will Dem's endure for Obama? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Except the law is popular while Republican plans keep polling in the teens.

Strange that eh?

This is what happens when you go from bitching about healthcare to actually DOING something about healthcare.
doing something gave us the glory of a obummerfail. wow. the Dems killed insurance companies. wow.
It's going to be complete disaster either way. They were elected to repeal it. Making a plan that will not anger a lot of folks as they recover from the obamacare lie is going to be difficult.

Millions of people have insurance today because of Obamacare, that is not a lie. That is a FACT. Just like a fact that millions, especially people who are barely making ends meet would lose their healthcare.

The difficulty is in living up to Repeal! rhetoric, now that push comes to shove and people's actual lives are going to effected.

There are many who love free shit (yourself included)... but that doesn't mean that the program is in any way sustainable. It doesn't matter if few more have health care if it means the cost quadruples and tax payer are in the hook too (although of course, for you more taxes the better).

Obamacare is a complete failure.

Don't bullshit about me, I've been lucky enough to pay for everything I have and then some. But I also understand that is not the case for everyone and we do need to help ensure people have some bare minimum.

Healthcare is a bare minimum as many agree, I call those "many" Americans.

We've had this back and forth over many decades and here is the bottom line - Americans by a large margin reject the idea of letting people suffer without medical help because they can't afford it.
so give em your money. you feel so badly that you made it and they didn't.

This is not my personal problem, this is an American problem and this is how Americans elect to deal with them.

Wake up and smell the coffee. This is not 1920 anymore, this discussion is moot.
no it's your problem, you are on your horse telling me what to do. fk you and the horse, you want to save em cause you feel bad you save em. you get all the glory then. Me, leave me and my money to the issues I stand up for. stupid lib.
Obamacare has been a huge win for Rep's. Dem's passed it then lost the House, Senate, and White House. Dem's in congress bitched at Obama, forced him to go on national tv and take the blame for it after Dem constituents at home ripped them a new one for passing it. They lost their elections anyway. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving :eusa_dance:

Yes, Republican rhetoric on Obamacare was good for them, but it wasn't good for America. And where Republicans are now is between a rock and a hard place, because all that political rhetoric was so far out of step with realities of actually improving healthcare system.
so the americans who voted them in voted for themselves to suffer? most people vote reps and senators in to better their lives. wow, you are one fking idiot.

That's a pretty naive understanding of politics.

here is the reality - Republicans and Trump will get SMASHED in elections if they simply repeal. The snap back would be so forceful it would ensure that Republicans will be out of power for many many years to come. People would know clearly what happens when you give these reckless fools the keys to the car.
no it's your problem, you are on your horse telling me what to do. .

You are totally out to lunch. I don't know you and I told you NOTHING.

You are subject to American laws that are a product of American political process. Welcome to America, planet earth, this how this works.
Obamacare has been a huge win for Rep's. Dem's passed it then lost the House, Senate, and White House. Dem's in congress bitched at Obama, forced him to go on national tv and take the blame for it after Dem constituents at home ripped them a new one for passing it. They lost their elections anyway. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving :eusa_dance:

Yes, Republican rhetoric on Obamacare was good for them, but it wasn't good for America. And where Republicans are now is between a rock and a hard place, because all that political rhetoric was so far out of step with realities of actually improving healthcare system.
so the americans who voted them in voted for themselves to suffer? most people vote reps and senators in to better their lives. wow, you are one fking idiot.

That's a pretty naive understanding of politics.

here is the reality - Republicans and Trump will get SMASHED in elections if they simply repeal. The snap back would be so forceful it would ensure that Republicans will be out of power for many many years to come. People would know clearly what happens when you give these reckless fools the keys to the car.
just like hitlery was going to take down trump. yeah, you go with your magic eight ball bubba. I'm sticking to facts, and as facts go, it ain't looking good for the left no matter what the right does. you all keep shooting at yourselves. it's hilarious watching it. please tell us some more on your quality polls and such. you know the ones that had hitlery winning. and all that.
no it's your problem, you are on your horse telling me what to do. .

You are totally out to lunch. I don't know you and I told you NOTHING.

