WOKE School MELTS DOWN After BASED Students TAKE DOWN Pride Decorations and WEAR USA

Correct in what way? That U.S.A. is a pronoun!? :lmao:
That it is just as legitimate to refer to oneself as USA as it is to refer to the singular self as a plural being, ala they/them. I've noticed that you, being a grammar Nazi, are failing conspicuously to properly chastise those who do that very thing. Are you falling down on your duties? It would seem so. One would expect, were you to have integrity and be consistent, that you would indeed be regularly mocking the children who want others to refer to them in such a manner. One is not surprised, however, that you are not.
Looking at this in the news, the issues I have are the counter protestors destroying banners and other property.
We need to regulate our public schools in such a way as to make them institutions of learning, not political indoctrination.

The extremist woke crap does not belong in schools any more than KKK or Neo Nazi crap.
That it is just as legitimate to refer to oneself as USA as it is to refer to the singular self as a plural being, ala they/them.
You can refer to yourself however the fuck you like it still isn't legitimate to call U.S.A. a pronoun, because it isn't. As far as them using the plural, maybe they feel like multiple personalities, I don't know, I do know that U.S.A. is a noun. :funnyface:
I've noticed that you, being a grammar Nazi, are failing conspicuously to properly chastise those who do that very thing.
I am very clearly making fun of these Bingo children in the same vein as their video attempting to make fun of others.
Are you falling down on your duties?
Are being a little bitch?
It would seem so.
Likewise. :laugh:
One would expect, were you to have integrity and be consistent, that you would indeed be regularly mocking the children who want others to refer to them in such a manner. One is not surprised, however, that you are not.
I'm consistent in that I consistently mock bigotry where I find it. You feel free to cry about it. :itsok:
You can refer to yourself however the fuck you like it still isn't legitimate to call U.S.A. a pronoun, because it isn't. As far as them using the plural, maybe they feel like multiple personalities, I don't know, I do know that U.S.A. is a noun. :funnyface:
Still hung up on that little tidbit, are you? You would think referring to oneself in the plural would get a grammar Nazi's attention but guess not.
I am very clearly making fun of these Bingo children in the same vein as their video attempting to make fun of others.
You're making fun of children. You are acting like a child. Do you claim to be an adult?
Are being a little bitch?

Likewise. :laugh:
Hmmm, grammar Nazi falls down on his own post. One would think that a GN would be careful not to do the same things he gets jollies from criticizing children for doing.
I'm consistent in that I consistently mock bigotry where I find it. You feel free to cry about it. :itsok:
No, you are not consistent at all. You will not, for example, mock trans children who demand that others refer to them in the plural. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
Yeah, the point was to be insulting. Only little snowflakes talk shit and then crumble when people talk shit back. I see them talking shit and now I'm pointing and laughing at them for doing it in a way that makes them look stupid and in need of some remedial education. :funnyface:

