With Hispanics To Decide The 2016 Race,Why Is Hillary Pandering For The Black Vote?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro: And in her first attempt to look for black votes in Texas, she couldn't even come close to filling an arena. Any why Texas? Maybe Hillary forgot that "Texas Is Red"?. What will she do later in upcoming speeches/rallies? Tell the crowds of 500 that we don't need another Hispanic in the White House? Oh, wait,oops. It is going to be very hard for Hillary to go out there and campaign against Marco Rubio in front of a crowd of Latino's. She can't say that because he is a Latino, that already disqualifies him to become President cause according to Hillary, all Latino's are dumb. Hillary needs to stop bitchin' over the right to vote and talk about the Debt, Economy and Iran's Nuclear Bombs !!!:iagree:
Oh, she'll get to it, adopting some cheesy Hispanic/English accent at a speech somewhere, wearing a do-rag, all that.

It'll be great fun.

She must have read her horrid numbers
and cant speak a word of spanish, well, just the menu at taco hell.
you can just vision Hillary speaking to a crowd of Hispanics. Uhm, Accuse Me, Accuse Me, First let me say that I No Speako the Latino language, uhm, uh, but I do understand that most of you love Marco Rubio(then the crowd cheers!!!),,yes, my appononomento Marco Rubio is a nice man but he is no buene for you, Senior Rubio has only been a Senatoro for seven anno(meanwhile holding up five fingers),,so my latino friends here in San Diego Colorado, por va vor, please vote for me, and my running mate, Fidele Castro.
Is Hillary doing her black preacher from Harlem voice again.....
She'll get 90% of the black vote, 70% of the Hispanic vote and 70% of the Asian vote. Blacks hate whites so screaming at whites will probably edge that number up a few points.

Hispanics also hate whites...So it all works for her.
i dont know how Hillary will be able to pull of an Austrian accent when she goes to campaign there.

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