With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious

29 Nov 2023 ~~ By Albin Sadar

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s release of more video and cell phone tapes from January 6 shows further evidence that the “insurrection” on that day was a federal setup. It’s more evidence to add to the known fact that, in the lead-up to January 6, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to have extra security. This knowledge leads to a bigger question that no one, Left, Right, or Center, seems to be asking: Why?
Why wouldn’t Pelosi want to be sure that “democracy was secure” so that Vice President Mike Pence could certify the Electoral College vote? Ensuring that the Capitol was safe and sound would mean that Joe Biden’s presidency would be assured. After all, the election of 2020 was “the most secure in American history,” so why wouldn’t you want that obvious fact certified and rubber-stamped by Congress?
The only obvious answer to why Pelosi wanted to guarantee a riotous breach of the Capitol was what she knew would be the actual results of the Electoral College vote if the process were allowed to run its course. Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, among others, had previously made noise about challenging election results in several swing states. And despite what many have debated, there was tangible potential for Pence to delay certification for a couple of weeks to look into the evidence of significant vote-tampering and fraud.
To this day, then, as the new Speaker takes a serious look at the events of January 6 and as America and the world itself can see exposed in the recently-released video evidence, we must address what happened that particular day—specifically, the reason that the crowds of tens of thousands had gathered. The patriots in Washington, D.C., showed up to highlight one very important message: “Stop the Steal.”
Pelosi’s action—and her inaction—diverted attention from that message. She refocused our sights on the word “insurrection” to keep President Donald Trump from returning to the White House because of the true state election totals of 2020. And the Left continues nonstop that same charade to keep Trump from the White House in 2024.
With each passing day, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the two biggest blemishes recently on America as a great and free nation are the stolen presidential election of 2020 and the subsequent incarceration of those patriots who exercised their guaranteed First Amendment right to free speech to contest it. The election tampering advanced the Left’s directive of “fundamental transformation” of the country, which included imprisonment without bail or trial of those with whom the tyrannical administration disagreed.
So, what next?
Unless the country itself can see that the Left’s January 6, 2021, narrative was and is a smoke screen for the real insurrection of November 3, 2020, America will need to brace itself for a repeat performance of that nefarious action on November 5, 2024.

With each passing day, the public is getting information and it is becoming increasingly apparent that the two biggest blemishes recently on America as a great and free nation are the stolen presidential election of 2020 and the subsequent incarceration of those patriots who exercised their guaranteed First Amendment right to free speech to contest it. all scripted by Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat Socialist travelers.
The DSA Democrat Socialist Commies have done a splendid job of destroying this country. They've been expert at lawfare and exploiting the fecklessness of what is called the Republican Party. Without an effective opposition party there is nothing to keep these criminals from finishing us off.
An true investigation would lead to the entire mainstream media being forced to address, albeit reluctantly, all those questions. What actually transpired over the three additional days of counting in the 2020 Election would be exposed. And the narrative of the most secure election in American history would crumble in front of the eyes of everybody in this country and across the globe.
When Trump is re-elected in November 2024 you will once again hear the lamentations of the DSA Democrat Socialist Commies and their cry will be that it's a fraudulent election.
Nice list of excuses.
You're just jealous we won't have sex with you you fucking little lying pervert LOL


At least you admit he's your boyfriend. And no, I'm not jealous. I'm straight and married.

Holy fucking shit!


You're deranged. The guy standing so close to Benedict Babbit, he got her blood on his hands said there were warnings.
I've seen the video about five times. There were people shouting about a gun but Babbitt was not warned. If bird wasn't a coward he would have walked over there and told Babbitt to stand her ground or he would shoot her. But alas the Cowardly Act, that you so clearly support, because you lack a spine, was committed. Looking forward to a non-biased court case. I hope the Babbitt family gets something for their pain. Patriots day!
I've seen the video about five times. There were people shouting about a gun but Babbitt was not warned. If bird wasn't a coward he would have walked over there and told Babbitt to stand her ground or he would shoot her. But alas the Cowardly Act, that you so clearly support, because you lack a spine, was committed. Looking forward to a non-biased court case. I hope the Babbitt family gets something for their pain. Patriots day!
According to eyewitnesses, Byrd told her to get back. She didn’t. She got shot.

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