Still hung up on that little tidbit, are you? You would think referring to oneself in the plural would get a grammar Nazi's attention but guess not.
Tidbit? U.S.A. being a pronoun is they're fucking central premise. :laugh:
You're making fun of children. You are acting like a child. Do you claim to be an adult?
I am making fun of this stupid children but don't also forget that I'm also making fun of their stupid parents. :laugh:
Hmmm, grammar Nazi falls down on his own post. One would think that a GN would be careful not to do the same things he gets jollies from criticizing children for doing.
Try not to think too hard, you'll hurt yourself. :itsok:
No, you are not consistent at all. You will not, for example, mock trans children who demand that others refer to them in the plural. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
Of course not, they aren't bigots you fucking moron. :laugh:
Tidbit? U.S.A. being a pronoun is they're fucking central premise. :laugh:
As a grammar Nazi, you should call the children wanting to be referred to as they/them out, but you won't because your faux outrage is selective.
I am making fun of this stupid children but don't also forget that I'm also making fun of their stupid parents. :laugh:
No, you're just making fun of kids. If you were consistent, you'd also make fun of the kids and parents who insist others refer to them as they/them. But you won't, because you're not.
Try not to think too hard, you'll hurt yourself. :itsok:
You're just upset because I caught you in a mistake you would mock children for making.
Of course not, they aren't bigots you fucking moron. :laugh:
Right, so your faux grammar outrage is just an excuse to make fun of children. Just as expected.
As a grammar Nazi, you should call the children wanting to be referred to as they/them out, but you won't because your faux outrage is selective.
See your doing this wrong. If you're going to get into the insult game you can't act like bitch in the middle of it. What you should of done is make fun of me for mixing up their and they're. Not that it was really me (I'm swipe texting) but it's at least a factual mistake and insults based on facts are the only ones that really have a chance to bother, like me pointing out U.S.A. isn't a pronoun.
No, you're just making fun of kids.
I am but you can't shame me for it because i don't care. Fuck those kids. :dunno: :laugh:
If you were consistent, you'd also make fun of the kids and parents who insist others refer to them as they/them. But you won't, because you're not.
Because one, those are pronouns, and two, there's nothing wrong with diverse gender identities. There is something wrong with being a bigot, at least in my opinion.
You're just upset because I caught you in a mistake you would mock children for making.
You didn't even catch my mistake. I just pointed it out to you. That's the mistake that matters, the mistake these children are don't matter to me, at all. :dunno:
Right, so your faux grammar outrage is just an excuse to make fun of children. Just as expected.
Any excuse to make fun of bigots is a good one.
See your doing this wrong. If you're going to get into the insult game you can't act like bitch in the middle of it. What you should of done is make fun of me for mixing up their and they're. Not that it was really me (I'm swipe texting) but it's at least a factual mistake and insults based on facts are the only ones that really have a chance to bother, like me pointing out U.S.A. isn't a pronoun.

I am but you can't shame me for it because i don't care. Fuck those kids. :dunno: :laugh:

Because one, those are pronouns, and two, there's nothing wrong with diverse gender identities. There is something wrong with being a bigot, at least in my opinion.

You didn't even catch my mistake. I just pointed it out to you. That's the mistake that matters, the mistake these children are don't matter to me, at all. :dunno:
You aren't even self-aware enough to realize you completely left out a word. See, you're not a real good grammar Nazi, you just like picking on kids.
Any excuse to make fun of bigots is a good one.
You like picking on children, we get it. You don't have to belabor that point.
You aren't even self-aware enough to realize you completely left out a word. See, you're not a real good grammar Nazi, you just like picking on kids.
See, even that's better than just crying like a bitch. :laugh:
You like picking on children, we get it. You don't have to belabor that point.
Bigot children sure. You're the one obsessed by it.
See, even that's better than just crying like a bitch. :laugh:

Bigot children sure. You're the one obsessed by it.
I am pointing out how lame it is for a supposed adult to get his/her/its jollies by anonymously attacking kids from a position of concealment. If you think that's obsessed, maybe you should stop doing it.
I am pointing out how lame it is for a supposed adult to get his/her/its jollies by anonymously attacking kids from a position of concealment. If you think that's obsessed, maybe you should stop doing it.
Go ahead and feel it's lame. Your feelings only amuse me more. :laugh:
Go ahead and feel it's lame. Your feelings only amuse me more. :laugh:
Hmmm, interesting that you went to feelz when I didn't say anything about them. Are you sure you know what you're doing? If you want, we can ask the peanut gallery what they think of a supposedly grown adult anonymously mocking and making fun of children from a position of concealment where the risk of being confronted by angry parents is virtually nil. You can then be amused by a whole lot of people, and likely find yourself somewhat isolated. But, hey, some people like that, I guess.
Hmmm, interesting that you went to feelz when I didn't say anything about them. Are you sure you know what you're doing? If you want, we can ask the peanut gallery what they think of a supposedly grown adult anonymously mocking and making fun of children from a position of concealment where the risk of being confronted by angry parents is virtually nil. You can then be amused by a whole lot of people, and likely find yourself somewhat isolated. But, hey, some people like that, I guess.
What are you talking about? :dunno: You referenced your feelings. I'm laughing at them. :laugh:

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