Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.
Actually, Wisconsin will give anyone who needs it an ID for free. Go online and check it out for yourself. So if someone is too lazy to go get it, they're probably too lazy to go to the polls anyway. And by requiring an ID, Wisconsin can keep people from registering non-existant people who might follow all the dead folks to the polls to vote for Hillary!
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They call the GOP racist yet THEY are the ones claiming blacks can't go get ID's...why do they lump all blacks into one? Funny my parents are both on SSI for legit reasons yet they have ID's and DL's..
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

I fully support the right of ANYONE to vote.

I do too, as long as they're not somebody's imaginary friends. If someone wants them to vote, can I recommend a good mental health facility?
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Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

Moron if the decision went 5-4 your way you'd be cheering.

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I do too, as long as they're not somebody's imaginary friends. If someone wants them to vote, can I recommend a good mental health facility?

Can you name a dozen cases in WI where "imaginary" voters have voted?
If not, you should admit that this stunt is either a waste of money or.....voter's suppression....

What part of " free" do you not understand? I thought Libs would know about all the free stuff they have other people pay for.
Yo, are you in LEFT FIELD? You need I.D, for everything you do fool, the LEFT FOOLS PARTY loves to throw crap against a wall to see if it sticks? But that is getting old like the whole Democrat Party!!!

Moron if the decision went 5-4 your way you'd be cheering.


Usual right wing eloquence..........The SC has REFUSED to even hear the case....most of justices are too busy going hunting with Cheney.

What part of " free" do you not understand? I thought Libs would know about all the free stuff they have other people pay for.

Are you that dense......I'm not talking about "free" for the voter, but you're telling me it won't cost a penny to the state to implement this law?
Why should it cost the state any more to implement it? Are the imaginary people going to charge people to see their ID?

I've seen you post some dumb shit, but this thread is absolutely hilarious!
Why should it cost the state any more to implement it? Are the imaginary people going to charge people to see their ID?

I've seen you post some dumb shit, but this thread is absolutely hilarious!

In other words this will not cost a penny to WI taxpayers??? Is that what you're saying??? Just a simple yes or no will do.....

BTW, this isn't over....expect several challenges by the ACLU which will certainly anger voters for the sheer absurdity of the anti-democracy maneuvers.
Funny how it is seldom, if ever, someone who lacked id bitchin' about it.

It is always a left winger that have to keep care of those too stupid or too lazy to do it for themselves, at least that is what the left wing must think.

I don't know why they want voter id but so what? Why the left opposes it is not logic it is just the left having to win.

The SCOTUS voted to make OBAMACARE law even rewriting for Obama and the left, if they don't get their way EVERY TIME they scream foul.
Most people already have ID. Also like the post up top said if you can't afford it it's free! Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. You don't FIX the problem AFTER its been broke....you get in front of it. We have to have ID for so many things why not voting? Need ID to buy beer and smokes...

Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....
Nat, everybody needs an ID. They are necessary for lots of stuff. Are you so racist that you don't want poor blacks to get one for free if they can't afford it?
Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.
Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.

What part of " free" do you not understand? I thought Libs would know about all the free stuff they have other people pay for.

Are you that dense......I'm not talking about "free" for the voter, but you're telling me it won't cost a penny to the state to implement this law?
Since when has any liberal been concerned about black people getting something for free at the taxpayer's expense? Suddenly you're fiscally conservative?

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