You are subject to American laws that are a product of American political process. Welcome to America, planet earth, this how this works.
so you want my money to help out your wish list. I gotcha. Tell you what, you vote for someone to win and let's discuss. until then, my guys are in charge and they will do what i want done or else they lose their next cycle.
Why didn't more Dem's run on Obamacare during their elections? Why didn't voters re-elect Dem's in droves as thanks for Obamacare? That turd of a bill destroyed the Democratic party costing them over 50 seats in the House alone, the Senate, and the White House its hilarious. Go ahead OWN Obamacare 100%. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Obama (a root word in Obamacare) ran on it and won himself a second term. Funny how that escaped your thinking.

Recently Obamacare actually became popular with about 55% support from Americans (no small thanks to Republicans and Trump getting caught with their pants down when it came to actually coming up with a palatable alternative.)

Obama LIED about Obamacare to get re-elected. He told voters they could keep their plan, doctor, that they would save $2,500 a year. When those lies were exposed voters bitch slapped Obama in 2014 taking away the Senate from Dems. Voters bitch slapped Obama again in 2016 when he put Obamacare and his legacy on the line. How many beatings will Dem's endure for Obama? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Except the law is popular while Republican plans keep polling in the teens.

Strange that eh?

This is what happens when you go from bitching about healthcare to actually DOING something about healthcare.

LOL yeah Obamacare is so popular it cost Dem's the House, the Senate, and the White House. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Liberal denial 101 ^^^

You are the one in denial of basic facts of current state of things:

Obamacare is popular, boosted by the fact that when it came to providing actual solution on healthcare Republicans are failing miserably.

You think ACA was bad for Democrats? Just wait till Republicans have to run on their stink-burger reform.

AHAHAHA good lord the irony, here's the current state lib we control the White House, Senate, House, and 2-3 SCOTUS nominations after pummeling the Dem's in multiple elections. Tissue? :laugh:
Why didn't more Dem's run on Obamacare during their elections? Why didn't voters re-elect Dem's in droves as thanks for Obamacare? That turd of a bill destroyed the Democratic party costing them over 50 seats in the House alone, the Senate, and the White House its hilarious. Go ahead OWN Obamacare 100%. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Obama (a root word in Obamacare) ran on it and won himself a second term. Funny how that escaped your thinking.

Recently Obamacare actually became popular with about 55% support from Americans (no small thanks to Republicans and Trump getting caught with their pants down when it came to actually coming up with a palatable alternative.)

Obama LIED about Obamacare to get re-elected. He told voters they could keep their plan, doctor, that they would save $2,500 a year. When those lies were exposed voters bitch slapped Obama in 2014 taking away the Senate from Dems. Voters bitch slapped Obama again in 2016 when he put Obamacare and his legacy on the line. How many beatings will Dem's endure for Obama? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Except the law is popular while Republican plans keep polling in the teens.

Strange that eh?

This is what happens when you go from bitching about healthcare to actually DOING something about healthcare.

LOL yeah Obamacare is so popular it cost Dem's the House, the Senate, and the White House. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Liberal denial 101 ^^^
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about anything.

Only voters in 30 states who defeated Hillary and the Dem's.
Obamacare has been a huge win for Rep's. Dem's passed it then lost the House, Senate, and White House. Dem's in congress bitched at Obama, forced him to go on national tv and take the blame for it after Dem constituents at home ripped them a new one for passing it. They lost their elections anyway. Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving :eusa_dance:

Yes, Republican rhetoric on Obamacare was good for them - it wasn't good for America.

Why didn't more Dem's run on Obamacare during their elections? Why didn't voters re-elect Dem's in droves as thanks for Obamacare? That turd of a bill destroyed the Democratic party costing them over 50 seats in the House alone, the Senate, and the White House its hilarious. Go ahead OWN Obamacare 100%. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Obama (a root word in Obamacare) ran on it and won himself a second term. Funny how that escaped your thinking.

Recently Obamacare actually became popular with about 55% support from Americans (no small thanks to Republicans and Trump getting caught with their pants down when it came to actually coming up with a palatable alternative.)

Obama LIED about Obamacare to get re-elected. He told voters they could keep their plan, doctor, that they would save $2,500 a year. When those lies were exposed voters bitch slapped Obama in 2014 taking away the Senate from Dems. Voters bitch slapped Obama again in 2016 when he put Obamacare and his legacy on the line. How many beatings will Dem's endure for Obama? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Those plans that changed were not worth keeping and who would think the Ins companies would raise prices so much.
Obama did what every Pres. before him failed to do , including Nixon.

Who are asshole liberals to decide which plans were worth keeping and which doctors people can choose? Your arrogance is why voters spanked you so hard on this issue. Voters kicked you libs right in the groin, enjoy. :laugh:

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